1. #18461
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Agreed. If Void Elf Demon Hunters (or really any race that falls outside the standard Illidari) were to become a thing, it would require a new (and likely very abridged) intro much like the allied race Death Knights get. It would also require some in-game lore/event to explain it. Shadowlands pre-orders allow us to see that kind of explanation for the new allied race Death Knights. It's as simple as telling us Bolvar raised casualties from the fourth war. New race demon hunters would require something like that to make sense, though I would welcome such just because it would be nice to have more race options for Demon Hunters as a whole.
    There two main points of contention I'd have, because, lore wise they're a pretty big deal...

    First, the Burning Legion threat has been dealt with, the driving force behind the creation and training of Demon Hunters is no longer there so what motivations are there to become a Demon Hunter? I'd be "satisfied" with them going....because I want to...but honestly that really doesn't make sense and is really really weak. Unlike new Death Knights, where the current Lich King is the one who raised them, that makes absolute sense.

    The book "Illidan" goes pretty in depth on what becoming a demon hunter entails, and one of the cinematics touches on it, as does the current starting zone. One of the main points is that the candidate literally consumes a demon to become part demon and obtain demonic powers so that those powers can be turned against the burning legion. Constantly fighting the urges to give into the demon's will, or be fully consumed by the power, which brings me to my second point, specifically for Void Elves...

    The Void Elves are already constantly dealing with the whispers and torment of the old gods, becoming a demon hunter would put even MORE whispers and urges inside them to contend with. I doubt a Void Elf would be able to handle becoming a Demon Hunter without becoming a murdering, rambling, literally insane, psychopath.

  2. #18462
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    I believe only Umbric's original posse are the mutant sort, practically everyone else are just students of the Void. That's at least the impression the starting zone gives of
    That's what players speculated because the way Umbric and his posse transformed to how they were happened by a villain and not something Umbric+his group intentionally wanted.

    Therefore the question always was, how would they even have new Void Elves go through that without some Ethereal and WHY as it was a painful process that got abruptly interrupted - very different from a controlled change.

  3. #18463
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    I believe this was always the case, no? I don't recall the Void Elf intro narration, but the actual starting zone shows new elves show up every now and then, both regular high elves and blood elves, who come to become Void Elves. I believe only Umbric's original posse are the mutant sort, practically everyone else are just students of the Void. That's at least the impression the starting zone gives of
    Pretty much yes.

    Currently we can visually only look like members of Umbric's squad. The customization options will allow us to visually have a broader origin than that. Varodoc is implying that Alleria is somehow inexplicably different from other elves, when the fact is any High Elf (and likely other races) can do what she did.

    Has she changed because of her studies and trials? Yes, that much is obvious. I was basically trying to get the point across to Varodoc that Alleria was not altered in the same way that Umbric was, that future Void Elves would likely follow in Alleria's footsteps, and they are all considered Ren'dorei (or Void Elves if you prefer).
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-05-29 at 03:55 PM.

  4. #18464
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    There's nowhere in lore saying that what we call "Farstrider tattoos" are indeed a common thing in the Farstriders. The "typical tattoos" were never portrayed in canon lore or art since Warcraft 3 at least, they are mostly a high elf fan request based on old units from Warcraft 2, of which only Alleria, leader of the void elves, have been canonically portrayed as using. Those old units, BTW, were canonically rewritten as Alleria's squad that went to help the Alliance when Silvermoon refused to send its army. Which is why I think they fit the void elf customization more, while blood elves could have runes of another style and colors.
    that unit later happened to be led by auric sunchaser the high elf representative that we see in queldanas and he say the children of silvermoon must be united! and now we are united!!!

    those tattoos are part of our tradition, void elves are a new race with new aesthetics! you wanted the skin color now you have it but respect what is the statics of the race!

  5. #18465
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    But she IS a normal elf.

    Yes the book refers to her as a Void Elf but she was never transformed like Umbric and his squad. She studied under Locus Walker and went through various trials to attain her powers and that's what makes her a Void Elf, but she is most certainly not a Void Elf in the same way Umbric and his squad are.

    New members of the Ren'dorei will likely go through similar training and trials as Alleria which would explain why they can retain their usual appearance.
    Still a void elf. Both her and Umbric got injected with a massive amount of void energy, which changed them at a biological level and thus can't be compared to the scholars we see in Telogrus Rift. I'm not sure why you keep claiming she is a normal elf when Shadows Rising literally calls her a void elf...
    Last edited by Varodoc; 2020-05-29 at 03:57 PM.

  6. #18466
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Still a void elf. Both her and Umbric got injected with a massive amount of void energy. I'm not sure why you keep claiming she is a normal elf when Shadows Rising literally calls her a void elf...
    Because people are having trouble distinguishing the Void Elf race with the Void Elf faction (which now has Void Elves, High Elves and ex-Blood Elves in its midst).

