1. #18141
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Nah because my High Elf's look will no longer be defined by a one-time ritual that only affected very few Blood Elves.
    Except they would be, because that is how you become a void elf.
    Void elves are like paladins. They are beings who are inundated with the void and infused with it.
    Its like Alleria in a sense.
    High elves are defined by the fact that they are not corrupted by any magical force, and void elves are the definition of corruption.
    Right now, the only uncorrupted variant of the race is still held by Horde.

    Of course, that is alore perspective, from a design perspective?
    They're the exact same. One just has blue hair.
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    You are actually not "giving up everything". Giving up everything is what the status quo was before yesterday's news, wherein you HAD to be a blueberry elf!
    My only annoyance is mainly the fact that Alliance essentially got everything blood elves are, and blood elves haven't seemingly obtained anything in response. If we're going to melt down the differences between the two races, might as well go all in you know?

    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Also hoping for the warpaint that Alleria has.

    Then we really can emulate her
    They haven't shown any tattoos for blood elves either.
    Of course its still alpha, so hopefully tttoos will be in themix.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Yeah, I really love that set. Easily my favorite tier piece since TBC, where we got 3 good sets but after that it's been pretty bad :P

    And to me it scream Eversong Woods, like the art of Alleria there running wild into the forest with that good looking equipment^^

    And Alleria is my favorite High Elf :>
    Alleria is the only windrunner worth mentioning, though I am annoyed ll the windrunners went for human potential.

  2. #18142
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    We just need some new void elf haircuts but also new hair colors such as light blue white and black.

    My Kirin Tor HIgh elf will look so good
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  3. #18143
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    We just need some new void elf haircuts but also new hair colors such as light blue white and black.

    My Kirin Tor HIgh elf will look so good
    Yeah my high elf paladin is looking good with his silverhand set.

  4. #18144
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post

    Same with this. It's the raid-equivalent of the one you mentioned, and it looks very good on Blood Elves, it will look good on Void Elves too as you say.

    T19 and Glad was good that season! And fits the Farstrider fantasy, it's a picture of Alleria in same colors above.
    This looks really nice, pity I don't enjoy the hunter class that much. I even have Thoris'dal in my bank... on my mage! Wonder if I should switch from Human to VE after this. Can make some really nice pant-mogs which doesn't look good on human males, on cloth at least.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    We just need some new void elf haircuts but also new hair colors such as light blue white and black.

    My Kirin Tor HIgh elf will look so good
    I'm so happy we can fulfill the Alliance blue eyed fantasy now. Blue with the blue. Also Kirin Tor x High Elf is a really good combo.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    My only annoyance is mainly the fact that Alliance essentially got everything blood elves are, and blood elves haven't seemingly obtained anything in response. If we're going to melt down the differences between the two races, might as well go all in you know?
    Blood Elves still have more customizations though, like the Valeera-esque hairstyle, jewellry etc. I know that more customizations will come to those two races as was mentioned in the post, but I think they will try to keep the core race as the more loaded one.

  5. #18145
    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Alleria is the only windrunner worth mentioning, though I am annoyed ll the windrunners went for human potential.
    Yeah, I was a big fan of Sylvanas before, but I don't like the way they went with her. To me she was best when she was lurking behind, scheming.

    Alleria is fine I think, she got some personality at least. Looks good as well. As in design, equipment and such.
    World of Warcraft stuff

  6. #18146
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    It's the same as Wildhammer/Sand Trolls. Also they are, in fact, a playable option because y'know - people can play as them.

    Sorry that you are having trouble with that.
    Sorry, but it seems you're the one that don't understand the difference:

    You can "play" as an Alliance high elf in Shadowlands just as much as you could "play" as a demon hunter back in TBC by being a rogue and wielding Illidan's warglaives and wearing his blindfold.

    You can roleplay as one, but you are not one.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  7. #18147
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    Blood Elves still have more customizations though, like the Valeera-esque hairstyle, jewellry etc. I know that more customizations will come to those two races as was mentioned in the post, but I think they will try to keep the core race as the more loaded one.
    Do they? I am not sure. Hell at one point they said ARs would not get a pass for SL.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Yeah, I was a big fan of Sylvanas before, but I don't like the way they went with her. To me she was best when she was lurking behind, scheming.

    Alleria is fine I think, she got some personality at least. Looks good as well. As in design, equipment and such.
    Meh...im annoyed because their story always involves a human as their lover influencing them in some way.
    I want independence!

