1. #16141
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I am hopeful for new Void Elf lore in the coming Shadows Rising novel which does feature Alleria as a major character. Explicit confirmation that void elves can turn other elves into Void Elves would be welcome, an upgrade over it's implicit status. That way those who argue their desire is to play an elf who has always been loyal to the Alliance can do that without fear of being contradiction.

    However, frank disclosure, I fully expect to see Silver Covenant NPCs in the pre-patch. Ion's comments in the interview about the pre-patch event strongly suggest it is being limited to Northrend. I imagine it will be something akin to a siege of Icecrown, where we have to retake each 'gate' on the way to the citadel from the rampaging undead. The Argent Tournament in the north is the logical place to use a staging ground during this siege and there are Silver Covenant NPCs there. But who knows what their fate will be when everything goes wrong once we reach the Citadel.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Well Blizzard can do anything it wants in future, but on the evidence we have so far from the datamining they aren't keen to 'colour outside the lines' of the existing races, rather they are intent on filling them in.

    And 'high elf options' (shorthand for peach skin tones) are absent for reasons of lore. They got nuked with void energies. That was the point. A Blood Elf Shadow Priest in void form isn't a Void Elf, they are still a Blood Elf, merely one who uses shadow magic. A Void Elf has been transformed by the void and has become it's own thing.
    Alleria got nuked by void energy and she uses her high elf form 99% of the times.

    And I know what you are going to say. AlLeRiA hAd A DiFfErEnT tRaNsForMaTiOn PrOcEsS.

    Plenty of people have already given you solid lore explanations for extending that option to normal void elves.

  2. #16142
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryFromHumanResources View Post

    At a base level, what would you @Obelisk Kai and the rest of you fine folk think of Alliance High Elves but with a slimmer version of the human male model for instance, with tattoos, long ears and all that jazz, or a slimmer version of the Night Elf model? That way they are not just Horde Blood Elves but with blue eyes and tattoos.

    Would they be different enough to satisfy Alliance High Elf advocates, and different enough for Horde players to not feel that their Blood Elves are diminished?
    I am afraid not. This is not a question of model. Were it a question of model this would have been over with Void Elves (it almost certainly is over with Void Elves anyway but the argument goes on even if the verdict has been reached).

    Void Elves were the compromise. The model was shared and it was a thalassian elf, rather than some new race using a Blood Elf base. The compromise was that the theme and aesthetic was removed from the Void Elf, creating a unique variant. The theme and aesthetic being of the traditional high elf, which is what a Blood Elf is.

    Given a compromise has already been implemented, I see little need to compromise again.

  3. #16143
    Giving void elves pink skin tones is not a compromise. It's allowing void elves to look like their leader. No different from the Forsaken players who want undead elves like Sylvanas, or the Troll players who want beard like Vol'jin, or the Worgen players who want and actually got white fur like Greymane.

  4. #16144
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Alleria got nuked by void energy and she uses her high elf form 99% of the times.

    And I know what you are going to say. AlLeRiA hAd A DiFfErEnT tRaNsForMaTiOn PrOcEsS.

    Plenty of people have already given you solid lore explanations for extending that option to normal void elves.
    Nathanos is also a Forsaken but also looks different to other Forsaken. Why can't Forsaken look like Nathanos?

    Because as the short story documenting Nathanos' transformation made abundantly clear, that was a unique one off situation that is nearly impossible to replicate given the components that were involved. Nathanos is a unique Forsaken as a result.

    Similarly, Alleria's transformation was driven by the consumption of the heart of a dark naaru, something that is incredibly rare to find. As with Nathanos, that was to enhance her personal story as a hero character and is not a precedent.

    And 'people' coming up with solid lore explanation is bunk. Turns out if it's not in game it's just fanfiction. It may make sense to you, but it making sense to you and actually being implemented are two wildly different things.

    After all, I am sure people can up with solid explanations as to how there could be playable Undead Elves or gilgoblins or Eredar using Blood Elves or goblins or Draenei as a base but they don't seem to have been listened to.

