1. #19281
    I'll be honest... I am torn.

    I know, I'm late, being banned because I was a moron and all but... i'm really torn. About the HE skins on the Void Elves.

    At first I was exultant, because it confirmed what I had said for a long time, that the Void Elves were a failed compromise, that Blizzard knew it by now and that the HE allied-race (in this case, the skins) were a "break in case of emergency" situation.

    But the thing is, I'm afraid Alliance players are in a lose-lose situation here.

    People who wanted High Elves as a separate Allied Race (and I'm a aprt of this group still), we can't in good conscience say that Blizzard can easily do that now. Resources would rather go to HE customizations on Void Elves. It'd be even easier to do, after all. And why not? I've always said that Void Elf players mostly wanted this kind of customization anyway, over twisted Void-horror looks. But it doesn't necessarily mean that the High Elves proper will get any development, except if the fear of the Void Elves fans happen, as I say below.

    Because people who wanted more Void Elves development since they ended liking them (sometimes against their better judgement, like myself) are also losing, because Blizzard will take notice of which looks are better received by the community. One way or another. People on the forums won't complain about Void Elves being everywhere Alliance side, but High Elves or Void Elves with High Elves skins. Meaning that it's probable that the Void Elf identity, as weak and feeble as it already was, will be subsumed by the High Elf's one.

    So, basically, we could end with either the loss of the Silver Covenant and Alliance aligned High Elves or the loss of the Void Elves as a distinct subculture. And I'm both extremely happy and very sad about all of it. it's a real conundrum...

  2. #19282
    Quote Originally Posted by Manariel View Post
    I'll be honest... I am torn.

    I know, I'm late, being banned because I was a moron and all but... i'm really torn. About the HE skins on the Void Elves.

    At first I was exultant, because it confirmed what I had said for a long time, that the Void Elves were a failed compromise, that Blizzard knew it by now and that the HE allied-race (in this case, the skins) were a "break in case of emergency" situation.

    But the thing is, I'm afraid Alliance players are in a lose-lose situation here.

    People who wanted High Elves as a separate Allied Race (and I'm a aprt of this group still), we can't in good conscience say that Blizzard can easily do that now. Resources would rather go to HE customizations on Void Elves. It'd be even easier to do, after all. And why not? I've always said that Void Elf players mostly wanted this kind of customization anyway, over twisted Void-horror looks. But it doesn't necessarily mean that the High Elves proper will get any development, except if the fear of the Void Elves fans happen, as I say below.

    Because people who wanted more Void Elves development since they ended liking them (sometimes against their better judgement, like myself) are also losing, because Blizzard will take notice of which looks are better received by the community. One way or another. People on the forums won't complain about Void Elves being everywhere Alliance side, but High Elves or Void Elves with High Elves skins. Meaning that it's probable that the Void Elf identity, as weak and feeble as it already was, will be subsumed by the High Elf's one.

    So, basically, we could end with either the loss of the Silver Covenant and Alliance aligned High Elves or the loss of the Void Elves as a distinct subculture. And I'm both extremely happy and very sad about all of it. it's a real conundrum...

    I feel like the void elf identity was already kind of endangered by Umbric's personality in BFA. When you talk to him about why he's with the Alliance etc, he sounds a lot like a high elf, with very high elf ideals, it's just oh he happens to use the void. Similar to how they peeled away a lot of the edge blood elves had post BC I feel like they're doing a similar thing with void elves, but we'll see what gets done with them.

    Ultimately though I don't think these options will really do anything to further harm void elf identity. Alleria already looks like a normal high elf and she's the most prominant void elf. And all the void elf voice clips and racials are distinctly void elf.

    I do feel bad for high elf supporters, because while this is a step closer to what they want, it also makes it all the more unlikely that an actual High Elf allied race will ever come to the Alliance. But from the void elf perspective, as someone who was pleasantly surprised by their addition and took a liking to them despite them being a new thing and not pre existing high elves, I really don't see any downsides to this.

  3. #19283
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Villager720 View Post
    When did Blizzard say the alliance was getting playable high elves, as you quoted.
    When did Blizzard say the alliance weren't getting playable high elves, as the person I responded to quoted?

    We've already established you're being pedantic, no need to keep proving it.

