Thalassian elves appear to be a neutral race right now.
Thalassian elves appear to be a neutral race right now.
"If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"
Exactly, void elves are still void elves, who WERE blood elves, LMAO. If anyone got "High Elves" it's the Horde seeing as how we have the "pure" blue eyed elves.
But yeah, these reactions totally proves that it's all about the look not the "muh lores".
Also how can you have "High Elves" and not be able to be Paladins. LOL you guys just got handed another half-assed attempt to make you happy. Except this time it exposed helfers' true colors when they claimed it was all about the lore, not the aesthetics.
Last edited by Varx; 2020-05-27 at 06:21 PM.
Aesthetics was always a major and important bit, and as seen by many (even including examples like Wildhammer and not simply today's news), far more importance placed than 'lore'.
I'm happy with this real compromise, and it's funny to see your attempt at trying to deflate others. It's like everyone having a party and enjoying themselves so much they can't hear.
Yep. Nothing to criticize from me here. They did well and acted wisely, expecting a frenzy if they made a different decision and avoiding it prematurely. Applause.
Yeahh, I really love myself some Old God/Void stuff, so now that we have the most uncorrupted version of Void Elves being put into the game, I hope they dive further on pushing the boundaries on that corruption spectrum further into a cool direction in the future. I feel like there's so much potential there.
N'Zoth eyes, multi-eyes, teeth, spikes, more eldritch hairstyles
Close the thread
This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back.
Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff]
There's no need for that, void elves > blood elves clearly.
Except you are proving us right. We said for years that if this happened and if it was accepted, it was proof it was just a desire for fair skin tones. I am not surprised to have been proven right.
I wonder, will the resistance to the idea that void elves can change other elves into void elves now vanish or are the pros still going to insist they can only come from particular group at one moment in time?
Yeah, there's so much in terms of the theme they can do, with the void, or with the Old God theme, which is basically a subgroup of the void. They can add black hole and space stuff or eldritch tentacle, eye, teeth stuff. But I'm now just talking in circles. Let's hope 9.1 or 9.2 brings such goodies.
I get a feeling that fair skinned butt elves won't end this debate.