1. #17261
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    I have literally taken a pair of minutes to take images, put them on Paint, copy the colors of the eyes, look at their composition, and...

    It's literally teal, a little red, mostly green and blue with green being the majority, if not the equal quantity of it on majority of the images, as opposed to High elf eyes, who have more blue in the color composition than green.

    I mean, I think discussing colors is dumb and boring as hell, but this is just a whole other level... So I just took a mere moment to check with numbers, and, what a surprise, some people have not being honest...

    I took the damn bluest pixel and it has equal amounts of blue and green...

    Literally, 113 red, 221 blue and 221 green, literal composition of the bluest PIXEL in there, literally TEAL, saying it's blue it's the same as saying it's green, period... Some people should stop being so damn dishonest with everyone, including themselves.

    So yeah Doffen, I'm sure they will go after your 'non reliable' wikipedia source, I can totally see that too.
    Yeah, there are some posters here being really disingenous in the way they discuss, and will just throw out any facts from any source as "not valid" if it doesn't fit their narrative. It's just silly. Then they use pages like wikis themselves and it's suddenly legit.

    Instead of just seeing stuff for what it is. Not sure why people would go out of their way to try to disprove facts, but there you go.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  2. #17262
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    Well that deduction cannot be correct. Nordrassil doesn't break the new well, it merely masks its power (i.e. hides it from those sensitive to magic and from the twisting nether), and acts as a buffer that regulates the flow - so you can't just get up to it and use it. It is unclear whether a night elf can though because of their natural connection to it. However because the ones in the Hyjal group were also linked to Nordrassil and believed the ban was necessary for fear of the Legion returning, they would have had a buffer against temptation due to the link to Nordrassil allowing a rational and sane mind to dictate their behaviour concerning using arcane magic - which is based on the knowledge that using it draws the legion and is the only means they know at the time that can provide enough power to portal a new invasion.
    If Nordrassil didn't block power of the Well of Eternity, Archimonde could use its powers during his invasion on Hyjal without removing the tree.

    Semantics. Some evolutions are devolutions and others are more accurately described as mutations - depends on what these words mean to you. I refer to it as devolution as others I'm sure do, because they lost stuff. Vrykul to human is an evolution that is a devolution, they become less than what they were before, more handicapped, more fragile, weaker, less capable - not tot he point that they're cavemen or anything like that, but it is a weakening.
    Are high elves weaker than night elves? I don't think so. Night elves were powerful only because of blessing of Nordrassil. When it was destroyed, night elves became as weak as high elves.

    "Weaker for a moment" where do you get "for a moment".. and similar to the Nightborne? Where do you make that comparison? It's not similar at all to the Nightborne. The Nightborne get that way because they've heavily abused the magic of the Nightwell, taking it far beyond what a biological lifeform is to do with it - which is obvious considering they were INGESTING the thing for nutrition when they went low - the arcane energy amongst the night elves enhances naturally life, but it isn't meant as a replacement, the use was an abuse...so chronic was their dependency, that kicked out of Suramar they devolved completely.
    Yes. For a moment. It hasn't taken them a lot of time. Just a couple of years to reach Eastern Kingdoms and go north.

    As for nightborne, I still think it is similar. Two races highly reliant on arcane magic that were cut from it. Without arcane suffusion they fall into illnesses comparable to famine. It is not a deevolution. It is a sickness that can be cured.

    Now their experience is a complete devolution, notice how they don't become trolls or anything like that, , it's new state. It can be called an evolution, but it is a devolution. Now the change to Nightborne is an evolution, but more of the mutated variety - changed by the Nightwell is not considered to have caused any enhancements at all.. perhaps because it was due to abuse of magic, whereas the original formation of the night elves happened in a natural way (even if Elune actually guided it).
    It is hard to tell, as Blizzard hasn't mentioned new capabilities of nightborne. It is possible that they have enhanced intelligence or something like that. We only know that it increases dependence on magic.

