1. #14801
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Haven't watched the video in years but if you listen to his answer the whole way throug he actually says the approximate line twice, different the first time, but with added snark the second time which is probably why I quote that instance and not the first instance.


    So, you hadn't noticed I was twisting things before because I wasn't twisting anything.

    As for 'risking that kind of move' I like to think Blizzard will prioritise those who are playing an actual race and give them more options rather than sparing the feelings of those who wish for a hypothetical.
    Ah, all my bad then Dx (went and doublechecked the same video before posting as I also hadn't watched it in years but didn't realize there was another take at the end). Sorry!

    I for one will likely quit the game if they were to give an alliance thing to the horde just like that (blue eyed thalassians having been an alliance thing since vanilla), not that I expect many others to do the same, but I'm sure it'd be a sizeable shitshow regardless.

  2. #14802
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    If we want to talk about things lorewise, I think it speaks volumes when even someone who is

    - Horde main.
    - Plays Blood Elves
    - Prefers Horde fantasy
    - Void Elves fantasy does not interest him/her
    - Does not care if High Elves get added or not, does not desire to play one
    - Plays game primarily for lore

    Understands High Elf fans are asking for consistency with Alliance fantasy.


    This was a surprising find.

    So, what was this discussion like before the announcement of Allied Races? Difficult to track it all down, but we can try and identify what the discussion was not. It wasn't- "The Horde is there waiting for you." or- "Blood Elves ARE High Elves."

    These were not arguments that were being made before Battle for Azeroth, and the continued insistence that they hold any merit is why this discussion is not going to be leaving us anytime soon.

    Players certainly understand that there is a distinct experience and tone to being in the Horde as opposed to being in the Alliance, and vice versa. To tell someone who wants an Alliance experience that they should suck it up and take the Horde experience instead is to ignore the entire heart of the desire for High Elves on the Alliance, as you can see included above.

    The argument people are making is not to take a 'horde fantasy' and transplant it to the Alliance. It's not to have something 'the same' reflected on the other side. The argument is being made for Blizzard to be consistent with its own lore, and reflect the nature of the Alliance as it's grown with time.
    And it's very true. Before the BFA spiels by Ion, people were not going around telling others "BE are HE". Generally, people knew if someone said 'high elf' they were talking about those elves on the Alliance. Suddenly a lot of people became parrots and started to regurgitate the easiest way to antagonize what's been a request for forever.

  3. #14803
    I was looking at the cards of heartstone: Ashes of Outland, and I came across this card.


    I know I quibble a bit, but why is a blood elf wearing Alliance PVP armor?

    Blizzard troll himself or it's just that the PVP armor of the horde is too ugly on a blood elf.
    Last edited by Frenchvince; 2020-04-07 at 07:48 PM.

  4. #14804
    This thread still here? Where is high elf pom montages with pyroblast? 2 pyroblasts at once oneshot baby!

  5. #14805
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pennem View Post
    If we want to talk about things lorewise, I think it speaks volumes when even someone who is

    - Horde main.
    - Plays Blood Elves
    - Prefers Horde fantasy
    - Void Elves fantasy does not interest him/her
    - Does not care if High Elves get added or not, does not desire to play one
    - Plays game primarily for lore

    Understands High Elf fans are asking for consistency with Alliance fantasy.


    This was a surprising find.

    And it's very true. Before the BFA spiels by Ion, people were not going around telling others "BE are HE". Generally, people knew if someone said 'high elf' they were talking about those elves on the Alliance. Suddenly a lot of people became parrots and started to regurgitate the easiest way to antagonize what's been a request for forever.
    Exactly. Before that, no one was saying blood elves are high elves.
    Then they became parrots with 0 argument.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    the Alliance loses nothing from it's core identity with blood elves being able to express all options available to their uncorrupted race.
    Blood elves are fel corrupted elves. Just like green orcs are corrupted orcs. See the Maghar (uncorrupted in orcish).
    The uncorrupted elves are Alliance since the beginning, and will remain so. You just have to deal with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    As you admit that the appearance of the Blood Elves is what you are after (not indulging in some nonsense that high elves and blood elves are different) you run into issues the blue eyed request does not. Namely that the Void Elves only exist as they do now because that was the way to differentiate them from Blood Elves and allow the Alliance their own flavour of Void Elves. De-voiding Void Elves defeats the point of creating them in the first place. This request is far, far less likely to be granted.
    Let's hope the Alpha will launch soon. I need to laugh a bit
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  6. #14806
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blood elves are fel corrupted elves. Just like green orcs are corrupted orcs. See the Maghar (uncorrupted in orcish).
    The uncorrupted elves are Alliance since the beginning, and will remain so. You just have to deal with it.
    Blood Elves are uncorrupted elves as well. They got the magical equivalent of a sunburn. Even were it the case that the mild dosage of fel energies the Blood Elves received due to their proximity to those crystals counted as them being 'corrupted', the exiles and the Blood Elves, through their connection to the Sunwell, have been flooded with holy and arcane energies at a far greater rate cadence than they were exposed to the fel, and for far longer. Any corruption has likely been purged,

