Stop making up straw men. I said that no story or mythology is supposed to include the diversity of all the worlds people. That is just a fact. And there are plenty of stories that are popular and successful to this day without it. There are fans of European literature with NO diversity around the world and people are NOT complaining because of it. There are fans of Tom Cruise, James Bond, Spiderman and Tokien all over the world without the diversity you claim is required. This is just a fact. People keep making up reasons for these mandates that are all based on invalid logic such as "people need to see themselves", yet have provided no proof or evidence for this. Tolkien's work has been around for over 60 years and published in many different languages but all of a sudden some white people at Amazon have decided that his work isn't inclusive enough and needs to be "fixed". That is BS and demonstrably false is the point. They are only trying to inject their own made up story into the world of Tolkien using diversity as a shield against criticism. You can whine and moan all you want but that is the fundamental point that people are calling out. It isn't about rejecting diversity in fiction or real life, it is about forcing changes on other peoples work that already is popular among diverse audiences just so you can "claim credit" for something you did not create.
Of course it is putting every culture into Tolkien, because by the logic that you must reflect the "modern" world, then you must reflect all the different ethnic groups, languages, cultures and populations in the modern world of the common wealth. And that spans almost the entire world. This is literally what the show runners claimed to be doing even as Tolkien himself rejected such usage of his work. But of course, what does he know, he just wrote the story, these show runners know best what his story should really be about.
If Tolkien did not write a character looking like Lenny Henry into his story then who cares? There were no significant stories about Harfoots in the second age. This is all made up by Amazon and has absolutely nothing to do with Tolkien. Using Lenny Henry as some kind of shield doesn't change that fact and I don't care about his credentials. That does not justify butchering Tolkien's work in order to justify his inclusion. Same thing with Galadriel and Miriel. They never met each other in Tolkien's work, but according to you changing timelines and story in order to make these women have significant roles as warriors in the story still counts as "faithful" to Tolkien. No it is not.
This is not about "diversity" in the abstract. It is about staying true to the source material. And there is a lot more going on than just the simple idea of superficial skin color changes. It is the cumulative effect of all the changes being made that is being called out, especially when they claim to be "honoring" someone who didn't want their work used as an analogy for "modern" realities. This is the point, but people just keep ignoring that because of their own made up justifications. If you want diversity in some kind of Middle Earth setting, then make your own and stop pretending that this made up BS is Tolkien. It is not.