1. #15001
    Quote Originally Posted by Domm530 View Post
    The void elves are realistically already high elves? Wtf do you people want lol
    They aren't the High Elves who have fought alongside the Alliance in unbroken friendship since Warcraft II. That's what us people want.

    Ion is just a petty maladapt Horde troll.

  2. #15002
    Quote Originally Posted by The Silver Covenant View Post
    They aren't the High Elves who have fought alongside the Alliance in unbroken friendship since Warcraft II. That's what us people want.

    Ion is just a petty maladapt Horde troll.
    Neither are the characters you and i create in the game, those are freshly born and never patricipated in any of these wars, so you still wouldnt be satisfied if you had them

    Also the friendship did break the moment the humans were using the high elves but hey, dont take my word for it, theirs plenty of lore out their!

    On top of that, the alliance have vereesa, which has gone through it all hasnt she? Or did she hide like a coward?
    Last edited by Domm530; 2020-04-10 at 10:05 AM.

  3. #15003
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mirishka View Post
    They honestly just need to give the void elves a handful of normal skin/hair colors and chalk them up to Silver Covenant elves taking up the void, as we see hints of in SW/etc already.

    We get our high elves, Blizz gets to stay on their 'blood elves are high elves' horse.
    Which again defeats the point. Void Elves were specifically created to be distinct from Blood Elves, to give the Alliance their own flavour of high elves without undermining the identity of the Blood Elves, the integrity of the Horde and the importance of the faction divide.

    Watering down the Void Elf fantasy, and their purple toned aesthetic is a key component of that aesthetic, defeats the entire rationale for creating them in the first place. If you want to play a traditional high elf one, it's available on the Horde. If you love the Alliance more, you can play a clearly established variant, but that variant has it's own fantasy and isn't there to be a pretend high elf stand in.

  4. #15004
    Void Elves are basically Blood Elves+ (sharing a lot more with Blood Elves both culturally, historically and ideologically than the High Elf exiles do), so if the intent was to have them be more distinct from Blood Elves than High Elves Blizzard surely failed (only really differing superficially).

  5. #15005
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Which again defeats the point. Void Elves were specifically created to be distinct from Blood Elves, to give the Alliance their own flavour of high elves without undermining the identity of the Blood Elves, the integrity of the Horde and the importance of the faction divide.

    Watering down the Void Elf fantasy, and their purple toned aesthetic is a key component of that aesthetic, defeats the entire rationale for creating them in the first place. If you want to play a traditional high elf one, it's available on the Horde. If you love the Alliance more, you can play a clearly established variant, but that variant has it's own fantasy and isn't there to be a pretend high elf stand in.

    We just saw with the updated models that the high elves have the color code silver / blue / purple and that the blood elves have the color code gold / green / red.

    It's already a good step forward to make the difference between horde and alliance, that the high elves become an option for void elves, it may very well be possible now.

  6. #15006
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    We just saw with the updated models that the high elves have the color code silver / blue / purple and that the blood elves have the color code gold / green / red.

    It's already a good step forward to make the difference between horde and alliance, that the high elves become an option for void elves, it may very well be possible now.

    What drugs are you using? I’d like some please.

    High elves are blood elves and void elves. Both factions have their high elves now

  7. #15007
    Quote Originally Posted by The Silver Covenant View Post
    They aren't the High Elves who have fought alongside the Alliance in unbroken friendship since Warcraft II. That's what us people want.

    Ion is just a petty maladapt Horde troll.
    The blood elves are the same elves who fought alongside the Alliance since WCII.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  8. #15008
    The blood elf women have raised their "lust" skill to the maximum.


  9. #15009
    Wtf, if blood elves get void elves eye options, then I want blood elves eye options for my void elf. Give me golden eyed or green eyed void elf. It's not fair.

  10. #15010
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    You anti-Helf really are dense, it's impressive.


    Is it clear enough here ?

    Yes, the blood elves are physiologically the same, but they are disgusting, pathetic, little pieces of shit ! My single best time in WoW is the Purge of Dalaran, were I could slaughter them again and again in the streets, because those damn rats have joined with the Horde and proved that they have an utter lack of moral and values.

