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We already have a lore precedent as for why that wouldn't be the case with most beings - from departed souls who've decided to become Kyrians and thus lost their identity (and any desire to return to their old lives with it) to those whose anima has been bestowed onto the Wild Gods who have entered the afterlife and become fuel for their resurrection. And, of course, any souls trapped in Revendreth wouldn't be surrendered until they'd been "reformed" through whatever processes the Venthyr espouse, as is the case with the Shade of Kael'thas we're going to meet up with. The long ago dead would've already been processed, any hope for their resurrection gone with their embers of their anima. Quite possible this is true of the High Elven dead as well, as we don't really know if time works the same in the Shadowlands or not, though given the persistence of Kael'thas it seems likely some remain in other regions of the Shadowlands, if not alongside him in Revendreth.
As for where the resurrected High Elven dead would go, that remains to be seen. I'm thinking more of it in terms of the story as opposed to terms of faction balance or what have you. If you wanted to divert them to the Alliance you could simply have them find common cause with them through some narrative hook - a reaction against the damned shade of Kael'thas, agreement with their exiled kin, a combination of the two, or even knowledge of and/or a desire for vengeance against Sylvanas for reasons new to the story. If you wanted to divert them to the Horde you could just have them agree with their living Blood Elven kin, or perhaps remain loyal to the former ideas of Kael'thas, etc. etc.
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Eh, WoW's long been a revolving door of actually dead or long thought dead personalities suddenly returning for another turn in the spotlight, even before we were set to enter the literal afterlife of the Warcraft universe for adventures there. As long as we don't see the dramatic return of almost everyone who's died I don't think much changes here - though YMMV, of course.
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I don't think BfA will end the Allied Race system, myself. It was one of the more effective features of both Legion and BfA and I think it's going to be around for some time still. Shadowlands showcases a lot of new races for its various thematic zones, and I can't help but expect a few of these might be joining the Alliance or the Horde as Allied Races in the final confrontation with both Sylvanas and the Jailer. The Kyrians and the Necrolords seem like two strong contenders for the Alliance Race treatment, though the Night Fae and Venthyr are possible as well.
Enhanced customization offers up a lot of potential, don't get me wrong - but Allied Races add both story and plot hooks to the game, above and beyond elements designed to be more or less retrofitted into the existing game world.
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I am not myself a faction partisan, so from a purely "balance" standpoint I often I find I don't really care if the Alliance gets 3 Elven extracts while the Horde only has 2, or vice-versa for that matter - the notion kind of smacks me as a somewhat juvenile tit-for-tat (no offense intended to you personally). There's this long-standing argument that if the Alliance receives something then the Horde must receive its opposite, or again vice-versa; regardless of the nature of what's added or what occurs. While I agree with this principle in terms of statistical balancing and representation in the game world, I don't think it should extend to the story necessarily - there can be movements and changes within the Alliance that aren't necessarily reciprocated lock-step by the Horde. I mean if the Alliance gains a race then the Horde needs one as well, that's a game balance issue to some degree, but it doesn't have to be a version of the same race either proactively or retroactively. It's okay for the Alliance to have all of some race, or none of them, regardless of player sentiment or the faction in question.
That having been said, I'm not a zealot either - I'm fine with the High Elven exiles not getting added at all to *either* faction, as I think as they are now there's no reason for them to ally with either faction due to narrative hooks of their own (e.g. their paucity, and the danger of commitment to hostilities those numbers can't bear). My main advocacy for their return is just due to how often they've been showcased in previous story-arcs, which has an element of teasing their involvement while offering nothing, which is a shame in my opinion. They've become one of the most sought-after of inclusions by many people, and it feels somehow wrong not for that desire not to be realized. They need a strong narrative hook and a change in circumstance for that kind of treatment to occur though, which many people have provided in a number of ways that could be easily realized in the story.
On the level of Void Elf customization making them more traditionally High Elven in appearance, I'm generally fine with that - go nuts, I say. If the High Elven exiles aren't going to be made playable then I think it's a suitable enough compromise, though it's not going to satisfy everyone obviously. My level of commitment isn't high enough for it to matter to me overly - but as I said previously, I don't think this customization should be so marked that it could conceivably strip away everything that makes the Void Elves what they are, what makes them unique. Suppressing every single aspect of their Void taint in the name of allowing them to LARP as High Elves seems misguided to me, but giving people the option of having Void Elves with a bit more traditional Blood/High Elven appearance isn't a bad thing in my view.