Some High Elves are a part of the Alliance. Nobody ever said there were zero high elves in the Alliance. Archmage Yvera and Frostfencer Seraphi are two of the rare examples.
The Silver Covenant remains a neutral militia composed of partisan high elves within Dalaran who still didn't participate in the war and who are clearly not a part of the Alliance because otherwise they would have fought for it. As that organisation represents the majority of the remaining high elves, whatever high elves left in the Alliance may as well be just Archmage Yvera and Frostfencer Seraphi.
Veressa alone took part in the war for a single moment, scouting around Orgrimmar. She was not present at the actual battlesite or any of the entry points into Orgrimmar, frankly I think skulking in the shadows where your presence could be denied doesn't fit with being an overt and loyal member of the Alliance participating in the climax of a bloody faction war . The sole reason for her presence is the same reason Alleria was there, because they are the sisters of Sylvanas.
They all had a role to play, that of Vereesa and Alleria, was to go in lighting to track their sister, that of Gen and the Worgens, was to guard the west door Ect ....
In short, several leaders were on other objectives than being in front of the main door of Orgrimmar.
Genn Greymane is a leader of an Alliance race that has a seat at the table in regards to the Alliance leadership. He was present at the Burning of Teldrassil, the siege of Lordaeron, the Battle of Dazar'alor, the assault on Nazjatar and the battle of the gates of Orgrimmar. His presence does not require explanation.
Alleria Windrunner is the leader of an Alliance race that has a seat at the table in regards to the Alliance leadership. She led her people during the siege of lordaeron where they helped turned the tide against Sylvanas and she was present in a personal capacity at the battle of the gates of Orgrimmar. While her presence does not require explanation, she gives it anyway, it is entirely focused on her sister.
Veressa Windrunner makes her first appearance of the expansion. She is not the leader of an Alliance race, she is the head of a Dalaran based militia that has not participated in this war. She says nothing and it is presumed she is following Alleria's lead and only here because this was a major point in the Sylvanas plotline.
Way to miss the point.
The point is that, despite all your claims about "blood elves are high elves", we have an in-game example that points out, black on white, high elves and blood elves as separate groups. That "high elves" are, indeed, a separate group from blood elves.
And as for your "the Silver Covenant isn't Alliance because it's not involved in this war", it doesn't mean much. They are Alliance because that's how they've aligned themselves every time they have been brought to the forefront. They've also always been shown as hostile toward the Horde. To say they're 'neutral' is like saying the Alliance is neutral toward the Horde because they don't attack each other in a 'sanctuary' zone like Dalaran or the Argent Tournament.
I've shown you examples of Vereesa showing clear contempt toward the Horde, which shows where her allegiances lie. Possible reasons they're not helping the Alliance have been detailed to you by @Aucald in prior posts.
Vereesa was not present during BFA because she is not part of the main story while Gen, yes.
It is present only during the 4th war, it is a role of extras like the ballista with high-elf colors of the alliance, but it is always there in the important moments (Legion) to represent the high-elves, even if she says nothing.
The high elves are a politically separate group and they are included on a list of parts of the Alliance, a list describing the political make up of the factions.
Also, there was a population of explicitly Alliance high elves in this period. The lodges at Quel'Danil and Quel'lithien for example AND the high elf population of Theramore. In fact, this almanac makes reference to those high elven heroes of the battle of mount hyjal who likely settled in Theramore. Not to mention the few elves who were a part of the Alliance expedition to Outland and rejoined the Alliance upon resumption of contact with Azeroth AND the tiny number of high elves who chose to keep living in Stormwind.
Since then Quel'Danil, (a bastion of the noble high elves, a people who wanted to nothing to do with dangerous magics according to the pro High Elf interpretation), has been destroyed due to the elves there messing with dangerous magics and Theramore, home of a population of explicitly Alliance high elves everyone agrees was a thing, was wiped out by a mana bomb.
The population of explicitly Alliance high elves, who may have formed the basis for this wizard to include them as an alliance race despite how incredibly low in number that population was (canonically confirmed on multiple occasions) and lack of representation within the leadership of the Alliance, has crashed even further since this document was written.
