Could be, tho IDK, Alleria is the type of High Elf on the opposite end of the highborne archetype; she's far more closer -at least pre void- to contemporary Night Elves than Highborne. So like, grouping elves by Highborne sensibility leaves Alleria kinda out for me lol, that's why I kinda prefer the idea of all elven groups having their own thing mostly, but have a group of all of them come together to reclaim their Highborne heritage -in a place like Eldre'thalas-
Lol pretty much yeh. Also Arator is a half elf, so maybe that would make him undesirable on Quel'thalas.also it's really amusing now to think that all four immediate Windrunners who survived the Scourging are all undesirables now
Zendarin - just unlikeable as a person, got the villain bat because he dared insult the Human PotentialTM
Vereesa - Purge of Dalaran
Alleria - almost corrupted the Sunwell
Sylvanas - betrayed the Horde in general
Arator and the twins would also be undesirable by proxy