    Not sure where you got weaker for a moment... the way the high elves connect to the Sunwell is different, it's not a natural genetic connection the original night elf has, I suspect that because they are elves, there is a higher affinity for connecting to magical sources, and this wasn't altered in the exile process, however it is obviously not the same because they are able to get addicted by being suffused with a lesser magical source, which tells me that the devolution their bodies incurred reduced their capacity to handle magic - because they get addicted with a less powerful source, it may also be another proof/indication that the connection to the Sunwell is artificial, and because it is the effects aren't like what they would be when they were night elven.
    Their connection is different because high elves are connected to Sunwell, while night elves are not connected to any well. High elves get addicted to any magic because they have always been, since becoming elves in the first place.

    It would be one of those "impossible to foresee" things - you have no idea how much you are affected by an event like the exile and what the druids did - this explains why the dislike or even hatred for the Darnassians may run deep in Thalassians. It could be that also because the connection to the sunwell isn't natural, it's loss won't change them physically, but it would affect them physically because they'd grown dependent on it an din this case acting more like a drug - which is why night elves don't naturally have that reaction when they stop to use arcane magic, and I addiction withdrawal is only apparent in those who had grossly been overusing the arcane to irresponsible levels they develop an addiction. But their addiction threshold would by logic be higher also -or at least it would make sense to me that it was higher.
    Night elves do not feel effects of their addiction because of them evolving lack of addiction over 10000 years. During Long Vigil, Nordrassil made them immune to every disease. After third war, they either lost any connection to arcane by that time or they could sate their low arcane dependence by their weak moonwells. However, moonwells are comparable to these little tricks of Silver Covenant high elves.

    - Wait what? How can we even remotely deduce this? All we know is that the night elves in the pre-sundering era because of how they handled and used arcane magic were immortal and likely didn't suffer maladies, this is not necessary because of natural infusion/connection to the well, but a result of working spells, handling arcane magic for spell and able to use it to further extend life, extra intelligence boost on top of what you get from proximity (remember the animals?). You are boosted by being in proximity to a well source right? The effect of that well source can be optimised also (this is what is happening in moonwells) to affect the land and the creatures in ti even more) - however you are not immortal, and you're not immune to sicknesses. When you start handling the arcane using magic (i.e. spell work) the night elf can further enhance those qualities, further boost the intelligence, further boost longevity, further boost resistance to sicknesses etc, this is done magically (who knows, this might have been one of the things the Order of elune did in the pre-sundering era - we know they aren't mages, but we know they handle the arcane too, it is likely an easily done thing, since little children are also affected, so it may not necessarily be the priesthood but anyone with a simple basic knowledge of elven spellwork because it's taught or it's an attributed conferred organically - we aren't told)
    Although your theory is plausible and interesting gameplay-wise, we have some trails that could lead us to my alternative conclusion.

    First of all, we have arcane races. Titans, constellar, uncorrupted titanforged are all immortal and immune to diseases. Arcane is the essence of order and perfection. As opposed to chaos, arcane forms are eternal and static. Only curse of flesh destroyed the eternal order an immortality of titanforged, making them weak. On Draenor, it was sporemounds that corrupted the colossal descendants, giving them the same weakness.

    We also know that eredar are naturally immortal too, likely because of living on a titan world and mining argunite. Velen left Argus but we know that naaru can grant immortality to their followers, as shown with Turalyon. However, these Draenei are not immune to diseases.

