High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD
If ether A Actually High Elf Race of the Quel'dorei becomes playable which I know won't happen or B Customization Options Fully for the Void Elves.
Ether one of those two and well the whole request of the Quel'dorei Debates and the High Elf Request/Thread will be over when ether one of those two become a reality.
My Coin right now is on the Customization Options for Void Elves to be like Alleria/Quel'dorei. Plus it'll be like the Two Form Feature of the Worgen but Void and Normal Elf.
Last edited by Hawkknight97; 2020-01-06 at 03:30 AM. Reason: editing.
High Elves and Wildhammer Dwarves are finally playable in the Alliance. XD
Why do you get so defensive at the prospect of shutting this thread down if/when the subject matter is resolved? You want to go for 7000 pages?
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I suppose, but it seems the thread regulars in this topic are more obsessed with debating the subject matter than ever even imagining a resolution to it.
Ideas were presented. Many, in fact, thorough this mega-thread. But the anti-high-elf side don't want to even entertain those ideas, so the debate is basically to explain how those ideas are possible and to counter certain statements that, in my opinion, are often slung around in bad faith, like "blood elves are high elves" and "high elves are playable in the Horde."
Hence why there’s no reason to keep repeating the same arguments over and over.
But if you’re dealing with some people that are arguing in bad faith than of course a resolution can’t be imagined.
Truth is though that there is a few ways the WoW team can handle it:
1) Come out and literally say “it’s never going to happen”.
2) Add High Elf skins to Void Elves
3) Make a separate High Elf Alliance race
Then can do any one of those and they are all resolutions to this topic.
My issue is with the people who come in and try saying, “it can never happen cuz x,y,z.” Which is complete bullshit, since the vast majority of what’s in WoW today were things people either thought wouldn’t happen or never imagined happening in the first place.
How many people saw WoD coming back in TBC? Or the Shadowlands? Or Allied Races and not the sub races we’re finally getting with Shadowlands?
There’s a lot that’s happened in WoW for someone to go “this can’t ever happen” looks very silly.
Even more so when you’re dealing with a particular group that’s very popular within the community (High Elves).
I pretty much made the same argument maybe a few hundreds of pages ago, and I've dropped in now an then when the thread's buzzing to see if anyone is making a different argument, but it's still essentially the same members regurgitating the same argument over, and over. They don't want a resolution to the subject matter because they don't want this thread closed because arguing about it to them seems more fun than finding a resolution. The topic is trite, but I know it won't die because the anti-High Elf crowd will just say the advocates for are their enablers, and that's why it's their mission statement to make sure the whole forum knows it's not going to happen. You'd just think they'd move on. One thing is to see the same argument debated a hundred times between different people. Another is seeing the same argument debated a hundred times between THE SAME PEOPLE. The devotion to a notion that when stripped to its barest logic "it shouldn't happen because I don't want you to have it" is staggering.
Nice strawman but yeah, don't act as if your message was not any different than a: 'Lol, is this thread still going?/Is this never closing?'
It's simple, don't like it? Don't click on it.
You are the one placing the idea that it should continue after a resolution here, not me, words where words are.
Aldo Hawk he is stating an actual issue, that this thread was suppose in the beginning to even just be a thread about art of high elves, with time it become megathread, and then people start discussing same things all over. You being one of those involved, i noticed this myself, and btw, i'm not saying you or anyone should be forbidden of speaking about this thread, but just feels like you like to repeat yourself and so often talk bad to the members when they speak to you. This has been noticed for a few people by now.
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That is understandably acceptable. There is always someone that won't enjoy the idea, and those should be ignored. Because if this thread is about their wanted existence, there shouldn't even come here people that don't want them. Same annoying things happens when people come to classes they don't play to say they want them nerfed because they got rekt in a fight or did more damage than them...
Instead of putting that energy on anti-high elves, put the energy on pleasant art and creative things about the so wanted high elf and find a resolution how they really should exist, instead of making a big deal with those that clearly don't want it.
I can click on whatever I want. You take slight at the idea this thread be locked even though the discussion should be dead because if the High Elf Megathread was a physical place, you and @Obelisk Kai would be sleeping in it. I am? Even though I've been advocating for this topic to be locked longer than you've been a member. I've seen arguments for or against a hundred times over, you're just here repeating the same rhetoric at a nausea.
And it isn't different than that, I've been saying it should be locked way before it even hit 700 pages. People are just now acknowledging how absurdly long it is because they've been having it thrown in their faces they don't move on. Like... right now.
Also no one has patience to read 700+ pages, if some good idea was there, then it's basically lost in those pages, and most of the posts are about personal issues with people that don't like the same thing or don't agree and dismantling ideas of others that are just trying to make it happen.