    It would be nice for there to be an actual name for the "mutant" species Umbric and his followers belong to, but they'll probably never actually give them a name. Everyone in the group will be Void Elves/Rendorei.

  7. #18467
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    perhaps a former Man'ari seeking redemption can count as a "Draenei" demon hunter?
    Maybe, though the Demon Hunter tool kit is pretty specific on how they got their powers and why/ how they use it. It's certainly plausible that a Man'ari could fit that.

  8. #18468
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Pretty much yes.

    Currently we can visually only look like members of Umbric's squad. The customization options will allow us to visually have a broader origin than that. Varodoc is implying that Alleria is somehow inexplicably different from other elves, when the fact is any High Elf (and likely other races) can do what she did.

    Has she changed because of her studies and trials? Yes, that much is obvious. I was basically trying to get the point across to Varodoc that Alleria was not altered in the same way that Umbric was, that future Void Elves would likely follow in Alleria's footsteps, and they are all considered Ren'dorei (or Void Elves if you prefer).
    Well, I'd say you're completely right there, that's exactly what their starting zone in the Rift seems to imply with the uncorrupted High Elves being taught by the Locus Walker. But, I guess Alleria may be different in that she sort of absorbed all that Void on Argus, rather than come by it in the same manner as us who study it willingly. But if that has any greater consequences for her than what any other void elves endure I don't think we've seen any hints of that

    That'd be more of an open plot thread for Blizzard to delve into in the future if they want to write a big Alleria story

  9. #18469
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    that unit later happened to be led by auric sunchaser the high elf representative that we see in queldanas and he say the children of silvermoon must be united! and now we are united!!!

    those tattoos are part of our tradition, void elves are a new race with new aesthetics! you wanted the skin color now you have it but respect what is the statics of the race!
    Auric never joined the Horde, he's just there as high elf (i.e.: exiles/outsiders/Alliance) representative.
    He talked about rallying with the bearer of Quel'delar against the Scourge, not about everyone joining together and singing merry songs.
    If you play the same scenario as Alliance, he is treated with hostility by the blood elves.

    "Those tattoos" currently exist in a lore void in which they are found nowhere in lore or art except for Alleria.

  10. #18470
    Quote Originally Posted by Nagawithlegs View Post
    Because people are having trouble distinguishing the Void Elf race with the Void Elf faction (which now has Void Elves, High Elves and ex-Blood Elves in its midst)
    That's the problem, Blizzard should name this faction already. I saw the term "Silvermoon Exiles" thrown around a few times but it's fancanon. That's why I asked if "Ren'dorei" is a term referring exclusively to elves changed biologically by the void or if it's an umbrella term referring to any Alliance elf interested in learning the Void.

  11. #18471
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Pretty much yes.

    Currently we can visually only look like members of Umbric's squad. The customization options will allow us to visually have a broader origin than that. Varodoc is implying that Alleria is somehow inexplicably different from other elves, when the fact is any High Elf (and likely other races) can do what she did.

    Has she changed because of her studies and trials? Yes, that much is obvious. I was basically trying to get the point across to Varodoc that Alleria was not altered in the same way that Umbric was, that future Void Elves would likely follow in Alleria's footsteps, and they are all considered Ren'dorei (or Void Elves if you prefer).
    The current appearance also accounts for elves who may have attempted a process similar to Alleria's, but weren't able to hold back the Void as well as she was. Whether during or after the ritual that gives them access to Entropic Embrace, among other racials, it's easy to explain that the forces of entropy embraced a little too hard and resulted in a transformed appearance. There is no reason Blizzard would need to limit that appearance to exclusively elves from Umbric's original crew.

  12. #18472
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    If extra DH races happened I would do

    - Humans
    - Draenei
    - Void Elves

    - Orcs
    - Trolls (only one, maybe ZD as they're more popular)
    - Nightborne
    I agree with everything but Void Elves, because of the whole demon + void whispers not being something I think they'd be able to contend with and still be productive, helpful members of society and not psychopaths or worse...

  13. #18473
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    That's the problem, Blizzard should name this faction already. I saw the term "Silvermoon Exiles" thrown around a few times but it's fancanon. That's why I asked if "Ren'dorei" is a term referring exclusive to elves changed biologically by the void or if it's an umbrella term referring to any Alliance elf interested in learning the Void.
    I am going to guess that Rendorei and Void Elves will always refer to the umbrella faction of all Thalassian elves following Alleria, Umbric and the Alliance (because they now all use the void). Unfortunately this means there will never be a real name for the void-mutated elves.

