1. #13801
    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    I am curious. How would they be easier to differentiate? How do you make two members of the same race, but calling themselves different names, look different enough that they would be easier to tell apart then void elves / blood elves?

    Interestingly enough, if you watch the sunwell, patch 2.4 trailerYou hear all about how they just changed their name to blood elves. You even see their original blue eyes. So you see that they are 1 in the same. So how would you really make them different to the point that at first glance, they look like 2 different races while actually being the same race?
    Basically, i'd keep the High Elf skin, but remodel a whole different skeleton. So it'd be impossible to mistake the animations of a High Elf from the Blood Elf (unlike Void Elves who are a carbon copy of the Blood Elf skeleton), which would allow for a clear distinction, without the need of too drastic a resking. And even such a resking wouldn't bother me. High Elf already underwent one, from Vanilla to TBC, and the Zandalari got 3 and a half (Vanilla/Wrath;MoP + ToT and BfA) without necessitating any explanations. The fifteen years of a very different life of the High Elf could already be starting to show, especially if you join the Silver Covenant with the High vale elves.

  2. #13802
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    High elves can always get customisation options that set them apart from Blood elves, it doesn't have to be too drastic of a change to make them be another thing and it would just have to be things that they don't share with Blood elves, period.
    I don't necessarily disagree with this sentiment, but what kind of customization options would High Elves get that wouldn't (or shouldn't) also apply to Blood Elves?

  3. #13803
    Quote Originally Posted by KOUNTERPARTS View Post
    I'm glad to see the conversation of this "epic" thread -- which started with pro-HE people wanting and almost demanding playable HE's for the Alliance -- now having said pro-HE people compromising with HE customizations for Blood Elves instead.

    Which means they'd still have to play Horde... lmao.
    Stop being a drama queen, no one is holding a knife to blizzards throat "demanding" high elves.

    People are simply requesting the current alliance high elves to be playable. The horde race you're refering to are blood elves so
    I don't see how there has to be any compromise over a race that's already there. But if it keeps people from throwing fits, I wouldn't mind seeing high elves receive altered models if they're ever made playable.
    Last edited by Grythletubs; 2019-12-09 at 04:25 PM.

  4. #13804
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    use the skin of a different skeleton, with differing emotes, stances, etc.

    Like Kul'tiran humans?

    I mean, Manariel even presented an idea that is not that drastic... A slight change on silhouette does wonders on differentiation. That is why you mistake Void elf and Blood elf players out in the world.
    The problem is though, would they want high elves that dont look like high elves? If so, void elves fill that role. As for mistaking them out in the world, haven't had that issue yet with void elves. Pandaren would be more likely to be mixed since they look the same regardless of faction
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpious1109 View Post
    Why the hell would you wait till after you did this to confirm the mortality rate of such action?

  5. #13805
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    The problem is though, would they want high elves that dont look like high elves?

    If so, void elves fill that role.
    Obviously not.

    As for mistaking them out in the world, haven't had that issue yet with void elves. Pandaren would be more likely to be mixed since they look the same regardless of faction
    It happens, you might even think for a moment that a Blood elf shadow priest is a Void elf.

  6. #13806
    Quote Originally Posted by Runicknight View Post
    Yea ok. I hope High Elf Customization Options never happened to the Blood Elf Race. It would Lore breakly and damaging to the Blood Elf Race if you ask me since they are not Quel'dorei anymore.
    How so exactly?
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  7. #13807
    Just give High Elf options to both Void Elves and Blood Elves, then everyone is happy.

  8. #13808
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FossilFree View Post
    Just give High Elf options to both Void Elves and Blood Elves, then everyone is happy.
    This is probably most likely what will be done in the end. Too much general ambivalence about the subject overall.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Katchii View Post
    I don't necessarily disagree with this sentiment, but what kind of customization options would High Elves get that wouldn't (or shouldn't) also apply to Blood Elves?
    Any that Blizzard deems so. It's like how Void Elves have hairstyles (non-tentacle) that are not the same as Blood Elves and Blood Elves do not have those options (Skrillex hair/Neat short-combed) as well as the beard options on Void Elves and Blood Elves are both distinct and unshared between the two despite being of the same race.