    On favour of your opinion comes Aegwynn who uses spells to extend her life. However, Tirisgarde stated that this spell is difficult and unstable. If it was so easy that any elf could use it, it means that human magi should be able to copy(you may say that elves would not want to share it with humans but think of all human-elf marriages. An elf would likely want to save their husband or wife from death.) it too. However, only Aegwynn did that. And Blizzard stated that elf lifespan is longer than human one.
    Long and short is you need to spell work for such things. When the Well implodes, and the new well created, there is a connection, but because of the ban, the Well isn't used for ANY spell work at all... immortality and diseases immunity is conferred to the Hyjal group when the dragons link them to Nordrassil and bless Nordrassil - it is not gained by arcane handling.
    Yes. This is why I want to say that long vigil has no connection to the arcane well.
    Meanwhile the Shen'dralar in Dire Maul, the Night elves in Suramar and The Moonguard - however all continue to live immortal lives , also free of disease, this they do because they are actually handling the arcane like before.
    Shen'dralar have Immol'thar. Nightborne of Suramar have Nightwell. Moonguard wasn't explained but it is likely that they had something similar to high elf arcane sancta, as they had similar machinery in their stronghold.
    However we notice the Thalassians, despite handling the arcane also, are not immortal, are not immune to disease either, unlike their elven progenitors. The reasonable deduction there is this is a biological trait unique to night elven kind (therefore night elves and Nightborne would have it), when they were severed and devolved they lost the bodies extra magical capacity, DNA etc which is why they get more easily addicted and handling magic doesn't grant them immortality or immunity to disease. The elf is a magic created being, so in the exile the Thalassians have lost some of that capacity, and as such are closer t humans . it's not much, because sickness is rare amongst the Thalassians and they live much longer than humans, but it's less than it is in night elves and Nightborne.
    They were suspectible to diseases only before creation of the Sunwell. As for their immortality, it is possible. The oldest high elf, Anasterian Sunstrider, died in battle. We also know that Vereesa is very old and currently she doesn't seem to be dying soon. Her older sisters should rather be ignored, of course.
    Yes I include Nightborne because they didn't lose any attributes of their initial night elven selves, this is why their situation is so different from the High elves, who lose a measure of what makes them night elves through the exile. The Nightborne, are a night elf sub-group, a new kind of night elf, the Nightwell changes them, but it isn't taking away original stuff from them, it's rather warping it, they are been altered by continuous and greater abuse of arcane magic, and this time it's a unique one utilising the magic of the Eye of Aman'thul that greatly expands the small font of power that was in Suramar palace.
    Why do the nightborne remain night elves while high elves do not? Is that because of this sexy purple hue that high elves sadly lost?
    So Night elves of the long vigil group do not get disease immunity from being connected to the Well of Eternity, they got it during the long vigil from the blessing of the dragon flights, which is why when it goes, they lose it, and still refuse to use the Well. Now the Highborne who use arcane energy who knows, I suspect they would have near immortal lives. Do they need a powerful enough source to make the life in use perpetual, who knows, but they're still connected to the well anyway, and they use the magic, so it's likely that unlike the priests and druids, they are.
    These highborne either use old artifacts that they took from Eldre'thalas or they have tricks similar to ones of Moonguard. Now, with the Legion gone, I can imagine them just removing Nordrassil because it is useless. Even more, I think any reasonable person would burn Nordrassil.

    Disabled by Cenarius? That never happened, not read about that once. The WotA tells us they are connected to the Well of eternity, they feel the new Well the moment Illidan restores it, it then tells us their connection is a mystery, however at this point we haven't been told they are made from the Well of Eternity, this comes much later, I can only deduce that was the mystery spoken of in WotA trilogy.
    It was disabled by planting Nordrassil.

    As explained above, they are genetically linked to the titan's blood, it makes sense and it explains this, and this is because it's how they are made. Which is why it also makes sense that as punishment for breaking the ban, Cenarius does something magically that alters the biology of those who break the ban. This while mentioned in the rpg books, explains why the exile was so hard on the high elves, and why it changes them, when others like the Shen'dralar aren't changed despite not being in proximity or able to utilise the magic of the Well of Eternity directly. The official lore only says they were changed during the exile. It is logical to assume that if they were going to exile them instead of kill them for breaking the ban, they would have figured out a way to ensure that wherever they went they would not be able to use the arcane magic of the Well like they had done to create that storm.
    They aren't genetically linked to Azeroth. they only felt creation of new well because they can sense arcane, as long time addicts. The exiled high elves suffer because they lose proximity of Nordrassil. Shen'dralar do not have problems like that because they simply summoned Immol'thar and drained it.