As for the Silver Covenant, the point remains the same. If they were a part of the Alliance, they would have fought in the war. As they did not fight in the war, either they could not fight in the war as their low population and the constant attrition of casualties has finally caught up with them (The Silver Enclave was handed over to the Worgen in Legion after all), or that as a militia based in Dalaran they had to abide by the neutrality of Dalaran during the war, or both. Whatever the explanation, no part of the Alliance could refuse to fight in the war and still be considered a part of the Alliance. The Silver Covenant may have wished to, but they had to put the interests of Dalaran first as they are citizens of Dalaran. And Dalaran is neutral.
- - - Updated - - -
Veressa has reasons to come back for the Shadowlands. All to do with her personally and her relationship with Sylvanas and potentially Rhonin.
The problem is you will misconstrue her appearance as a part of the Sylvanas plotline as evidence a high elf allied race is in the works. Using that logic, Ebonhorn's appearances are proof that a black dragon allied race is in the works too, rather than simply being a relevant character to the current plot.
Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2020-01-05 at 11:23 AM.
Blizzard can involve Vereesa or the High Elves in an extension in advance to integrate them later as was the case for Alleria and the Void Elves.
The silver covenant is part of the alliance :
These examples prove that they are not neutral ...
Last edited by Frenchvince; 2020-01-05 at 01:55 PM.
I can't believe people still denying the Silver Covenant as part of the Alliance.
Silver Covenant is part of the Alliance Vanguard in Northrend and formed explicitly to oppose the Horde in Dalaran.
Silver Covenant owned the Alliance-aligned part of Dalaran.
Silver Covenant forces were part of the 7th Legion in Northrend.
Windrunner Lookup, owned by Silver Covenant, is Alliance-friendly and Horde-hostile.
Silver Covenant represented the Alliance in the Argent Tournament.
Silver Covenant represented the Alliance in the gates of Zul'aman.
Silver Covenant was the Alliance's hand in the Purge of Dalaran.
Silver Covenant was the main fighting force of the Kirin Tor Offensive in Isle of Thunder, when the Kirin Tor was part of the Alliance.
Vereesa was an Alliance hero in the Galakras encounter in Siege of Orgrimmar.
Vereesa and the Silver Covenant were camping with the night elves in Suramar, and being watched over by Kirin Tor overseers for fear of them attacking the Horde.
Vereesa was representing the Silver Covenant among several Alliance commanders in Stormwind throne room during the PvP Artifact appearance questline.
Shield mages in Arathi Warfront use the exact same gear as Silver Covenant mages.
Silver Covenant mages maintain the portal to Dalaran in Stormwind portal room.
Strangely enough, none of the deniers question the Sunreavers being part of the Horde...
Last edited by DeicideUH; 2020-01-05 at 01:48 PM.
You know as well as everyone that this "population" argument is now dead-on-the-waters nowadays.
As, again, pointed out by Aulcald, one possibility are the high elves participating in this was away from the front lines, especially considering their low population. As for the bolded part, you're stating as fact an assumption of yours. We don't know what entails the deal between the Silver Covenant and the Kirin Tor, and we know that Blizzard has a proven track record of "forgetting" certain, usually important story elements when they don't think their presence is necessary for the story.As for the Silver Covenant, the point remains the same. If they were a part of the Alliance, they would have fought in the war. As they did not fight in the war, either they could not fight in the war as their low population and the constant attrition of casualties has finally caught up with them (The Silver Enclave was handed over to the Worgen in Legion after all), or that as a militia based in Dalaran they had to abide by the neutrality of Dalaran during the war, or both. Whatever the explanation, no part of the Alliance could refuse to fight in the war and still be considered a part of the Alliance. The Silver Covenant may have wished to, but they had to put the interests of Dalaran first as they are citizens of Dalaran. And Dalaran is neutral.
Like... for example... a certain powerful crystal spaceship armed with a powerful laser canon that could have been very, very, very useful in this war... or a certain green concoction that has a devastating effect on living beings that was used just once in this war... and then never again. Also: Jaina is "buddy-buddy" with the ex-Aspect of Magic and leader of the blue dragonflight, is she not? Why couldn't she ask him for help to end this war?