    Just because you can invent an explanation that explains what you want to your satisfaction doesn't mean it's going to happen. And given what the datamining has uncovered (or failed to), it isn't going to happen period.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Giving void elves pink skin tones is not a compromise. It's allowing void elves to look like their leader. No different from the Forsaken players who want undead elves like Sylvanas, or the Troll players who want beard like Vol'jin, or the Worgen players who want and actually got white fur like Greymane.
    A beard option for Trolls is just a beard. A white fur skin option for Worgen is similarly uncontroversial.

    But an elf option for the Forsaken has not been datamined, nor is it going to be, so Forsaken aren't going to be able to 'look like their (former) leader, ever' as their origin is specifically being a human who was in Lordaeron at the time of the Scourge invasion. Looking like a particular leader isn't actually a criteria that has to be checked off. It was one hyped up in this thread with the purpose of achieving high elf like customisation as per Alleria.

    The Void Elves look the way they do for a reason. To differentiate them from Blood Elves. Mag'har aren't going to get green skins, Highmoutain Tauren aren't going to get cow horns, and Dark Iron Dwarves won't be getting human range skin tones, as that would undermine what differentiates them from their parents as well.

  5. #16145
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Nathanos is also a Forsaken but also looks different to other Forsaken. Why can't Forsaken look like Nathanos?

    Because as the short story documenting Nathanos' transformation made abundantly clear, that was a unique one off situation that is nearly impossible to replicate given the components that were involved. Nathanos is a unique Forsaken as a result.

    Similarly, Alleria's transformation was driven by the consumption of the heart of a dark naaru, something that is incredibly rare to find. As with Nathanos, that was to enhance her personal story as a hero character and is not a precedent.

    And 'people' coming up with solid lore explanation is bunk. Turns out if it's not in game it's just fanfiction. It may make sense to you, but it making sense to you and actually being implemented are two wildly different things.

    After all, I am sure people can up with solid explanations as to how there could be playable Undead Elves or gilgoblins or Eredar using Blood Elves or goblins or Draenei as a base but they don't seem to have been listened to.

    Just because you can invent an explanation that explains what you want to your satisfaction doesn't mean it's going to happen. And given what the datamining has uncovered (or failed to), it isn't going to happen period.

    - - - Updated - - -

    A beard option for Trolls is just a beard. A white fur skin option for Worgen is similarly uncontroversial.

    But an elf option for the Forsaken has not been datamined, nor is it going to be, so Forsaken aren't going to be able to 'look like their (former) leader, ever' as their origin is specifically being a human who was in Lordaeron at the time of the Scourge invasion. Looking like a particular leader isn't actually a criteria that has to be checked off. It was one hyped up in this thread with the purpose of achieving high elf like customisation as per Alleria.

    The Void Elves look the way they do for a reason. To differentiate them from Blood Elves. Mag'har aren't going to get green skins, Highmoutain Tauren aren't going to get cow horns, and Dark Iron Dwarves won't be getting human range skin tones, as that would undermine what differentiates them from their parents as well.
    I didn't mention Nathanos because I didn't want to mention literally every example of this situation.


    1) People explaining to you why it would make sense doesn't mean it will happen, it just means there would be no issue with it;
    2) They dont even need to give a lore explanation ---> again, Farraki hate the Horde and dark trolls are extinct and yet you might run into 200 dark troll players come Shadowlands;
    3) For someone who constantly moans about identity, you sure don't like to admit that pink skin tone are void elf identity because Alleria is a void elf who can revert to her pink skin tone.

  6. #16146
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    I didn't mention Nathanos because I didn't want to mention literally every example of this situation.


    1) People explaining to you why it would make sense doesn't mean it will happen, it just means there would be no issue with it;
    2) They dont even need to give a lore explanation ---> again, Farraki hate the Horde and dark trolls are extinct and yet you might run into 200 dark troll players come Shadowlands;
    3) For someone who constantly moans about identity, you sure don't like to admit that pink skin tone are void elf identity because Alleria is a void elf who can revert to her pink skin tone.
    That it makes sense to you because people who think it makes sense say it makes sense is circular logic from a highly biased source who wish to see it happen. There are numerous requests out for multiple customisations, all of whom I am sure the proponents of which can make what they believe to be a decent case for why their goal should be implemented. But nothing extreme has been found, nothing that stretches the boundaries of what each of the core races fundamentally is. All options are consistent with their established lores and origins.

