1. #19781
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    eh I just wanted a "Grand Highborne" banner led by Alleria because she's the strongest now, with Mordent leading the Highborne, Vereesa/Arator/Auric the High Elves and Umbric the Void Elves
    Could be, tho IDK, Alleria is the type of High Elf on the opposite end of the highborne archetype; she's far more closer -at least pre void- to contemporary Night Elves than Highborne. So like, grouping elves by Highborne sensibility leaves Alleria kinda out for me lol, that's why I kinda prefer the idea of all elven groups having their own thing mostly, but have a group of all of them come together to reclaim their Highborne heritage -in a place like Eldre'thalas-

    also it's really amusing now to think that all four immediate Windrunners who survived the Scourging are all undesirables now

    Zendarin - just unlikeable as a person, got the villain bat because he dared insult the Human PotentialTM
    Vereesa - Purge of Dalaran
    Alleria - almost corrupted the Sunwell
    Sylvanas - betrayed the Horde in general

    Arator and the twins would also be undesirable by proxy
    Lol pretty much yeh. Also Arator is a half elf, so maybe that would make him undesirable on Quel'thalas.

  2. #19782
    Quote Originally Posted by MyWholeLifeIsThunder View Post
    Also it makes sense in universe the two largest exiled Thalassian groups on the alliance -led each by sisters- would like to unify. Strength in numbers and familial bonds.

    Like, it would retroactively make me buy that High Elves were stagnant without knowing where to go and just assimilating into humanity until Void Elves show up with Alleria, so then they truly know they are not the only ones that would oppose the Horde, and that there can be enough of them to be their own people and lead to a sort of a thalassian revitalization on the alliance.
    I agree and I really appreciate how you worded this. Hopefully Blizzard doesn't just add the options and forget about Void Elves and High Elves forever more.

  3. #19783
    Quote Originally Posted by Aldo Hawk View Post
    Nah you don't understood a single thing, as usual.

    These are still Void elves just without the appearance they were presented with in the first place, simple as that, maybe new ones, maybe not, who knows, but it's not what you say it is, that's a bad take seeing you just equate it to a radically different thing just because it's an appearance, that's reductive and lacks any substance.

    So, you are saying it's the exact same thing to add undead appearances to an alive race, while thinking it is the same as the concept of Void elves being Void elves but without the appearance of what Void elves were presented with in the first place... The voicelines, the regalia, the classes, the racials and everything is Void elf, they just gave them the possibility to not have to necessarily have to be covered in purple crap. If you don't like that, well, too bad.

    Blood elves aren't undead, Void elves will be Void elves even if they don't look purple, very big difference. These options just gives the players the option to play something much more similar to High elves than Void elves ever did before, it's not the same as adding literal undead looking options to something that is not undead, come on, I can't grasp at this being so hard to understand.
    Void elves without the void appearance effectively lose a core component of their thematic.. you know.. a thematic revolving around the void. But as you say, they're still void elves. So, a blood elf with some dark ranger customizations is still a blood elf. Player's will just be able to RP a group who have been in the Horde since the start of WoW. It'll also balance out the fact that void elves have blood elf skins options plus their own void options, so giving blood elves dark ranger options would help balance things out. Plus it won't detract from the Alliance because the dark ranger theme is exclusively a Horde theme.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I agree and I really appreciate how you worded this. Hopefully Blizzard doesn't just add the options and forget about Void Elves and High Elves forever more.
    The way things are looking I imagine void elves will become more relevant and high elves less relevant over time. I could be wrong. After this whole Sylvanas arc, I doubt we'd ever see much of Vareesa again. Alleria on the other hand will likely have a fair bit of involvement in the next few expansions, which could result in void elves getting more of a spotlight on them.

