1. #17701
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    Do you think the void elves will soon become the most played allied race?
    If it can repopulate the alliance a bit, it's cool.
    When was it not?

  2. #17702
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    They are. It's all about Ren'dorei and Sin'dorei now.

    But at last, the high elf fantasy is coming for the Alliance. And that's super cool.
    No they're not the same. If they were the same they wouldn't exist as separate races and instead as customization options for the regular race. You have no High Elf fantasy. The only fantasy you're getting, or still have, is the same one Alleria started when she sucked up that naruu back in legion.

    The Fantasy you're thinking of is Horde only.

  3. #17703
    I love the blue hair!!!

  4. #17704
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    Uhm excuse me, Night Elves deserve leaves in their hair before anyone else!

    They should get them as well!! no sarcasm. It would help differentiate Alliance Elves vs Horde Elves. Oh wait, that doesn't matter anymore! Leafy hairstyles for all!!

  5. #17705
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Also, I can't wait to start sharing pics of my Alliance High Elf in this thread come Shadowlands and O-M-G all the new fanart we're going to get now with Alliance High Elves now that they're a supported playable option by Blizzard!!
    I have everything I need for Silver Covenant transmos but I confess that I love the elven racial armor of the void too much, which will be even more magnificent on normal skin!

  6. #17706
    Brewmaster Isilrien's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zylos View Post
    You'll notice most (all?) of the allied races don't really have any idle animations outside of just standing there. Talking little things like dwarves looking around, humans sighing, trolls stretching out, worgens sniffing etc. The allied races all just kind of stand there and stare blankly into the abyss. I think this is a part of the reason they all look so robotic and dead inside.
    Void elves have the same animations as Blood Elves. I had to go and check for the other races, and all but Kul Tirans and Lightforged Draenei have idle animations that are more than "standing there."

  7. #17707
    Elemental Lord
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    Sure you can roleplay to be the thing, but your tag still says void elf. So its exactly like ion said.. you cant be everything, but we try to let players what they want to be, but to me you are still a void elf.

    The fairskinned void elves will for ever be called wannabes tho, I hope the high elf fans can live with that.

  8. #17708
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    I love the blue hair!!!
    That's a DK-only hair color. I'm curious if this is a mistake from whoever put those images together, or if they'll open the DK hair colors for everyone (something I wanted for many races for a long time).

  9. #17709
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sharby View Post
    I hope Velves are gonna' get the new facial hair options too, would be such a shame if they were still stuck with the shitty beards.
    They may, but we probably won't see it until AR properly get their turn for customization.

    What we're seeing with the news today is what Blizzard mentioned before, and I've said. Since they're working on the same races and models they can turn some of that work/attention to both options much easier now than before.

    Considering they're giving the same exact skin options, it's likely we'll see some facial hair options too. After all, Blood Elves are also getting VE facial hair options.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Sure you can roleplay to be the thing, but your tag still says void elf. So its exactly like ion said.. you cant be everything, but we try to let players what they want to be, but to me you are still a void elf.

    The fairskinned void elves will for ever be called wannabes tho, I hope the high elf fans can live with that.
    They'll be wannabes with it the same way Blood Elves are tagged as Blood Elves and some players still call themselves High Elves.

  10. #17710
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    Now this debate about whether they are void elves, of course they are although the corruption of the void is not so strong, the hair colors show something of the same, and I think it is the only difference in faction that we have now as Ion once said the Thalassian blondes are in the horde.
    Well.. I already saw people being mad because its like I said not a real high elf. But what ever high elf fans are never happy..
    They should be happy, because they can finnaly play a blood elf on the alliance -.-

  11. #17711
    Quote Originally Posted by Niroshi View Post
    Speaking personally I'm satisfied because it gives some finality to the whole thing. Blizzard has spent years dangling High Elves in front of people while delaying their implementation. They'd say no, then say everything is on the table and then repeat. It was irritating. After over a decade this is kind of a "fuck it, close enough" situation.

    Do not care.
    You don't care or just misinformed with the situation. Either way don't open up a conversation you can't hold up without looking foolish.

  12. #17712
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    They may, but we probably won't see it until AR properly get their turn for customization.

    What we're seeing with the news today is what Blizzard mentioned before, and I've said. Since they're working on the same races and models they can turn some of that work/attention to both options much easier now than before.

    Considering they're giving the same exact skin options, it's likely we'll see some facial hair options too. After all, Blood Elves are also getting VE facial hair options.

    - - - Updated - - -

    They'll live with it the same way Blood Elves are tagged as Blood Elves and some players still call themselves High Elves.
    Never heard of that tbh.. you play a blood elf not a high elf.