    After all, you cite the Trolls, but the key point about those Troll options is that they are biologically identical to existing Trolls, differentiated by skin tones that are a part of the normal 'Troll skin tone range' and form whom Moorguard said people can headcanon their own backstory. Frankly it could be as simple an explanation as your Troll is a genetic throwback to a dark troll or sand troll ancestor but who is still a darkspear. Nobody is going to demand why Humans with asian or african appearances justify their existence when the patch hits. Same thing with the trolls.

    And no, I don't admit pink skin tones are 'void elf' identity because it's not true. The Void Elf aesthetic is a direct by-product of their transformation, a deliberate differentiation done by the devs to bring them into the game. They HAD to be made different to be added, because if some difference wasn't the goal then they'd just have given the Alliance the exiles.

    The simple principle could be applied to the Nathanos situation, which you don't mention because it is the most obvious parallel and because it's failure to be implemented as an option for Forsaken players has implications for your own goal. Alleria is a unique character, her circumstances are unique, her method of transformation was unique, her experiences were unique. She is the exception, not the rule.

  7. #16147
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    That it makes sense to you because people who think it makes sense say it makes sense is circular logic from a highly biased source who wish to see it happen. There are numerous requests out for multiple customisations, all of whom I am sure the proponents of which can make what they believe to be a decent case for why their goal should be implemented. But nothing extreme has been found, nothing that stretches the boundaries of what each of the core races fundamentally is. All options are consistent with their established lores and origins.

    After all, you cite the Trolls, but the key point about those Troll options is that they are biologically identical to existing Trolls, differentiated by skin tones that are a part of the normal 'Troll skin tone range' and form whom Moorguard said people can headcanon their own backstory. Frankly it could be as simple an explanation as your Troll is a genetic throwback to a dark troll or sand troll ancestor but who is still a darkspear. Nobody is going to demand why Humans with asian or african appearances justify their existence when the patch hits. Same thing with the trolls.

    And no, I don't admit pink skin tones are 'void elf' identity because it's not true. The Void Elf aesthetic is a direct by-product of their transformation, a deliberate differentiation done by the devs to bring them into the game. They HAD to be made different to be added, because if some difference wasn't the goal then they'd just have given the Alliance the exiles.

    The simple principle could be applied to the Nathanos situation, which you don't mention because it is the most obvious parallel and because it's failure to be implemented as an option for Forsaken players has implications for your own goal. Alleria is a unique character, her circumstances are unique, her method of transformation was unique, her experiences were unique. She is the exception, not the rule.
    It really isn't that hard. Asking for void elves with pink skin tones is a completely reasonable request, since Alleria is a void elf with pink skin tone. Giving a lore explanation that works was done, and it is a bonus anyway and not necessary (aka dark trolls who make no sense lorewise as customization options).

    If you want to write essays, go ahead, but it doesn't change the fact that you are making this complicated when it's not.

    And no, I already told you I didnt mention Nathanos example because I legitimately did not think about it. I mentioned the Sylvanas example because I genuinely want to look like a dark ranger instead of a zombie, but Nathanos model would be fine too.

    You need to tone down the mental gymnastics, because you are ridiculous.

  8. #16148
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I am hopeful for new Void Elf lore in the coming Shadows Rising novel which does feature Alleria as a major character. Explicit confirmation that void elves can turn other elves into Void Elves would be welcome, an upgrade over it's implicit status. That way those who argue their desire is to play an elf who has always been loyal to the Alliance can do that without fear of being contradiction.
    Being honest, I'll still see them as the asspull race between now and the end of time, as any attempts to justify their existence years after their introduction will look like a reactionary addition to cover up what was a huge mistake. Void Elves was something you needed to get 100% right upon introduction because of how requested high elves were. At least, I'd hope someone at Blizzard was self aware enough to realize that the moment their criteria for Allied Races was released it was going to invalidate the excuses they've provided for why high elves weren't implemented as an Alliance race.