    Nordrassil blocks remote use of the well, it isn't disabled at all, but night elves have a natural connection to it, it is possible that in proximity to it they could utilise it with Nordrassil atop it, however blizzard hasn't explore this. The fact the Darth'remar Highborne could make a storm means that they figured out a way to utilise the magic of the well despite Nordrassil being there, it
    Wells aren't necessary to use magic. After all, goblins use magic too. So do trolls.

    I'm not creating lore, I'm merely explaining it. I have been careful to outline the thought process by pointing out what is directly stated in lore, and how we get some of the results the lore gives us. the lore doesn't spend much time explaining, but it gives you the information so you can figure out a working model yourself. If you actually think about why things in a video game lore is actually working. If you have that time on your hands or care enough about it, you can.
    The problem about making own models of the story is that they are not single true models. It is like science. There are multiple hypotheses that contradict eachother before the real one is proven.

    Hopefully by reading what I've just replied above you now realise I'm not trying to do that at all. If anything causes you trouble o r you want to offer more points on anything said so far, please don't hesitate to write it, I will do my best to explain, but I tend to get carried away explaining night elf stuff, because I've spent SOOOO much time on it, reading it, researching it, thinking about it, roleplaying it, and this is one of the few places outside my group of friends I can actually talk about my findings. Its pointless to "publish" them in a blog or something - but if someone asks about or conversation generally leads to it, I am happy to share, but be warned, this is why I have so much to say.
    Don't worry. I have fun responding to you. However, I would be happy if you used that Discord link that I sent you so you could talk with me and my friends in real time.

    I've had to figure out a lot of things about the night elves. I remember the warning clearly in classic, that the night elves were enigmatic. There is mystery and more than meets the eyes. I noticed this immediately I started playing them, he questions started popping into my head, their behaviour, attitude blied the appearance of what I saw, and my conventional assumptions about people - for example, because you live in a forest, you're uncivilized and savage, yet these people seemed the exact opposite. Why? I saw many contrasting themes and opposites, like dualities in them often juxtaposed on each other. It piqued my interest and here we are.
    I think eredar are even more mysterious on that matter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  3. #17263
    Legendary! Obelisk Kai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Can you provide proof for this statement? As the most recent word on it is Danuser's Twitter statement provided by Aldo earlier, and this is what Danuser says when specifically asked, "Lore wise would the eyes of the blood elves have progressively changed over the last few years or would they have changed shortly after the sunwell was purified?"

    Danuser: It's not that all blood elf eyes have changed from green to gold. It's that the potential for golden eyes is present, based in part on the individual's degree of devotion to the Light.
    Which is why some Blood Elves are manifesting golden eyes now. The thing is though that this isn't the only answer we have received regarding eye color over the years.

    Ask CDev provided the following response to the following question.
    Why do blood elves still have green eyes?
    Originally Posted by Blizzard Entertainment
    Corruption from fel energies takes a long time to wear off. It's why most orcs are still green even though Mannoroth is dead.
    The two statements are not mutually exclusive and are easily reconcilable. Every elf connected to the Sunwell has the potential to manifest golden eyes. CDev confirms that the fel energies that changed the eyes of the Blood Elves from blue to green and which sustain those eye colours will in time fade away. And what will replace the green eye colour once they fade? Golden of course, from the outward magical pressure of the sunwell's purifying radiance.

    Some elves, Priests and Paladins, are ahead of the curve on this matter and are manifesting the golden eyes now. Other Blood Elves of any class except Demon Hunters (who have consumed a literal demon) and Death Knights (dead)can have golden eyes now if they have a personal devotion to the light, but most Blood/high elves aren't going to be as zealous. It will take many years for the fel taint to fade from the majority of the Blood Elves. And we know blue eyes aren't particularly sticky either given how rapidly the vast majority of the high elf race lost them in favour of the green eyes. The exiles are subject to that same outward pressure from the sunwell as the Blood Elves are. If any of them are devoted to the light, and there are probably the odd priest or paladin still about, they will be able to manifest golden eyes. And without devotion, it's just going to be a matter of time.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Another follow up question appears: "Lore wise, is it likely all blood elves will transition to golden eyes over time, or does it require a certain zealotry on the individual elves' parts?"