  9. #13809
    https://i.gyazo.com/b9c191525b041bd1...2e5c6e2189.png (ignore nudity)

    So i saw this, i hope they give void elf hairs for blood elfs.

  10. #13810
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post

    Obviously not.

    It happens, you might even think for a moment that a Blood elf shadow priest is a Void elf.
    No, not really. I have a void elf main on Alliance side. I don't mistake them one bit. Its pretty obvious they are different. As for your obviously not, it Clearly does fill that role. Regardless of what you believe. void elves = blood elves = high elves. They are high elves that look different. So you quite literally have High Elves with a distinction from Blood Elves. They just don't call themselves High Elves.

    So again, why have a race that doesn't look like that race? Asking me why is pointless because that is what I want to know. Why get high elves that don't look like high elves? What is the literal point at that point? Just for it to have the name of high elf? Someone suggested "make them look different". What is the literal point? At that point, they aren't high elves any longer. They are something else. Just like what happened with the Nightborne

    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    The fifteen years of a very different life of the High Elf could already be starting to show, especially if you join the Silver Covenant with the High vale elves.
    It took the Nightborne millennia of feeding off of the Nightwell in order to transform in appearance. 15 years and Still getting energy from the same source as the Blood Elves would not be nearly long enough to completely alter their looks, nor would they still be High Elves at that point. If they changed physically enough to be distinguishable from Blood Elves at a single glance, they would be completely different. So then, as I asked above, what would be the point in a race that is called High Elves, but isn't actually High Elves?
    Last edited by Zantos; 2019-12-10 at 07:31 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by scorpious1109 View Post
    Why the hell would you wait till after you did this to confirm the mortality rate of such action?

  11. #13811
    I assure you that a different lifestyle will change peooles a lot in fifteen years. And again, using the same skin on a different skeleton to create a new model wouldn't change them. Or even just a new model, if they are High elves from the Silver Covenant and Quel'Danil. Because it's the latest part which matters truly.

    No fancy powers, no Rule of Cool. Just High Elves with Warriors, Priests, Hunters, Monks (via Pandaren and Draeneï), Shamans (via Wildhammer), possibly Druids (via Night Elves) and Paladin (via their history or the Draenei), the latest two being optional to me.

  12. #13812
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Then there wouldn't much point to RP as High Elf if there is nothing about about that character that resembles a High Elf. People might RP as they like, but I highly doubt people who are interested in High Elves would settle for that. If they could turn into the way Alleria turned into the void, a more controlled transformation then there could be a possibility.
    The problem with the people who wish to roleplay as a traditional High Elf in the Alliance is that providing that option was never a true consideration when it came to introducing Void Elves. Has they wished to give traditional High Elves to the Alliance, then they would have given traditional High Elves to the Alliance rather than create the variant. And even if they had been given an Alleria style toggle, that still wouldn't have been a High Elf because as soon as they entered combat the void transformation would kick in. And if they end up getting high elf like customizations with no caveats at all, then that still won't be enough because it will still be a Void Elf, not a traditional high elf. Could you play a lightforged Draenei who had never been lightforged?

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    I mean, if they recruit now, it would be logical that they do it in a controlled matter, aka Alleria way. So far the Void Elves we play with are the ones that came with Magister Umbric. Giving a going out of form thing like Alleria would go with the idea that they are recruiting. If the story reflect this, then I can't see why not. It wouldn't make everyone happy, and nothing ever does, but that would actually show what are you are trying to get through, that Alliance High Elves also go the Void Elven way. So far nothing in the game reflect this directly, but changing this customization would change a lot.
    Saying it's logical is simply because it produces Void Elves who would look like High Elves. Firstly, the Alleria way involved the consumption of a Naaru in it's void state, the different path of how she gained her void powers and void form being the reason she has a toggle. Void Naaru are incredibly rare, whereas bombarding with void energy is comparatively easy. You just point at the target elf and channel your void energy until they look like you and then you stop.