    I mean, the thought process should have been: Conception of allied races => selecting the races introduced during Legion => deciding to use the Blood Elf model for Alliance => talk to the story team to write out high elves entirely to prevent any backlash => either introduce Void Elves as the result of what happens to the High Elves during Legion's campaign or still call them High Elves but give them all the shadow-related racials and aesthetics.

  9. #16149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    It really isn't that hard. Asking for void elves with pink skin tones is a completely reasonable request, since Alleria is a void elf with pink skin tone. Giving a lore explanation that works was done, and it is a bonus anyway and not necessary (aka dark trolls who make no sense lorewise as customization options).

    If you want to write essays, go ahead, but it doesn't change the fact that you are making this complicated when it's not.

    And no, I already told you I didnt mention Nathanos example because I legitimately did not think about it. I mentioned the Sylvanas example because I genuinely want to look like a dark ranger instead of a zombie, but Nathanos model would be fine too.

    You need to tone down the mental gymnastics, because you are ridiculous.
    Asking for blue eyes on Blood Elves was a reasonable request. Asking for Frostborn skins on Dwarves was a reasonable request. Asking for San'layn skins on Undead Elves was a reasonable request. All reasonable requests yet all unimplemented because they are inconsistent with the lore, and the popularity of the request doesn't really factor into it.

    And no, it really isn't complicated at all. Anything that goes against the established lore of a race isn't happening. The complications come from you attempting to justify why your request alone out of all these similar request has to be actioned, and the only justification for it is that you happen to badly want it. San'layn fans I am sure badly wanted their customisations too but they aren't going to get it.

    The Nathanos example is meant to prove the Alleria 'precedent' is no such thing. She's a major character, he's a major character, they are unique. People who want Alleria like customisations aren't explaining why they should get that, despite the highly lore specific nature of why she got that, when Nathanos like customisations are off the table.

  10. #16150
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    Asking for blue eyes on Blood Elves was a reasonable request. Asking for Frostborn skins on Dwarves was a reasonable request. Asking for San'layn skins on Undead Elves was a reasonable request. All reasonable requests yet all unimplemented because they are inconsistent with the lore, and the popularity of the request doesn't really factor into it.

    And no, it really isn't complicated at all. Anything that goes against the established lore of a race isn't happening. The complications come from you attempting to justify why your request alone out of all these similar request has to be actioned, and the only justification for it is that you happen to badly want it. San'layn fans I am sure badly wanted their customisations too but they aren't going to get it.

    The Nathanos example is meant to prove the Alleria 'precedent' is no such thing. She's a major character, he's a major character, they are unique. People who want Alleria like customisations aren't explaining why they should get that, despite the highly lore specific nature of why she got that, when Nathanos like customisations are off the table.
    Nathanos-like options are not off the table, tf. Stop spreading misinformation.

  11. #16151
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoroboshiY View Post
    Being honest, I'll still see them as the asspull race between now and the end of time, as any attempts to justify their existence years after their introduction will look like a reactionary addition to cover up what was a huge mistake. Void Elves was something you needed to get 100% right upon introduction because of how requested high elves were. At least, I'd hope someone at Blizzard was self aware enough to realize that the moment their criteria for Allied Races was released it was going to invalidate the excuses they've provided for why high elves weren't implemented as an Alliance race.

    I mean, the thought process should have been: Conception of allied races => selecting the races introduced during Legion => deciding to use the Blood Elf model for Alliance => talk to the story team to write out high elves entirely to prevent any backlash => either introduce Void Elves as the result of what happens to the High Elves during Legion's campaign or still call them High Elves but give them all the shadow-related racials and aesthetics.
    We don't entirely know the specifics of what went through their minds but we can piece together some basics. That High Elves were considered and then rejected on the grounds they were identical to Blood Elves is almost certainly true. They probably went with the void as the method of differentiation to contrast with the Blood Elves new lightfound theme (which is probably why Blood Elves got the golden eyes as a customisation in BFA rather than, well, now).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Nathanos-like options are not off the table, tf. Stop spreading misinformation.
    Why? Have they been datamined and not announced yet? In fact if they were willing to go to such extremes with character customizations you'd think ONE of the outliers would have been found by now. Frostborn Dwarves, Gilgoblins, San'layn, Nathanos like Undead, Eredar...all I see are options fully consistent with existing lore.