  8. #18148
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Yeah my high elf paladin is looking good with his silverhand set.
    I know you're mad about it.
    But please deal with it.
    High elves are now for both factions. Enjoy your High elf paladin while I enjoy my High elf.
    Blizzard took the good decision.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  9. #18149
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    Sorry, but it seems you're the one that don't understand the difference:

    You can "play" as an Alliance high elf in Shadowlands just as much as you could "play" as a demon hunter back in TBC by being a rogue and wielding Illidan's warglaives and wearing his blindfold.

    You can roleplay as one, but you are not one.
    I am not sure why they insist on it but hey, freecountry right?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    I know you're mad about it.
    Why would I be upset over a video game?
    I honestly could not care less dude.
    I play alliance, so this benefits me.

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    But please deal with it.
    Follow your own advice before speaking to me bud. Screaming for 15 years for something you still dont have isn't a good look.
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    High elves are now for both factions. Enjoy your High elf paladin while I enjoy my High elf.
    Well, if you had a high elf, you'd have a connection to the sunwell, and you'd have a paladin.
    You're still a void corrupted creature.
    That is assuming you care about lore which, let us be honest, most helfers didnt.
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Blizzard took the good decision.
    A decision being good or bad is separate from whether or not you agree with it.
    I don't agree with it, but if it turns out to be more beneficial, then its a good decision.
    If you learn to not emotionally invest yourself in this matter, you'll not be so bothered.
    There are more important things to life than pixels
    Last edited by Broflake; 2020-05-28 at 04:32 PM.

  10. #18150
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    I know you're mad about it.
    But please deal with it.
    High elves are now for both factions. Enjoy your High elf paladin while I enjoy my High elf.
    Blizzard took the good decision.
    Besides blue-eyed paladin isn't as immersive as gold-eye paladin. At least that's how I feel.

    I also really like the purple eye, could push the arcane mage fantasy further. Their eyes can get purple from full-on arcane energy rushing through their entire body.

  11. #18151
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    Besides blue-eyed paladin isn't as immersive as gold-eye paladin. At least that's how I feel.

    I also really like the purple eye, could push the arcane mage fantasy further. Their eyes can get purple from full-on arcane energy rushing through their entire body.
    Did they confirm the purple and red eyes!?

  12. #18152
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    This looks really nice, pity I don't enjoy the hunter class that much. I even have Thoris'dal in my bank... on my mage! Wonder if I should switch from Human to VE after this. Can make some really nice pant-mogs which doesn't look good on human males, on cloth at least.
    Also the Artifact weapon goes really well with that set.

    That's my Belf hunter with the mage tower skin on the Artifact Weapon which is of course named Thas'dora, Legacy of the Windrunners, which goes well with it. Then you can use that skin on the Void Elf, with the red hair maybe and blue eyes and voila, you almost got an Alleria lookalike.

    I just wish, and this is my biggest wish when it comes to customization, that hair shows in helms, hoodies etc. That would be the real change to me. I just dislike most helms seeing it just cuts your hair off :P
    World of Warcraft stuff

  13. #18153
    Herald of the Titans Amaterasu65's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    I am not sure why they insist on it but hey, freecountry right?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why would I be upset over a video game?
    I honestly could not care less dude.
    I play alliance, so this benefits me.

    Follow your own advice before speaking to me bud. Screaming for 15 years for something you still dont have isn't a good look.

    Well, if you had a high elf, you'd have a connection to the sunwell, and you'd have a paladin.
    You're still a void corrupted creature.
    That is assuming you care about lore which, let us be honest, most helfers didnt.

    A decision being good or bad is separate from whether or not you agree with it.
    I don't agree with it, but if it turns out to be more beneficial, then its a good decision.
    If you learn to not emotionally invest yourself in this matter, you'll not be so bothered.
    There are more important things to life than pixels
    The salt is real. High Elves didn't depend on the Sunwell when they left Silvermoon either way. Don't know what your point is. The truth of the matter is BOTH factions have have normal skin tones and blue eyes and who knows what else VEs are gonna get to look more like Alleria and so on. Blizzard literally caved in after huge demand and they are gonna deliver. It makes sense because these features will actually sell.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Also the Artifact weapon goes really well with that set.

    That's my Belf hunter with the mage tower skin on the Artifact Weapon which is of course named Thas'dora, Legacy of the Windrunners, which goes well with it. Then you can use that skin on the Void Elf, with the red hair maybe and blue eyes and voila, you almost got an Alleria lookalike.

