1. #14561
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Except your preferences here grind against fundamental story and gameplay pillars. What was harmed by the addition of extra options for Death Knights? Nothing at all.
    The first half of this quote is in straight opposition to the the second half.

    Allied races and pandaren death knights directly contradict "fundamental story and gameplay pillars" (as per your own words), as the original DK lore and origin gameplay are "locked in time" prior to the pandaren coming out of pandaria/wandering isle in droves, and the allied races even existing/entering Azeroth.

    What did Blizzard do? They did it anyways. They added pandaren and allied race options for death knights. "Fundamental story and gameplay pillars" were "harmed", according to your logic.

  2. #14562
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions. Anti arguments contain a lot of hypocrisy based on how all other races are handled.
    No other request is a request to duplicate a core race of one faction to the other, or at least none of those requests come up with this frequency. There is therefore no hypocrisy as there is no other situation where you can point out where one thing is being done that is different to what is being done here.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    If Blood Elves are being touted by Blizzard as needing to stay as the unique fair skin elves then why are there 3 different types of Blue/Purple Elves in varying shades? This kills the "their aesthetically fair skin must stay unique" argument.
    Fundamentally because when they chose to base the thalassian elf variant they were giving the Alliance off of the void and decided skin tone variation was an easy method of differentiation (as evidenced by multiple allied races for whom a unique skin tone was an easy differentiating factor) it seems logical they didn't have many options. The Void doesn't really lend itself to green, or red, or yellow, or silver. The Void conjures up the tones of nighttime or space, blacks, purples, blues. The colours assigned to Void Elves were pre-selected based on what players and people in general expect of a people who are based on 'the void'.

    And Night Elves were originally intended as the Dark Elves of the franchise, hence the choice of their colour scheme. But lumping Night Elves, Void Elves and Nightborne together as purple elves is deliberate oversimplification. All three have highly distinct palettes, with the Night Elves vivacious skin colours contrasting vividly with the deliberately limited and striking Nightborne tones.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Another argument is that Blood Elves should get blue eyes/Alleria like customization with feathers in hair etc because despite having their Magisters and then Blood Knights being at the forefront of their cultural icons, they are supposedly supposed to be privy to every aspect of their culture when no other existing race follows this demand. In your example, Night Elves did not get to keep their Highborne aspect to their faction (as we see Nightborne on Horde). Also, different Tauren/Dwarves/Orcs/Trolls/Humans/Draenei all have different aspects of their culture within another race option.
    The Night Elves excised the highborne from their culture when they exiled them, that was the entire point of the schism and the resultant exile. The fundamental split in Elven society when looking at all races is between the highborne and the other Night Elves. The Highborne are represented in game by their true heirs, the Blood Elves and the Nightborne. 'Highborne' culture is therefore best understood as a culture of the Horde over which the Night Elves have little claim. Sure, some former Highborne who were hocked up in Shendra'alar for the past few thousand years have returned in recent years to justify Night Elf Mages, but they didn't exactly build a thriving civilization, did they? They squatted and hid away in ruins before being forced to return to Night Elf society, and even then they were barely tolerated until their actions during the burning of teldrassil won them respect from the rest of their people, but it seems to me they wouldn't have been able to display an ostentatiously 'highborne' look even if they had wanted to.

    In contrast, the Blood Elves have excised no part of their culture. The Farstriders still exist and they would have been the high elf archer units in warcraft 2 that the famed 'alleria tattoos' are inspired by. They are the type of unique tattoos Blood Elf players would like to see once we see what expanded customization options we are getting in Shadowlands and I imagine we are in with a shot of getting them, particularly as the more runic, magic tattoos seems to be a Nightborne thing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    It is not all included within a singular race, like Trolls for example - they do not contain every single different troll tribe we know hence Zandalari being their own option. Yet Blood Elven fans are trying to say every aspect of high elf culture should be exclusive and available to the Blood Elf race. Another argument that is hypocrisy as every cultural aspect of the aforementioned races are not contained exclusively in their core race option.
    As has been pointed out numerous times, Zandalari are acknowledged as being physically unique and physically superior to other Trolls which justifies their position as an allied race, not to mention they have lived aloof from the rest of their kind for millenia. Troll culture and physiology separating out over those years is plausible.

    The exiles were booted fifteen years ago and are members of a race who measure their lives in millenia, not years. Fifteen years ago is akin to last tuesday for these people. They don't have the numbers and they certainly haven't had the time to meaningfully diversify from the Blood Elves. Which is why the Void Elf solution was chosen, if you need a quick change, blast something with magic.

    This is all easily explainable once you realise you are arguing using false equivalencies.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2020-03-12 at 02:16 PM.

