1. #2961
    Fourth Age is like an extra long version of Extended Return of the King's ending.

  2. #2962
    Herald of the Titans
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Tolkien himself tried to write a 4th age sequel but to quote himself:

    So honestly, doing a fourth age story would actually go against what Tolkien wanted to do, as opposed to Amazon fleshing out the 2nd age.

    In other news, HotD was pretty awesome today so Amazon really has to deliver now or they will lose the prequel-show-wars
    Well poo then, I'll just have to make do with all of the fanart renditions of the realm Gimli built, at the center of which was his crown jewel, 3 hairs inlaid in crystal, his own arkenstone. Listening to him talk to legolas about how lovingly he would shape those caves is still one my top 3 favorite parts of the trilogy.

    Although.....unrelated to the thread topic, there is the "Return to Moria" themed survival-builder coming out later this year, I am desperately hoping that gives me a nice strong hit of that dwarven love.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    Fourth Age is like an extra long version of Extended Return of the King's ending.
    Pretty much lol. Maybe don't even make a whole series about it, just a series of shorts showing those bits not covered in the PJ extended cuts. What tolkien was worried about certainly doesn't sound like the kinds of stories in the fourth age I'd want to see anyway for the same reasons he didn't like it. But those snippets immediately following the fall? sign me up. Hell give me a 15 minute sequence with zero dialogue of Samwise walking around the shire sprinkling fairy dust and planting the malorne and I'll find it charming and relaxing.
    Last edited by AcidicSyn; 2022-08-22 at 04:06 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minikin View Post
    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never....BURN IT"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    You are kinda joe Roganing this topic. Hardly have any actual knowledge other than what people have told you, and jumping into a discussion with people who have direct experience with it. Don't be Joe Rogan.

  3. #2963
    Quote Originally Posted by AcidicSyn View Post
    Pretty much lol. Maybe don't even make a whole series about it, just a series of shorts showing those bits not covered in the PJ extended cuts.
    I remember marathoning the extended versions in an afternoon with some friends one summer. With food breaks taken into account, we made it to the point where it was already pitch black outside when they destroyed the ring. And we're about to get ready to go home but the movie still had like an hour left to conclude after the ring had already been destroyed. So we're just sitting there mulling over whether to finish watching every character visit Frodo one by one, or just take off for the night.

    Reading the bullet points for Fourth Age sounds like another hour or two of that lol.

  4. #2964
    Scarab Lord Frontenac's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    hobbit's dwarfs and elves are all different races with different cultures and norms if the southerners are just suppose to be a group of Men and one that apparently didn't break off based on skin tone why would they have divides as big as whole different races instead of just having a uniform culture like the hobbits dwarfs and elves?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Don't know if there is any basis for this within the actual works but if its where Mordor pops up and north of Harad it could be argued that theses are suppose to be the same people but Mordor popping up pushed them further south.
    The Southlands are visibly part of what will become Mordor, south of the plains of Gorgoroth. But contrary to Gorgoroth, it is fertile and the people living there were enslaved by Sauron to produce the food needed for his armies. After Sauron's ultimate defeat, Aragorn freed the slaves and gave them back their land. They say in the clip that they chose the wrong side once, so they could be a remnant of the Easterlings who followed Morgoth during the First Age.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AcidicSyn View Post
    Oh I would absolutely LOVE to see fourth age. Get the old PJ actors back to show Pippin writing the red book of west march, Aragorn and Eomers wars in the east, and we cannot forget the best bromance to ever bromance, Legolas and Gimli traveling around Fangorn, AND THE GLITTERING CAVES. So effing much they could work with there and far more open to original stories than the second age is too.

    But alas, we get a hyper compressed second age instead. I'll take what I can get.
    I'm afraid it would be rather boring. Happy people have no stories to tell.
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  5. #2965
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontenac View Post
    The Southlands are visibly part of what will become Mordor, south of the plains of Gorgoroth. But contrary to Gorgoroth, it is fertile and the people living there were enslaved by Sauron to produce the food needed for his armies. After Sauron's ultimate defeat, Aragorn freed the slaves and gave them back their land. They say in the clip that they chose the wrong side once, so they could be a remnant of the Easterlings who followed Morgoth during the First Age.
    Ah, this the south lands in the show is where Mordor will be then it would make sense if Sauron shows up to collect dues of them siding with Morgoth and then ends up enslaving them which could very well fit with what’s been shown in the trailer so far and the status co in LotR.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  6. #2966
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frontenac View Post

    I'm afraid it would be rather boring. Happy people have no stories to tell.
    Boring for some I suppose, not to me. I'd happily spend hours in post fall middle earth watching everyone rebuild without any big conflicts to trouble over. For those that need the action, they can follow Kings Elesar and Eomer as they clean up and reclaim old territory.
    Quote Originally Posted by Minikin View Post
    "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never....BURN IT"
    Quote Originally Posted by Kathandira View Post
    You are kinda joe Roganing this topic. Hardly have any actual knowledge other than what people have told you, and jumping into a discussion with people who have direct experience with it. Don't be Joe Rogan.

  7. #2967
    Quote Originally Posted by AcidicSyn View Post
    Oh I would absolutely LOVE to see fourth age. Get the old PJ actors back to show Pippin writing the red book of west march, Aragorn and Eomers wars in the east, and we cannot forget the best bromance to ever bromance, Legolas and Gimli traveling around Fangorn, AND THE GLITTERING CAVES. So effing much they could work with there and far more open to original stories than the second age is too.

