1. #14981
    I know it's hard to admit it, but no. This will not be a customization but an improvement for the HE npc's model. Blizzard already said it MANY times, you - wont - get - anything - from - the - HE ! Stop hyping yourself for nothing and then beeing in shock.

  2. #14982
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    I'll use a simple analogy to show you why you completely miss the point of the High Elf request. If WoW was a WWII game, telling people who wants to play the Free French Forces (High Elves) to play Vichy France (Blood Elves) would be ludicrous. Yet, that's what you and other do, parroting Hazzikostas, who has demonstrated time and again that he neither understand nor care to understand the demands of Alliance players.

    And, for the millionth time. Blood Elves were High Elves, but they have discarded this name and the theme of the two groups have diverged widly. That you refuses to see it doesn't make it untrue.
    Except WoW isn't a World War 2 game. It's faction based fantasy MMO where the factions comprise unique races not available to the other side of the divide. Duplicating a part of one faction to the other undermines the distinctiveness of those factions and degrades the faction barrier.

    As for the 'themes' of Blood Elves and the exiles diverging wildly, they have not. Blood Elves and the exiles represent the same theme, generic fantasy elf. That theme is a part of the Horde experience now, just as the Orc theme or the Troll theme is. If you want to play a generic fantasy elf, the Horde is waiting for you.

    If you cannot accept the Horde, the 95% Void Elf match is there for you.

    The perfect is the enemy of the good. You cannot have 100% of what you want. You should settle for close.

  3. #14983
    Void Elves are barely 5% of what I wanted. They are former Blood Elves, break the lore and already made uttelry irrelevant in the very same expansion they were added in.

    I want to play the High Elves; not their orc-suckers, undead-whorshippers degenerate brethren from Silvermoon, sorry.

  4. #14984
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    Jesus obelisk you wrote me an essay when all I said was wait and see
    You consider two paragraphs an essay? Frankly I'd love to just say that you aren't getting them and it's never going to happen and that these blues eyes are almost certainly part of blood elf customizations, but there's a mod warning on this thread saying doing so is considered trolling so anyone expressing an 'anti' point of view is obligated to give a detailed explanation.

  5. #14985
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Just a game bud, no need to get so worked up over fantasy races.

    And by the way, alliance aligned high elves are not a moral compass. From quelithian lodge to the purge, to forsaking family.
    Yes they are. They refused to join their degenerate brethren and stayed true to their values and beliefs, no matter what, when the Blood Elves consorted with the worst Azeroth has to offer. The Purge is hardly a black stain on the High Elves, quite the contrary. Their former kin allied with the Horde. It makes them deserving of being purged.

  6. #14986
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Void Elves are barely 5% of what I wanted. They are former Blood Elves, break the lore and already made uttelry irrelevant in the very same expansion they were added in.

    I want to play the High Elves; not their orc-suckers, undead-whorshippers degenerate brethren from Silvermoon, sorry.
    As I said if neither option is tolerable for you then you are among the unfortunate group who can't be satisfied. A resolution for your unhappiness on this issue won't be found in this thread. After all, the possibility of a dedicated high elf allied race is almost certainly permanently foreclosed now. The possibility of high elf like skins on Void Elves isn't, but a.) that could be a monkey paw result and b.) it would still be a Void Elf, which you are vocally unhappy about.

  7. #14987
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Void Elves are barely 5% of what I wanted. They are former Blood Elves, break the lore and already made uttelry irrelevant in the very same expansion they were added in.

    I want to play the High Elves; not their orc-suckers, undead-whorshippers degenerate brethren from Silvermoon, sorry.

    Im afraid your not intreested in the high elves at all, cause they have been playable for over 14 years, under their new name to respect their fallen brethren, their called blood elves,

  8. #14988
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sylphe07 View Post
    I know it's hard to admit it, but no. This will not be a customization but an improvement for the HE npc's model. Blizzard already said it MANY times, you - wont - get - anything - from - the - HE ! Stop hyping yourself for nothing and then beeing in shock.
    We can only hope ! We'll just have to wait and see.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  9. #14989
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The-Shan View Post
    I didn't say I support them, I used to but I'm pretty indifferent towards it now. I play a blood elf. I'm just saying it's not conclusive until it's in customization.
    It's not conclusive but the odds are moving that way. I imagine it won't be long until we know either way.

  10. #14990
    Quote Originally Posted by Domm530 View Post
    Im afraid your not intreested in the high elves at all, cause they have been playable for over 14 years, under their new name to respect their fallen brethren, their called blood elves,
    Those are fucking sin'dorei. BLOOD ELVES. I don't want those n**i-sympathisers. I want the Resistance, ie, the High Elves (Silver Covenant, the Lodges, etc.).

  11. #14991
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Those are fucking sin'dorei. BLOOD ELVES. I don't want those n**i-sympathisers. I want the Resistance, ie, the High Elves (Silver Covenant, the Lodges, etc.).
    Exacly, welcome blood elves, you just descriped whats already part of the game

  12. #14992
    Quote Originally Posted by Domm530 View Post
    Exacly, welcome blood elves, you just descriped whats already part of the game
    You are trolling, right ?

