Poll: Hard Rotation or Hard Boss Mechanics

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  1. #1

    Hard Rotation vs Hard Mechanics?

    Would You rather play with a hard to master rotation but have easier raid boss fights or easy rotation and very complicated raid bosses?

    I main an outlaw rogue I play both RtB and SnD neither rotation is very complicated but I have fun playing the spec, I have more fun with harder boss mechanics.

  2. #2
    High Overlord Starry Sidekick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Memnok View Post
    Would You rather play with a hard to master rotation but have easier raid boss fights or easy rotation and very complicated raid bosses?

    I main an outlaw rogue I play both RtB and SnD neither rotation is very complicated but I have fun playing the spec, I have more fun with harder boss mechanics.
    I really liked it when bosses had 3-4 important mechanics that defined the fight. Not only did it make those encounters more memorable, it reduced the research required to raid at any level.

    Now does that mean I want the old 15 ability rotations back? Not necessarily. I would prefer a new system that had more depth than current WoW with a similar amount of buttons.

  3. #3
    Herald of the Titans Racthoh's Avatar
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    I would rather have an easier rotation to enjoy the raids more. I don't want to be paying attention to class stuff I want to be able to focus on the new content.

  4. #4
    I like games with smaller/limited action bars but with evasion and combo mechanics. So I'll take the safety dance over button bloat every time if I have to pick one.

  5. #5
    How about Hard Class Mechanics ?

  6. #6
    Invalid poll, no third option.

  7. #7
    Pit Lord Mekkle's Avatar
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    I just want a rotation that is smooth, could care less if its hard or easy. Just want a good flow to it.

  8. #8
    I'll take difficult fights over "hard rotation".
    That's not to say that I'm OK with bad class design, AKA my rotation feeling terribly boring and uninvolved, which hinges on more complex components than "hurr I got 10 buttons rather than 7 that I use in my rotation!!"...

    I mean, what's "hard"? People failed at 1-button rotations in Classic FFS... You don't see all that many players with perfect parses + progression nowadays either.

  9. #9
    I prefer a class of medium skill and high flexibility. I don't want to micromanage 24-7 and only that, but i also don't want to face roll my spec. I also enjoy a mechanical fight with cc and add priority ( examples- Mythic harjatan, yes it was easy once you figured it out, but so satisfying , Mythic Eonar ( I know why people don't like it but learning cc opportunities is fun) ) or interesting movement ( Elisandre in Nighthold, make more of those) . For that reason I play MM hunter, has a play-style that needs some attention, decent movement ( not BM/Mage levels, but better than priest/locks), good mix of raid usable cc, and the almighty turtle button ( hello every soak mechanic). Also mastery makes pvp and some boss mechanics easier to deal with ( hi 50+ yrd range)

    But in context of your question- I don't want "hard" for the sake of it, I want interesting. Assuming for you hard=interesting, I would go for Boss, at least there is variety every raid night ( assuming you have the tools to deal with them)

  10. #10
    Tough call. There's absolutely a sweet spot here, and I guess I'd lean towards harder raid bosses, because there isn't going to be a scenario where all classes play with the same level of complexity or forgiveness.

    Having said that, some bosses are starting to encroach on the 'so much shit going on, it's stupid' point.

  11. #11
    Hard rotation, otherwise it's too boring outside of raids.

  12. #12
    Pandaren Monk OreoLover's Avatar
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    Mechanics, don't want it complicated all over.
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  13. #13
    Personally i cannot really fathom how a specific spec can be "hard to play", to me it either is smooth or not. With practice even the most complex spec should feel easy to play.
    (speaking from a none subjective pov mind you, i just dont have the time to try and master all the specs in the game, or even more than one for that matter)
    This is simply because they are desinged for a single person to experience and try and reach the limits.

    Boss mechanics, on the other hand, are desinged for a group of people with varrying skill caps and skill sets to master and that makes them harder, because tou must coordinate with putside sources (the other players in the group) and that is way more fun imo.

    Im one of those guys who loves reading up on bosses and watching video guides (even after i allready understand how the boss works basically) because there can be so many approaches and different tactics to take (not always, but most of the time...)

    Also, boss mechanics usually are way more interesting than class mechanics to me...
    I would much rather hide my UI (or minimise the visual clutter and only stick to a boss mod) and experience a very cool looking fight like Tectus or Thogar than stick my eyes to my action bars to make sure i perform my rotation to the best of my ability (which is how i play on new classes - not because they are hard, but because i am still learning how to utilise my abilities).

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  14. #14
    As long as one aspect is FUN, be that the rotation or the mechanics, I'm more than happy. It's when neither are fun is when the game has a real problem.

  15. #15
    Why can't we have both? Not necessarily a "hard" class rotation, but at least one that has a good flow and more than 3 buttons. C'mon.
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  16. #16
    I think a simple rotation feels like your character more easily responds in the way you want. In that way the controls feel quick and fluent.
    Combined with hard mechanics, you're from day 1 doing what your character is supposed to, but your brain needs to work out how to apply that control in the best way to beat the content. That's fun!

    Hard rotation with easy boss mechanics would be more like beating the first level of Super Mario bros with inverted controls. Frustrating!
    Mother pus bucket!

  17. #17
    I'd just prefer stuff that's well designed and fun. complicated doesn't mean better.

  18. #18
    Why cant we just have a good balance of both?
    Challenging mythic bosses that gives a decent challenge but is not so hard that only small portion of top end guilds can kill it.
    Along with compelling and engaging game play with class mechanics based on player skill instead of RNG.

    I don't see a reason as to why it needs to be ether or

  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by RaZz0r View Post
    Why cant we just have a good balance of both?
    Challenging mythic bosses that gives a decent challenge but is not so hard that only small portion of top end guilds can kill it.
    Along with compelling and engaging game play with class mechanics based on player skill instead of RNG.

    I don't see a reason as to why it needs to be ether or
    Agreed. I'd rather have a nice mix of both. But, if I had to choose, I would lean more toward added boss mechanics.

  20. #20
    Immortal Schattenlied's Avatar
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    I want both, more depth is more fun, for me.

    If I had to choose one, complex class, because ALL gameplay hinges on how interesting the classes are, not just raids... Having simplistic classes with hard bosses makes all non-boss content boring.

    Content doesn't matter if the vessels thrugh which we experience it are dull and unimaginative.
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