  3. #14563
    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Of course everyone is entitled to their opinions. Anti arguments contain a lot of hypocrisy based on how all other races are handled.

    If Blood Elves are being touted by Blizzard as needing to stay as the unique fair skin elves then why are there 3 different types of Blue/Purple Elves in varying shades? This kills the "their aesthetically fair skin must stay unique" argument.
    It totally does

    They should just admit, they want fair skinned elf to be exclusive. Still makes me feel a bit pissed off that Nightborne are there if that's the stance. (if it wasn't 'the stance, then sure).

    What grates me is that they consistently do a lot better for elves on the horde (and horde being cooler and better), even now when the horde is firmly the majority faction for the elder game by a large margin (if you include non max levels, they have an insignificant majority).

    The refusal to make night elves more appealing is what is baffling on top of all of this. e.g. did the horde have to get both the Nightborne and all of Suramar city, when they new night elves would be homeless (hinting that the home city of the most famous Darnassian heroes, Suramar was originally intended for the night elves anda ofc the sub-race too). Still even if people wanted Nightborne badly on the horde - it's not as badly as they want high elves on the alliance, when does that lean the argument in favour of alliance high elves? Also Nightborne going horde didn't mean the whole race had to join, nor did the entire city have to go horde (even though only the nighthold in -game is accessible), the void elves came as refugees, because the Thalassian assets should stay with the core race, and it's exactly the same with Suramar and the broken isles. i'ts night elf lore, country , if you're going to take a core race sub-race and sling it over tot he other faction, why are you giving it the best of its new assets you designed for it?

    Except its design bias that still is favouring the horde when it doesn't need to, because horde is already the majority by a fair margin in the elder game.(i.e. end game)

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    Another argument is that Blood Elves should get blue eyes/Alleria like customization with feathers in hair etc because despite having their Magisters and then Blood Knights being at the forefront of their cultural icons, they are supposedly supposed to be privy to every aspect of their culture when no other existing race follows this demand. In your example, Night Elves did not get to keep their Highborne aspect to their faction (as we see Nightborne on Horde). Also, different Tauren/Dwarves/Orcs/Trolls/Humans/Draenei all have different aspects of their culture within another race option.
    Indeed, another indication of unfair bias. I was responding to my fellas post here.
    The Potential of Highborne Customisation

    Night elves moreso than ever would be good to have shown properly and keep this particular aspect of their culture, which is hugely popular amongst g good portion of the night elf fanbase. Hugely

    That talks about the highborne customisation should come for the night elves, since it is the only major facet of the night elves not properly reflected in the model appearance and options, and they made Nightborne a race, and slung it over to the horde. Which we now have to accept, but what about the core race having one of its most defining aspects? The night elves are in lore equally arcane and nature (it may not seem so if you only played levelling up the game) but if you read the books you have 4 based on the arcane culture and group of the night elves), you have both cataclysm and Legion showing a major part of it - it's astonishing that they haven't done more to make them prominent, especially now they took the sub-race over to the other side.

    It's like they would instead boost the sub-race over the core race, rather than have at least the core race shine brightly in that area. The equivalent would be them instead showing all the best assets of the blood elf race on the void elves instead.

    And while highborne are not a substitute for high elves, an attractive highborne night elf, with aesthetics and a city like Suramar or Zin'Azshari in tow would go a very long way to making the alliance fans happy.

    Face it, people who play elves play for the magic, high fantasy and foresty nature of them. It's just weird the night elves have this in bucket loads lore wise, but in game only the forest bit was developed, when the high fantasy bit came, they gave the best assets and the subrace to the horde, then just didn't both boosting up the core race itself...yet the horde core elf race, it's got the forest, the rangers, and it's got the high magic fantasy, the city and the prominent spell casters.

    It's like they have intentionally gone outto hide the good aspects they gave the alliance ones, which I use to understand when the horde was a vast minority faction, and at least temporarily would need the greater exposure,. But 14 years later, with the horde firmly the majority and growing, the bias keeps going on.

    Well I can't stop bias which they have full choice to be, even though I hope they recognise it and be fair in this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    It is not all included within a singular race, like Trolls for example - they do not contain every single different troll tribe we know hence Zandalari being their own option. Yet Blood Elven fans are trying to say every aspect of high elf culture should be exclusive and available to the Blood Elf race. Another argument that is hypocrisy as every cultural aspect of the aforementioned races are not contained exclusively in their core race option.
    You know that is a good point, the important question is why should it? And why is it such a big issue?

    I think:
    1. It's premium exclusive because blizzard still wants it that way - whether it's population fears or whateve
    2. A core bunch of hardcore fans are dead set to angry stupid levels about it - which I am trying to understand, they shouldn't be that dead set against it, seeing how also quite popular and desired it is.

