1. #18501
    Quote Originally Posted by Oswen View Post
    Ranger war paints can work for both Void and Blood Elves, they could just differentiate them by colour (Void Elf=Blue, Blood Elf=Red), by patterns or both.
    I would even see two different colors for each, blue / purple for the void elves and red / green for the blood elves.

  2. #18502
    Random suggestion, but I noticed in the previews, all the non-Voidy Void Elves were given regular Blood Elf underwear. Why not give them something recolored to fit the Alliance elves, and distinguish them slightly more from the Belves?

  3. #18503
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    and why do we have blue eyes now? What are you saying that we cannot be the high elves that returned home next to auric? I think you are wrong about that.

    It is part of our aesthetic, the void elves have their own aesthetic. remember that umbric is a magister they could use void tattoos with arcane styles.
    You have blue eyes because Blizzard is allowing people to make their character as they envision it. There could always be some high elves returning to Silvermoon, you can just make your character one of them if you so wish. Enjoy it, but it doesnt mean there was a big shift in the story. Blizzard, thankfully, is just allowing more options for players.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    Perhaps he would be loyal to Silvermoon but not Horde just as how Valeera is loyal to Wrynns but not Alliance
    Considering the Alliance just got "Auric's Angels" in BfA, I'd say he's still Alliance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Random suggestion, but I noticed in the previews, all the non-Voidy Void Elves were given regular Blood Elf underwear. Why not give them something recolored to fit the Alliance elves, and distinguish them slightly more from the Belves?
    It's confirmed they will have regular void elf underwear. The images are just mock-ups.

  4. #18504
    Quote Originally Posted by Traycor View Post
    Some players are complaining that BE & HE will now be exactly the same. An excellent way to create the distinction is to give high elves their legacy warpaint. Blood elves design diverged from this in WC3, and it would be silly to revert BEs to high elf designs. Part of the whole point of high elves is that they never left that way of thinking behind. BEs would get their acane runes that fit the BE design philosophy and way of thinking. Problem solved.
    High elves didn't have warpaint, the only character that did was in WC2 and that was Alleria.
    It i also stated that the blood elves have maintained their way of thinking. It is the high elves that have left their traditions and their people behind.

  5. #18505
    Quote Originally Posted by Rathwell View Post
    Random suggestion, but I noticed in the previews, all the non-Voidy Void Elves were given regular Blood Elf underwear. Why not give them something recolored to fit the Alliance elves, and distinguish them slightly more from the Belves?

    They'll have Void Elf underwear.

  6. #18506
    Quote Originally Posted by Magnagarde View Post
    Light and void are cosmically opposite forces only after the Chronicles have been released, giving us an actual chart to compare cosmic forces to begin with. Only a couple of years after the Chronicles were released, we've already seen a senior storyteller say how that's basically what the titans thing of the universe, leaving everything up in the air depending on how truthful the titans' takes are. Up untill at least Cataclysm, light was the stark opposite of death too and they changed that very easily.

    My entire point is that whatever lore is canon right now is pointless to latch onto because it can change within a single patch, let alone an expansion or major story source like a book, novel and so on. Don't be surprised if they turn their back on their own lore as it stands today and make void elf paladins in the future. That is all I am saying.

    The one that wanted Illidan to the "Chosen One" was Xe'ra, a Naaru, and Naaru have shown us to be no less the individuals than any other characters we've met. We've seen that their ideas differ, as is witnessed through A'dal's take on things.
    That is a fair point, and honestly I don't like how things have been shifted about purely for the sake of jutifying design choices. Again, I would not be surprised if suddenly there were void elf paladins.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Clickbait Mick View Post
    Literally, guys. LITERALLY!

    Man, High Elf fans are such monsters! How dare they do this?!
    Monsters? Hardly, but t would be false to not say essentially what occurred is the copy pasta of a horde race

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Well Alleria is a "normal elf" and is considered Ren'dorei. I would imagine it would take more than just "showing interest" but rather "active study". I can't speak for the devs of course, but I would say its not unreasonable to assume that anyone willing to study the void would be welcome as members of the Ren'dorei, though you might not be considered a "graduate" from "void school" until you can take on your void form.
    Uhhh, Alleria is not a "normal"elf. She is considered a Ren'dorei because like them, she has changed in such a fundamental way that calling herself a high elf doesn't really fit. Plus, void elves bleed purple. Very anti-elf like

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Don't be too confident. For 2 years we have been told fair skinned is what made them different from the void elves...

