First Bold) Thanks for admitting it's not like any other race request
it is pretty much leagues above any other and will be until the matter of the topic gets finality.
On "they know they have a fanbase that wants this request it would be a bad move to flat out say no" ummm Blue Eyes for Blood Elves was flat out denied and Blood Elves are the single most-played race in the game, making up around 40% of Horde at max level.
They clearly have no issue saying no to any big communities within their game if they can deny the fanbase of the most played race in the game.
On 2nd Bold) You obviously don't know because you're new to this thread but I've brought in sources from multiple websites into this thread. I don't just browse MMO-C when discussing the High Elf topic, I do see what other places, especially the official forums say about it.
When you say there's minimum of 6 High Elf threads active are you including those troll threads "High Elves should have golden eyes" because you know that anti-high elf threads are different from the pro-high elf ones, right? And as for the pro-high elf threads, those people have told others to leave any re-opened threads alone and concentrate in one.
But you can't expect others to control the whole population of a topic, especially if that topic is as huge as the High Elf thread. But you sure like to paint it as if "6 minimum High Elf threads are active" while other race requests are contained to one as if it means pro-helf people are spamming the topic.
You should look into who those threads are made by, and what they're about instead of looking at the words "High Elf" and thinking it's from the people requesting High Elves.
It's not that hard to understand.
I'll leave you to your held beliefs now.