    I just wish, and this is my biggest wish when it comes to customization, that hair shows in helms, hoodies etc. That would be the real change to me. I just dislike most helms seeing it just cuts your hair off :P
    This is my only regret. Not going for hunter MT weapon. It fits perfectly.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Did they confirm the purple and red eyes!?
    If you see the post, there is a Void Elf with purple eyes on natural skin palette. Don't know about red eyes though.

  14. #18154
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    I am not sure why they insist on it but hey, freecountry right?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Why would I be upset over a video game?
    I honestly could not care less dude.
    I play alliance, so this benefits me.

    Follow your own advice before speaking to me bud. Screaming for 15 years for something you still dont have isn't a good look.

    Well, if you had a high elf, you'd have a connection to the sunwell, and you'd have a paladin.
    You're still a void corrupted creature.
    That is assuming you care about lore which, let us be honest, most helfers didnt.

    A decision being good or bad is separate from whether or not you agree with it.
    I don't agree with it, but if it turns out to be more beneficial, then its a good decision.
    If you learn to not emotionally invest yourself in this matter, you'll not be so bothered.
    There are more important things to life than pixels
    Yeah buddy. I'm happy for you too. 😊 Enjoy your Horde High elf Paladin
    It would be nice to see the Silver Covenant joining the void elves ranks and to see more high elf/void elf interactions.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  15. #18155
    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Meh...im annoyed because their story always involves a human as their lover influencing them in some way.
    I want independence!
    Agree, that's why I like them elves initially, both Night, High and other elves for being arrogant and feisty :P
    World of Warcraft stuff

  16. #18156
    New Kid Zaelsino's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    I disagree with him entirely on the hair. Void elves deserve to resemble their racial leader but they should achieve this through new designs, maybe based on Alleria's braids and other ideas shown here. Straight up pasting over all the blood elf hairstyles is a terrible idea.

  17. #18157
    Quote Originally Posted by Pregnant Orc View Post
    And their new jewelry options. Unless I'm missing something those will be unavailable to alliance elves.
    Oh yeah, those too.

  18. #18158
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    The salt is real.
    Not sure why you and several others insist on such a thing. Are things so empty that you feel the need to assume someone is unhappy so you can feel good?
    Let's cease baiting with such statements.
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    High Elves didn't depend on the Sunwell when they left Silvermoon either way.
    I am not sure where you ever got the notion. The high elves people are ALL connected to the Sunwell, regardless if they left Silvermoon (high elves), or stayed (blood elves).
    This is confirmed in Shadows of the Sun by the high elves of que'lithien who felt it restored, and is confirmed by Alleria who felt its destruction and restoration while being in Outland. So, the notion high elves don't use or depend on it is a false narrative.
    This is what makes void elves superior to all other elves. They don't need an external magical source to feed them. They ARE the magical source.
    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    Don't know what your point is. The truth of the matter is BOTH factions have have normal skin tones and blue eyes and who knows what else VEs are gonna get to look more like Alleria and so on. Blizzard literally caved in after huge demand and they are gonna deliver. It makes sense because these features will actually sell.
    Well, as I said before.
    I may not agree with their decision but it benefits me. So its a win-win situationf or me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amaterasu65 View Post
    If you see the post, there is a Void Elf with purple eyes on natural skin palette. Don't know about red eyes though.
    That works.

  19. #18159
    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Screaming for 15 years for something you still dont have isn't a good look.
    It's about time for you to cope. This desperation is a little embarrassing.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Did they confirm the purple and red eyes!?
    The purple ones were in the Void Elf preview. Probably their version of the golden eyes.

  20. #18160
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Yeah buddy. I'm happy for you too. ������ Enjoy your Horde High elf Paladin
    It would be nice to see the Silver Covenant joining the void elves ranks and to see more high elf/void elf interactions.
    I would rather see them rejoin the blood elves.
    With Sylvanas gone, there is no windrunner representation for the Horde.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    It's about time for you to cope. This desperation is a little embarrassing.
    The matters I am hoping to cope with go beyond the matter of pixels. Best keep your psychic roleplay to yourself.
    But hey, if you need to pretend someone is salty over something to feel good, go for it. Seems a little sad though.
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    The purple ones were in the Void Elf preview. Probably their version of the golden eyes.
    They did show purple for blood elves in the past datamine despite it being NPC flagged along with blue eyes

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