Also I am hoping they expand the embassies, would be a good place to have the different groups.
like amongst the Dwarves/trolls - you have the forest trolls in a group, line up, then the sand trolls in another cloister of the troll group.. so people can see. Same with the dwarves.
It's going to be great to see so many High Elves!
The Alliance has one less race/class combo than the Horde. This would be the perfect time to add in Velf paladins. Or Void druids.
Haha, they would be void elves re-skinning their toons, or night elves that swap to void/high elf.
Trust, me as a player that plays both factions, and actually likes the two groups of elves a lot, already having blood elf toons for nearly every class, and void elf ones too, I have no inclination to port my horde toons over to the alliance. Or replace them now my void can be peach skinned. 0 motivation.
High elves will not solve the alliance population crises, people aren't going to start playing alliance because void elves can be high elves now. They will stay with their guilds and communities in the faction that has the best chances of success, or where their friends are. what we will see if hordies who want to mess around on the alliance, and can't stand their races will play a void elf or high elf for kicks, it wont be a seriously played character cos their Belf is in their progress guild on the horde.
- - - Updated - - -
Technically they would be High elf paladins. Although under the void elf tab, you are playing a high elf. Just like the Wildhammer options coming are under the bronzebeard tab, but it's actually a Wildhammer.
What if they also gave night elves warlocks using ONLY the demon hunter skins? And alliance ended up getting two class options in High elf paladins and Illidari Warlocks? Blood elf warlocks would also have the illidari option open up on their warlock selection, but because they can already be normal warlocks, it isn't an extra class-combo.
All I am saying is, this clearly was never about having playable high elves on the alliance. It was, and always has been about skin deep aesthetics.
It had nothing to do with the lore or anything else.
I expect this topic will die now.
Last edited by Broflake; 2020-05-28 at 12:13 AM.
its great to see they finally putting an end to this madness, they literally kick the bucket haha.
Is also great to see that LORE was never a factor here, never mattered, it was just an excuse, what rly mattered was always aesthetic, about white skin and blue-eyes
Since both factions get access to the blue eyes the alliance will see no positive development aside from the players who are already stuck on the alliance because of their friends and are playing a void elf changing their eye option at the dresser. maybe the horde will get even more players because the high elf hopefuls that stuck with void elf hoping for the option sees that blood elves get the eye option anyway and swap over because why woudl they stay alliance now?
Elf... Elf everywhere...
Argus in 2018 My prediction failed in part... But I'm still a Spacegoat
Yeah, I still want high elves. The character randomly covering with void energy will be annoying. However, in the mean time I can at least customize a void elf to look closer to what I want and try to pretend/ignore the rest. This is certainly an improvement, and I'm happy for these changes. We can call this a win.
It's very interesting that only a very short time ago we were told no blue eyes for blood elves. Just a few weeks later, we're being shown new texture maps. lol
Usually aesthetic defines lore. Wasn't blood elves going on horde in the first place to give horde an aethetic pleasing race? The lore was created to make that happen, rather than a natural progression of the story from WC3 TFT.
Shouldn't surprise you, NIghtborne going horde was also a similar move, but then the existence of allied/sub-races is for variation and is a design directive that accompanies new expansions that include new areas, new bestiary and new versions of the orignal races. Always been the case. Why all of a sudden people fail to recognise this in the implementation of Nightborne and void elves when it's been the case in every expansion is beyond me. Perhaps it's because they were playable.
Well the High elf megathreads will die out eventually now. But then the change hardly matters too.