They have somewhat faded during WoD and Legion, and had to be sidelined pretty hard by Blizzard to try and push the Void Elves, who proved to be an utter failure in that they were clearly designed to be the death-knell of the high Elves demands, and have only intensified it, because they destroyed utterly any and all arguments made against playable High Elves.
If you also think that the Gnomes, a race whom representatives almost always end undermining the Alliance war effort in every base they appear (like in the Tarides, in Blazedge Mountains, Uldum and many other places) and have largely been written as a pathetic joke race since Vanilla, unable to retake their city from one pathetic loser and having to wait until Battle of Dazar'alor to be of slight importance in the game... only to be upstagged in technological achievments by their allied race - which is the ugliest and least played of them all, as far as I know.
I'd also like to signal that my main has been the same male Draeneï from day one of my WoW history, wayback in TBC. They are still my favorite race, their zones are my favorites. But they have been an utter asspull, and we know it. Same with Worgens, who ended being humans with hair problems anyway, like Kul Tirans are somehow big humans because reasons. The Lightforged exist to be Draeneï harder - and probably have ûber-Turalyon alive I suspect - and Void Elves... Well, I love them, I mean
I made a thread for them. But pretending that they aren't an asspull, when nothing in the reputation which allows to unlock them is pretty telling that they were hastily chosen and designed. As for Trash Gnomes, the least said about them, the better.