1. #141
    I think I would've preferred something like this instead of void elves but alas we got void elves, so please, no more elves for now.

  2. #142
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    That would be a Blood Elf still a true High Elf wouldn't fight for those murderous monsters alongside the same monsters that wiped out alot of their civilisation and tbh I've alrdy lost alot of friends in game to the Void Elf trope they found it a final insult and quit.
    By any chance would your friends have been equally purist on this matter as yourself? I don't believe you or your social circle can be regarded as fair indicator of overall Alliance player attitudes. In other words, if your friends actually quit over Void Elves, then this topic had clearly assumed an inordinate importance for them that most Alliance players (99.9% I would argue) wouldn't share.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Honestly I don't get why the fucking Horde players HATE the idea we might get something we want for our faction, I mean how many Alliance players have you seen say "NO" to Straight back orc threads and Brown Orc threads?? But are you guys getting what you fucking asked for? Let me think? Yes, yes you are.
    Well we keep explaining it but you immediately discount it then proclaim yourself to be puzzled as to our opposition. Perhaps if you actually read what those opposed have written instead of skipping to your next statement.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    I personally just think it's selfishness and a lot of the Horde players suffer with this attitude, "WAAAH NO IT'S MINE YOU CAN'T HAVE!!!! BUT I WANT THAT!" and you get it the Alliance is currently the red headed step child of the family.
    Let's get the straight backed Orc and Brown Orc points dealt with first.

    Those have nothing to do with the Alliance whatsoever. Not one little thing. They were asked for, they do not impact the Alliance, and we are now getting.

    Playable Alliance High Elves are however different. The reason we are opposed to them, and even the Devs agree with this, is that the High Elves are already playable as part of the Horde and they simply changed an adjective in their name. So, unlike straight backed Orcs or Brown Orcs, when you are asking for playable Alliance High Elves you are in fact asking for a duplicate of a core Horde race. The Blood Elves, who are the High Elves, are something that is now unique to the Horde. They add texture and depth to our faction. They are also our most popular race.

    So from my perspective, it is selfish of Alliance players to ask for the Horde's most popular race. And when you get them, you would immediately portray the glorious Alliance High Elves as the true High Elves, the ones that don't 't fight for those murderous monsters alongside the same monsters that wiped out alot of their civilisation' as you said. So the Blood Elves, who are the High Elves in truth, would immediately be portrayed by yourself and those who think like you as being less than the perfect and pure High Elves who remained with the Alliance. You've just cheapened the Blood Elf player experience and damaged the integrity of the Horde by duplicating their most popular race and effectively turning them neutral.

    And let's not forget the Void Elves. The 95% close enough match, the clear compromise introduced by Blizzard on this topic you want to pretend isn't a compromise because it kills the playable Alliance High Elf dream stone dead...what is the point of Void Elves if the Alliance gets playable High Elves? They don't have one.

    I keep asking this question religiously but every single pro High Elf player has ignored it. It is NEVER answered.

    I'll ask it again as I finish this.


  3. #143
    Quote Originally Posted by ragemv View Post
    No. The Alliance already have Night elves, and Voidelves, which uses the blood elves skeleton. They wont get pretty much the same skin with the same animations twice. Period. it wont happend.
    Yeah, using the same animations for allied races is so dumb. We're never gonna get Highmountain, they're pretty much the same skin with the same animations twice. We're never getting those weird Lightforged draenei, they're pretty much the same skin with the same animations twice.


    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    These people thinking saying “Give up”, “Case closed” and “No, you’re not getting HighElves” have no clue what our resolve is like.
    This is my big thing. People think they're gonna dissuade people from requesting High Elves. If we're still kicking fourteen years later, nothings gonna stop the request.

  4. #144
    All of these look horrible and ugly af. Void Elves are much better. Plenty of others think the same. Go play Blood elf and just don't look at your char's eyes. Or play void elf and mog your head to have a helmet. Stop asking for such a trash race. I wouldn't want blizz to waste an allied race slot on blood elves with blue eyes, and pirates of Caribbean hair. Give me kul'tiras humans over that shit any day.

  5. #145
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Sorry what, Yeah not even going to bother with you anymore /ignored.
    While I know you will not see this, I would like to point out to others who will see this that this is why the pro High Elf fanbase will never achieve their goal. They do not like to be confronted with others who question their own entitled desire and prefer to retreat to a bubble where they can discuss how wonderful High Elves will be when they finally arrive...even though they are still waiting after thirteen years...or wallow in victimhood. Kaira was complaining after all how she can't understand the opposition. Kaira prefers to live in ignorance.

    Engagement with opposing viewpoints after all seems to produce hard questions they find impossible to answer.

    So let's ask the question for the umpteenth time? Why would Blizzard create and introduce Void Elves if they intended to make High Elves playable.