    Followed by another followed up, "To add to Jenna's question: would it be possible for a mage or a ranger to get golden eyes, even if they are not zealots since the Sunwell is partially made of Light?" to which Danuser gives an answer to the latter (but the latter is asking in addition to the former question)

    Danuser: For players, we intentionally didn't restrict which classes can have golden eyes. Whatever story you want to make for your character's eye color, more power to you. For NPCs, we will be selective. Priests & paladins are more likely to have them, but others can if it makes sense.


    The name of this individual who made what you suggest is the second question is Leyloriel, not Jenna. The question from MenegattiNevis Moorgard responded cited a Jenna, not a Leyloriel. MenegattiNevis did not tag Leyloriel either. And Moorgard did not tag Leyloriel in response. The question is good, but it was not answered, as Moorgard's response seems more than adequate to cover the second question alone. Is it possible Leyloriel IS Jenna, sure. Can it be proven? If proven that Leyloriel is Jenna, can it proven Moorgard was replying to her question at the same time as Menegetti's?

    Menegetti's question specifically cited classes, Moorgard's answer began by saying classes are not restricted and that for NPCs, Priests and Paladins are more likely to have them but others can if it makes sense. What I do take away from this is that Moorgard is giving you the tools in customisations to enjoy your character and tell your character's story as YOU see fit (more power to you). This is the exact same philosophy espoused in this T&E interview.
    BUT they did in fact limit golden eye availability based on class. Demon Hunters can't have golden eyes, nor can Death Knights, because giving those two classes access to golden eyes violates fundamental tenets of the lore of both classes.

    As someone who has argued that added customisations are a blank check that will allow them to ignore the lore entirely in what they grant players, this is proof that maximum freedom for players does not translate into absolute freedom. There are still limits in regards to what they will do determined by the lore.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Seeing as the former question asked if ALL Blood Elves will transition to gold over time and Danuser doesn't include that anywhere in his answer, means that either he did not answer that query or he's saying for them (ie the devs) - they will use Golden eyes on Priests/Paladins, but on other characters too if it makes sense.

    Nowhere does he say that all Blood Elves will transition to Golden Eyes over time, and it thus neither means High Elves will as well "since they're the same race" according to you. Disregarding that the question focuses specifically on Blood Elves in the first place, just as you like to bring up how the possibility of High Elf customization from Afrasiabi applies to Void Elves specifically, it is strange to think an answer regarding specifically Blood Elves there, applies to High Elves.
    The former question was not provably addressed. The second question was. No parts of the answer are inconsistent with any part of the second question.

    Everything Moorgard says therefore does not conflict with the Ask CDEV answer and the purifying effect of the Sunwell on the high elf people as whole.
    Last edited by Obelisk Kai; 2020-05-23 at 12:27 PM.

  4. #17264
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    in other words, they are blue, and you are still going for "technicalities", Cyan that i know, is when you mix green and blue, and you get this tone more blue-ish

    Again, showing the spectrum of their eyes, and is also a shade of blue.

    there is blue-eyes, just not the deep blue-eyes so far, and again, they could always go back like they did before in this statement, since make sense

    they should also get the full blue-eyes too, because make sense.
    You can call teal/cyan "blue", "green" or "juliet" for all I care. Doesn't change the fact that is has as much green in it as it has blue.

  5. #17265
    The void elves received new eyes options. Maybe they will get new skin tones as well in the future.

  6. #17266
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bobwuzhere1224 View Post
    There isn't a difference. High Elves are free to visit and worship the Sunwell as they please, even those in the Alliance. They are the same as Blood Elves in that the Holy Energy from it radiates to them. Worshipping the Light in a church doesn't override this change that's been happening since BC.
    I doubt this is still the case after the Purge of Dalaran
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

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  7. #17267
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    You can call teal/cyan "blue", "green" or "juliet" for all I care. Doesn't change the fact that is has as much green in it as it has blue.
    What does it matter? The npc options are probably going to be taken away.