    I hate Blood Elves and love High Elves, because the two aren't the same at all politically, morally and in terms of values. I'll never manage to pusha Blood Elf toon beyond level 15. I know because I tried more than half a dozen of times. But I hate the question of their starting zones, or any other zones where the Blood Elves are present on the Horde.

    I only like Trolls (Darkspears and Zandalari) Horde side. And that's it.

  13. #14993
    The Lightbringer Rend Blackhand's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Those are fucking sin'dorei. BLOOD ELVES. I don't want those n**i-sympathisers. I want the Resistance, ie, the High Elves (Silver Covenant, the Lodges, etc.).
    The chumps that got to sit out in a nice house while their kingdom was destroyed by the human Prince Arthas and now want to take over Quel'Thalas from the elves who rebuilt the place and claim they were the good guys all along.

    Me not that kind of Orc!

  14. #14994
    wowhead have posted in a hurry, they're not sure it's all blood elf eyes options for gamers.

    I don't think Blizzard wants them to get the Void Elf Eye option.

    We must wait for the update of the character creation in the alpha.

  15. #14995
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    You are trolling, right ?

    I hate Blood Elves and love High Elves, because the two aren't the same at all politically, morally and in terms of values. I'll never manage to pusha Blood Elf toon beyond level 15. I know because I tried more than half a dozen of times. But I hate the question of their starting zones, or any other zones where the Blood Elves are present on the Horde.

    I only like Trolls (Darkspears and Zandalari) Horde side. And that's it.
    Lol, morally every person is diffrent,
    Politically their different, fundamentally their still the high elves, its as easy as that. Hell, if you humans wouldnt have fucked over the high elves they might have still been a part of the alliance, but humans always destroy everything lollll

  16. #14996
    This is probably the most divisive race debate now that Vulpera drama is done with. Though my opinion remains unchanged, i supported the idea of High Elf as a playable option almost 14 years ago, and i still support the idea today, Blizz can add more features to any race to make them unique if they will it. Giving high elf more of the tattoos and aesthetics seen with Alleria before her change to void elf is a good start. We also know that the blood elf started to get slight alterations to them before such as the redder tints and green eyes was due to finding more reckless means for magic such as fel energy.

  17. #14997
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Yes they are. They refused to join their degenerate brethren and stayed true to their values and beliefs, no matter what, when the Blood Elves consorted with the worst Azeroth has to offer. The Purge is hardly a black stain on the High Elves, quite the contrary. Their former kin allied with the Horde. It makes them deserving of being purged.
    How'd that work out for the high elves of Quelithian lodge?
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  18. #14998
    realistically this ends by giving both the blood elves and the void elves more skin/eye colors

    of course some people are never going to be satisfied untill their fanfiction gets implemented in the game, but some people are never going to be satisfied no matter what happens so...

    seriously all this melodrama about blood elves not being high elves is ridiculous, they're the same people, they just adopted a new name to honor their dead

    did they change after that? of course they did, but genocides and other tradegies have a tendancy to change people don't they? and there's also the magical addiction they had to endure after the loss of sunwell that forced them to seek less 'clean' sources of magic, desperate times lead people to desperate solutionsm it would be at least silly if the survivors went on doing 'high' stuff like nothing happened

    also after the alliance abandoned and mistreated them in their most desperate hour, the kind of loyalty to alliance characters like alleria displays is a bit ridiculous isn't it? the high elves were there for the alliance for ages and only once they needed the alliance to be there for them? what did they got in return? racism and indifference

    the Horde was just the final alternative (and it came much later), small factions need allies to survive, who else could they ally with?

  19. #14999
    Old God Mirishka's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyanu View Post
    realistically this ends by giving both the blood elves and the void elves more skin/eye colors

    of course some people are never going to be satisfied untill their fanfiction gets implemented in the game, but some people are never going to be satisfied no matter what happens so...

    seriously all this melodrama about blood elves not being high elves is ridiculous, they're the same people, they just adopted a new name to honor their dead

    did they change after that? of course they did, but genocides and other tradegies have a tendancy to change people don't they? and there's also the magical addiction they had to endure after the loss of sunwell that forced them to seek less 'clean' sources of magic, desperate times lead people to desperate solutionsm it would be at least silly if the survivors went on doing 'high' stuff like nothing happened

    also after the alliance abandoned and mistreated them in their most desperate hour, the kind of loyalty to alliance characters like alleria displays is a bit ridiculous isn't it? the high elves were there for the alliance for ages and only once they needed the alliance to be there for them? what did they got in return? racism and indifference

    the Horde was just the final alternative (and it came much later), small factions need allies to survive, who else could they ally with?
    They honestly just need to give the void elves a handful of normal skin/hair colors and chalk them up to Silver Covenant elves taking up the void, as we see hints of in SW/etc already.

    We get our high elves, Blizz gets to stay on their 'blood elves are high elves' horse.
    Appreciate your time with friends and family while they're here. Don't wait until they're gone to tell them what they mean to you.

  20. #15000
    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    They honestly just need to give the void elves a handful of normal skin/hair colors and chalk them up to Silver Covenant elves taking up the void, as we see hints of in SW/etc already.

    We get our high elves, Blizz gets to stay on their 'blood elves are high elves' horse.
    The void elves are realistically already high elves? Wtf do you people want lol

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