    Secondly, Void Elves being blue is not a mistake. Void Elves being blue was a deliberate choice to distance Void Elves from Blood/High Elves and aesthetically differentiate them from a Horde race. Their current skin tones are the point. While Holinka said such skin tones are possible, that is not a guarantee. You could end up with a monkey paw result of void marred normal like skin tones. And it is worth pointing out that Ion, when asked about sub-races in 2013, listed High Elves for the Alliance as one of the possibilities. Just as Holinka's comments mean normal like skin tones on Void Elves are currently possible, so Ion's comment regarding High Elves made them a possible sub-race choice. And they were clearly possible until the moment they sat done and thought them through and realised that given the Alliance a duplicate of a Horde race was not only redundant, but actively harmful to one of the pillars of the game, the faction divide. Similarly, my expectation is that on the fine day next year they sit down and brainstorm potential customizations for Void Elves, the same reasons they created Void Elves in the first place will rear their heads and they will choose a different path. Should a Void Elf customization pass happen and Void Elves not get high elf like skin tones, then I will discount Holinka's statement from that moment onwards.

    In summary, what the pro High Elf community wants, to play a non-void high elf within the Alliance, is impossible to do while using a Void Elf as a vector.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    No, that's your misinterpretation of what I wrote. I never wrote or implied those events never happened. This is just you reading what you want to read because you want an argument.
    Then if you agree they happened, then the few remaining high elves within the Alliance were mistrusted as of the end of classic.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Assuming you missed the point accidentally: the pandaren are proof that 'NPC representation' arguments don't hold water.
    The pro High Elf argument is that the NPC presence shows that the high elves are a major part of the Alliance and thus deserve to be made playable. The counter-argument is that the game doesn't show that at all, it shows the high elven exiles only being a major part of the game when the city of Dalaran is involved and otherwise their presence is minimal to none. Them being a 'major part of the Alliance' is therefore a false perception of the pro High Elf community generated by confirmation bias.

    Any race that is playable doesn't need to justify their existence. Everyone knows the Tushui and Huojin are small parts of the Alliance and Horde respectively, although there is a massive population of Pandaren on both the Wandering Isle and the continent of Pandaria who can be proselytised into joining other faction. But as the Pandaren are playable, it doesn't matter. They don't have to prove anything.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    In a made up game with made up creatures and made up stories, it's unreasonable to say there's "no reasonable lore friendly way to make them look different", imo.

    As an example: Darkspear trolls are now going to get blood troll customization. The same blood trolls that still now are fierce enemies of the horde, and in shadowlands that's not changing.

    Because there will be no lore that explains why desert and blood trolls are now butt buddies with the Horde and Darkspear. It's just going to happen. Gameplay > Lore.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Also @Thalassian Bob thank you. @Obelisk Kai keep thinking you can dictate what people can RP as or not. It just keeps looking more inane.
    People are free to roleplay what they wish so long as it is matches the story being told. You cannot roleplay an Orc as a Gnome. You cannot roleplay a Darkspear Troll as a Zandalari.

    The thing about these new customizations is that so long as you can tell a plausible story explaining them that is consistent with the character's origin, the story works. Take the Blood Trolls customization. I can think of two roleplaying origins for that off the top of my head.

    1.) A Blood Troll who broke under the harsh regime of life in Nazmir and defected to the Darkspear and who has been adopted into that tribe and is now considered a Darkspear Troll, but who keeps the tattoos.

    2.) A Darkspear Troll who wears the Blood Troll war paint and tattoos to strike fear into their enemies, or because they think look cool.

    Those first two options can be reworked to explain desert and forest troll additions. You can even get a third worked in, that one of the Darkspear Troll's parents wasa Desert or Forest Troll and favours them in looks.

    See? Nothing about those origins is at odds with playing a standard Troll.

    But pretending to play a Void Elf as if it was not a Void Elf? Not going to work. The Void Elf set up in such a way that the fantasy will be impossible to maintain in combat with entropic embrace proccing every minute or so. The connection to the void is the very core of the character. You'd be as well to try and play a Troll that didn't practice voodoo, or a Lightforged Draenei that wasn't Draenei, or a Highmountain Tauren that didn't have moose antlers. It is there for all to see.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    . The fifteen years of a very different life of the High Elf could already be starting to show, especially if you join the Silver Covenant with the High vale elves.
    If they were going to do something like that they would have done it with Void Elves, who were transformed enormously. Also, that isn't how biology works. My brother has lived on a different continent for the past fifteen years and he hasn't mutated into a different type of human.
    And before you say 'they can use magic', they did. They did use magic. That's what created Void Elves.

