Except they would be, because that is how you become a void elf.
Void elves are like paladins. They are beings who are inundated with the void and infused with it.
Its like Alleria in a sense.
High elves are defined by the fact that they are not corrupted by any magical force, and void elves are the definition of corruption.
Right now, the only uncorrupted variant of the race is still held by Horde.
Of course, that is alore perspective, from a design perspective?
They're the exact same. One just has blue hair.
My only annoyance is mainly the fact that Alliance essentially got everything blood elves are, and blood elves haven't seemingly obtained anything in response. If we're going to melt down the differences between the two races, might as well go all in you know?
They haven't shown any tattoos for blood elves either.
Of course its still alpha, so hopefully tttoos will be in themix.
- - - Updated - - -
Alleria is the only windrunner worth mentioning, though I am annoyed ll the windrunners went for human potential.