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Let's hope the Alpha will launch soon. I need to laugh a bit
    Careful. This is the kind of statement that can come back to haunt you should blue eyes be there in the very first build. Nothing will be happening with Void Elves though as they confirmed Void Elves are not currently being worked on. I expect the Allied races will receive nothing except possibly the separation of eye colour from face, as the other races are getting.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2020-04-08 at 11:01 AM.

  7. #14807
    During the alpha, there may be blue eyes available for the blood elves, it's a possibility.

    Blizzard will want to see if this decision is well received by the players, they will probably cancel it in the end, given the bad reactions and the threads of discussion that will multiply against this decision on the official forum.

  8. #14808
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    During the alpha, there may be blue eyes available for the blood elves, it's a possibility.

    Blizzard will want to see if this decision is well received by the players, they will probably cancel it in the end, given the bad reactions and the threads of discussion that will multiply against this decision on the official forum.
    There is a possibility that blue eyes will not be included for Blood Elves. It maybe that the golden eyes they are receiving through the Sunwell supersedes blue eyes and that the intention is for all thalassian elves connected to the sunwell to eventually have golden eyes and that blue eyes don't fit into this scheme.

    However, should the blue eyed option be there, you are indulging in a fantasy to imagine it would be removed. If it is there, it's going to stay there and it won't be removed because some players want it reserved for a grouping Blizzard has told us they have no intention of adding anyway.

  9. #14809
    There will always be Thalassian elves with "a high-elf appearance" like Alleria for example, and I don't think she will have golden eyes as you say because she is a void elf, and that's good because she could precisely give access to this appearance to the void elves if Blizzard decides to do so during SL.

    The anti HE are always asking for blue eyes for blood elves in pro HE threads instead of making their own thread,
    it's more to make the detractors,
    much like you often do here...

    In their own thread, blood elf players want race or options like san'layn and/or dark ranger rather than blue eyes, it's a real request from them, and i hope it will be possible for them and me (I play blood elf too).

  10. #14810
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blood elves are fel corrupted elves. Just like green orcs are corrupted orcs. See the Maghar (uncorrupted in orcish).
    The uncorrupted elves are Alliance since the beginning, and will remain so. You just have to deal with it.
    Fel corrupted?

    Let's look at the blood elf racials for a moment:

    - Arcane Acuity
    - Arcane Torrent
    - Arcane Affinity
    - Magic Resistance (to arcane)

    So much for "fel corrupted". They were merely tainted due to exposure, not corruption. And that taint is beginning to dissipate, as is evidenced with golden eyes. Blue eyes is only a natural option for blood elves to eventually have, especially considering their racial talents show us their affinity to arcane, not fel.

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Obelisk Kai Just noticed this on the official WoW website:

    Less than a decade ago, the wondrous high elven capital of Silvermoon was nearly destroyed during a brutal Scourge invasion. Under the command of Prince Arthas, the undead ravaged the city and went on to corrupt the sacred waters of the Sunwell. Despite this horrific event, the high elves—now known as the blood elves—

    It's in the blood elf race description section, under the Silvermoon title. Another case of blizzard reminding us that blood elves are indeed our high elves and that the high elf race is already playable.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  11. #14811
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Fel corrupted?

    Let's look at the blood elf racials for a moment:

    - Arcane Acuity
    - Arcane Torrent
    - Arcane Affinity
    - Magic Resistance (to arcane)

    So much for "fel corrupted". They were merely tainted due to exposure, not corruption. And that taint is beginning to dissipate, as is evidenced with golden eyes. Blue eyes is only a natural option for blood elves to eventually have, especially considering their racial talents show us their affinity to arcane, not fel.

    - - - Updated - - -
    @Obelisk Kai Just noticed this on the official WoW website:

    Less than a decade ago, the wondrous high elven capital of Silvermoon was nearly destroyed during a brutal Scourge invasion. Under the command of Prince Arthas, the undead ravaged the city and went on to corrupt the sacred waters of the Sunwell. Despite this horrific event, the high elvesnow known as the blood elves

    It's in the blood elf race description section, under the Silvermoon title. Another case of blizzard reminding us that blood elves are indeed our high elves and that the high elf race is already playable.
    now known as the blood elves, I feel like you maybe disregarded that bit. They didn't say "also known as the blood elves", so you basically just supported your opposers lol.
    The current alliance high elves are very much so still high elves.

