Was feeling nostalgic as fuck and missing WoW, so I drew my old character from the game and simultaneously did a remake of a piece I did 8 years ago.
For the WoW fans and some context, I used to play a Belf that was hardcore Alliance loyal (since, as a Warcraft 2 player, I strongly disagreed with Blizzard’s decision of the Sin’dorei going Horde, which no matter how hard they tried justifying it, always came off as forced or a case of “gameplay > story”). I would casually chill in Stormwind City, mingle with the Alliance, get rekt every now and then, but despite it, I made a fuckton of friends on the server Moon Guard and had great times years back.
In terms of actual story, the original piece from 8 years ago had my character standing at the grave of Anduin Lothar, the Lion of Azeroth. While not ingame, it was based on Chris Metzen’s drawing of Turalyon kneeling at Lothar’s grave from Warcraft 2, only in my piece the grave is worn and crumbling, with my character vigilantly standing guard. In the remade piece, my character (now much older) is standing at Lion’s Rest, which is none other than the grave of (IMO) the last King of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn (who was also, without a doubt, my favourite character in all of the Warcraft series). I decided to basically put Lion’s Rest on steroids when it came to details, since the in-game version, while it looks nice, I feel could use more Alliance symbolism, so below the giant Lion crest on the upper right, are insignias of various Alliance races, such as the Night Elves, the Gnomes, and even the High Elves (the other races got cut off and aren’t visible, but would still exist).
There are a number of other details on my character himself, but I’ll leave the hardcore WoW/Alliance fans to find those (ZOOM IN!). All in all, if I ever came back to the game, first thing I would do is rush to the Wrynn Memorial (after reconnecting with my old friends ayy).
For the Alliance.