    Look at the small groups of high elves in Allerian stronghold or at the lodge, we haven't heard from them for years. They're minor groups who played minor roles many years ago, but given their small status they played their part and likely will be "lost with time". We've seen the SC more active in recent years but even then I'd wager with void elves being around now the SC could possibly fade in the distance. This however is pure speculation, I can only go off how Blizzard seem to be setting things up. However, void elves will likely be the way forward for Alliance thalassians. Whether the SC officially become void elves or not time will tell, but as a separate group I don't think we'll see much of them. They played their role in previous expansions and I don't see where they fit in the future. Their presence in BfA was nigh existent, as opposed to void elves who played a much larger role. We also see their enclave in Dalaran has been replaced with Worgens. With Alleria and the void elves out and about, and with Vareesa's arc likely ending with Sylvanas's arc, I don't see where their future lies.
    Blood elves are our high elves - Chris Metzen

  4. #19784
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Void elves without the void appearance effectively lose a core component of their thematic.. you know.. a thematic revolving around the void. But as you say, they're still void elves. So, a blood elf with some dark ranger customizations is still a blood elf. Player's will just be able to RP a group who have been in the Horde since the start of WoW. It'll also balance out the fact that void elves have blood elf skins options plus their own void options, so giving blood elves dark ranger options would help balance things out. Plus it won't detract from the Alliance because the dark ranger theme is exclusively a Horde theme.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The way things are looking I imagine void elves will become more relevant and high elves less relevant over time. I could be wrong. After this whole Sylvanas arc, I doubt we'd ever see much of Vareesa again. Alleria on the other hand will likely have a fair bit of involvement in the next few expansions, which could result in void elves getting more of a spotlight on them.

    Look at the small groups of high elves in Allerian stronghold or at the lodge, we haven't heard from them for years. They're minor groups who played minor roles many years ago, but given their small status they played their part and likely will be "lost with time". We've seen the SC more active in recent years but even then I'd wager with void elves being around now the SC could possibly fade in the distance. This however is pure speculation, I can only go off how Blizzard seem to be setting things up. However, void elves will likely be the way forward for Alliance thalassians. Whether the SC officially become void elves or not time will tell, but as a separate group I don't think we'll see much of them. They played their role in previous expansions and I don't see where they fit in the future. Their presence in BfA was nigh existent, as opposed to void elves who played a much larger role. We also see their enclave in Dalaran has been replaced with Worgens. With Alleria and the void elves out and about, and with Vareesa's arc likely ending with Sylvanas's arc, I don't see where their future lies.
    Had Void Elves gotten at least a fraction of the development they desperately need in BfA, an expansion rife with opportunity thanks to old god and void corruption themes, I might have agreed with you. But just based on BfA and now heading into a "Death" themed expansion, I fear Blizzard may just "forget" that Void Elves are a thing, and one that is truly lacking in development.

    All the other allied races had a foundation set before they became playable. Void Elves did not. To make up for that, Void Elves need some serious attention and development, well beyond just tossing a few generic Void Elf npc's into zones sending goblins off to who knows where through void portals, animating void dinosaurs, and having us escort Magister Umbric on yet another "fantastic adventure".

    I mean I hope you're right in some respects, I really do. I would be happy to see Void Elves and High Elves merge under the same banner. I'm not sure I want to see the SC or non-void High Elves fade away, rather I'd like to see them become a cooperative group that brings all other Alliance allied High Elves under one banner. Void Elves need actual development and not just lip service. Hypothetical future expansions don't fill me with confidence when Void Elves need lore development now. Two years with zero development (and BfA did indeed give Void Elves zero development) is already too long a wait.
    Last edited by Kyriani; 2020-07-07 at 02:27 AM.

  5. #19785
    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    The way things are looking I imagine void elves will become more relevant and high elves less relevant over time. I could be wrong. After this whole Sylvanas arc, I doubt we'd ever see much of Vareesa again. Alleria on the other hand will likely have a fair bit of involvement in the next few expansions, which could result in void elves getting more of a spotlight on them.

    Look at the small groups of high elves in Allerian stronghold or at the lodge, we haven't heard from them for years. They're minor groups who played minor roles many years ago, but given their small status they played their part and likely will be "lost with time". We've seen the SC more active in recent years but even then I'd wager with void elves being around now the SC could possibly fade in the distance. This however is pure speculation, I can only go off how Blizzard seem to be setting things up. However, void elves will likely be the way forward for Alliance thalassians. Whether the SC officially become void elves or not time will tell, but as a separate group I don't think we'll see much of them. They played their role in previous expansions and I don't see where they fit in the future. Their presence in BfA was nigh existent, as opposed to void elves who played a much larger role. We also see their enclave in Dalaran has been replaced with Worgens. With Alleria and the void elves out and about, and with Vareesa's arc likely ending with Sylvanas's arc, I don't see where their future lies.
    That's why the scenario where High Elves join the Void Elves -effectively making the whole recognizably more as the later- makes sense. It would keep the thematic distinction between VE and BE, it would just make use of the High Elves as a population, continues what they have of narrative (SC, Vereesa) until they are phased out in time completely to Void Elves (and maybe Half Elves as well)

