I do agree with you that the initial Void Elf skin tones were deliberate, but I don't agree with you that the denial of blue eyed Blood Elves somehow equates to High Elf customization for Void Elves being less likely, nor do I agree that there aren't any "close-to-human-range-fleshtones" different from Blood Elves that Blizzard could implement. I get that you're confident in your assertions but remember that while confidence is a virtue, overconfidence is quite something else. I'm not saying you're wrong, merely suggesting that your position may not be as rock solid as you think it is and keeping an open mind on what is or isn't likely could save you some potential embarrassment and/or disappointment in the future.
Ion said that Blood Elves "evolved" past blue eyes. To me that sounds like a "lawyer-speak" non-answer. While this is merely my opinion, I don't think he actually
wanted to go into detail on the exact reasoning behind the denial. He knew it wasn't going to be received well by some players and from my perspective he tried to finesse his way around that. That isn't to say I think it means anything for playable Alliance High Elves or High Elf customization for Void Elves (I'm not really sure what to think TBH, I was certain Blood Elves were getting blue eyes), just that his answer seemed evasive to me.
If Void Elves get any sort of fleshtone-adjacent options, I would not consider that "special treatment", especially if those options are still unique to Void Elves and not shared by Blood Elves. And even if you want to consider it "special treatment", that's entirely Blizzard's prerogative if they want to give such skin tones to Void Elves in an attempt to appease those asking for playable Alliance High Elves. A similar issue of limited palette afflicts the Nightborne and I would not be surprised to see Blizzard expand their skin palette before Shadowlands is over. They likely won't get exactly the same skin tone options as Night Elves, but I wouldn't be surprised to see them get a broader range of options that run adjacent (but not identical) to some of the Night Elf options. It's not a big stretch if you think about it.
Night Elves and Nightborne already have some adjacent skin and hair tones as you can see here:
If Blizzard wants to expand the Nightborne palette options, they don't have to just copy/paste from Night Elves. They can simply go with a tone that's similar to one Night Elves have but still unique to the Nightborne. The same can apply to Void Elves having "close-to-fleshtone" options.
Ultimately I stand by what I said before: Hope for the best but temper expectations and don't be surprised if you're let down. That's good advice for everyone on both sides of the issue no matter how strong you think your position is.