  4. #19284
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    When did Blizzard say the alliance weren't getting playable high elves, as the person I responded to quoted?

    We've already established you're being pedantic, no need to keep proving it.
    ...when did Blizzard say the Alliance wasn’t getting playable zombie dragons?
    Is that really your argument?
    “Someone said something false so I said something false. Then I defended the claim because no one ever said what I said wasn’t not said.”

    Just own up to posting something false and stop name calling when people note it’s false.
    Last edited by Villager720; 2020-06-08 at 10:09 PM.

  5. #19285
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    The mutation on Blood elves isn't total yet, they still have their old racials, they are targeted as "half" demons for a reason, if they keep going well, they sure will be another thing, just like the felblood elves, who are indeed another race of elves
    This is precious coming from you. The blood elf demon hunters have horns, wings, glowing eyes and fel-pocked skin, and their bodies can mutate into an actual demon form, changes that are just as drastic, if not even more so than the void elves... but they're not a new race "because racials"?

    Phenotypic change happens with the mix of the organism genetic code and the environment, not the environment alone
    I'll admit to the possibility I'm not using the correct name here, but my overall point is sound: the racials for the kul'tirans can easily be explained solely through culture and environment, without even having to touch genetics, whatsoever.

    Like i said, yo can't bring someone from the tropics and believe he will have the same resistance of cold than someone in iceland who his family is there from generations, no matter how hard you try, if you don't have already the right genes/mutations for that to happen.
    Except I never claimed that. I said that if someone from the tropics moves over to somewhere real cold, like near the poles of the world, eventually their bodies would adapt to deal with the cold better. No genetics necessary.

    genotype changes happens in every generation because trade of genes,
    Not to that speed.

    in wow things are faster and more wild than usual.
    Prove it.

    and this prove nothing, since their models were already different, way before they saying they would be playable
    You know Kul'tirans have been known to be a playable race since before BfA launch. It's been pointed out to you.

    and this boils down to, what kind of prove do you need, cause apparently youa re a keen beliver of the perfectionist Fallacy
    I'm a believer of "not making fallacious statements and claims without evidence". If you want to state, conclusively, that void elves are an actual new race, then you need to show conclusive evidence of such. The character creation screen is not enough evidence.

    they looking different, passing trough a body mutation who give then different characteristics and racials is different enough to me
    Just 'looking different' is not enough, and racials, as explained, are mostly culture-based. Again, you want to state, conclusively, that the void elves are a separate race? Then show conclusive evidence of that. "Eh, they kinda look different" does not cut it.

    a lot of then are related to genetics too
    Rarely, actually.

    and you want me to prove with the void elf children....
    No. I offered you an example of what could be used to show that "void-ification" means a new race. In the absence of void elf children, why don't you tweet at a WoW developer and ask?

    you mean blood elves mutated by the void.
    "Mutated" mean zilch if you cannot prove it's a hereditary change. For all we know, A void elf is as much a "new race" as someone who lost an arm is a "new race".

    because they are rly an exception
    Because you want them to be one.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  6. #19286
    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    This is precious coming from you. The blood elf demon hunters have horns, wings, glowing eyes and fel-pocked skin, and their bodies can mutate into an actual demon form, changes that are just as drastic, if not even more so than the void elves... but they're not a new race "because racials"?

    I'll admit to the possibility I'm not using the correct name here, but my overall point is sound: the racials for the kul'tirans can easily be explained solely through culture and environment, without even having to touch genetics, whatsoever.

    Except I never claimed that. I said that if someone from the tropics moves over to somewhere real cold, like near the poles of the world, eventually their bodies would adapt to deal with the cold better. No genetics necessary.

    Not to that speed.

    Prove it.

    You know Kul'tirans have been known to be a playable race since before BfA launch. It's been pointed out to you.

    I'm a believer of "not making fallacious statements and claims without evidence". If you want to state, conclusively, that void elves are an actual new race, then you need to show conclusive evidence of such. The character creation screen is not enough evidence.

    Just 'looking different' is not enough, and racials, as explained, are mostly culture-based. Again, you want to state, conclusively, that the void elves are a separate race? Then show conclusive evidence of that. "Eh, they kinda look different" does not cut it.