    As to why it is so desired: I think several factors are to blame.
    1. Night elves don't provide that aspect in their in game presentation - despite having the lore, which gives them a stunning and very high magical affinity and civilization, - also having intentionally added the druids (wow classic), the highborne (cataclysm), the Illidari (legion) and Nightborne too.. yet the playable race itself doesn't show off the beauty high magic side, it's only visible in the blood elves

    - it is why I feel some people oppose highborne being done properly for night elves, even though they're not high elves, they oppose it, because that would make the night elves very attractive - it is the sma emotivation that some did not want Nightborne to be a part of the alliance, an attractive magical race, I love the horde, I don't want my enemy to have it, even though it is their racial kit.

    2. The blood elf is the most attractive and well done race and set in the game (until Suramar and Zin'azsarhi came along or rather, until blizzard showed Suramar and Zin'Azshari making it clear visualy what they had already done in written descriptive form, that the night elf civilization and aesthetic was incredibly gorgeous.

    However with only the blood elf model being really cool - look at how derpy the night elf male model is? can you imagine just straighting his legs, given him a couple of pretty faces and stylish hari and effects, he'd look quite attractive. Then slap him in his historical/cultural arcane setting like Suramar or Zin'Azshari, and boom watch.

    However the avenue is only available in blood elves

    3. The high elf is the golden standard of fantasy. Thanks to LotR and the host of adaptations, the high elf is what people hhold as the poinnacle, and covet the most. This is why, when you make the dark elf, you make them grander, and more itense, because purple and dark skin is more alien to epole, and even if the tow were both extremely gorgeous, most people are goig nto go for the high elf, because they most resemble us, even if it's just skin colour.

    So to make the darker elf able to compete you tend to make it more attractive with the cool stuff. and that is what the night elves were done originaly, except they never got developed because alliance numbers were too high.

  4. #14564
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    The first half of this quote is in straight opposition to the the second half.

    Allied races and pandaren death knights directly contradict "fundamental story and gameplay pillars" (as per your own words), as the original DK lore and origin gameplay are "locked in time" prior to the pandaren coming out of pandaria/wandering isle in droves, and the allied races even existing/entering Azeroth.

    What did Blizzard do? They did it anyways. They added pandaren and allied race options for death knights. "Fundamental story and gameplay pillars" were "harmed", according to your logic.
    No they weren't, how on earth did you reach such a conclusion?

    Gameplay pillars weren't even touched. And as for story it was just expanding access to a class whose sole recruiting criteria is that the individual must be dead. As all the allied races are capable of being killed, having Bolvar the Lich King raise new ones makes perfect narrative sense because Arthas the Lich King could also raise new ones.

    We raised new Death Knights during the Legion Death Knight campaign as well demonstrating it's possible.

    But you can't magic more high elves into existence and a Void Elf Paladin is still an oxymoron.

  5. #14565
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    To add to that how about the horde aligned kt human pirates or the alliance aligned shadowmoom orcs.

    Just because a friendly faction compromised of races primarily found on the enemy faction exists doesn't entitle you to playable versions.

    The horde will never get kt humans and the alliance will nevwr get maghar orcs, goblins, or High elves.

    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  6. #14566
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Yes, they are. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but that is not the problem here.

    The problem comes with those who are against the implementation of high elves as a playable race come here only to repeat their exact talking points, over and over, from time to time, despite their opinions having been acknowledged and discussed already the first few times they did so, and yet they act as if their opinions were never challenged in the first place, and acting as if they're the gatekeepers of what can and cannot be added to the game.
    It's like trying to convince us we shouldn't like high elves, and we shouldn't want them, or have no justification to like what we like or desire what we desire.

    I know.. I am trying to understand why the hellbent or dead set againt it. Going into the psychie, and i can only thing of a jealous coveteousness over it , taht ultimately is a bit silly.

    Even I who didn't like nightborne going on the hrode, acknowledged from the start, taht it was better than not being playable at all, and is by no means the most preposterous thing, even though me and my bro came up withi over 10 very good reasons why they were better and more fitting on the alliance with the night elves and more needed.

    bottom line such things don't always come by what makes more snese or better for the story, and can as often come by fan base desire or developers desring it so, just becuase they like wha th rtists have done. Tio get so dead set agait it or want to convince people away from feeling how they like something is like silly.

    Acknowledge that actually people really like this and see how you can make it happen. People really like highborne and high elves too. What is stopping the highborne customiation happening? I can se e no good reason and hope it comes. When it comes to high elves, I see a few reasons, but they're not that big a reason, and it's up to the developers to decide whether they find it sufficiently necessary to cross that boat.

