The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
It just seems like the helfers and those against are just speaking past each other, at least this post is a classic example of that.
The important point that Void Elves were given to the Alliance as Blizzard's response to their high elf request has been made. It's kind of the end of the discussion if a person actually understands that is what happened. Void Elves were the answer.
Blood Elves are High Elves!
Damn, this thing has nearly reached 800 pages. So what is the latest batch of madness in this thread? Besides personal attacks, how do people feel about the new customizations and all that is coming with Shadowlands?
Retail sucks. Classic sucks. No positivity, only negative feedback. Why is everybody so damn miserable? Must be somebody else's fault, it couldn't possibly be my INSANELY TOXIC ATTITUDE.
It's shocking that comments like Daevleian's haven't been deleted. Sometimes this place is hard to understand.
Wondering if Calia, your avatar is actually going to go to the Forsaken next exp, what do you think?
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I'm LOVING the possibility of blue eyes for Blood Elves, something I've wanted since Blood Elves were introduced!
Blood Elves are High Elves!
Many in the community do not see it this way, and that's counting the people who don't even care either way. AkA people, unlike here, who aren't invested in the topic much at all.
Even some major community influencers like Wowhead, RedShirtGuy, and Taliesin&Evitel. Hell even some community influencers who are pro-Horde (SoulSoBreezy) understand Void Elves were not the answer.
As I said earlier, if someone truly believes the discussion is over and Void Elves settle the topic then what's the purpose of continually returning to the topic?
Especially on this particular thread as it's just one among many out there.
”I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me."-Sylvanas Windrunner
Well now that you recognize that High elves are ultimately not playable, might want to drop the unproductive and destructive statement of telling others to play a Horde Blood elf in order to play an Alliance High elf then?
Well, given that you still hold onto the Chris Metzen phrase that you like to swing around out of context it seems like it will not be the case.
I explained why it didn't meant what you imply it means very clearly to you in the past, while trying to not reformulate the explanation since it was not needed. Seems like you refused to acknowledge, well, more destructive stance I guess.
In the video I linked in that post Chris very clearly stated short after that he was about to tell a 'long, long story short', note how he 'called' Blood elves Blood elves when they were just exiled from the Kaldorei society, a time where the concept of the name was far from being even considered for the characters in the story, Blood elves were called Blood elves 7.000 years ago canon confirmed? Remember, Word of God
You have took advantage of a nuance in an attempt from someone to tell a long story short because it sounds in a way you like, that's an act of dishonesty.
Really ? Why ?
Because I state the obvious when people like Obelisk are apparently too dense to even understand the basic concepts behind the demands for playable High Elves, as he consistently demonstrate ?
That he still cling to the double "Blood Elves are High Elves" and "Void Elves are Alliance High Elves" even to this day, when he has repeatedly be explained why those two statements are factually false is rather boring and incensing, comes a time.
I get it, him and people like him cares only about the outward appearance of the Blood Elves, not their lore, not what make them fundamentaly distinct from the High Elves who have been with the Alliance since day one of WoW. I get it.
It doesn't mean that his and others like him are in the right when they spout lies, or at best misguided verbatim from Hazzikostas, who has demonstrated time and again that he can't relate with the part of the playerbase who play Alliance, and doesn't want to anyway.
No. They were a hastily made compromise, with almost no basis in lore. And no bearing on it, as of now, more than two years after their introduction.
Because Blizzard heard the demands made by Alliance players about playable High Elves but thought exactly like Obelisk Kai and others of his ilk do. So they gave us a new "race" who roughly resemble High Elves, but aren't, in any way, shape or form. Blizzard even went out of its way to make sure that those Void Elves were former Blood Elves because their sotry (seeking the Void) was absolutely opposed to what the High Elves are in WoW.
And, to the surprise of no one but Blizzard and those who believed that all what Helfers wanted was the silhouette of the thalassian elves, it failed utterly to stop the demands. So, Blizzard didn't answered it.