    Rarely, actually.

    No. I offered you an example of what could be used to show that "void-ification" means a new race. In the absence of void elf children, why don't you tweet at a WoW developer and ask?

    "Mutated" mean zilch if you cannot prove it's a hereditary change. For all we know, A void elf is as much a "new race" as someone who lost an arm is a "new race".
    We're talking about a world where magic can turn people into Sheep here. The worgen curse is one such magical transformation that is not inherited by offspring.

  7. #19287
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by delus View Post
    We're talking about a world where magic can turn people into Sheep here. The worgen curse is one such magical transformation that is not inherited by offspring.
    Yes. And that is why the worgen are not a race.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  8. #19288
    Pandaren Monk Melsiren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obelisk Kai View Post
    I think this thread should be locked now. What further purpose will it serve?
    Quote Originally Posted by KyleEverett View Post
    No no, we need another 900 pages demanding void elf paladins and both sides getting Farstrider tattoos.
    This thread is fucking cursed.
    Quote Originally Posted by Arrashi View Post
    High elf fans are basically flat-earth society of warcraft lore.
    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Alleria Windrunner View Post
    I AM the victim.

  9. #19289
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    Like you
    like you know bringing up this again?
    Literally Mutation means genetic change, and if you know what that means, the simple fact that your eyes change color means a mutation expressed in a phenotypic change. Now, imagine horns growing on your head.
    and im tlking about mutation enough to change a race, i acknowledge blood elf mutation, i said isn't enough to change race

    Not in wow. In the real world we don't have Fel or light energy, that's why; We cannot witness these kinds of violent changes (not even with radiation). However, in wow there are those energies and more that allow violent mutations with slight phenotypic changes and other very striking ones.
    still with those energy sources it don't happens with envirolment alone, those energies act to change your body in a genetic lv, fel do that, they did with the orcs, they did with void elves, lightforged, etc

    In wow it is not necessary to cross genetic material from two individuals to create a mutation (genetic change). You just need to be near an energy source for that to happen

    i know that, those energy sources change your body, thus, change your genetics

    You are confusing the innate ability to adapt with mutations.
    im rly not, im talking about natural selection, that "chose" the individuals better adapted to a place, trough their characteristics and pass on

    That's why you can't use real life scientific terms in wow
    you can to a degree

    Incorrect, the adaptability of mammals is extreme. That allows any normal human being to live in almost any part of the world (and getting used to it).
    there is still people better suited to live there and others who will have hard time, no matter how much time it pass, i know a guy who lived 9 years in Sweden, and he always get screwed by the cold in contrast to the people there
    Until they extinguish other species
    sure, but not relevant to what i said, or is?

    Again- that's why you can't bring real life science to wow
    you can to a extend, not everything will be the same, but the general idea is the same

    In fact. If we bring real life science to wow, it could be shown that just by having paler skin and blue eyes, Helves would be a different breed than Belves who have darker skin tones and green (mutated) eyes. , Sure; being both members of the same species.
    indeed, but we don't talk about that or mods ban us

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    This is precious coming from you. The blood elf demon hunters have horns, wings, glowing eyes and fel-pocked skin, and their bodies can mutate into an actual demon form, changes that are just as drastic, if not even more so than the void elves... but they're not a new race "because racials"?
    and i indeed said they are mutated blood elves, just half trough it, they are not demons yet, if they keep going they will be another thing

    I'll admit to the possibility I'm not using the correct name here, but my overall point is sound: the racials for the kul'tirans can easily be explained solely through culture and environment, without even having to touch genetics, whatsoever.
    it does have to do with culture and environment, just not tht alone, genetics make those things be possible

    Except I never claimed that. I said that if someone from the tropics moves over to somewhere real cold, like near the poles of the world, eventually their bodies would adapt to deal with the cold better. No genetics necessary.
    a bit? yes, but like the natives? nope, and like we saw, there is norml kul'tirans living in the same area, nd they are not like the kul'tirans, this mean they are not like the others, they do not have a certain combination of genes to manifest said phenotype