    Taking into account player desire goes a long long way though.

  7. #14567
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post

    LB are evil zealots. Also Orc and humans swapping factions does not feel good.

    If anything the next allied races should be light undead to mirror the mechgnomes and a race that shares the worgen rig to mirror thw vulpera.

    Who knows maybe when the dragon isles come around a group of stranded humans who were mutated by the draconic energies are discovered and rejoin the alliance.

    Now that calia is the leader of the forsaken maybe it'll somehow open the door to light undead.

    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    It's like trying to convince us we shouldn't like high elves, and we shouldn't want them, or have no justification to like what we like or desire what we desire.

    I know.. I am trying to understand why the hellbent or dead set againt it. Going into the psychie, and i can only thing of a jealous coveteousness over it , taht ultimately is a bit silly.

    Even I who didn't like nightborne going on the hrode, acknowledged from the start, taht it was better than not being playable at all, and is by no means the most preposterous thing, even though me and my bro came up withi over 10 very good reasons why they were better and more fitting on the alliance with the night elves and more needed.

    bottom line such things don't always come by what makes more snese or better for the story, and can as often come by fan base desire or developers desring it so, just becuase they like wha th rtists have done. Tio get so dead set agait it or want to convince people away from feeling how they like something is like silly.

    Acknowledge that actually people really like this and see how you can make it happen. People really like highborne and high elves too. What is stopping the highborne customiation happening? I can se e no good reason and hope it comes. When it comes to high elves, I see a few reasons, but they're not that big a reason, and it's up to the developers to decide whether they find it sufficiently necessary to cross that boat.

    Taking into account player desire goes a long long way though.
    It's because its nonsensical to have so much passion for something that will clearly never happen. Yet helfers still spam forums with rage demanding to have their fantasy.

    Like i previously stated, just because the alliance has pure thalassian elves in their ranks doesn't mean they should be playable.

    Other wise alliance would have orcs via the WoD shadowmoon orcs or goblins via SI:7 or the Horde having kt humans via the pirates.
    Last edited by Varx; 2020-03-12 at 02:26 PM.

  8. #14568
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    It's like trying to convince us we shouldn't like high elves, and we shouldn't want them, or have no justification to like what we like or desire what we desire.

    I know.. I am trying to understand why the hellbent or dead set againt it. Going into the psychie, and i can only thing of a jealous coveteousness over it , taht ultimately is a bit silly.

    Even I who didn't like nightborne going on the hrode, acknowledged from the start, taht it was better than not being playable at all, and is by no means the most preposterous thing, even though me and my bro came up withi over 10 very good reasons why they were better and more fitting on the alliance with the night elves and more needed.

    bottom line such things don't always come by what makes more snese or better for the story, and can as often come by fan base desire or developers desring it so, just becuase they like wha th rtists have done. Tio get so dead set agait it or want to convince people away from feeling how they like something is like silly.

    Acknowledge that actually people really like this and see how you can make it happen. People really like highborne and high elves too. What is stopping the highborne customiation happening? I can se e no good reason and hope it comes. When it comes to high elves, I see a few reasons, but they're not that big a reason, and it's up to the developers to decide whether they find it sufficiently necessary to cross that boat.

    Taking into account player desire goes a long long way though.
    As to why people are deadset against it, that has been explained multiple times over the year Ravenmoon. It's a duplicate of a Horde race in a game predicated on two factions knocking the stuffing out of each other so if you want to play a Horde race you should play Horde. Devaluing the factions whilst still trying to maintain a faction based game comes with a cost, that cost maybe relatively abstract but given the extent to which faction pride is still used as a motivating factor and how it impacts on player emotions (as the responses to the Alliance winning the war question proved at Blizzcon) this is one they are clearly loath to mess with and rightfully so.

    Faction diversity matters and pro High Elfers shouldn't act mystified as to why their goal is opposed when the reasons are continually provided.

    As for Highborne customisation, what exactly is that? The Highborne were an advanced caste within the Night Elf empire but they weren't physically different from the rest of their people. The Nightborne and the Blood Elves are the heirs of the Highborne and their physical evolutions. The Highborne that constitute the Night Elf Mages are physically identical to other Night Elves but they hid away in ruins for thousands of years. At best all I can think of regarding Highborne customisation is more sophisticated jewelry.

  9. #14569
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    Dark irons are very distinct to regurlar dwarves. I mean charcoal skin and glowing red eyes. The closest bronzebeard got to that was like a very light grey and at least blizz ret conned them to have fiery hair too. High elves dont have that as they're biologically the same.
    What about the thing that because something exists doesn't need to be playable?

