"This world don't give us nothing. It be our lot to suffer... and our duty to fight back." -Vol'jin
Elfposting is dangerous. Please consult your druid if you start making threads focusing on elves needing even more stuff
I'd also like to see violet eyes. Seems like an easy win all around in my book.
There are already purple eyes for the void elf in the presentation of Blizzard, we can say that it is official for them.
Just like with the blood elves using DK-only hair colors, I'll wait until it's clarified. Besides, even if the eye may be confirmed for void elves, there's still the question about the blood elven version.
- - - Updated - - -
They are in the files for blood elves as well, thought NPC-only as per the last build.
Belf = green / golden / blue eyes
Velf = silver / blue / purple eyes
3 color variants each, it's a good sharing I think.
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
that's exactly what I meant in "blue eyes in the Purge of Dalaran"
Also brightsun and firebough aren't Horde, they're neutral pirates/privateers; if they were Horde they would be openly hostile to the Alliance PC - just as how the Quel'lithians are friendly to the Alliance but aren't Alliance
You're right about steelweaver however, but that makes him an extreme minority that Ion only granted access in Shadowlands
The Alliance gets the Horde's most popular race. The Horde should get the Alliance's most popular race in return. Alteraci Humans for the Horde!
I make Warcraft 3 Reforged HD custom models and I'm also an HD model reviewer.
So Ion's response there confirms that just because they say one thing at a time it doesn't mean that's permanent and never going to change. His answer implies the decision to give High Elves to both came recently.
We'll have to take his word for it though at this point that'd be pretty naive I say.
I just think in general, now that we've seen a lot of inconsistency recently from dev answers, the requests from players will always continue until there's actual finality to something.
Also for High Elf customizations going forward, since we inherited the skin tones of Blood Elves I can see later on inheriting some hair colors also. Maybe not all, but definitely some. As Kyriani pointed out we're def getting black hair for Void Elves as it's on the preview of the male model.
Who knows how many more and if any will be akin to a blonde or blonde-like.
But I am glad that in that twitter post it is showing there's many that do want those options.
ALSO! Looks like it indeed only 'required' sub 1k people to request High Elves and get it granted
New Blood Elf/Nightborne short story featuring Lor'themar and Thalyssra.
“War has come, war will come again, I am old enough to have watched my people rise and fall and rise once more, and I myself have withered like the winter tree before blossoming anew.”
A new World of Warcraft short story is now available to read: A Moment in Verse!
First Arcanist Thalyssra and Regent-Lord Lor'themar Theron set aside the troubles of their individual worlds to spend one beautiful evening in a contest of verse—and in each other's hearts.
We’re excited to share this bright and charming new tale by Madeleine Roux (author of the upcoming Shadows Rising novel) with everyone, and we hope you enjoy a brief escape into the tranquility of Suramar.
(Horde bias, lol)
Looks like Theron is more concerned with getting laid than ruling Quel'thalas.
I believe a change of regime is in order.
My Void Elf Mage is so going to have purple eyes, Belf skin and purple hair.
My Blood Elf Mage is so going to have blue eyes, Belf skin and the new ponytail in blonde.
This is the closest I get to them I think, but used the Blood Elf options on the "Velf" too.
Didn't find purple hair on the Blood Elf, but it's the closest I could find to purple. And I will also use a bit different hair style on my Void Elf.
Last edited by Doffen; 2020-05-29 at 10:13 PM.
World of Warcraft stuff