    The biggest issue with High Elves is simply that they kept just hanging around instead of something being done with them or just phase them out from the start.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    I agree and I really appreciate how you worded this. Hopefully Blizzard doesn't just add the options and forget about Void Elves and High Elves forever more.
    I hope so as well. It's just a perfect opportunity to move the Void Elves forward by adding High Elves to their ranks. Instead of existing as two separate groups, it just really makes sense for them to unify. It allows the HE's to not just exist stagnant on the background, and grants the VE much needed numbers, and complexity and nuance -VE origin is just way too simplistic and homogeneous-

    A lot more can be done about VE's as a group that truly believes they belong with the alliance -as Umbric's quests point towards- joining with the other group of alliance Thalassians.

  6. #19786
    Quote Originally Posted by Ardenaso View Post
    anyone else wonder why there's only Dark Ranger but no "Dark Mage", "Dark Priest" or "Dark Swordsman"?
    I always thought it's because of their origin. Dark rangers came to be in very specific way - it's a banshee which possesses her former dead body and for some reason, she gets special powers for doing so. The other thing is that the very first dark ranger, Sylvanas, probably made a path in her own image. We know that it was her who trained all those dark rangers.

    Now we can speculate why all those banshees were rangers in life. There would definitely be banshees of elven magi, priestesses, etc. My suspision is that Sylvanas probably only chose ghosts of Farstriders, since she probably had more influence over them?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyriani View Post
    Had Void Elves gotten at least a fraction of the development they desperately need in BfA, an expansion rife with opportunity thanks to old god and void corruption themes, I might have agreed with you. But just based on BfA and now heading into a "Death" themed expansion, I fear Blizzard may just "forget" that Void Elves are a thing, and one that is truly lacking in development.

    All the other allied races had a foundation set before they became playable. Void Elves did not. To make up for that, Void Elves need some serious attention and development, well beyond just tossing a few generic Void Elf npc's into zones sending goblins off to who knows where through void portals, animating void dinosaurs, and having us escort Magister Umbric on yet another "fantastic adventure".

    I mean I hope you're right in some respects, I really do. I would be happy to see Void Elves and High Elves merge under the same banner. I'm not sure I want to see the SC or non-void High Elves fade away, rather I'd like to see them become a cooperative group that brings all other Alliance allied High Elves under one banner. Void Elves need actual development and not just lip service. Hypothetical future expansions don't fill me with confidence when Void Elves need lore development now. Two years with zero development (and BfA did indeed give Void Elves zero development) is already too long a wait.
    Well said. BfA is definitely wasted opportunity on many levels for void elves. In the expansion which started as faction war, I expected some story focusing on void elves integrating in the Alliance (a faction which is new to them), some more interaction between blood and void elves and most importantly, setting up goals of the race as whole. Yes, we know, void elves study void... and? What else? What they are up to when they are finished with their studies?

    I also like idea of high and void elves teaming up, uniting. Right now, it makes sense. We can already see high elven sorceresses walking with void elves in the Mage District.
    Last edited by Vaedan; 2020-07-07 at 06:26 AM.

  7. #19787
    Hey, guys, after one week, my desktop is finally fixed, and upgraded as well. I was able to get gnome and goblin customization galleries, as well as I updated blood elf female images since they were bugged when I took the original pictures. Enjoy!


    Night Elves


    Orcs Unavailable Yet
    Blood elves




    Only orcs remain for all base races to have their first pass! Cool!

    Besides the main races, allied race improvements so far:
    - Void elf eye color is enabled
    - Kul Tiran eye color enabled. Facial hair split into moustache and beard.
    - Mechagnome eye color enabled. Skin color and paint job split. New gnome skin colors available for them. New modifications added (ocular implants that once were only enabled under armor)
    - Bald option for all!

