It is very much wrong. The game points out that you were a champion of the Sin'dorei once. Therefore anyone who makes a Blood Elf DK and acts as if they were never a Blood Elf is in fact denying reality and RPing their own explanation in despite the game at face-value telling you how it is.
And that is how I am saying those who utilize High Elf skins on their Void Elves will be doing. Because most people don't give a fuck about that lore bit over the aesthetic of their character and their own head canon.
By you trying to argue against the Blood Elf DK just now proves my point. It also makes me think you didn't read the discussion happening in that post how all the DK races we make are characters made from the era of Vanilla WoW to Wrath, way past the Blood Elf/High Elf split.
I wonder what you will try to spin or play ignorant of next.
The real fundamental issue is you being in a thread that has explained numerously the conventional meaning of the term "High Elf" accepted by the majority of the players and developers themselves (Ion even pointing out Alleria as an example of a High Elf) and conflating the term to equal a Blood Elf.
It would be like someone trying to convince everyone that Night Elf and Highborne mean the exact same thing. There's a reason for the descriptors in the first place and if you wanna keep trying to act as if you're obtuse to these conventionally accepted meanings then by all means please do so.
All you're doing is showing yourself to be in denial of the reality of what High Elf means in the context of this discussion that you yourself have been the 2nd most involved in.
The majority isn't going around calling their Blood Elves High Elves, despite how much you try to push that narrative and utilize a Red Herring approach.
Also the last bit about "agitating for more is being greedy" you can take that opinion and eat it, because everyone asks for more of the game. Trying to act is if what people are asking for here is somehow greedy over the other asks of the game is straight up trying to marginalize other player's desires just because they don't fit or run counter to your own. It's an absolute dog shit thing to do.
I may not agree that Blood Elves should get more customization over other races that barely have any, but I'm not going to call a player that desires that "greedy". The developers will be the arbiters of that decision and develop/add as they see fit.