    If they wanted to add High Elves to the Alliance, they would have. They instead created Void Elves. They went out of their ways to create Void Elves. They added jokes to the Void Elves that subtly mocked the high elves. And when asked why they did it, they responded with maximum snark.

    You may think it's a good idea but it doesn't matter. They don't want to add high elves to the Alliance as a distinct allied race. And you cannot argue Void Elves failed when Void Elves are the most successful allied race there is. They got the money pro High Elfers said was waiting for them if they added High Elves AND kept their red lines on faction diversity.

    They had their cake and they ate it.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2019-12-10 at 11:12 AM.

  13. #13813
    @Obelisk Kai
    I don't meant it as in a mutation. But a behavior, stances, emotes, etc. If the High Elves haven't lived in the relatively pampered and magical Silvermoon for 15 years and had to resort to a more rugged lifestyle, it'll show in the way they stand, move and react to things.

    Hence the same skin but different skeleton approach which would work. And in the WoW, were rules for reskins are flimsy at beasts (the ancestors of the High Elves losing their purple skin and size in a matter of years/decades after leaving Kalimdor, long before the creation of tje Sunwell) the normal High Elves starting to diverge in non-aberrant ways (like Void Elves ) wouldn't be strange.

    And, again, the Zandalari underwent drastic model changes, several times, without any explanation and novody bats an eye. The same could happen to HE. As long as they are from the SC and Quel'danil and not steeped into "Rule of cool juices" I'd been perfectly fine with any changes of either skeleton or model.

  14. #13814
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    @Obelisk Kai
    I don't meant it as in a mutation. But a behavior, stances, emotes, etc. If the High Elves haven't lived in the relatively pampered and magical Silvermoon for 15 years and had to resort to a more rugged lifestyle, it'll show in the way they stand, move and react to things.

    Hence the same skin but different skeleton approach which would work. And in the WoW, were rules for reskins are flimsy at beasts (the ancestors of the High Elves losing their purple skin and size in a matter of years/decades after leaving Kalimdor, long before the creation of tje Sunwell) the normal High Elves starting to diverge in non-aberrant ways (like Void Elves ) wouldn't be strange.

    And, again, the Zandalari underwent drastic model changes, several times, without any explanation and novody bats an eye. The same could happen to HE. As long as they are from the SC and Quel'danil and not steeped into "Rule of cool juices" I'd been perfectly fine with any changes of either skeleton or model.
    In regards to the Zandalari, as with the new range of Human options coming in 9.0, the same truth applies. That they always looked like that, the game just wasn't capable of representing the difference. The Zandalari did not mutate, they diverged thousands of years ago due to their splendid isolation and their standard of living. Vol'Jin in the eponymous novel says that other Trolls see the Zandalari as the 'high elves' of the Trolls. As for the new Human options, attempting to provide an out of game explanation for why they suddenly appear is too dangerous to attempt, and with good reason. So, they were always like that.

    In contrast, in regards to the high elven exiles, they have been upgraded on both occasions the Blood Elves were (from classic to TBC when the new Blood Elf model was introduced, and in WOD with the Blood Elf model upgrade). If they were regarded as a separate group, surely they would have been left behind? Most High Elven exiles do not live in a rugged existence, most of the remainder clearly seem to live in Dalaran which is a very comfortable looking city. And Dalaran is as magical as Silvermoon is, if not more. Any hardships borne would have been in the aftermath of the city's destruction in the Third War and it's rebuilding. Which happened at the same time Silvermoon was destroyed and then had to be reclaimed and rebuilt.

    Most of the changes that have taken place as one group or another has branched off have taken place across thousands of years, often with the loss of a source of power (the high elves lost their height and skin tone due to being away from the well of eternity, likely coupled with their addiction developing) or the gaining of one (the Nightwell is what changed Night Elves into Nightborne across a similar period). High Elven exiles were without the Sunwell for the length of time as the Blood Elves. That Sunwell has now been restored, meaning the exiles are under the influence of the same energy source as the Blood Elves. Whatever changes the Blood Elves will undergo, the High Elves will follow because they are the same species.

    And, canonically, the Farstriders still live an isolated, rugged life with a limited exposure to magic. If that was all it took to provoke a physical mutation, they would also be availing of it and it would be a blood elf customization option.