    Things to look forward on second pass:
    - Bug fixes
    - Scars for more races (seems really simple to implement)
    - More textures for some races (like blood elf jewelry color)
    - Potentially, human facial hair split into sideburns, beard and moustache
    - Some allied race updates (finally!)

    Aside from that, signs I found in latest build:
    - Lightforged draenei and Highmountain tauren are disabled (they are being worked on!)
    - Nightborne, Zandalari, Vulpera and Mag'har have textureless eyes (eye color selection incoming!)
    - Nightborne and Lightforged (in previous build) tattoo textures were opaque, but NPCs still had the reflexive look from live. I think this mean we will be able to set their tattoos to be opaque, reflexive or glowing.

    This week may be big, with orc customization added and more allied race improvements. We are close to see those void elf skin colors, I bet!
    Last edited by DeicideUH; 2020-07-08 at 12:52 AM.

  8. #19788
    Quote Originally Posted by DeicideUH View Post
    awesome stuff
    Thanks man. I really enjoy this. I am so looking forward to Shadowlands and all its customizations! Human, Night Elves and Blood Elves looks so nice and of course we got the new Void Elves coming. After seeing all these changes I am going to change one of my characters to night elf and one more Human because this shit is boomin!

    I am pretty simple, got lots of Void and Blood Elves. Now they all looks pretty much similar, but with these changes incoming I can have a more diversive roster without having 10-14 different races within my character selection. Its awesome. Can't wait to turn my Worgen into White Worgen as well!
    World of Warcraft stuff

  9. #19789
    Bloodsail Admiral Aldo Hawk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Strippling View Post
    Void elves without the void appearance effectively lose a core component of their thematic.. you know.. a thematic revolving around the void.
    I mean, they still have the voicelines, the racial mount, the heritage armor, the racials, the void elf classes, the world interactions, the questlines, etc... These are just Void elves who don't hold the look Void elves came out with in the first place. Your stance is plainly shallow. Well, that's not a surprise.

    But as you say, they're still void elves. So, a blood elf with some dark ranger customizations is still a blood elf.
    These Dark rangers are undead. Being undead is not the same as being a Void elf that doesn't look purple.

    Player's will just be able to RP a group who have been in the Horde since the start of WoW.
    You care now about these things? This would not sound so gritty if you weren't on a crusade against High elves for literal years. What's funny tho is that you are acting as if I'm against undead elves being playable, when all I'm saying is that customization doesn't fix everything, giving costumes doesn't solve everything, painting models over is shallow, it's literally giving carcasses with a non corresponding filling.

    But as I said, there's large history of you misunderstanding me, and I have lost count long ago on how many times I wondered how intentional that is.

    It'll also balance out the fact that void elves have blood elf skins options plus their own void options, so giving blood elves dark ranger options would help balance things out.
    Void elves with more normal skin tones is not 'unbalanced' nor unjust. Most times someone comes out with the 'balancing' argument is basically a way of making appear as if that person has a point about something, when categorically that isn't the case.

    I mean, if you still want to force that point into anyone's throat, I will just point out that Blood elves got blue eyes after Ion Hazzikostas said these didn't made sense for them, and they also have more options for these. And if that's not enough, just come down to earth and realize that all new options for Void elves and Blood elves are not something outside the ordinary for them. These Void elves with normal skin tones still posses the Void inside them, I will be surprised if their voices lose the sound filter that they gave to them, and if so, everything else is still there to say that you have picked a Void elf. These new appearances just allow for people to say their character is an Alliance High elf in a more proper way.

    lus it won't detract from the Alliance because the dark ranger theme is exclusively a Horde theme.
    I mean, given the other phrase that I made the observation of being ironic coming from you, I will count this all as some sort of fragile parody of High elf requester's arguments from you. Someone would even say it's some sort of an attempt of vengeance.

    That's a very fair contextual observation.

  10. #19790
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doffen View Post
    Thanks man. I really enjoy this. I am so looking forward to Shadowlands and all its customizations! Human, Night Elves and Blood Elves looks so nice and of course we got the new Void Elves coming. After seeing all these changes I am going to change one of my characters to night elf and one more Human because this shit is boomin!