    I want to play the High Elves. Those who said "Fuck you" to their Kingdom when they finally realized how corrupt it was; those who were exiled because hey refused to survive at the cost of their morality. I want the High Elves. Those of the Lodges, Stormwind and the Silver Covenant. I hate the Blood Elven zone. I hate interacting with Blood Elves NPCs, who are all either corrupt or hypocritical.

    But I love being around HE NPCs because of their moral compass, their values, their determination to endure, no matter what, by staying true to themselves and the morals their profess.

    That's why Blood Elves aren't High Elves. Not anymore. The former are despicable when the latter are admirable.

    That's really as simple as that.
    ... and you call Blood Elves n**i sympathizer.

  11. #15011
    Quote Originally Posted by The Silver Covenant View Post
    They aren't the High Elves who have fought alongside the Alliance in unbroken friendship since Warcraft II. That's what us people want.

    Ion is just a petty maladapt Horde troll.
    Horde has nothing to do with this really, silly scenario:

    A small NATO country gets invaded, the invasion is a shocking success and in an unprecedented decision the invader commits genocide against the defeated (cuz lol Arthas), to make matters worse at the head of the invading force is a would be president of the USA, let's say Bernie Sanders!

    NATO not only is indifferent to the matter but Trump personally tweets that 'if those bitches can't protect theirs lands maybe they don't deserve them! #USA_first'

    and so the survivors say 'ok fuck NATO, we're siding with Russia'

    but a small 'elite' remain true, they say 'NO Russia is EVIL, we'll remain true to our western allies no matter what! - besides we like blue and hate red'

    and everyone else is like, wtf?! are you serious?

    and the small elite continues" what's wrong with you? you want to develop weapons of mass destruction?! those things are EVIL! be a pacifist

    and everyone else is like: most of our people are dead, we do what we have to survive

    and the elite replys: NO! stick to our principles no matter what, we're going to migrate to USA and proclaim our loyalty to NATO!

    and everyone else is: ok... bye now...

    and those are the High Elves!

    for the record i hate huts, i consider the orcs and trolls savages, the undead monsters, i like the tauren even though they're primitive ... and i play both factions as a human or a blood elf 90% of the time

    BUT from a high/blood elf point of view, who survived the genocide (which was lead by a human prince), only to face the racist Garithos who doesn't even pretend to care for the elves the alliance is a ridiculous faction

    overall the alliance still has the moral high ground over the Horde though, just not from the Thalassian pov who have seen the worst of the alliance (and missed the worst of the Horde, Gul'dan and the likes)
    Last edited by Cyanu; 2020-04-10 at 11:42 AM.

  12. #15012
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyram View Post
    ... and you call Blood Elves n**i sympathizer.
    No. I said that saying people who want to play High Elves to go play Blood Elves is like telling people wanting to play Free French to play Vichy. And the Blood Elves have aligned with the ones who slaughtered their families (Orcs and Undeads) over the Alliance. They have at least enabled to genocidal campaigns and ethnic cleansings of the Horde. They are far from pristine or even decent people.

    That's one of the most ridiculous take I've seen on the razing of Quel'thalas. Arthas was not a member of the Alliance or even human anymore. He was an Undead, serving the Lick King who served the Legion.

    And Garithos, while totally bigoted and dumb as fuck, had real reasons to hate the elves. His whole family died in the Second War while he was busy saving them, and then Quel'thalas threw a temper tantrum because the Alliance hadn't managed to stop the orcs before theyr burnt their forests.

    But its easier to harp the "Arthas was a human prince" to explain why the Sin'dorei have sided with their oppressors.
    Last edited by Manariel; 2020-04-10 at 11:46 AM.

  13. #15013
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    No. I said that saying people who want to play High Elves to go play Blood Elves is like telling people wanting to play Free French to play Vichy. And the Blood Elves have aligned with the ones who slaughtered their families (Orcs and Undeads) over the Alliance. They have at least enabled to genocidal campaigns and ethnic cleansings of the Horde. They are far from pristine or even decent people.

    That's one of the most ridiculous take I've seen on the razing of Quel'thalas. Arthas was not a member of the Alliance or even human anymore. He was an Undead, serving the Lick King who served the Legion.