Imagine you are a Blizzard employee and you come here and at the top topics, it shows up a megathread, you say "hm people really like high elves" expect some pages, but when you get here you see 2 people the most here debating the same thing for the past 100 pages over around 700 and you just quit and close the thread and move on.
That class thing is so true, and it's been proven by some of the posters here (they don't even play Blood Elves/care about it yet say no purposely to rile up those that do want it can't get it).
As for the repeating bit, is why I've taken to not responding to something that's been said before.
And you're right about it being better to put that energy into creativity. Heck, it's probably some of the devs love for High Elves on why we see them plunked here and there so often within the Alliance unlike say Taunka or Ogres for the Horde. This in turn fuels the players love for High Elves which they turn into threads like the beginning OP of this thread or all the high elf artwork out there today or that high elf compilation post.
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I heard that Blizzard utilize tools (on the official forums) that pick up the common sentiments of what's posted and they also have tools on how to filter noise (noise being anyone posting multiple posts saying literally the exact same thing).
While their tools may not be as extensive here or on other fan sites, I'm sure some devs still peruse places like here/reddit/wowhead for player sentiment (since forum users on official forums are only one type of audience with sub audiences within that) and I'd like to have good faith that they don't count my or Obelisk's 1k+ posts in this thread as 1k votes, and instead go "yup this dude wants High Elves and this dude doesn't want High Elves" and so on so forth for each individual account.
You get it. It's the creativity that makes people see and say "This is exactly how i would like it". - Yet, one can say they don't, and would like another thing: Shows what it is.
Now, not everyone has skills for design, so they just can look for something, or other artists, or just post a picture and explain on their way. Make significant posts as if they are starting a new thread but on this megathread. I get it, it's to discuss, but discuss is not just a daily dopamine of coming here, on a daily basis, discussing the same thing.
It's not a radio where it repeats, "Gooooooood morning high elves threaders! Let's begin our delicious, repeatedly, cherry top, best quoter of all times, who wins it gains a bit of dopamine and can sleep like an angel".
I personally come here only when i have something to show about high elves. Last time i posted here before today, to speak, was about the hairs on high elves, that i would like to see a high elf or even a blood elf with the same hair as a void elf but with normal colors and no effects. And the dark-blue anime black hair, to be actual black. Like this: https://i.gyazo.com/05a48e83daa4fa87...0daa9de7de.png
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I know for a fact, and most people know, they do indeed visit MMO champion. Not all threads but not certainly will enjoy reading 700 pages+.
They give attention to their own blizzard official forum on US, not so much on EU.
They visit Reddit and Wowhead.
I mean, he stated a desire to see the thread closed, it's not that deep.
I have actually been repeating myself less and less lately.You being one of those involved, i noticed this myself, and btw, i'm not saying you or anyone should be forbidden of speaking about this thread, but just feels like you like to repeat yourself and so often talk bad to the members when they speak to you. This has been noticed for a few people by now.
And I do not simply 'talk bad to the members', that's just out of the blue and very unfair from your part. If someone comes with bad intentions I will not answer as if they were my super good friend.
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Who said otherwise?
You are simply not being responsable with your actions, since your decision of coming here makes you feel so bad.
I have been 99% less active in the thread since months and have never been as active as other posters, but: Ok.You take slight at the idea this thread be locked even though the discussion should be dead because if the High Elf Megathread was a physical place, you and @Obelisk Kai would be sleeping in it. I am? Even though I've been advocating for this topic to be locked longer than you've been a member. I've seen arguments for or against a hundred times over, you're just here repeating the same rhetoric at a nausea.
People stating things from a state of ignorance have been a great problem in this thread.
Flash news.People are just now acknowledging how absurdly long it is because they've been having it thrown in their faces they don't move on. Like... right now.
These are old news.
And stop harassing.
(Context for others, this comes from other sites, not just here. Leaving it at that.)
Last edited by Aldo Hawk; 2020-01-06 at 11:09 PM.
Do you remember that kind of response?
- There are no plans to allow Allied races to be Death Knight or Demon Hunter.
- There are no plans to add heritage armor for non-Allied races. However, the developers love the idea.
- Vulpera are not intended to be an Allied race.
- Developers want to give more customization options to players, but it's not their priority for Battle for Azeroth
These were simple developer responses to the Q&A just before and at the start of BFA.
Examples among many others, which in the end, everything was surely already planned ahead of schedule considering where we are today.
So this sentence:
- If you want to be a fair skinned elf with fair hair and blue eyes ... sorry, the horde is waiting for you.
is in the same style, just there to cover the tracks?
As Pennem said, as long as there is no outright no on the high elf issue, hope will always be there.