    Who cares that there isnt a cartel thats pro alliance. The fact is SI:7 has a goblin in it. Who's to say there's more, thus a faction of alliance gobbies.
    This is your logic, not mine, but ok.

    I havent seen any alliance orcs, tauren, trolls, forsaken (calia and dereck are horde), but wait there is a goblin just like thalasian elves. So why not?
    Just exactly like Alliance elves, just exactly like these ones, yes.

    I repeat, it's your logic, not mine.

    Because playable goblins are horde strictly, just like "pure" thalasian elves, emphasise on pure before u start using velves as an excuse.
    Horde Goblins are part of a narrative that made them Horde.

    Thalassian elves take part in a narrative where some of them are Alliance, it's not hard to grasp.

    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Yet we don't have Wildhammer Dwarfs.

    Closest you High Elf fans can come to would be a reskin cosmetic update in the same way Dwarfs are getting a Wildhammer like appearance in shadowlands, by giving the Void Elves a High Elf appearance (which would be just taking away the blue and purple skin colours and adding a more blue eyed Blood Elf appearance)

    And I know 'Void Elves are not High Elves', but Wildhammer Dwarfs are not Ironforge Dwarfs either, we take what we can get :P
    I also don't like the fact that Wildhammer will be customization options for Bronzebeards, tho it doesn't have to mean others should get that spiteful treatment that half-bakes a concept.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    As to why people are deadset against it, that has been explained multiple times over the year Ravenmoon. It's a duplicate of a Horde race in a game predicated on two factions knocking the stuffing out of each other so if you want to play a Horde race you should play Horde. Devaluing the factions whilst still trying to maintain a faction based game comes with a cost, that cost maybe relatively abstract but given the extent to which faction pride is still used as a motivating factor and how it impacts on player emotions (as the responses to the Alliance winning the war question proved at Blizzcon) this is one they are clearly loath to mess with and rightfully so.

    Faction diversity matters and pro High Elfers shouldn't act mystified as to why their goal is opposed when the reasons are continually provided.

    As for Highborne customisation, what exactly is that? The Highborne were an advanced caste within the Night Elf empire but they weren't physically different from the rest of their people. The Nightborne and the Blood Elves are the heirs of the Highborne and their physical evolutions. The Highborne that constitute the Night Elf Mages are physically identical to other Night Elves but they hid away in ruins for thousands of years. At best all I can think of regarding Highborne customisation is more sophisticated jewelry.
    I doubt Obelisk Kai understand the concept of factions with the exact 1:1 races on them. These are still factions with their differences, and hardly nobody wants for the Horde and the Alliance to go to that situation where 1:1 races can be found between these two.

    Obelisk Kai fails to understand, that High elves are part of the two faction narrative he oh-so-much cares for, and their part in that narrative is within the Alliance.

    Those that want High elves to become playable, care about the factions, because High elves are not Horde, it's super easy to understand.

  10. #14570
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    No they weren't, how on earth did you reach such a conclusion?

    Gameplay pillars weren't even touched. And as for story it was just expanding access to a class whose sole recruiting criteria is that the individual must be dead. As all the allied races are capable of being killed, having Bolvar the Lich King raise new ones makes perfect narrative sense because Arthas the Lich King could also raise new ones.

    We raised new Death Knights during the Legion Death Knight campaign as well demonstrating it's possible.

    But you can't magic more high elves into existence and a Void Elf Paladin is still an oxymoron.
    So the devs made new lore stating new DKs are possible and not beholden to status quo made in Wrath, yet you think High Elves or Velf Paladins have to somehow stay beholden to a status quo of what's current? Especially when vanilla showed High Elves as sparse, then Wrath made them explode in population, relevance, and within the Alliance faction. And they've carried that forward since.

    This is how your logic looks daft. It comes off as 'devs do change what they want when they want but oh no you cannot touch anything about this particular subject nuh uh never ever whatsoever.'

    It's juvenile.

  11. #14571
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post

    And Night Elves were originally intended as the Dark Elves of the franchise, hence the choice of their colour scheme. But lumping Night Elves, Void Elves and Nightborne together as purple elves is deliberate oversimplification. All three have highly distinct palettes, with the Night Elves vivacious skin colours contrasting vividly with the deliberately limited and striking Nightborne tones.
    if you can acknowledge the distinct aesthetic between the purple elves, it surprises me you somehow think that highborne should be a horde thing with no room on the alliance for the very group which is night elven and part of it - despite them having a similar thing going in the magic elven area, they are different as you pointed out, and not just aesthetically.