    Not to that speed.
    i mean, every generation there can be drastic changes, i will not cite the examples here cause will fall to the same mods lerts, but it does happens sometimes, in wow it happens with that speed because is a fantasy world with magic
    Prove it.
    trolls, nightborne, etc
    You know Kul'tirans have been known to be a playable race since before BfA launch. It's been pointed out to you.
    and since we know expansions are created way ahead, kul'tirans were already different before Legion ended, and only with the expansion reveal, with player feedback, they decided to make then plyable
    I'm a believer of "not making fallacious statements and claims without evidence". If you want to state, conclusively, that void elves are an actual new race, then you need to show conclusive evidence of such. The character creation screen is not enough evidence.
    and since nothing is good enough for you, we just stay in a deadlock

    Just 'looking different' is not enough,
    most of time is enough, especially when the ritual transform you entirely in a creature of the void and only left your soul and mind intact
    and racials, as explained, are mostly culture-based.
    not as explained, you implied

    Again, you want to state, conclusively, that the void elves are a separate race? Then show conclusive evidence of that. "Eh, they kinda look different" does not cut it.
    like i said deadlock, their bodies being completely transformed and mutated by the void is enough for you, nothing will

    Rarely, actually.
    almost everything falls down to that

    No. I offered you an example of what could be used to show that "void-ification" means a new race. In the absence of void elf children, why don't you tweet at a WoW developer and ask?
    there is no necessity since we already have others ways to prove, you just don't accept then

    Because you want them to be one.
    because they rly are, unless you have another example.

  10. #19290
    Do we know yet if natural hair styles and/or colors are being implemented for the void elves in shadowlands? We are so close to getting natural looking high elf models on Alliance. I hope hair colors are more natural to compliment the new skin tones.

  11. #19291
    The Unstoppable Force Ielenia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    and i indeed said they are mutated blood elves, just half trough it, they are not demons yet, if they keep going they will be another thing
    And that's dumb logic. The blood elf demon hunters have arguably undergone an even greater mutation that void elves have gone through. But you """"logic"""" it out that they are not a new race "because racials". And the demon hunter blood elves are not demons "yet"? Well, the void elves are also not void aberrations "yet".

    it does have to do with culture and environment, just not tht alone, genetics make those things be possible
    I've explained how genetics are not necessary for this, and you so far have only asserted that genetics are necessary.

    a bit? yes, but like the natives? nope,
    Irrelevant. Because I've explained how genetics are not necessary for this and are easily explained by culture and environments alone.

    i mean, every generation there can be drastic changes,
    No. There cannot. That's not how it works. A group of giraffes where their necks measure, at best, one-foot-long won't suddenly start giving birth to giraffes with 6-feet-long necks.

    trolls, nightborne, etc
    I asked you to explain, not name-drop.

    and since we know expansions are created way ahead, kul'tirans were already different before Legion ended,
    False. The Kul'tirans shown in Legion were not any different than the playable Stormwind human model. And also: the zandalari model also wasn't any different than the playable darkspear troll model.

    and only with the expansion reveal, with player feedback, they decided to make then plyable
    Once again: false. It was the intention from the beginning. "Player feedback" never came into the equation. Stop taking your fanfics as fact.

    and since nothing is good enough for you, we just stay in a deadlock
    Assertions of fact without an ounce of evidence to back it up are not "conclusive evidence". You need to show that this timeline really isn't different from ours in any significant way, and not just assert it is. Because, just as you assert that nothing is different, I can assert that, in that timeline, the tauren are blood-thirsty characters and the orcs are pacifist, and Baine, the warchief of the Horde, is laying waste to Kalimdor, and Garrosh tried to stop him and save the Horde but failed. I could also say that the orc in the snippet of the timeline wasn't Garrosh, but another orc posing as him. I could also say that Garrosh was under the influence of poison, which left him weak and sluggish enough to let him be beat by Baine. Etc, etc, etc, and all would have equal weight as your claim that "it's 100% equal to our timeline, only Baine isn't a coward".

    most of time is enough, especially when the ritual transform you entirely in a creature of the void and only left your soul and mind intact
    I wonder who you're talking about, considering it doesn't happen to any of the current playable races. If you are talking about the void elves, then, as usual, you're wrong. Their racial ability only infuses them with void energy, it doesn't "transform" them into a "void creature".