    Regarding blue eyes, if it made sense for blood elves to have blue eyes, they'd have them already.
    High elves already have blue eyes because they're not blood elves, if this was wrong, Blizzard wouldn't have implemented blood elves with green eyes and now gold. It was clear that Blizzard gave blood elves gold eyes to reflect the current state of the sunwell, being restored by the light, despite also being a font of arcane energy.

    What you just said is basically like saying sand trolls are playable because dark spear trolls are playable.

    The high elves who specifically identify high elves (and not blood elves), are not playable. This is what people want to play.
    Last edited by Grythletubs; 2020-04-08 at 10:45 PM.

  12. #14812
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    You're dreaming right ?

    Even if Blizzard is dumb enough to give Blood Elves blue eyes, it wouldn't kill the High Elves allied race potentiality.
    I really think that it would. We got wildhammer dwarf tattoos and sandfury troll skin confirmed, it's not off the table.

    I suppose the real question is how many people here would be satisfied with that?

    Those would essentially be our two options for "playable high elves." New customization option for blood elves/void elves, or the alternate route proposed for most of the thread of giving high elves a model update that differentiates them from blood elves akin to the one blood elves received in Burning Crusade.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aucald View Post
    Having the authority to do a thing doesn't make it just, moral, or even correct.

  13. #14813
    Quote Originally Posted by Grythletubs View Post
    now known as the blood elves, I feel like you maybe disregarded that bit. They didn't say "also known as the blood elves", so you basically just supported your opposers lol.
    the high elves—now known as the blood elves—

    It doesn't say the blood elves suddenly became a new race. It says the high elves simply changed their name to blood elves, or in other words, blood elves are high elves.

    It makes no mention of alliance aligned high elves. It specifically states that blood elves are the high elves.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grythletubs View Post
    The current alliance high elves are very much so still high elves.
    And so are blood elves, as is evidenced by the high elves—now known as the blood elves— and blood elves are our high elves

    Quote Originally Posted by Grythletubs View Post
    Regarding blue eyes, if it made sense for blood elves to have blue eyes, they'd have them already.
    That's a matter of your opinion. We'll wait to see what customizations blood elves get in shadowlands. But from a lore perspective, it makes sense for blood elves to regain blue eyes... given their affinity to arcane and given the sunwell is a font of both holy and arcane energy.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grythletubs View Post
    The high elves who specifically identify high elves (and not blood elves), are not playable. This is what people want to play.
    I know what people are asking for, but the high elf race is already a playable option. Blizzard have said they don't want to blur faction lines, and giving playable high elves to both factions would do just that.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  14. #14814
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I was looking at the cards of heartstone: Ashes of Outland, and I came across this card.


    I know I quibble a bit, but why is a blood elf wearing Alliance PVP armor?

    Blizzard troll himself or it's just that the PVP armor of the horde is too ugly on a blood elf.
    blood elf violet eyes!!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    There will always be Thalassian elves with "a high-elf appearance" like Alleria for example, and I don't think she will have golden eyes as you say because she is a void elf, and that's good because she could precisely give access to this appearance to the void elves if Blizzard decides to do so during SL.

    The anti HE are always asking for blue eyes for blood elves in pro HE threads instead of making their own thread,
    it's more to make the detractors,
    much like you often do here...

    In their own thread, blood elf players want race or options like san'layn and/or dark ranger rather than blue eyes, it's a real request from them, and i hope it will be possible for them and me (I play blood elf too).
    I'm sure most of the blood elf players don't want undeads elf to ruin our lore and aesthetics. there are people who want undeads elf and they are alliance players and forsaken players.

  15. #14815
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I'm sure most of the blood elf players don't want undeads elf to ruin our lore and aesthetics. there are people who want undeads elf and they are alliance players and forsaken players.
    I'll give you my two cents. I'm a blood elf main. I have wanted playable undead elves since the subject of subraces was first discussed. Dark rangers served the Horde, heck, some still do. This new customization system is the perfect time to add them. They aren't really unique enough to warrant an allied race slot. High elves are blood elves, yes, but the dark rangers that stayed loyal to the Horde remained so.

    Do you recall Velonara? She was a Farstrider, killed when the Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas. She has been a recurring character in recent expansions. She is an undead elf. She denounced Sylvanas after her betrayal, saying her loyalties belong to her Forsaken and blood elf brethren. When I say I want undead elves, I don't mean undead night elves. I'm talking about the undead high elves, the remaining dark rangers still loyal to the Horde.