    It's also okay to have variations of a similar thing - Kul'tirans, Gilenans and Stormwind humans are all playable and are all similar being humans, but all have distinctive variations - I don't see why the horde having it's own arcane elf thing somehow make s the night elves ' own which ahs been a part of them from the start when the race was introduced, and still is today, underlining the intetion of the developers. Both highborne and Nightborne played a role in 7.0, even after the sub-races introduction, furthermore. Blood elves aren't highborne. They're a the new type of high class elf, but a different type forged under different circumstances with a different aesthetic etc, though having similarities.

    Remember this Quest?

    And the ones tha followed?
    And the ones that followed? Here is a canon in game description of each of the elven groups from Night elf to Blood elf along the highborne line. The difference between highborne, high elves, blood elves. Each categorised and explained properly. So people don't get confused as to what. And also understand the characteristics of each.

    Finally culiminating in a description g of the blood elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    The Night Elves excised the highborne from their culture when they exiled them, that was the entire point of the schism and the resultant exile. The fundamental split in Elven society when looking at all races is between the highborne and the other Night Elves. The Highborne are represented in game by their true heirs, the Blood Elves and the Nightborne. 'Highborne' culture is therefore best understood as a culture of the Horde over which the Night Elves have little claim. Sure, some former Highborne who were hocked up in Shendra'alar for the past few thousand years have returned in recent years to justify Night Elf Mages, but they didn't exactly build a thriving civilization, did they? They squatted and hid away in ruins before being forced to return to Night Elf society, and even then they were barely tolerated until their actions during the burning of teldrassil won them respect from the rest of their people, but it seems to me they wouldn't have been able to display an ostentatiously 'highborne' look even if they had wanted to.
    Just listen to yourself, the highborne are represented in game by the highborne. The blood elves are not their heirs at all, they are descendants who became High elves, they called themselves that. Not heirs tot he desire and greed of the highborne they actually looked down upon. Higbhrone are night elf. These elves are a major part of the arcane half of the night elves and a major part of the lore as their highest nobility and both their progressors and the ones who made the biggest mistakes. And they are still around, and part of the night elves. The high elves made their own way as Rommath makes clear in Suramar, their own path. Descendants, not heirs. Highborne and high elf are different, just as Kul'tiran and Gilnean are different (even if having similarities)

    Darnassian group excised highborne, then brought them back - that's not an excuse for not having highborne, they're back, the excerising is not a feature oof the race, it's just a part of the story. A feature of the race is that they're highly magical and born from the arcane, extremely affinity with arcane magic and love nature intensely, and this reflects what the developers intended them to be, the best of both the dark evles and the forest elves, as they state quite clearly here:

    I just laugh because they've said it a few times before back in the day, but also shown it, the night elf lore proves this - the highborne and the arcane aspect of the night elf isn't killed off.. the Darnassians stop outright suppressing the arcane at the end of WC3, it is intentionally written to be that way, they gave them magical aptitude ,and they concoted a story that had them posses great arcane influence and then great nature ifluence, gave a reason for them to be in the state they were in wc3, then caused that reason to end .. proving to you that night elves wer enever intended to be pure forest elves, and no one should assume so because of their story, when the same story clearly shows you they are good at it, and that aspect continues and revives.

    Highborne culture does not exist on the horde, at least not till the Nightborne came. The horde had high elf culture. They are not the same. Blizzard connects the high elf to the night elf via the highborne, but the highboren is a night elf culture, and prar tof it. the high elf is a different culture, a better one, fairer, less ridged, less extravagant, and less opulent, less indulgent and less reckless too. Not to mention it is under different circumstances, different philosophy and cultural setting.

    The two are not mutually exclusive, many overlaps in many races happen, and there should be a connection between the elven groups, you don't have such an issue when Forest and jungle trolls overlap, why should you just because blood elves are on the other faction? They have totally different aesthetic to the night elf, even if both have an arcane culture. And the Nightborne does not nullify or somehow invalidate justification or reasoning for highborne either, Highborne are already there, were there first, and are at the core of the race. You can have both, with Nightborne bring a unique flavour (and this is good and welcome for groups that are very popular - you expand them, make more several options available), but it is the allied race, not the core, the core should have the best of the races features. The equivalent of saying the Nightborne invalidate the highborne would be saying the void elves make any more magical progress on the blood elves irrelevant, or that the Nightborne presences now means blood elves shouldn' have mmagisters..

    It's stupid. you can have both void elf magic users and blood elves, they're different, both high elf magic users and blood elf ones, , both Nightborne and highborne - especially since Nightborne and hgihbrone are 2 different types of night eles and will have different aesthetics.

    The Nightborne is this arcane wreathed gaunt night elf, the highborne is moon/star bright night elf in fullness of beauty , extravagance and wealth.