    But alas, we get a hyper compressed second age instead. I'll take what I can get.
    I want a series with Legolas and his hetero life-mate Gimli played by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by ClassicPeon View Post
    The only thing people seemed to be hyped about with this series is that its less of a historical fiction and more of a moderne day political agenda tribute.
    The only people saying that are ones who think "women should be allowed to do things" and "black people should be allowed to exist" are political statements.

  8. #2968
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    I want a series with Legolas and his hetero life-mate Gimli played by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith.
    I can't figure out which would be funnier, Mewes as Gimli and Smith as Legolas or the other way round.

  9. #2969

    Another trailer.

    I like the ugly looking Wargs. Not really impressed by Galadriel taking down the Troll, kind of cringe to me.

  10. #2970
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post

    Another trailer.

    I like the ugly looking Wargs. Not really impressed by Galadriel taking down the Troll, kind of cringe to me.
    without her sword who might she be? Well, she would actually be Galadriel then trailer. Overall a lot of repeated scenes, only a few new things, Wargs are okay, don't hate/love them. Eminem continues to look awful, with no reveal guess we can conclude no Cirdan the shipwright or Celeborn, alas. Overall the new trailer did nothing to inspire me.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  11. #2971
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post

    Another trailer.

    I like the ugly looking Wargs. Not really impressed by Galadriel taking down the Troll, kind of cringe to me.

    The Good

    when it comes to the dwarf scenes, they look incredible. Like they have nailed the dwarf athetotic down 99.99%.
    Also some of the shots looks amazing, like some look ripped right from Peter Jacksons movies and have that cosy warm feeling.
    Cinematography as a whole looks pretty cool, pictured with some classical fantasy images.
    I do still like that I have no idea what the actual plot of this is.
    Set Design... I love set design, and just in small rooms and small areas, with the furniture design and placements. Look so lived in.

    the Bad

    The music, (I know its trailer music, but still I am judging the trailer, and that music) just no... current pop trend music is not what this trailer needed.
    Looks very CW in places. Like the costumes look cheap. Like could they seriously not afford to rough out some of those clothes.
    Hopefully the dialogue shown here is just bad marketing. Like man some of this is badly written, once again could be just the trailer doing a shit job.
    Still hate that the elves look like British politicians instead of the forever youthful elves. Not a fan of this interpretation.

    Outside of that still very sceptical about watching, which I will, I will wanna see how good it is. I cannot wait, but I have very low expectations, I am going in wanting to like this show, with singers crossed.
    Last edited by Orby; 2022-08-24 at 12:44 PM.
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  12. #2972
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    I can't figure out which would be funnier, Mewes as Gimli and Smith as Legolas or the other way round.
    Now I just want to hear a dwarf yell Snoochy Boochies

  13. #2973
    Banned Ihavewaffles's Avatar
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    That looks like a trailer for a computer game...with all that money, couldn't they have found better actors?.. they sound like cosplayers..and the lines are so uninspiring..

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I like the ugly looking Wargs. Not really impressed by Galadriel taking down the Troll, kind of cringe to me.
    are those wargs? Looks like some sort of piggies

  14. #2974
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    I want a series with Legolas and his hetero life-mate Gimli played by Jason Mewes and Kevin Smith.

    - - - Updated - - -

    The only people saying that are ones who think "women should be allowed to do things" and "black people should be allowed to exist" are political statements.
    I dont know man - the cast certainly seems to think so based on their interviews. So unless you are saying your statement somehow refers to them idk it seems like an own goal

  15. #2975
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    I can't figure out which would be funnier, Mewes as Gimli and Smith as Legolas or the other way round.
    The concept of mediocre at best actors trying to portray characters that John Rhys-Davies and Orlando Bloom did so well is impossible to imagine. Maybe if they weren't just shitty dude weed bros whose claim to fame lived and died in two films.

  16. #2976
    Quote Originally Posted by Rennadrel View Post
    The concept of mediocre at best actors trying to portray characters that John Rhys-Davies and Orlando Bloom did so well is impossible to imagine. Maybe if they weren't just shitty dude weed bros whose claim to fame lived and died in two films.
    Geeeez, that one went RIGHT over your head, didn't it.

  17. #2977
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    What's funnier is claiming Bloom is a good actor.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    Geeeez, that one went RIGHT over your head, didn't it.
    But Mewes as a stoner Legolas and Smith as Silent Gimli would be awesome

  18. #2978
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    But Mewes as a stoner Legolas and Smith as Silent Gimli would be awesome
    His name is Legolas GREENLEAF.

    I mean, come ON.

  19. #2979
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    What's funnier is claiming Bloom is a good actor.
    And yet, he's far more iconic and well-known than the entire cast of this show could ever hope to be.

  20. #2980
    Quote Originally Posted by Varodoc View Post
    And yet, he's far more iconic and well-known than the entire cast of this show could ever hope to be.
    Hahahaha… He was a complete unknown when he was cast in LotR and his next biggest claim to fame was Pirates of the Caribbean (a series that hasn’t really been relevant in 15 years and was 100% carried by Johnny Depp). I mean, he ok as an actor and he still gets work here and there, but his time as a hot young movie star is long past. Well-known? Yes. Iconic? Hardly.

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