  12. #16152
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    We don't entirely know the specifics of what went through their minds but we can piece together some basics. That High Elves were considered and then rejected on the grounds they were identical to Blood Elves is almost certainly true. They probably went with the void as the method of differentiation to contrast with the Blood Elves new lightfound theme (which is probably why Blood Elves got the golden eyes as a customisation in BFA rather than, well, now).

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why? Have they been datamined and not announced yet? In fact if they were willing to go to such extremes with character customizations you'd think ONE of the outliers would have been found by now. Frostborn Dwarves, Gilgoblins, San'layn, Nathanos like Undead, Eredar...all I see are options fully consistent with existing lore.
    That doesn't mean they won't happen lmao. Following your logic Shadowlands will be the last expansion because 10.0 hasn't been datamined yet. The fck are these mental gymnastics.

  13. #16153
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    That doesn't mean they won't happen lmao. Following your logic Shadowlands will be the last expansion because 10.0 hasn't been datamined yet. The fck are these mental gymnastics.
    As I said previously, I am commenting on the here and now. The next expansion can take care of itself. And right now they are doing a major character customisation overhaul and none of the outliers that would give a scintilla of hope to your goal of high elf skins on Void Elves are appearing.

  14. #16154
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    As I said previously, I am commenting on the here and now. The next expansion can take care of itself. And right now they are doing a major character customisation overhaul and none of the outliers that would give a scintilla of hope to your goal of high elf skins on Void Elves are appearing.
    Was there any sign that void elves would exist at the beginning of Legion? NO. It doesn't mean anything.

  15. #16155
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    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Was there any sign that void elves would exist at the beginning of Legion? NO. It doesn't mean anything.
    But there were signs of Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren. The Allied race system was being seeded before our eyes. Besides, that was the seeding phase. The end of Legion was the implementation phase.

    We are in the implementation phase of character customizations. Still no sign of any outlier and I doubt Void Elves will get special treatment just because you badly want it.

  16. #16156
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    As I said previously, I am commenting on the here and now. The next expansion can take care of itself. And right now they are doing a major character customisation overhaul and none of the outliers that would give a scintilla of hope to your goal of high elf skins on Void Elves are appearing.
    Given blue-eyed blood elves were a really high probability for you (and those who didn't agree with that were in the denial for you), I would advise you to not make any prediction anymore

    Allied race costumization options are definitely coming, but not at the start of Shadowlands. Ion never shut the door for the High elves.

    There's a good probability we won't get them in the end. That's true. But I don't know why you absolutely need to be negative every time toward people who are hoping for them.
    What's your problem with that ?
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  17. #16157
    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    But there were signs of Nightborne and Highmountain Tauren. The Allied race system was being seeded before our eyes. Besides, that was the seeding phase. The end of Legion was the implementation phase.

    We are in the implementation phase of character customizations. Still no sign of any outlier and I doubt Void Elves will get special treatment just because you badly want it.
    So there were no signs of void elves at the beginning of Legion, indeed.

  18. #16158
    Just give Void Elves Alleria customization options and Blood Elves San'layn/Dark Ranger customization options. Seems like a good trade to me!

  19. #16159
    Quote Originally Posted by Mace View Post
    Don't kid yourself yana. anything to deny what you're clearly shown about night elves. As if a vast arcane civilization, the lore's leading arcane magic users (Azshara, Illidan), the lore's most advanced magical civilization and race highlighted tobe born from that magical essence. With dev interviews clear about what they want them to be, yet, deciding to show the forest bit first - because that is the stage in the lore they introduce them at, suddenly has some people thinking that is all there is to them.