    Highborne and Nightborne already satisfy the faction separated aesthetic despite Nightborne being based on night elves, and there is every lore and playable reason for the night elf highborne to be shown properly, blood elves being highborne descendants is not an excuse, the horde don't have the highborne section, they have the high elf playable section, the alliance and the night elves have the highborne. THe horde have their variation version of the highborne in the Nightborne, who are a variant but aren't actually the highbonre, who are part of the core race..., like wise the alliance have their variation on the blood elf, which is the void elf. The Nightborne existing doesn't make the highborne obsolete or a horde thing, neither does the void elf existing make the blood elf obsolete or using shadow magic on their priests. And this is not the same as giving the alliance the playable aesthetic of the blood elf or giving them the playable aesthetic of the Nightborne - that's not what i'm saying here (that is the main thrust of this topic, but not what I'm referring to here). The existence of the Zandalari doesn't negate the darkspear shadow hunters, the existence of the high elf doesn't negate the existence of the blood elf, nor of the farstrider blood elves either.. nor does the existence and playability of the highborne who come first somehow negate or should be negated by Nightborne who are clearly a unique path or blood elves who are their own thing. Just because they look amazing.

    One is a kaldorei, one is a Shal'dorei - similar, different versions of a night elf, and arcane wilding one at that but very different.

    don't see why humans, draenei can't be mages just because blood elves can, or highborne though very much in the lore and existing as well as being playable, should somehow not have relevance or eminence as part of the night elves they are a huge part of, just because blood elves, a different elf race, are the descendants, not even highborne, descendants of them, especially when you the player know making them descendants is part of the story that connects the elven groups.

    it's like saying Zandalari shouldn't exist or be prominent because the darkspear shadow hunter are the loa based aspect of the playable trolls and therefore we shouldn't see the original version in its glory. That logic makes NO sense..
    Last edited by ravenmoon; 2020-03-12 at 03:28 PM.

  12. #14572
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Gameplay pillars weren't even touched.
    Nor would they if high elves became playable for the Alliance.

    And as for story it was just expanding access to a class whose sole recruiting criteria is that the individual must be dead.
    You're being very dishonest here since you're completely ignoring the fact that this "sole criteria" read, in its entirety, "individual must be dead BEFORE the Lich King's attack on Azeroth". Which was the reason pandaren and the allied races were excluded, and their starting zone was locked in time.

    You ignore the fact that a completely new starting zone was created. Completely new lore was written.

    And you're completely okay with that.

    But then you bring your double-standards to bear when you deny the "high elves as a playable race" the same courtesy.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    It's because its nonsensical to have so much passion for something that will clearly never happen. Yet helfers still spam forums with rage demanding to have their fantasy.
    For the record: you know something else "that would clearly never happen"? Classic servers. But here we are, aren't we?

  13. #14573
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    I also hope the "anti helfers" realize this thread only started up again because the opposition can't let people talk about something apparently "that will never happen."

    Best way to have something die out is to ignore it completely. Just a tip for anti folks.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    For the record: you know something else "that would clearly never happen"? Classic servers. But here we are, aren't we?
    Not simply that either: transmogs, different faction characters on pvp servers, the abolishment of pve/pvp servers, cross-realm bgs, mercenary mode, LFD, LFR and just a plethora of other things that many detractors try to state "game will never have this!"

  14. #14574
    Field Marshal Kheldin's Avatar
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    Blizzard got the same chance with High Elves/Blood Elves like they had with Pandaran. They used to be one race which split apart. The Blood Elves, as we know today, joined the Horde and the High Elves should join the Alliance under The Silver Covenant, which we already know since WotLK as an Alliance Faction exclusively made of High Elves.

    So it would make perfect sense that High Elves become an allied race of the Alliance without having to do any lore twisting.
    Classes like Priest/Mage/Paladin/Hunter/Rogue/Warrior are also very suitable imo.

    I would reallly welcome this addition to the allied races.

  15. #14575
    As long as high elf is a subrace for the horde I don’t see why we can’t have high elves. For alliance no, with the simple reason that we would have the most popular horde race in the opposite faction. It’s like if humans were available to horde, e.g. defias faction. It would humonogize the factions. Furthermore High elves as a race are not united under a single banner, and their population is very small. I’m not saying there is no supporting claims(lore)that high elves should be available to alliance but it would damage the game by adding an established and popular horde race to the alliance hence should not be added to alliance.

  16. #14576
    I know im in the extreme minority but i still believe that only way to implement high elves is to give them the panada treatment and make blood elves neutral and change the race name to thalassian elf. Alliance faction would be queldorie and horde would be sindorie.

    Then give the horde a new race that can be paladins to compensate.