    Being infused with void energies means you're a new race, but being able to actually transform into a demon doesn't make you into a new race. Amazing.

    not as explained, you implied
    No, I explained. And gave examples. If you have short-term memory issues, cannot read properly, or just plain doesn't properly read what other people write-- and I'm highly favoring the last option, considering you literally argued against yourself without noticing-- then that's not my fault.

    like i said deadlock, their bodies being completely transformed and mutated by the void is enough for you, nothing will
    It's not a deadlock. You're making assertions without evidence. Unlike you, I don't assume things as true (or false) just because they happen to fit my narrative. if you want to assert as a fact that the void elves are a de-facto separate race, then you must prove that they're a separate race. Simply stating that they are does not cut it.

    almost everything falls down to that
    Except, as explained, they don't.

    there is no necessity since we already have others ways to prove, you just don't accept then
    No. We absolutely don't have any way to prove it. You're lying, and lying to yourself if you truly believe that.

    because they rly are, unless you have another example.
    They're not. The only reason you call them an "exception" is because they go against your narrative.
    "Torturing someone is not an evil thing to do if it is done for good reasons" by Varodoc
    "You sit in OG/SW waiting on a Mythic+ queue" by Altmer <- Oh, the pearls in this forum...
    "They sort of did this Dragonriding, which ushered in the Dracthyr race." by Teriz <- the BS some people reach for their narratives...

  12. #19292
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy18 View Post
    Do we know yet if natural hair styles and/or colors are being implemented for the void elves in shadowlands? We are so close to getting natural looking high elf models on Alliance. I hope hair colors are more natural to compliment the new skin tones.
    um....do you mean you want more of Blood Elf appearances?

  13. #19293
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sammy18 View Post
    Do we know yet if natural hair styles and/or colors are being implemented for the void elves in shadowlands? We are so close to getting natural looking high elf models on Alliance. I hope hair colors are more natural to compliment the new skin tones.
    Not yet sammyboi(or girl) but one can hope!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Starla View Post
    um....do you mean you want more of Blood Elf appearances?
    Many races have natural hair styles and/or colors. Draenei, space goats, are getting lots of natural ones come SL. Among many other races. It's not unique to Blood Elves.

  14. #19294
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    like you know bringing up this again?
    Hahaha ok.

    and im tlking about mutation enough to change a race, i acknowledge blood elf mutation, i said isn't enough to change race
    So for you, there has to be a striking change to consider a group of people as a different race. That doesn't make sense according to the laws of genetic variability (of phenotypic changes). 11However, for you a DH Belf (horns, wings, scales and demon form) is not a different race, it only has one costume and therefore it is part of the same group

    still with those energy sources it don't happens with envirolment alone, those energies act to change your body in a genetic lv, fel do that, they did with the orcs, they did with void elves, lightforged, etc. 1
    And Belves
    Obviously there is a joint work between the environment and the genetic information cruse of a father and a mother, but in In wow, those energies can change you phenotypically in seconds.
    the innate ability to adapt has to do with the species and to which group (in the animal kingdom) it belongs. If you are a (normal) human you will be able to adapt to almost any terrestrial environment and live in that environment without problems.

    i know that, those energy sources change your body, thus, change your genetics
    Congratulations. Are you getting it

    im rly not, im talking about natural selection, that "chose" the individuals better adapted to a place, trough their characteristics and pass on
    When natural selection occurs, we literally see the extinction of the weakest group in order of survival of the strongest group, and we see that between species and not races. In the lore they do not mention that another group of creatures is extinct due to the arrival of humanis in kul'tiras

    you can to a degree
    Nope. Scientific principles are concepts that are either fully used or not used, and there are constant contradictions in the wow narrative, even for a magical world.

    there is still people better suited to live there and others who will have hard time, no matter how much time it pass, i know a guy who lived 9 years in Sweden, and he always get screwed by the cold in contrast to the people there
    Irrelevant. You keep confusing the innate ability to adapt with evolution. Also, your friend is an isolated case, so it cannot be taken as normal.

    sure, but not relevant to what i said, or is?
    It is relevant, you just have to think about it

    you can to a extend, not everything will be the same, but the general idea is the same
    No, you can't

    indeed, but we don't talk about that or mods ban us
    But you were the one who brought scientific terms and principles to try to explain your point about a fantasy game.
    Last edited by Ignaz; 2020-06-09 at 03:53 AM.

