Hey dude I got some words for you.
Oh wait, looks like you already said them yourself ^ .
Afrasiabi from his Lost Codex interview when asked about High Elf customization coming to Void Elf. Note Afrasiabi doesn't regurgitate "if you want to play a High Elf go roll a Blood Elf" nor any semblance of Ion's Q&A statement. He doesn't even mention Blood Elves at all regarding High Elf fantasy.
And if it was a statement they were meant to regurgitate it would've been like at the Blizzcon 2019 where when multiple different WoW devs were asked about cross-faction they all stated almost word for word the exact same statements on that not happening.
No point to speaking on these points anymore as you're just continually looking for circular discussion and again dodging my questions. No reason to engage with someone who's not looking to engage properly with yourself.