  14. #18474
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    Auric never joined the Horde, he's just there as high elf (i.e.: exiles/outsiders/Alliance) representative.
    He talked about rallying with the bearer of Quel'delar against the Scourge, not about everyone joining together and singing merry songs.
    If you play the same scenario as Alliance, he is treated with hostility by the blood elves.

    "Those tattoos" currently exist in a lore void in which they are found nowhere in lore or art except for Alleria.
    Perhaps he would be loyal to Silvermoon but not Horde just as how Valeera is loyal to Wrynns but not Alliance
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  15. #18475
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    Still a void elf. Both her and Umbric got injected with a massive amount of void energy. I'm not sure why you keep claiming she is a normal elf when Shadows Rising literally calls her a void elf...
    Perhaps there's a bit of a misunderstanding on my part.

    Upon further consideration, are you asking if an elf who has not gone through the study and trials Alleria did or was not transformed as Umbric was, be allowed to join the Ren'dorei? If so, the answer to that is... we don't know. Theoretically, yes? The Ren'dorei as an organization could welcome members who aren't actively studying the void. Game mechanically, we don't know? That's something Blizzard would have to clarify.

    If you're asking if an elf that studies the void but hasn't "gone all the way" yet be considered Ren'dorei, I'd say... yes? If only because they are on the path that will ultimately bring them to the same destination Alleria is at.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-05-29 at 04:07 PM.

  16. #18476
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    Auric never joined the Horde, he's just there as high elf (i.e.: exiles/outsiders/Alliance) representative.
    He talked about rallying with the bearer of Quel'delar against the Scourge, not about everyone joining together and singing merry songs.
    If you play the same scenario as Alliance, he is treated with hostility by the blood elves.

    "Those tattoos" currently exist in a lore void in which they are found nowhere in lore or art except for Alleria.
    and why do we have blue eyes now? What are you saying that we cannot be the high elves that returned home next to auric? I think you are wrong about that.

    It is part of our aesthetic, the void elves have their own aesthetic. remember that umbric is a magister they could use void tattoos with arcane styles.

  17. #18477
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Perhaps its a bit of a misunderstanding on my part. Upon further consideration, are you asking if an elf who has not gone through the study and trials Alleria did or was not transformed as Umbric was, be allowed to join the Ren'dorei? If so, the answer to that is... we don't know. Theoretically, yes? The Ren'dorei as an organization could welcome members who aren't actively studying the void. Game mechanically, we don't know? That's something Blizzard would have to clarify.
    I admit I made the question in a convoluted way. Sadly Blizzard linked the void elves to the Argussian Reach reputation, as a result they never bothered to name their political affiliation. (i.e. Humans = Kingdom of Stormwind / Blood Elves = Kingdom of Quel'thalas / Void Elves = ???).

  18. #18478
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    That's the problem, Blizzard should name this faction already. I saw the term "Silvermoon Exiles" thrown around a few times but it's fancanon. That's why I asked if "Ren'dorei" is a term referring exclusively to elves changed biologically by the void or if it's an umbrella term referring to any Alliance elf interested in learning the Void.
    I thought it was clear already in the game that the Void Elf faction is just any elf interested in studying the void. Any Void Elf character made, regardless if mutated or not, will have the void-related racials and be hearing the whispers. What ties them all together is that they're followers of the void.

    I always took that to be the cause for the name as a faction rather than as a race. I mean, we can play Mechagnomes, that's what the 'race' is titled as in race selection screen, but they are biologically identical to regular gnomes. They just happen to have prosthetics. It seems the 'race' selection screen is more of a faction selection, so seems perfectly reasonable to assume "Void Elf" is more of a faction than a race, and that there simply isn't a specific unique term for the mutated void elves (other than "mutated void elf")

  19. #18479
    The Lightbringer Ardenaso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Perhaps there's a bit of a misunderstanding on my part.

    Upon further consideration, are you asking if an elf who has not gone through the study and trials Alleria did or was not transformed as Umbric was, be allowed to join the Ren'dorei? If so, the answer to that is... we don't know. Theoretically, yes? The Ren'dorei as an organization could welcome members who aren't actively studying the void. Game mechanically, we don't know? That's something Blizzard would have to clarify.

    If you're asking if an elf that studies the void but hasn't "gone all the way" yet be considered Ren'dorei, I'd say... yes? If only because they are on the path that will ultimately bring them to the same destination Alleria is at.
    well yes, that's exactly what the wayfarers are. maybe we'd have even some former Dire Orcs as NPCs seeking to fully harness the void in the future
    The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!

    I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.

  20. #18480
    Will anyone be making their Legolas and joining up with Gimli and Aragorn and roleplayer the fellowship of the ring now that Void Elves are getting High Elf skin tones?

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