  15. #19295
    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    Hahaha ok. ... But you were the one who brought scientific terms and principles to try to explain your point about a fantasy game.
    Because "Demos with infinite range" fill in all the plot holes. The whimsy

    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    When natural selection occurs, we literally see the extinction of the weakest group in order of survival of the strongest group, and we see that between species and not races. In the lore they do not mention that another group of creatures is extinct due to the arrival of humanis in kul'tiras.
    WoW "races" are species. Allied races actually are races when paired with their counterparts, except Vulpera who are their own species. Just say no to furry goblin mental imagery. And technically the elves are collectively a species whereas Void Elves are more akin to Belfs than Nelfs.
    Last edited by Elestia; 2020-06-09 at 04:15 AM.

  16. #19296
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Not yet sammyboi(or girl) but one can hope!

    - - - Updated - - -

    Many races have natural hair styles and/or colors. Draenei, space goats, are getting lots of natural ones come SL. Among many other races. It's not unique to Blood Elves.
    I definitely agree! So many races have natural hair color options. It would be really nice if void elves got some as well. Also, Alleria Windrunner is a void elf leader and she has natural blonde hair.

  17. #19297
    I mean but it bears repeating that is actually hilarious to consider Void Elves their own race just based on biology when... Blood Elven Demon hunters are a thing.

    Both arguably affected on the same manner by an outside force.

    No, In Universe, Void Elves are a race for the same reason Blood Elves are a race. They changed their name; they have a new ideology, they consider themselves something else.

    It's pretty darn clear that in universe a biological distinction by itself is not enough to be a "new race" and that only a biological distinction PLUS a self denominational change is what actually makes a new "race" by wow's ters (which actually is more akin to ethicity, well, magically affected ethnicities)

    Same holds true for LFD and Nightborne. They could consider themselves Draenei and Kaldorei (just like demon hunters actually consider themselves BE or NE) but biology isn't enough, it requires the self denomination, of seeing themselves as a different group.

  18. #19298
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ignaz View Post
    So for you, there has to be a striking change to consider a group of people as a different race
    there should be a significant difference chance, something meaningful, i don't think the same race calling thenselves different and going to another faction is enough
    And Belves
    not enough, since they reverted back without the exposure, is like a tan, only if things were permanent like orcs i would agre with you.

    and thats the point, there is zero, differences between the groups except faction allegiance, it can be build, they can make it difference(cof cof void elves) they will just not be the same again

    When natural selection occurs, we literally see the extinction of the weakest group in order of survival of the strongest group,
    not always
    and we see that between species and not races. In the lore they do not mention that another group of creatures is extinct due to the arrival of humanis in kul'tiras
    they indeed mention the drust, vrykul, the pre-humans, there is also the common and logical theory that explain the big kul'tirans characteristics being heritage of the drust who joined the kul'tirans society

    of course everyone invalidate that immediately because there is no confirmation yet, but its logical
    Nope. Scientific principles are concepts that are either fully used or not used, and there are constant contradictions in the wow narrative, even for a magical world.
    not rly, in wow things are changed around by magic and devs desire

    We know that species are a group who have similar characteristics to each other and can breed with each other, and they would not be able to breed with others, but in wow they can, do you think the entire cocnept of specie is wrong and every race is just the same specie? no, to a degree, the specie concept is vallid

    Irrelevant. You keep confusing the innate ability to adapt with evolution. Also, your friend is an isolated case, so it cannot be taken as normal.
    you have this "innate" ability trough your genes, its unarguably that if you have a better genetic to that kind of condition you will have a better time than someone who don't

    But you were the one who brought scientific terms and principles to try to explain your point about a fantasy game.
    fantasy races is fine, the problem is when we bring up real world humans as example

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Ielenia View Post
    And that's dumb logic
    like i said you do you, you will not change my view neither i will change yours, you either give up like i did or we keep this eternal loop
    The blood elf demon hunters have arguably undergone an even greater mutation that void elves have gone through.
    greater? no, not even close