    The issue then would be velves and nightborne as the alliance would not have a horde rig swap anymore. Which would mean we'd need a panda horde AR and an AR that is an offshoot of the horde race that replaces belves.

    I would say vrykul for the horde and kvaldir for the alliance as the AR to balance the NB.

  17. #14577
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    if you can acknowledge the distinct aesthetic between the purple elves, it surprises me you somehow think that highborne should be a horde thing with no room on the alliance for the very group which is night elven and part of it - despite them having a similar thing going in the magic elven area, they are different as you pointed out, and not just aesthetically
    Just wanted to point out that the very quest you're using as proof it should be part of the alliance, outright states that the descendants of the Highborne became Quel'dorei which then became Sin'dorei.

    By that logic, Blood Elves ARE the Highborne of the current WoW landscape.

    That said, it could also be argued that the addition of Night Elf mages means a reintroduction of Highborne to Night Elf society.

  18. #14578
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinraye View Post
    As long as high elf is a subrace for the horde I don’t see why we can’t have high elves. For alliance no, with the simple reason that we would have the most popular horde race in the opposite faction. It’s like if humans were available to horde, e.g. defias faction. It would humonogize the factions. Furthermore High elves as a race are not united under a single banner, and their population is very small. I’m not saying there is no supporting claims(lore)that high elves should be available to alliance but it would damage the game by adding an established and popular horde race to the alliance hence should not be added to alliance.

    Your point is completely valid, there is no real reason why the horde can't have high elves either. It is quite possible! It may not be preferable though or desirable to some alliance high elf fans or blood elf fans, but I can assure you many more would be fine with it or even happy than would be annoyed.

    Furhtermore, while they can have high elves, from a lore perspective do they want them? and would it be useful to have gaming wise? I think to be able to play a faction of blood elf holding on to the high elf ideals is nice, even if on the hhorde becuase they are something very fdifferent politically adn ideologically. So I would say, yes to both, and that it's okay to have them. They don't need to be obsolete as some are pushing for (because their real motivation is not to share model playable on the alliance).

    But on the converse, because of what they have done with Pandaren, and now again with void elve sand nightborne, i also no logner see any serious problem in letting the horde's most popular race aesthetics be on thealliance. It doesn't diminisih the lroe at all (cos they're already there, and the lore is more interesting for it), , it won't affect horde populations, because most pepole play horde becuae it ist he better faction with better players, more runs, better racials and cooler stuff .. and if the high elf is available, well, it's pretty much feels like the same thing - you are not going to switch to alliance because high elves are available there, especially if they are on the horde already with blue eyes.

    So high elves on both horde and alliance may make sense imo.

    As a person that plays both a void elf and blood elf, while i like the highe lf idea, if one was made playable, I won't bat tan eyelid nor be rerolling any character. I would make my alliance paladin a high elf though and that'sa bout it, but jsut because i don't particularly feel the ened, doesn't mean i wouldn't find it nice or that it couldn't be interesting, nor does it mean i know some people would really like that..

    The only way high elves could ever be a threat to blood elf numbers is if wow becomes really popular again with new players who love the fantasy genre. I don't see blood elf fans relolling just to play high elves.. and those who really love the high elf lore and will do, tbh, most of them are already alliance, and if they play horde, it's really just an extra character for them if their guild most likely raids horde, they'd be there.

    THey woul dlove having an alliance high elf, and would appreciate being able to play their horde blood elf as a horde high elf who doens't hate humans. Especially if the high elves have a mission on the horde to bridge the dviide and bring peace.

    elves are the most ppular racial group alongside humans, they need the diversification and attentio nthey are getting. Highborne, Night elves, void elves, blood elves, nightborne, san'layn - Illidari - pepople love this shit, with the exceptio of nightboren and void elves - all these groups have been around for a long time. Making highborne, sna'layn, high elves (whether on alliance or horde) playable or having a playable customisation is actually going tob e quite welcomed,
    Last edited by ravenmoon; 2020-03-12 at 04:31 PM.

  19. #14579
    I am Murloc! Maljinwo's Avatar
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    Monkey's paw:

    Alliance gets High Elves which are Blood elves with blue eyes
    Horde gets an entirely new race with expansive customization
    This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back.

  20. #14580
    Quote Originally Posted by Sinraye View Post
    As long as high elf is a subrace for the horde I don’t see why we can’t have high elves.
    Except that, according to the lore, it's highly unlikely the high elves would ever join the Horde, considering their recent past. Not to mention that's like saying the nightborne should be on the Alliance.

    For alliance no, with the simple reason that we would have the most popular horde race in the opposite faction.
    But you're fine with the Horde having the Alliance's most popular race? I.e. the night elves? Doesn't that stink of hypocrisy to you?

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