    Yet despite a lot of lore saying otherwise, interviews staying otherwise, and then continuous and consistent in game building on and showing more of that arcane side, dark elf half including Suramar and Zin'Azshari - and yet some people so desperately want tit not to be Night elf so it isn't alliance but instead their fave faction horde, are literally saying ANYTHING, I mean ANYTHING to deny them this.

    I think posting evidence of developer intentions for the race in response to a false claim about developer intentions for the race is appropriate, don't you think? You'd be right at home in today's mass media - not concerned at all about how things actually are, but instead wanting to twist them into your view. The sad part, is that despite being called out on it, and shown it directly - anything to say otherwise.

    Now according to you, the Night elves don't have an arcane side, or aren't half dark elves because they apparently reject and oppose arcane elven societies now. Not only is that never stated, never shown, never hinted at, it is a classic case of you takeing their WC3 state and jumping to your own clonclusion regardless of what the lore says. .

    • I never once saw Shen'dralar rejecting night elven arcane civilizations.
    • I never once saw Moonguard rejecting night elven arcane civilizations.
    • I never once saw Kaldorei Darnassians rejecting night elven civilizations - arcane or otherwise nor have it told that way.

    What I did witness an account of, was the Legion destroying Night elven arcane civilization 10,000 years ago, and the survivors banning the practice of the arcane , the very thing needed to rebuild said civilizations quite clearly stated doing so was to prevent the Legion from returning to the world. Worth laying aside their magic for that period. This doesn't show the night elves as some anti-arcane, or nature -only race, it shows them as incredible noble and willing to sacrifice a huge part of their livs to protect the world (or atone fro what their hubris caused) - I mean are you so caught up in your faction biased world view you can't even see something very simply and straightforward shown

    Yet you will draw your conclusions and ignore the civilization that restarts after the Long vigil returns, ignore the very Shen'dralar, Moonguard, and Nightborne too as evidences to the contrary.

    • Did blizzard show the night elves evolve into some nature altered race?
    • Did blizzard show the Night elves without any arcane? (no, Moonwells and the Well of Eternity were at the centre of the Long vigil period, with the arcane properties being used - just not for spell casting)?
    • Did blizzard show no arcane wielding night elves at all, did they wipe them out completely and have no trace of arcane in the night elves and their classes and abilities??
    • Did blizzard change the name of the night elves to Wood elves? or the Kaldorei - children of the stars to Children of the forests?

    • Is it not more likely that t he long vigil was a period only void of arcane practice, not actually the arcane?
    • Is it not more likely that the long vigil period was there to hold a vigil (which means a watch) for the return of the Legion and not a means to remove the arcane from the night elves. I mean it is called the Long vigil - not the transformation into nature elves?
    • WAs it

    Night elves are both arcane and nature duality. The best of the dark elf and wood elf combined. They are not pure arcane elves, nor are they pure forest elves, -that's not what blizzard is doing here with this race. What makes you think blizzard wanted a generic wood elf race? They wanted a dark elf race made interesting by having a nature element to it (not the other way round).

    Having their civilization destroyed, and the main group having to go 10k years without arcane practice does not mean the night elf race nor this group that clearly has this portion restored suddenly not having an arcane side or blizzard some how not meaning them to.
    • It is blizzard that gave them this lore
    • It is blizzard that made the Well of Eternity and the arcane and moonwells central to them.
    • It is blizzard that put them in forests, then took them out.
    • It is blizzard that gave them cities, took them way, gave them back aagain, took away.
    • It is blizzard that created Highborne, arcane users, druids, nature users, Elune as part of their package.
    • It is blizzard that wrote the kaldorei to survive, then the Shen'dralar highborne to also survive, then the Nightborne and Moonguard to also survive - or should the druids existence be the only valid one because that's what you, who is not a night elf fan, want for them?
    • Is it not also blizzard that dgave Darnassus, then a pristine night elf civilization city in Suramar, powerful arcane wielding night elven individuals like Azshara, Illidan, Elisande and groups like the Highborne, Moonguard and Nightborne?