    Don't say "only Alliance and Forsaken players want undead elves". That's false. Ask players on your realm who enjoy lore, ask the roleplayers, reference the San'layn Thread on the official forums. Undead elves are wanted by a fair amount of people. Again, the inclusion of new customization is the perfect time to introduce them.

    Anyway, while I'm here, I'll update you on my new, updated take on high elves. I welcome blue eyes for blood elves. I welcome fair skin tones for void elves, similar to Alleria. Gen 2 of void elves have to come from somewhere. That's where I stand. Blizzard has made it clear how they feel about high elves, so my take is only fitting. I endorse anything that offers us more customization options.

    Thank you for reading, take care, and stay safe.
    Last edited by Hallowseve17; 2020-04-09 at 01:52 AM.

  16. #14816
    Quote Originally Posted by Elyndir View Post
    I'll give you my two cents. I'm a blood elf main. I have wanted playable undead elves since the subject of subraces was first discussed. Dark rangers served the Horde, heck, some still do. This new customization system is the perfect time to add them. They aren't really unique enough to warrant an allied race slot. High elves are blood elves, yes, but the dark rangers that stayed loyal to the Horde remained so.

    Do you recall Velonara? She was a Farstrider, killed when the Scourge invaded Quel'Thalas. She has been a recurring character in recent expansions. She is an undead elf. She denounced Sylvanas after her betrayal, saying her loyalties belong to her Forsaken and blood elf brethren. When I say I want undead elves, I don't mean undead night elves. I'm talking about the undead high elves, the remaining dark rangers still loyal to the Horde.

    Don't say "only Alliance and Forsaken players want undead elves". That's false. Ask players on your realm who enjoy lore, ask the roleplayers, reference the San'layn Thread on the official forums. Undead elves are wanted by a fair amount of people. Again, the inclusion of new customization is the perfect time to introduce them.

    Anyway, while I'm here, I'll update you on my new, updated take on high elves. I welcome blue eyes for blood elves. I welcome fair skin tones for void elves, similar to Alleria. Gen 2 of void elves have to come from somewhere. That's where I stand. Blizzard has made it clear how they feel about high elves, so my take is only fitting. I endorse anything that offers us more customization options.

    Thank you for reading, take care, and stay safe.
    undead aesthetics did not match quel'thalas aesthetics!

    the undead elf live with the forsaken for a reason! they are not part of our society! lorhtemar was willing to fight sylvanas in the orgrimmar siege if she tried to raise elves as undeads

  17. #14817
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    blood elf violet eyes!!
    Yes like Vereesa's card, probably because of the use of arcane magic.

  18. #14818
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    undead aesthetics did not match quel'thalas aesthetics!

    the undead elf live with the forsaken for a reason! they are not part of our society! lorhtemar was willing to fight sylvanas in the orgrimmar siege if she tried to raise elves as undeads
    I know that. But, you realize everyone starts (veteran players get a choice obviously) at Exile's Reach? Blizzard did this on purpose. We're getting dark trolls and sand trolls as skin options. Starting everyone in one zone means their origins can be from anywhere. It's brilliant.

  19. #14819
    Quote Originally Posted by Elyndir View Post
    I know that. But, you realize everyone starts (veteran players get a choice obviously) at Exile's Reach? Blizzard did this on purpose. We're getting dark trolls and sand trolls as skin options. Starting everyone in one zone means their origins can be from anywhere. It's brilliant.
    well all troll types live in zuldazar makes sense

  20. #14820
    Giving blue eyes to Blood Elves would change nothing in terms of the demand, and would probably just make High Elf fans even more disappointed not less. This is because no High Elf fan is asking for blue-eyed Blood Elves, that is a strawman argument used to troll. People are asking for the lore of this faction of Thalassian elves that remained with the Alliance. If the answer is to play Horde, the point is being completely missed. Playing Horde is the problem in this case.

    Now if the lore had a satisfying turn of events that somehow concluded the Silver Covenant's story with them joining Alleria and learning her ways, I think Void Elves would have been better received. Making them come from Blood Elves was a mistake, unless they still have some grand plan for High Elves in the future. Which would make sense, because otherwise all of this drama could have been avoided by just making the SC the targets of the Ethereal "voidification" that got interrupted halfway through instead of exiled Blood Elves (Because Blood Elves are suddenly afraid of chasing powerful magics??? Why would they exile magisters for that? The whole Blood Elf thing is about chasing dangerous magics lol).
    Last edited by FossilFree; 2020-04-09 at 04:21 AM.

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