  8. #17268
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    The void elves received new eyes options. Maybe they will get new skin tones as well in the future.
    Textures (eye color/skins/hair colors) are fairly easy to add, so I guess we may see some of these options added to allied races. Hair styles, jewelry and beards are unlikely for 9.0, however, as they require new geosets.

  9. #17269
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    pretty much people are trying by all means to make this is "not exactly blue", or "not this blue!1!", or even "this is not the right blue!1" so "blood elves are not rly exactly high elves", grasping at straws, and it looks more like damage control

    this IS blue, just another shade of it, playing semantics. maybe they will release others, maybe not, time will tell, saying its not "THE" blue to further a non-existent difference make no sense
    Guess you should start sharing everywhere that Blood Elves got their blue eyes with that option and letting media sites like Wowhead/Blizzard Watch/etc know as well as other players around here and the official forums know. I'm sure those people will be excited they got one option for blue eyes finally, according to you.

  10. #17270
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Yeah, there are some posters here being really disingenous in the way they discuss,.
    there is nothing disingenuous in saying a shade of blue is blue.

    This damage control is looking childish, people have being screamed at the four winds that blue isn't what differ the elves, but there are trying to discuss how HE have the "true" blue color, and this "not the exactly blue", despise being a blue option.

    and will just throw out any facts from any source as "not valid" if it doesn't fit their narrative. It's just silly. Then they use pages like wikis themselves and it's suddenly legit.
    This is a thing applied to you people as well, don't know why you try to put on the other side, lik only picking

    Instead of just seeing stuff for what it is.
    a shade of blue? but no, it is not blue, blue, cause that would implies we were wrong, damage control

  11. #17271
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    So you literally do not have proof for your statement that all high elves will eventually get Golden Eyes. That's all I had to see thanks!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    which means, Blood elves should also have blue-eyes, since another energy override the previous fel taint, if its not holy magic its arcane magic

    He also acknowledge the existence of blood elves with blue-eyes and they have a reason of why, who obviously either they coming back to quel'thalas, or their eyes changing back by the use of arcane magic, or even both.

    Mages should have blue eyes, just like Priests and paladins have golden eyes, and they should not restrict it, for the same reasons
    Sorry, but Ion said it's not for them. It sounds like you're still fighting for blue eyes to happen when "Word of God" has stated 'it doesn't make sense for how they've evolved'.

    How come you're trying to fight the developers statements now when normally you're trying to defend them?

  12. #17272
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    there is nothing disingenuous in saying a shade of blue is blue.

    This damage control is looking childish, people have being screamed at the four winds that blue isn't what differ the elves, but there are trying to discuss how HE have the "true" blue color, and this "not the exactly blue", despise being a blue option.
    Yeah, I am not part of that discussion. It's as much blue as it is green right, nothing to discuss.

    Not sure why you even try to defend yourself when it obviously applies for both sides.

    "b-b-but what 'bout the other's".
    Last edited by Doffen; 2020-05-23 at 03:59 PM.
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  13. #17273
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Sorry, but Ion said it's not for them. It sounds like you're still fighting for blue eyes to happen when "Word of God" has stated 'it doesn't make sense for how they've evolved'.
    How come you're trying to fight the developers statements now when normally you're trying to defend them?
    How come you are trying to say he is right, when you and other passed years saying him was wrong? people here wanted Ion head for months, now he is suddenly a good God and the developers words matter, of course, ignoring what he said before.

    The thing is we are not "fighting", there is not a direct clash here with the like you said, word of god(who confirms there is blood elves with blue-eyes), just taking about the possibility that they could go back with a statement about customization, like they did before.