    I am afraid your suggestion does not make sense in regards to the lore and cannot be regarded as something exclusive or unique to the high elven exiles.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2019-12-10 at 12:20 PM.

  15. #13815
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    The problem with the people who wish to roleplay as a traditional High Elf in the Alliance is that providing that option was never a true consideration when it came to introducing Void Elves. Has they wished to give traditional High Elves to the Alliance, then they would have given traditional High Elves to the Alliance rather than create the variant. And even if they had been given an Alleria style toggle, that still wouldn't have been a High Elf because as soon as they entered combat the void transformation would kick in. And if they end up getting high elf like customizations with no caveats at all, then that still won't be enough because it will still be a Void Elf, not a traditional high elf. Could you play a lightforged Draenei who had never been lightforged?

    Saying it's logical is simply because it produces Void Elves who would look like High Elves. Firstly, the Alleria way involved the consumption of a Naaru in it's void state, the different path of how she gained her void powers and void form being the reason she has a toggle. Void Naaru are incredibly rare, whereas bombarding with void energy is comparatively easy. You just point at the target elf and channel your void energy until they look like you and then you stop.

    Secondly, Void Elves being blue is not a mistake. Void Elves being blue was a deliberate choice to distance Void Elves from Blood/High Elves and aesthetically differentiate them from a Horde race. Their current skin tones are the point. While Holinka said such skin tones are possible, that is not a guarantee. You could end up with a monkey paw result of void marred normal like skin tones. And it is worth pointing out that Ion, when asked about sub-races in 2013, listed High Elves for the Alliance as one of the possibilities. Just as Holinka's comments mean normal like skin tones on Void Elves are currently possible, so Ion's comment regarding High Elves made them a possible sub-race choice. And they were clearly possible until the moment they sat done and thought them through and realised that given the Alliance a duplicate of a Horde race was not only redundant, but actively harmful to one of the pillars of the game, the faction divide. Similarly, my expectation is that on the fine day next year they sit down and brainstorm potential customizations for Void Elves, the same reasons they created Void Elves in the first place will rear their heads and they will choose a different path. Should a Void Elf customization pass happen and Void Elves not get high elf like skin tones, then I will discount Holinka's statement from that moment onwards.

    In summary, what the pro High Elf community wants, to play a non-void high elf within the Alliance, is impossible to do while using a Void Elf as a vector.
    I am not talking about what the devs said or why Void Elves are blue, I am saying if you mean they can RP as High Elf, then giving the Void Elf a High Elf skin tone like Alleria wouldn't be a problem. Don't change the subject. If they are indeed recruiting as you really want them to do, then they need to change how they turn into Void Elves, the ritual so to speak. If they are recruiting, it would be logical that the ritual are done in a more controlled way, just like Alleria.

    Or, Alleria is indeed just a High Elf who got Void powers entirely different than the rest of the Void Elves. It's the famous cake. Why isn't she the same as the rest? She is different, that's why. So the Void Elves that RP as a High Elf do that in contrast to what the universe of Warcraft tells us. Ergo, RP as High Elf is only correct in the RP sense. Nothing in the game tells us otherwise than the fact that all Void Elves are former Blood Elves.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  16. #13816
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    People are free to roleplay what they wish so long as it is matches the story being told. You cannot roleplay an Orc as a Gnome. You cannot roleplay a Darkspear Troll as a Zandalari.

    The thing about these new customizations is that so long as you can tell a plausible story explaining them that is consistent with the character's origin, the story works. Take the Blood Trolls customization. I can think of two roleplaying origins for that off the top of my head.

    1.) A Blood Troll who broke under the harsh regime of life in Nazmir and defected to the Darkspear and who has been adopted into that tribe and is now considered a Darkspear Troll, but who keeps the tattoos.

    2.) A Darkspear Troll who wears the Blood Troll war paint and tattoos to strike fear into their enemies, or because they think look cool.

    Those first two options can be reworked to explain desert and forest troll additions. You can even get a third worked in, that one of the Darkspear Troll's parents wasa Desert or Forest Troll and favours them in looks.

    See? Nothing about those origins is at odds with playing a standard Troll.