    Since not one pro High Elfer has answered that this many months, I will now answer it for them.

    They don't intend to make High Elves playable. Void Elves are a compromise option to give Alliance players access to the model with access to a one hundred percent clone. After all, if you were Blizzard and you EVER wanted to make High Elves playable, you would not have created Void Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Utigarde View Post

    This is my big thing. People think they're gonna dissuade people from requesting High Elves. If we're still kicking fourteen years later, nothings gonna stop the request.
    No I don't think that. I think having this argument, which Blizzard does read, informs Blizzard that High Elves for the Alliance would be an extremely contentious move that would generate considerable backlash.

    Frankly it's why I think you got Void Elves and not playable High Elves.

  6. #146
    The Lightbringer Dalheim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Sorry what, Yeah not even going to bother with you anymore /ignored.
    Aaaaand you just lost the entire argument.
    Hariuha laþu laukar gakar alu ole lule laukar

  7. #147
    Yeah I've been advocating for High elves since before TBC got released.
    There were so many precedents for High elves before, but with allied races there's just no excuse for them to not add real and proper High elves.

  8. #148
    Here are some "bird hair" designs that follow the theme of the one Blood Elf hairstyle with that look. I personally like this direction better than the 80's hair. It is less different from the typical in game hair, but it might be different enough.

  9. #149
    They seemed to have created Void Elves to compromise with both sides they thought it was the best course of action. Thats your answer. I say this was wrong from the beginning. And its just like Kaira said it isnt percieved as a compromise so people risk quitting. This can never be the players fault, it lies with the developers and I think they made a mistake. They made the mistake already in TBC.

    Noone wanted to play the filty horde that was before but with the addition of Blood Elves people found incentive to. Keep in mind that they didnt have the sharding system in place so at this time faction balance was important. Today the situation is different. The devestating effects some users claim are absurd. You are naive if you believe that the horde would lose their players to alliance. I in someway think they are worth it. Of all the horde races Blood Elves are the race the horde unquestionably cares the most of when someone else want then but otherwise its the race that have the most prejudice towards it. All the insults in the world are cast on a playerbase who just play a different race. People are placed in categories because of what they play and shunned on, the horde are a mean faction nonetheless.

    Additionally I dont think that the High Elf should be considered any less important than the vanilla servers shenanigans. People want them, people "already" had them, people want them a specific way. Blizzards intentions will never matter and game design choices doesnt if it isn't perceived accordingly with the players. As well as Kaira said, the resolve on this matter is infinite. If Blizzard would try again and compromise it still wont be an acceptable compromised if it isnt authentic. Exactly like vanilla servers. I know I compare apple and pear but if you cant generalize two different entities then its hard to discuss any matter.

    I agree with Ion on almost anything and everything he says is profound but on this matter I believe he is wrong. You cant sell a shoe and call it a horse when everyone can see, feel, smell a shoe. Blood Elves aren't High Elves and if the contrast between Blue and Red isnt a contrast enough like Green and Brown(maghar orcs) you narrow everything down to your own greed.
    Last edited by mmocfcf20dc9e1; 2018-03-11 at 12:31 PM.

  10. #150
    no thanks, i think we're good on elves
    No sense crying over spilt beer, unless you're drunk...

  11. #151
    The Lightbringer Dalheim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kaira View Post
    Not really talking to those people is like talking to a brick wall it never changes, so whats the point? ignore and move on simple.

    And tbh "IF" we ever get High Elves (I will keep advocating for them) will we see all these naysayers get salty and cry? What if the alliance got Ogres, I'm pretty damned sure that would piss a lot of Hordie fanboys off.

    And I havent put him on ignore I'm just not interested in responding to any more of his posts and I won't bother reading them because it's ALWAYS the one same person repeating the same shit over and over again, I answered him once or twice or maybe more I just can't arsed now but I will keep adding idea's forward as they come up for the race thats desirable to quite a few people.

    Also I have quite a few Blood Elves and I love them I just hate the fucking Horde and that Banshee bitch, she talks to other leaders and peopl like pieces of shit if she dies then there may be hope for the Horde.
    I don't play blood elf, personally. I used to before, but their new model.. I dont know, just not a big fan of it.
    Not a fan of Sylvanas either, never been. She's always been meh, and I feel meh about her being the Warchief, but I focus on the other racial leaders more than her.

    And I understand that people want Quel'dorei, but I -highly- doubt they'll ever get added because of blood elves (who are High elves) and Void elves. The Void elves is the alliance Helves. Personally, I think we got enough elves in the game.