    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Guess you should start sharing everywhere that Blood Elves got their blue eyes with that option and letting media sites like Wowhead/Blizzard Watch/etc know as well as other players around here and the official forums know. I'm sure those people will be excited they got one option for blue eyes finally, according to you.
    i don't need to, people already know and people like it, most of horde people don't nitpick in what they have, but there is other who want the rest of the blue shades, since its bullshit to lock to npcs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Yeah, I am not part of that discussion. It's as much blue as it is green right, nothing to discuss.

    Not sure why you even try to defend yourself when it obviously applies for both sides.

    "b-b-but what 'bout the other's".
    again, is a shade of blue, there isn't much to discuss besides people saying isn't the right blue
    Last edited by Syegfryed; 2020-05-23 at 04:07 PM.

  14. #17274
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Alright, since Blood Elves are High Elves, and vice versa, then why do people still see Purge of Dalaran as racism and genocide when Jaina (retconned) only teleported everyone into the prison and the ones who did the actual killings other than the PC were... the High Elves?

    10 characters
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  15. #17275
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    How come you are trying to say he is right, when you and other passed years saying him was wrong? people here wanted Ion head for months, now he is suddenly a good God and the developers words matter, of course, ignoring what he said before.

    The thing is we are not "fighting", there is not a direct clash here with the like you said, word of god(who confirms there is blood elves with blue-eyes), just taking about the possibility that they could go back with a statement about customization, like they did before.

    i don't need to, people already know and people like it, most of horde people don't nitpick in what they have, but there is other who want the rest of the blue shades, since its bullshit to lock to npcs.
    It speaks of the 'strength' of your arguments when all you can do is resort to whataboutism. I've noticed it's a frequent tactic you employ, and it's a fallacy to use.

  16. #17276
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    It speaks of the 'strength' of your arguments when all you can do is resort to whataboutism. I've noticed it's a frequent tactic you employ, and it's a fallacy to use.
    i mean, the entire strength of you argument is try to flip what you do to the other "side", you literally tried to imply people are being hypocrite by not taking devs words(despite we not doing that) while most of the pro side do is nitpicking, ignoring and disregarding dev words for years by now, sounds a lot contradictory to me.

  17. #17277
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    If Nordrassil didn't block power of the Well of Eternity, Archimonde could use its powers during his invasion on Hyjal without removing the tree.
    If you meant block, you should have said that. You wrote BROKE - that means something totally different. MADE me write an entire paragraph recalling history.

    Are high elves weaker than night elves? I don't think so. Night elves were powerful only because of blessing of Nordrassil. When it was destroyed, night elves became as weak as high elves.
    Yes, they are diminished Night elves weakened by their expulsion - but that hardly seems to matter, they out perform them and beat them every time they meet these days.. but then why does it surprise you that stats on paper doesn't translate to victory all the time. Plot > stats - which is why we can defeat powerful ancient entities and even titans :rolleyes

    Yes. For a moment. It hasn't taken them a lot of time. Just a couple of years to reach Eastern Kingdoms and go north
    Do we know how long it took? In some accounts it appears like it took several life times of humans - they weren't travelling in a straight line you know to an established location, it is far more likely they would get to places, stay there for a while and move on for one reason or the other, we know t hey went through Tirisfal too.

    As for nightborne, I still think it is similar. Two races highly reliant on arcane magic that were cut from it. Without arcane suffusion they fall into illnesses comparable to famine. It is not a deevolution. It is a sickness that can be cured.
    This is comes from the night elves btw, it is not exlclusive to blood elves, but the situation is different in the night elf kind than it is in blood lef kind, Did you not observe this? IThe more addicted and hooked to arcane magic you were the more it affected you, if you were in balance, you would be fine, The Nightborne case is an exceptional extreme case of the night elven kind of addiction

  18. #17278
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    But it's blue!

    But it's green!

    But it's blue!

    But it's green!

    But it's blue!

    But it's green!


    I hope you are able to see how stupid that is, literal numbers on the amount of color have told that there are equal amounts of both colors in the bluest PIXEL.