    But I agree. Just give us some new cold colors and hairstyles. Let the Blood elves keep the blond/brown hairs.
    Can we get tentacle hairs too since those are void elf exclusive?
    I mean,if we're swapping stuff and VE get skin tones, I think its fair to get tentacle hair made of light.
    Xe'ra had light tentacles

  7. #18507
    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    I would even see two different colors for each, blue / purple for the void elves and red / green for the blood elves.
    Let's raise to three: blue, violet and magenta for void elves; red, green and gold for blood elves.

  8. #18508
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    You have blue eyes because Blizzard is allowing people to make their character as they envision it. There could always be some high elves returning to Silvermoon, you can just make your character one of them if you so wish. Enjoy it, but it doesnt mean there was a big shift in the story. Blizzard, thankfully, is just allowing more options for players.

    Considering the Alliance just got "Auric's Angels" in BfA, I'd say he's still Alliance.

    - - - Updated - - -

    It's confirmed they will have regular void elf underwear. The images are just mock-ups.
    then you agree that the high elves we see in queldanas alongside auric can be the same elves we interpret now that we can have blue eyes.

    It is part of the aesthetics of my race. I want that statics in my race.

  9. #18509
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    They'll have Void Elf underwear.
    Good, the red would look so odd on a Void Elf!

  10. #18510
    Quote Originally Posted by Rhlor View Post
    then you agree that the high elves we see in queldanas alongside auric can be the same elves we interpret now that we can have blue eyes.

    It is part of the aesthetics of my race. I want that statics in my race.
    Yes, they can, you can roleplay your character as such.
    But that doesn't mean they are changing sides in any meaningful number until a canonical source confirms it.

  11. #18511
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Can we get tentacle hairs too since those are void elf exclusive?
    I mean,if we're swapping stuff and VE get skin tones, I think its fair to get tentacle hair made of light.
    Xe'ra had light tentacles
    Since the race is practically neutral at this point why not.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  12. #18512
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    Yes, they can, you can roleplay your character as such.
    But that doesn't mean they are changing sides in any meaningful number until a canonical source confirms it.
    we have the eyes and the declaration that we must be united as children of silvermoon.

    for me it is enough I want the tattoos of my race represented in wc2 my hunter will look good with them!

  13. #18513
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    Since the race is practically neutral at this point why not.
    What is done is done, they might as well go all in if they're going to toss out void elf aesthetic out as a main theme.
    So, you let them both use each other's hair styles.

    The horde does need some compensation for their race being made neutral essentially.
    I'd like for nightborne to finally be made decent looking.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    Yes, they can, you can roleplay your character as such.
    But that doesn't mean they are changing sides in any meaningful number until a canonical source confirms it.
    Forgot to address this, but didnt a dev say now he can RP a high elf on the horde?

  14. #18514
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    What is done is done, they might as well go all in if they're going to toss out void elf aesthetic out as a main theme.
    So, you let them both use each other's hair styles.
    To be honest I don't care. But the thing is : the void is banned by Silvermoon. The only way to harness it for a blood elf is to pledge himself to the Alliance.
    On the other hand, a blood elf coming to the Alliance to master the void powers is totally plausible.

    But I don't want blond haired, Alliance elves. Even if I'm a strong helfer and I would love it, the Horde has to keep them. It's time for the Alliance High elves to distinguish themselves from the rest of their kin and to develop something more.

    I would love to play a light blue haired fair skinned void elf.
    Last edited by elbleuet; 2020-05-29 at 05:58 PM.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  15. #18515
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    What we got are blood/high elves using the void. That's it.
    It's a void elf with pale skin and blue eyes, if your really happy with that then that's fine, but trying to argue its a high elf out side of any RP community is destined to fail the mouse over says void elf, quest text refers to them as void elf and so to will the wider non RP community who don't care.

    If that's what your fine with then OK, but your not going to be able to win an argument with those who arn't satisfied with just a skin colour.

    Many of the helf people are rightly pissed, as this now 100% guarentees there will never been a distinct playable high elf race in the game with its own racials and correct class options.