    But pretending to play a Void Elf as if it was not a Void Elf? Not going to work. The Void Elf set up in such a way that the fantasy will be impossible to maintain in combat with entropic embrace proccing every minute or so. The connection to the void is the very core of the character. You'd be as well to try and play a Troll that didn't practice voodoo, or a Lightforged Draenei that wasn't Draenei, or a Highmountain Tauren that didn't have moose antlers. It is there for all to see.
    Nah man, people can roleplay what they want. Period. Only person with authority that could step in, in a meaningful way, would be Blizzard themselves and they do not.

    People have been RPing their current race options as other races for a long time. Hell, some even RP as a dragon in disguise. Humans get used to RP as High Elves and I bet some now use Void Elves for that purpose.

    The way you're trying to argue right now is like telling someone in WoW they can't dress their Orc in a top hat, suit, pants, and boots "cuz it doesn't match the story being told of Orcs" when you'd most likely get a "fuck off" if you walked up to a character in such a tmog and tried to say something like that, if they didn't ignore you in the first place.

    When you enter RP it's a world of imagination and people cook up what they want because they are their own authority in the world of RP. Even Blizzard supports this, so it doesn't matter if a random player like you doesn't or can't. You cannot dictate how people choose to RP. That's it. That's all I'll say on it any further.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    What if I don't wanna

    And this shows Blood Elves may get modified Void Elf styles. Which may push the likelihood that Void Elves get modified Blood Elf stuff later even more likely.

    Remember how I theorized that Night Elves may get Highborne customization? This helps that theory. Because if Blood Elves are getting some of the Void Elf styles, then Night Elves may get some Nightborne styles!
    Last edited by FlubberPuddy; 2019-12-10 at 01:17 PM.

  17. #13817
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Then if you agree they happened, then the few remaining high elves within the Alliance were mistrusted as of the end of classic.
    The point is that it's irrelevant because it's outdated information. There's a difference between "outdated" and "retconned", as you constantly imply my arguments are claiming it's the latter, when I'm actually saying it's the former.

    Any race that is playable doesn't need to justify their existence.
    Technically, neither does any potentially playable race. Their existence is "justification" enough. That aside, the high elves have "justified" their existence since vanilla, as they were shown and used more and more and more in the Alliance side of the stories as time went on.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
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  18. #13818
    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    https://i.gyazo.com/b9c191525b041bd1...2e5c6e2189.png (ignore nudity)

    So i saw this, i hope they give void elf hairs for blood elfs.

    World of Warcraft stuff

  19. #13819
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post

    What if I don't wanna

    And this shows Blood Elves may get modified Void Elf styles. Which may push the likelihood that Void Elves get modified Blood Elf stuff later even more likely.

    Remember how I theorized that Night Elves may get Highborne customization? This helps that theory. Because if Blood Elves are getting some of the Void Elf styles, then Night Elves may get some Nightborne styles!
    hahaha then up to you

    ye im totally up for that, customization to be like the same, just that void elves got those hairs on that color because of the void, and skin tainted. And this would make so much more sense.

  20. #13820
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zantos View Post
    No, not really. I have a void elf main on Alliance side. I don't mistake them one bit. Its pretty obvious they are different. As for your obviously not, it Clearly does fill that role. Regardless of what you believe. void elves = blood elves = high elves. They are high elves that look different. So you quite literally have High Elves with a distinction from Blood Elves. They just don't call themselves High Elves.

    So again, why have a race that doesn't look like that race? Asking me why is pointless because that is what I want to know. Why get high elves that don't look like high elves? What is the literal point at that point? Just for it to have the name of high elf? Someone suggested "make them look different". What is the literal point? At that point, they aren't high elves any longer. They are something else. Just like what happened with the Nightborne
    Have you considered that you maybe don't want to get the point at all?

    High elves are an unplayable part of the Alliance, that is why they are asked, period.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Shakana View Post
    https://i.gyazo.com/b9c191525b041bd1...2e5c6e2189.png (ignore nudity)

    So i saw this, i hope they give void elf hairs for blood elfs.
    Yeah, they look cool.

    And also... It's THE example on how the double standard is set with some people here, that EVERYTHING that could potentially go to High elves should go to Blood elves.

    Well then, I don't see that people stomping their feet about Void elf hairstyles and beards.

    Food for thought.

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