    Not an elf hater, mind you, but we got 4 elf races now, and, to me, its enough.
    Hariuha laþu laukar gakar alu ole lule laukar

  12. #152
    Quote Originally Posted by Rock Robster View Post

    Not an elf hater, mind you, but we got 4 elf races now, and, to me, its enough.
    Do you play 4 clients simultaneously with the different elf races? How do you deem it enough? The majority of players already seems to be playing elves, I dont see their thoughts on it being enough or they would race change.

    We already have 21 tiers of Warlock sets wouldn't it be enough with 4? Why have 900+ ilvl when 4 in ilvl is enough? This is just an opinion and not founded on a solid argument.
    Last edited by mmocfcf20dc9e1; 2018-03-11 at 12:48 PM.

  13. #153
    Ok I must be honest, this would have been way cooler than Void Elves and I'm not even a person who's ever been hyped for high elves. This alone though, looks way more inspired and has old established lore to justify it. I would consider play a high elf with badass war paint and huge 80s hair. I like it!

  14. #154
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanarika View Post
    Ok I must be honest, this would have been way cooler than Void Elves and I'm not even a person who's ever been hyped for high elves. This alone though, looks way more inspired and has old established lore to justify it. I would consider play a high elf with badass war paint and huge 80s hair. I like it!
    Glad you like it! These designs give them more of a Braveheart feel instead of the fashion model feel they currently have. I think it's a lot of fun.

  15. #155
    Quote Originally Posted by Utigarde View Post
    Yeah, using the same animations for allied races is so dumb. We're never gonna get Highmountain, they're pretty much the same skin with the same animations twice. We're never getting those weird Lightforged draenei, they're pretty much the same skin with the same animations twice.

    Irrelevant argument. Had there been. Lets say 3 types of Tauren that would be a point. Silver Covenant wont happend for then the alliance would have 3 elven races pretty much the same. It is as simple as that. No lore reason, no "they are stupid" nah they would be cool, if alliance had not gotten void elves, but as they have gotten Void elves it wont happend. Sorry to tell you.

  16. #156
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Engagement with opposing viewpoints after all seems to produce hard questions they find impossible to answer.
    As you've pointed out yourself, there are other threads for discussing those questions. As I've politely pointed out to you twice now, your posts are completely off topic. You are trying to derail the thread because you don't LIKE the topic, which is new Silver Covenant High Elf designs. We aren't discussing Void Elves and we aren't debating if the race should happen. What we ARE talking about is how to redesign the Silver Covenant without mutating them while still making them unique.

  17. #157
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    No more elves. Give us more uglies.

  18. #158
    Quote Originally Posted by therealbowser View Post
    Tell that to the Horde playerbase that is 50% blood elf. In TBC, most of those blood elves were night elf rerolls. Alliance had at least a 3:1 advantage over Horde then. Blood elves are the only reason the Horde playerbase remains stable. Throw in high elves and you will inevitably see a ton of rerolls over time, or even just new characters choosing the pretty Alliance races rather than the ugly Horde races.

    Worst of all, it trivializes the entire existence of the blood elven race. The differences between a blood elf and a high elf are essentially a harsher addiction to magic, different political views, and different eye colors. As much as people get riled up over void elves, at least they are significantly different from blood elves.
    If you are worried about keeping playerbases stable then Alliance is going to need High Elves. Everything we've seen so far tells me BfA is going to fucking bury Alliance.

  19. #159
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    As you've pointed out yourself, there are other threads for discussing those questions. As I've politely pointed out to you twice now, your posts are completely off topic. You are trying to derail the thread because you don't LIKE the topic, which is new Silver Covenant High Elf designs. We aren't discussing Void Elves and we aren't debating if the race should happen. What we ARE talking about is how to redesign the Silver Covenant without mutating them while still making them unique.
    If you thought this thread was just going to discuss your suggestions for High Elves, it was in vain.

    In fact looking at the very page, your thread was derailed on the first post when you made clear this was about making High Elves distinct from Blood Elves so they could be an allied race.

    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    So far, the biggest roadblock to adding High Elves as an allied race seems to be their lack of distinction from Blood elves.
    So the topic is about a potential High Elf Allied race. In other words, everything you don't like about this topic or what is being said is actually fair comment. You are not going to have a thread where people gush over your designs and critique them without the elephant in the room, that High Elves are by far the single most controversial candidate for an Allied race by a country mile, being brought up.

  20. #160
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    As you've pointed out yourself, there are other threads for discussing those questions. As I've politely pointed out to you twice now, your posts are completely off topic. You are trying to derail the thread because you don't LIKE the topic, which is new Silver Covenant High Elf designs. We aren't discussing Void Elves and we aren't debating if the race should happen. What we ARE talking about is how to redesign the Silver Covenant without mutating them while still making them unique.
    High elf threads wouldn't be as entertaining if it wasn't for OK and as of recently, the occasional void elf roleplayer.

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