    And for the anti-elves this is a big win, our goal is always to prevent yet more types of elf taking up race slots that could be used for unique new races, and this compromise kills the chance of high elves being a unique new addition. Any solution that reduces the potential number of race slots taken up by knife ears on the future is a win.

  16. #18516
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post
    To be honest I don't care. But the thing is : the void is banned by Silvermoon. The only way to harness it for a blood elf is to pledge himself to the Alliance.
    On the other hand, a blood elf coming to the Alliance to master the void powers is totally plausible.

    But I don't want blond haired, Alliance elves. Even if I'm a strong helfer and I would love it, the Horde has to keep them. It's time for the Alliance High elves to distinguish themselves from the rest of their kin and to develop something more.

    I would love to play a light blue haired fair skinned void elf.
    The void elves are banned from Silvermoon. Shadow priest practitioners and Death knights are not banned. There is something about being a void elf that endangers the sunwell compared to being a simple shadowpriest.
    Void elves are basically the paladins of the void. They are so infused with it that it changed them.
    I really had hoped they would maintain this theme rather than going the route they did. There was a lot of potential for it, and that potential is pretty much dead.

  17. #18517
    Brewmaster elbleuet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Monster Hunter View Post
    It's a void elf with pale skin and blue eyes, if your really happy with that then that's fine, but trying to argue its a high elf out side of any RP community is destined to fail the mouse over says void elf, quest text refers to them as void elf and so to will the wider non RP community who don't care.

    If that's what your fine with then OK, but your not going to be able to win an argument with those who arn't satisfied with just a skin colour.

    Many of the helf people are rightly pissed, as this now 100% guarentees there will never been a distinct playable high elf race in the game with its own racials and correct class options.

    And for the anti-elves this is a big win, our goal is always to prevent yet more types of elf taking up race slots that could be used for unique new races, and this compromise kills the chance of high elves being a unique new addition. Any solution that reduces the potential number of race slots taken up by knife ears on the future is a win.
    I think you're new here.

    High elves being a unique addition was killed 2 years ago.

    Ofc that's a big win for the Helf people. For the first time, we will be able to play a blood/high elf on the Alliance. Obelisk Kai and co lost their crusade when they kept telling us we would never get blue-eyed, fair skinned elves.

    Sure guys you got blue-eyed blood elves, and I'm really happy Blizzard decided to satisfy both sides. But this is an ultimate victory for us.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    The void elves are banned from Silvermoon. Shadow priest practitioners and Death knights are not banned. There is something about being a void elf that endangers the sunwell compared to being a simple shadowpriest.
    Void elves are basically the paladins of the void. They are so infused with it that it changed them.
    I really had hoped they would maintain this theme rather than going the route they did. There was a lot of potential for it, and that potential is pretty much dead.

    The tentacules were caused by accident. Shadow priests and death Knight have nothing to do here.
    "If you want to play alongside High and Void elves, the Alliance is waiting for you"

  18. #18518
    Quote Originally Posted by elbleuet View Post

    The tentacules were caused by accident. Shadow priests and death Knight have nothing to do here.
    Okay you seem to not get my point.
    DK's = Death magic embodied.
    Sunwell = tainted by death magic in the past.

    They didn't get banned.

    Shadow priests= users of void
    Shadow priests are not banned.

    Its only the void elf population that has been banned from Silvermoon. Does that clarify a bit better?

  19. #18519
    Quote Originally Posted by Broflake View Post
    Forgot to address this, but didnt a dev say now he can RP a high elf on the horde?
    Yes, you can, it's your character. If I wanted a blue-eyed blood elf, I'd probably make a story about a high elf that felt Silvermoon was his home and left the Alliance.

    What I'm saying is that assuming the option means there was any big exodus from the Alliance is wrong because there's no canonical source for that. These customization options are aimed to allow players to be what they want, they do not reflect big shifts in lore.

    Your troll can be a Sandfury now. It doesn't mean the Sandfury tribe joined the Horde. That's not what the customization options means.

  20. #18520
    Quote Originally Posted by Yarathir View Post
    They'll have Void Elf underwear.
    I want dark tangas on the male Void Elves plz.
    World of Warcraft stuff

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