  13. #17713
    Quote Originally Posted by Varx View Post
    You don't care or just misinformed with the situation. Either way don't open up a conversation you can't hold up without looking foolish.
    "Foolish" from the dude that can't accept a mutual win. Awkward.

    And no I just don't care at all about what some anti-High Elf person said to High Elf people ages ago. Or one faction of them said to another. It doesn't matter.

  14. #17714
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Never heard of that tbh.. you play a blood elf not a high elf.
    You'll find plenty in this thread alone. You're fortunate to have missed those cringe sights.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I have everything I need for Silver Covenant transmos but I confess that I love the elven racial armor of the void too much, which will be even more magnificent on normal skin!
    Yes the dark purples will go well with the lighter/fair options.

  15. #17715
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    I hope you get it! I want some leaves in hairstyles and warpaint like Alleria for Void Elves!

    - - - Updated - - -

    They will be happy to see you back I'm sure I see most helfers celebrating!
    now i also think about scars! like lorthemar

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    That's a DK-only hair color. I'm curious if this is a mistake from whoever put those images together, or if they'll open the DK hair colors for everyone (something I wanted for many races for a long time).
    developers uploaded it !! Arcane blue hair for me !!!

  16. #17716
    Quote Originally Posted by Sigxy View Post
    You're still classified as a Void Elf and everyone calling you by race will say Void Elf. And your racial gives you voidy looks. But you can at least look like and pretend to be a High Elf easier now!
    The same applies to Blood Elves no? And if Blood Elves are High Elves then are not Void Elves also High Elves? The game will always address both as Blood Elf or Void Elf but both have their roots in the Quel'dorei. All this new announcement does is allow Void Elves to more closely resemble their Quel'dorei roots much like the addition of blue eyes will allow Blood Elves to do so as well.

    All in all I think these options make it very unlikely for an allied race specifically named "High Elf" to happen, but I also think those looking for playable Alliance High Elves will largely find what they are looking for in Void Elves with these customization options, especially if Blizzard does add some in-game lore that explains the why and how of Alliance High Elves joining the ranks of the Ren'dorei. That could go a long way to smoothing out the lore inconsistencies that such options are bound to raise.

    I don't feel that the Paladin class being available makes or breaks what is or isn't a High Elf... and as Ion has said before "anything is possible". Void Elf paladins could be a thing someday.

  17. #17717
    Quote Originally Posted by Niroshi View Post
    "Foolish" from the dude that can't accept a mutual win. Awkward.

    And no I just don't care at all about what some anti-High Elf person said to High Elf people ages ago. Or one faction of them said to another. It doesn't matter.
    Haha, "mutal win". More like "shut up you babies and never bother me again" from blizzard. Purple elves should have been enough from the start. But nope.

    I love how you helfers are so high on your own lack of self awareness and hypocrisy that you don't realize this is a anti helfer win. Have fun with your forever VOID ELVES. I'm sure you'll be reminded each time you see a blue eyed belf pally or your toon procs your void form.

    No chance of ever getting a Helf allied race now, No chance of thalassian alliance paladins, etc, etc

    GG, Oby. We won despite what these clowns say now.

  18. #17718
    Quote Originally Posted by Alanar View Post
    Well.. I already saw people being mad because its like I said not a real high elf. But what ever high elf fans are never happy..
    They should be happy, because they can finnaly play a blood elf on the alliance -.-
    I saw some complaint that they wanted to play high elf paladin and void elves are not paladins! but not all of us have what we want! I want botanist from TBC !!!

  19. #17719
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    developers uploaded it !! Arcane blue hair for me !!!
    I know, but because this is model-editing rather than in-game screens, mistakes can be made sometimes as the designer just mix assets together. I've seen them do it with hair styles before (making an image with impossible combinations of hair geosets).

    I really hope they open the colors for everyone, I've wanted that for many races for a long time. I love the Human DK dark blue, the blood elf DK light and dark blues, the night elf DK pink and red hair, and many others. So, I'm crossing fingers that this is not just a designer mistake.

  20. #17720
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    I know, but because this is model-editing rather than in-game screens, mistakes can be made sometimes as the designer just mix assets together. I've seen them do it with hair styles before (making an image with impossible combinations of hair geosets).

    I really hope they open the colors for everyone, I've wanted that for many races for a long time. I love the Human DK dark blue, the blood elf DK light and dark blues, the night elf DK pink and red hair, and many others. So, I'm crossing fingers that this is not just a designer mistake.
    I think that blue was one of the new haircolors datamined by WoWhead, no?

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