    I've explained how genetics are not necessary for this, and you so far have only asserted that genetics are necessary.
    explaining wrong don't make you right, its always necessary, its always needed
    Irrelevant. Because I've explained how genetics are not necessary for this and are easily explained by culture and environments alone.
    and like i said to you, culture and environments don't work alone
    No. There cannot. That's not how it works. A group of giraffes where their necks measure, at best, one-foot-long won't suddenly start giving birth to giraffes with 6-feet-long necks.
    based genes deleterious those shit can happen, we have examples of radiation doing those big changes in one or fewer generations

    I asked you to explain, not name-drop.
    Zandalari went to Northrend, became ice trolls, jungle trolls went to tanaris became sand trolls

    Night elves affected by the nightwell became nightborne

    both quickly "evolutions" trough natural and amgic means

    False. The Kul'tirans shown in Legion were not any different than the playable Stormwind human model. And also: the zandalari model also wasn't any different than the playable darkspear troll model.
    so? they obviously didn't want to spoil that yet, is like you thinking they created vulpera from the spot, just because they didn't show then in legion don't mean they were not done
    Once again: false. It was the intention from the beginning. "Player feedback" never came into the equation. Stop taking your fanfics as fact.
    they wee not going to be playable, and after players wanting then, they became, simple as that, you want to believe blizzard had all in their masterplan before, but you do yo
    You need to show that this timeline really isn't different from ours in any significant way,
    you have to show that, since you bring that up, not me, youa re saying they are different in major ways, prove it
    I wonder who you're talking about, considering it doesn't happen to any of the current playable races. If you are talking about the void elves, then, as usual, you're wrong. Their racial ability only infuses them with void energy, it doesn't "transform" them into a "void creature".
    the rituals that changed the void elves changed then entirelly, only their minds and souls are the same, like i said, if THIS, is not enough for you, entire body transformation, nothing will be
    Being infused with void energies means you're a new race
    they are not just infused and you know that

    No, I explained. And gave examples.
    explained wrongly and gave wrongly examples
    If you have short-term memory issues,
    sure buddy

    considering you literally argued against yourself without noticing-- then that's not my fault.
    considering you are the one responsible for trapping us in this eternal loop that you just can let it go, just to get the final answer

    It's not a deadlock.
    its definitly one
    You're making assertions without evidence. Unlike you, I don't assume things as true (or false) just because they happen to fit my narrative. if you want to assert as a fact that the void elves are a de-facto separate race, then you must prove that they're a separate race. Simply stating that they are does not cut it.
    you are better than everyone pal, you don't assume thigns as true or false except when you are blatantly wrong about something

    your entire bone about those elves is literally you adjusting things to fit your narrative that the groups are different someway somehow and making the false equivalences comparing others to the elf case, when they are totally different.

    i proved they are different races, they are not the same race anymore because they got mutated by the void into something else, just like nightborne are night elves mutated by the nightwell, you don't like or want accept those explanations, you thing they are not enough, that is your problem with the perfectionist fallacy

    there is nothing more to be discussed here anymore

    No. We absolutely don't have any way to prove it.
    we absolutely have, they are just not enough for you, and you will keep lying to youself saying those are not enough, those are not vallid or whatever

    They're not. The only reason you call them an "exception" is because they go against your narrative.
    when there is no other example, just then, they are the exception.

  19. #19299
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy18 View Post
    Do we know yet if natural hair styles and/or colors are being implemented for the void elves in shadowlands? We are so close to getting natural looking high elf models on Alliance. I hope hair colors are more natural to compliment the new skin tones.
    Blizzard is forced to give natural hair colors to the void elves because they gave them natural skin colors, in any case, it is a request that comes up often.
    To make a high elf in the alliance, We need the full pack !
    They can very well make hair colors similar to those of the blood elves but with different shades.
    Regarding hairstyles, jewelry, beards ... ect, the additions will be made later, at the same time as all the other allied races.

  20. #19300
    Quote Originally Posted by sammy18 View Post
    Do we know yet if natural hair styles and/or colors are being implemented for the void elves in shadowlands? We are so close to getting natural looking high elf models on Alliance. I hope hair colors are more natural to compliment the new skin tones.
    Im pretty sure we will see the colours of the elves inside the Velf-hub.
    There is at least one ginger and one blonde.

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