    Do you know that it has a name, right? Well, of course you know, you have been told in the previous page, and it is called:TEAL

    Unless you prefer the:

    But it's blue!

    But it's green!

    But it's blue!

    But it's green!

    But it's blue!

    But it's green!


    In which case, it says more about your way of dealing with arguments than anything to be honest, and that's not good, amigo.

  19. #17279
    Quote Originally Posted by ravenmoon View Post
    If you meant block, you should have said that. You wrote BROKE - that means something totally different. MADE me write an entire paragraph recalling history.
    Then sorry.

    Yes, they are diminished Night elves weakened by their expulsion - but that hardly seems to matter, they out perform them and beat them every time they meet these days.. but then why does it surprise you that stats on paper doesn't translate to victory all the time. Plot > stats - which is why we can defeat powerful ancient entities and even titans :rolleyes
    You can say that highborne have lost blessings of the aspects during their departure. However, so did the night elves when Nordrassil has been burned. This is a major motivation for Fandral later.

    Do we know how long it took? In some accounts it appears like it took several life times of humans - they weren't travelling in a straight line you know to an established location, it is far more likely they would get to places, stay there for a while and move on for one reason or the other, we know t hey went through Tirisfal too.
    I think they always said "many years". This doesn't say much but if I was to give a random guess, I would give them 40 years like in Exodus.

    This is comes from the night elves btw, it is not exlclusive to blood elves, but the situation is different in the night elf kind than it is in blood lef kind, Did you not observe this? IThe more addicted and hooked to arcane magic you were the more it affected you, if you were in balance, you would be fine, The Nightborne case is an exceptional extreme case of the night elven kind of addiction
    Nightborne are indeed a specific extreme case. I think no one was this dependent.
    Quote Originally Posted by Nevcairiel View Post
    If you are suggesting to take my Night Elfs Shadowmeld away, then please find some pike to run yourself through, tyvm.

  20. #17280
    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    You can say that highborne have lost blessings of the aspects during their departure. However, so did the night elves when Nordrassil has been burned. This is a major motivation for Fandral later.
    You mean Darth''remar's highborne? That's because they were stripped of it.. as punishment, and cut off from the well, to make sure they could never use the arcane magic of the Well - the night elves and Cenarius must have felt this was the only way to guranatee making them live wouldn't become a threat by them making another attempt to try and use arcane magic.

    Remember night elves believed for a long time that the srot of arcane magic that brought the legion could only happen if you used the Well of Eternity. Nordrassil could amak it's energy signature from the twisting nether, and to magical sensitives, - it could also serve as a buffer making it difficult to access the well itself for anyone.. the exception might very well be night elves who are naturally connected to it, so extra measures would have to have been taken.

    We know they lost the benefits of the Well AND the World tree - because they lost immortality, lost stature,, became a lot weaker, nearly dying off in that journey, weakened a lot.

    This is why people say it was a devolution. Not a massive one, but enough for them to be furious at the Darnassians... and there would have been other unforeseen consequences, like the capacity to handle magic diminished, which would mean less amounts of magic would get them addicted more easily - something they may not realise until the sunwell went - the reason I suspect this is that night elves simply suffused by the Well of Etenrity and Moonwells never get addicted, they only get addicted after ridiculously and excessively using. It is likely the blood elves wer enoet aware they were addicted having surpassed the limits of their devolved forms.

    they now do, although they diminished a bit, the Sunwell's arcane energy would have enhanced them a little bit, not as much as they were when night elves, and not as much as a natural connection to the Well of Eternity would do, but the arcane enhances everything, so it would have enhanced them.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by matrix123mko View Post
    I think they always said "many years". This doesn't say much but if I was to give a random guess, I would give them 40 years like in Exodus.

    I would say longer than that, but who knows. could have been. Afterall, the wilderness journey of the Hebrews is 11 days straight, but it took them 40 years , these guys cross continents, they probably went north, or east , sailed north to Northrend, cut across Northrend, and sailed to Tirisfal, then travelled through till eventually reaching Amani land they rename Quel'thalas.

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