I don't really understand why it was made this way, well i do kinda "woke" ripping off LOTR as much as possible to make a cash cow but.
Why not make an interesting series even a short one about Drawves who do end up living outside and in that case.. TAN and become dark skinned, there are tribes of drawves who aren't explored in Tolkens work where a story as to why they live above ground would be a good start.. however i don't think they could have their cake and setup the excuse for Diversity at the same time, I don't think anyone looks at a black person being cast and is like "Right lets get the triple letter folks and march" they don't care as a rule until it recasts a role that isn't written that way.
Then magically you are racist for pointing out a species who live underground don't get much Sun..
The two blues wizards are also a great jumping off point for a series why not follow their adventures see who they encountered far off from the main cast, I think its also acceptable they could've had a fairly large part behind the scenes in LOTR for good or ILL, perhaps it becomes a brother vs brother thing where one is evil one is good, and the counter each other out.. allowing the war of the ring to proceed how it does without a tipping of good or evil from either one.
And these fellows can encounter, and perhaps encourage the Drawves to live on the surface even have them live along side Hobbits...
Writing for Tolken is REALLY easy if you spend a few hours looking into the material its just sad this team doesn't seem to have done that.
I predict a disaster its already blaming men for not wanting it, If by some Magic they manage to turn it around a little like the Witcher isn't 100% bad.. then Great.. wont hurt to have something decent to watch.
However these people can never make one statement about politics and leave it at that.. they have to keep trying to follow the same muddy path every other woke production does.