    I am pretty simple, got lots of Void and Blood Elves. Now they all looks pretty much similar, but with these changes incoming I can have a more diversive roster without having 10-14 different races within my character selection. Its awesome. Can't wait to turn my Worgen into White Worgen as well!
    Agree with all of this and huge thank you to @DeicideUH for getting the screenies and organization there.

    Shadowlands is definitely going to give us the most options to make our characters very diverse from each other and I love that (at this point) every race is getting an uplift! Best way to do it imo.

  11. #19791
    i think this is great idea

  12. #19792
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    New skin tones for Void Elves seem to be in!!


    - - - Updated - - -

  13. #19793
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    New skin tones for Void Elves seem to be in!!

    Yes, but they are just pointing to belf skins, so it’s an early version.

    I’ll take pics when I get home.

  14. #19794
    So it's official Void elves have their unique looks and every blood elf look.

    While Blood elves have nothing unique on their side.

  15. #19795
    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    So it's official Void elves have their unique looks and every blood elf look.

    While Blood elves have nothing unique on their side.
    No, it is official that void elves now have few of blood elven skin tones. They don't have hair colour, hair styles, majority of eye colour, new jewellery and basicly most of blood elf customization... so please, stop with this nonsense that blood elves have nothing unique.

    I expect that void elves will probably get some new hair colours and probably few hair styles along the way, but that's the most I think they'll get.

  16. #19796
    makeover of my void elves.

    I hope I will have access to the beta next week!

  17. #19797
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    So it's official Void elves have their unique looks and every blood elf look.

    While Blood elves have nothing unique on their side.
    Racials, Hub zone, Classes, Eye Colors, Hairstyles, Earrings/Necklaces/Bracelets all set Blood Elves as unique.

    But if someone only considered skin tones as the sole differentiation then I can understand that person feeling/being upset.

    I can understand it, but I don't have any sympathy for it.

    Adding options doesn't equal taking away existing options. If someone can only feel unique at the expense of others getting options, tough luck.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Vaedan View Post
    I expect that void elves will probably get some new hair colours and probably few hair styles along the way, but that's the most I think they'll get.
    That's pretty much all they'd have to do after what we're getting and I'm highly sure it will satisfy close to 99% of complaints about Void Elves and people wanting Alliance High Elves.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Frenchvince View Post
    makeover of my void elves.


    I hope I will have access to the beta next week!
    Even with no blonde/silver/brown/black hair colors these Void Elves really give me High Elf vibes good work!

  18. #19798
    Quote Originally Posted by Geisl View Post
    Racials, Hub zone, Classes, Eye Colors, Hairstyles, Earrings/Necklaces/Bracelets all set Blood Elves as unique.

    But if someone only considered skin tones as the sole differentiation then I can understand that person feeling/being upset.

    I can understand it, but I don't have any sympathy for it.

    Adding options doesn't equal taking away existing options. If someone can only feel unique at the expense of others getting options, tough luck.

    - - - Updated - - -

    That's pretty much all they'd have to do after what we're getting and I'm highly sure it will satisfy close to 99% of complaints about Void Elves and people wanting Alliance High Elves.
    Earins/neck pieces/bracelets: If you're not nakes you're not going to see them
    Hair styles: 99% the same already
    Eye colours: Already the same
    Classes: oh noes a void elf can't be a uselessadin

  19. #19799
    shocking blood elves lost their uniqueness. alliance fans win again
    Anemo: traveler, Sucrose
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    Cyro: Shenhe, Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona, Ayaka, Rosaria
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  20. #19800
    I am Murloc! FlubberPuddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kallisto View Post
    Earins/neck pieces/bracelets: If you're not nakes you're not going to see them
    I really don't understand the people who use this argument still when we've had the ability for a while now (few months at the least, I think longer) to hide every piece of equipment other than pants.

    Also the necklaces layer on top of armor.

    People who usually pick those customizations (earrings/necklaces/bracelets) will tmog themselves to show that customization so where is the issue again?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by General Zanjin View Post
    shocking blood elves lost their uniqueness. alliance fans win again
    I'm loving it right now. Especially seeing the posts about 'muh uniqueness' when every race that's the same race are sharing styles (humans and kul'tirans sharing some facial hair options etc).

    Nothing about what Void Elves are getting from Blood Elves are unique to them only, yet I do not see others complaining about the other races sharing features between each other.

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