    And Garithos, while totally bigoted and dumb as fuck, had real reasons to hate the elves. His whole family died in the Second War while he was busy saving them, and then Quel'thalas threw a temper tantrum because the Alliance hadn't managed to stop the orcs before theyr burnt their forests.

    But its easier to harp the "Arthas was a human prince" to explain why the Sin'dorei have sided with their oppressors.
    The Blood Elves are allied with orcs who escaped the influence of the Legion, and undead who escaped the influence of the Scourge. If you can make that comparison with elves, you can do the same with orcs and undead.

  14. #15014
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    Arthas was not a member of the Alliance or even human anymore. He was an Undead, serving the Lick King who served the Legion.
    Anduin (high king of the Alliance) says otherwise.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  15. #15015
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    No. I said that saying people who want to play High Elves to go play Blood Elves is like telling people wanting to play Free French to play Vichy. And the Blood Elves have aligned with the ones who slaughtered their families (Orcs and Undeads) over the Alliance. They have at least enabled to genocidal campaigns and ethnic cleansings of the Horde. They are far from pristine or even decent people.

    That's one of the most ridiculous take I've seen on the razing of Quel'thalas. Arthas was not a member of the Alliance or even human anymore. He was an Undead, serving the Lick King who served the Legion.

    And Garithos, while totally bigoted and dumb as fuck, had real reasons to hate the elves. His whole family died in the Second War while he was busy saving them, and then Quel'thalas threw a temper tantrum because the Alliance hadn't managed to stop the orcs before theyr burnt their forests.

    But its easier to harp the "Arthas was a human prince" to explain why the Sin'dorei have sided with their oppressors.

    You are aware that the humans actually denied to help the high elves when they got fucked over by a alliance leader right?
    Because from my perspective the horde actually helped the high elves whilst the alliance used them and then threw them away lollll

    And from your take garrosh wasnt an orc anymore, he was more sha infused, and sylvanas might be influenced by the maw, so the horde had actually never done anything wrong? Ok thanks good riddance

  16. #15016
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Anduin (high king of the Alliance) says otherwise.
    He never said he was a member of the Alliance. He just said he is a ghost haunting the Alliance, since he proves that even humans can be corrupted.

  17. #15017
    Quote Originally Posted by protip View Post
    The Blood Elves are allied with orcs who escaped the influence of the Legion, and undead who escaped the influence of the Scourge. If you can make that comparison with elves, you can do the same with orcs and undead.
    That goes both ways. If you can accept that playable undead aren't Scourge, then you should be able to accept that there are High Elves who aren't Blood Elves nor Void Elves, who are loyal to the Alliance, and who some can find appealing.

    The argument used to be that there were too few of them, but after recruiting the almost extinct Highmountain, a cult of a handful of Void elves, and the few Mechagnomes who fought against their king, just the High Elves that we met in Outland would be enough to justify an allied race.

    I'm not super hyped about them, but I can see the appeal and I find the excuses against them being added way too weak.

    If anything, the biggest concern would be that, as an allied race, they'd probably be less interesting than whatever the Horde would get. But conceptually, they're a much better deal than some random group of people we've just met.

  18. #15018
    I hope there is an Aleria customization for void elves or some give on alliance high elves still. Or just make blood elves neutral.

  19. #15019
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Anduin (high king of the Alliance) says otherwise.
    Stop trolling please.

    Arthas was no longer a member of the Alliance when he did these atrocities and you know it. That doesn't mean the Alliance doesn't express regrets.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  20. #15020
    Moderator Aucald's Avatar
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    Once again, this thread needs to settle itself down and discuss recent events civilly, rationally, and without vitriol for opposing viewpoints. It's also wise not to make conclusive statements based on incomplete and work-in-progress datamining, regardless of which positions you cleave to. Settle down, and discuss things calmly.
    "We're more of the love, blood, and rhetoric school. Well, we can do you blood and love without the rhetoric, and we can do you blood and rhetoric without the love, and we can do you all three concurrent or consecutive. But we can't give you love and rhetoric without the blood. Blood is compulsory. They're all blood, you see." ― Tom Stoppard, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

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