    Please inform me what you think the developers are actually saying, based on what you read in that interview and what you've witnessed in game and in the 5 out of 6 night elf based books full of arcane casting and wielding by Night elves??

    @yana - so we've sussed you out on this issue. You're not only opposed to alliance having playable high elves, you're opposed to alliance high elves and you're opposed to Night elven civilization and their arcane side, as you're clearly arguing in denial of it. Just like Obelisk Kai - another horde fan wanting only his/her elves to look good, have magic, and have cool cities. Yet though the other faction elves have this clearly as part of their lore and race, - nope, let's bee in denial, Night elves are forest savage elves - because I look down on that, which is why I play horde and the superior elves, who are the right race, the best, - cos the other elves have to be the worse possibly they can be. .. is that not you? Am I wrong here?
    No, I just enjoy the fantasy given by the darnassian kaldorei and its one that barely tolerates arcane, not false highborne.
    I dont care about these small groups living on the past, about illidan or azshara, i care about maiev, tyrande, malfurion and shandris and the society they built, not these delusions you spent an entire text wall typing down
    I care about the night elves that are playable, the ones that are the enemies of nightborne and blood elves and naga.
    That ouldnt care less about pretty cities or any of the conventions of the past, that have a natural architectural style that blends with nature with stone foundations saved for the temples or for sturdy fortresses like warsong gulch or feathermoon stronghold.
    I don't care about the city that turned their backs on the rest of their people or the city named after an insane woman that sold her followers two times over, with cultures so rotten to the core that they repeat the same mistakes over and over.

    Also the moonguard is a praticaly dead group and neutral , nightborne have cut any conection betwen the two with that bubble and now joining the horde, and what do you mean they don't reject the highborne? they are treated like second class citizens that no one cares about if they live or die, even tyrande accepted maiev immediatly after she killed some of them.
    That's how little the night elves care, the highborne are tools kept on a leash, they also dont give two shits about the blood elves or the nightborne, they barely tolerate alliance high elves.

    The highborne were accepted for pragmatic reasons, but most night elves probably wouldnt bat an eye if they all died, even those examples of "arcane" are still not the mage like powers they detest, but a druidic and divine take on that energy.
    those things arent night elven because THE NIGHT ELVES themselves REJECTED those traits, get inside your head that a few alliance/ neutral highborne and a horde alligned city doesnt change that, kaldorei evolved away from those types, while blood elves and nightborne embraced them (wich made them repeat the mistakes of the past to a T and become mana addicts)

    If you are so desperate for the night elves to regress 10 k years and to be nightborne with pastel tones, just play the race and wait for the skin tones.
    And you are still missing the point, their dark elven traits are not based on arcane magic, but on their enjoyment of darkness, burrows and a matriarchy, and screaming "omg you must be horde" when someone disagrees isnt a fair picture.|
    Especially when i enjoy the kaldorei that exist in the game, and dont have to create entire pages of headcanon to enjoy them
    Last edited by yana; 2020-04-30 at 11:30 AM.

  20. #16160
    Right, for those of you who just refuse to play blood elf,

    There is a bit of a faction imbalance and it's heavily tied to races being top heavy on each faction. Most Alliance are Humans & Night Elves and most Horde are Blood Elves.
    What does this say other than that for fantasy, people have very basic/generic taste, complain that Orcs/Undead are hunched (ruins their awful cape mog) and Tauren/Trolls can't show shoes (you guys are weird).

    So if your High elf (which renamed to Sin'dorei after the events of Silvermoon) had a blue eyed option on alliance, then the Blood Elf population could take a large hit.

    17% of all Horde players at 120 are Blood Elves, with the next being Orcs at 6.8%!
    Alliance has Humans at 13.1% and Night Elves at 13.6%.

    Void Elf hasn't been in the game that long, is locked behind rep and looks awful yet it is 4.5% of the Alliance at 120, the most played of all Allied Races and more so than basic races like Worgen, Gnome, Dwarf and Goblin.

    So your blue eyed Sin'Dorei will not happen due to faction imbalance mainly, so just go RP in Silvermoon and embrace it boys.

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