What it did was give us a blueberry and syrup icecream when we were asking for the vanilla and lemon sorbet. Telling us it's exactly the same thing and you can't have the other anyway, even when its flavor is everywhere in Alliance playing experience.
Last edited by Manariel; 2020-04-18 at 06:06 AM.
Actually, no, because you are so nasty about it. Also, but not to be diminished, your stance that Blood Elves are vile, nasty, irredeemable monsters and that High Elves are pure and innocent paragons of virtue. That you revel with unbridled glee about the purge of Dalaran. That’s why.
”I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me."-Sylvanas Windrunner
I never denied that there is a group of high elves aligned with the Alliance. I have merely stated the fact that they are the same race as the main group of high elves playable on the Horde, and that it's counter productive and harmful to faction distinction to make a race on the Horde now be playable on the Alliance.
Chris Metzen clearly stated that "blood elves are our high elves". You have proceeded to translate this clear and simple message into some mental gymnastic roundabout meaning and throw in the phrase "context" to somehow make your assumption on his comment seem valid.
The message is clear, blood elves ARE high elves. The subsequent result is equally as clear, the high elf race IS playable and is available to the Horde.
Furthermore, this clear and simple message is validated in game on numerous occasions. I can give you in depth examples of such if you'd like, just let me know.
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
Is it my fault that blood Elves are nasty, vile and irredeemable monsters, who cries out because some of them were expunged from a city they had no place in after they helped in the enacting of the extermination of the sole human settlement in Kalimdor, with the many High Elves who lived here and then doubled down by helping the Horde get its hands on another weapon of mass destruction ? Or that we have yet to see them even notice the parallels between the Fall of Quel'thalas and the War of Thorns, of course.
They are nasty, corrupted and vile beings. That's their lore. Deal with it, instead of trying to pretend that they aren't full of liars and hypocrites.
Blizzard heard your demand and responded accordingly "be respectful when you make your posts" - Blizzcon 2018 Interview: Alex Afrasiabi & Patrick Dawson - Story and Systems | The Lost Codex" (timestamp 24:18)
I think that response is very applicable to you Manariel.
Blizzard also heard the response of the many many players (both Horde and Alliance) who are against the idea of playable high elves as it infringes on race uniqueness and blurs factions lines. So, to meet both parties in between they created the void elf, a compromise one could say.
Here's a similarity for you to meddle on. Why do sports team within a competition (let's use the NFL as an example) use different mascots to each other?? We have the Miami dolphins, but what if the San Fran 49ers decided "hey, we have dolphins on our coastline too so why can't we be the San Fran Dolphins??". Answer, each team reps a different mascot to provide a level of distinction between the teams. It'd be silly and most definitely confusing to many if every team called themselves the 49ers. Likewise, it'd be silly and confusing to many players to make a race already available on the Horde now be available on the Alliance.
Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen
It'd only be confusing for peoples who stop at the aesthetic of a race, Pennem.
High Elves are NOT in any way, shape or form Blood Elves. Their story has diverged, their themes have diverged, their gfoals have diverged.
Ion telling us to go play Horde to play High Elves shows that he doesn't know hiw own lore and his a condescending jerk to boot.
That's the root of the problem. Ans, frankly, it isn't hard to distinguish Blood Elves and High Elevs. if Blizzard is truly worried about something as trivial as that after Pandarens and Void Elves, just change the skeleton. Change the idle animations, the stance, etc.
It's really that simple. But it'd require Blizzard caring about the Alliance, instead of catering to the Horde only. I honestly can't wait to see when the AR will have added customization, because I'm pretty sure any demands from the Horde will be met, while none of the Alliance will.
Almost 800 pages, just because one or two people don't want countless players to enjoy a fair-skinned elf on the Alliance. This is so sad.
In the new character creation interface, there is no longer a distinction between basic, allied or neutral races.
Blizzard also wants players to embody what they want to be by providing more choice in this character creation.
Blizzard now has the choice of adding the High Elves to the alliance, either as a playable race or as customization for VE.
One of the two decisions chosen will satisfy me.