pretty good wish they would drop the season and not do this bullshit weekly thing. What am i watching cable tv?
Whoaa this is looking terrible.
The mystique instilled in the books and to some extent the trilogy is all but lost. I hope the people responsible for the background CGI were generously compensated because looking at it objectively it's the only reason this fantasy trash show was so expensive.
The dialogue is so cheesy it borderlines being uncomfortable to listen to. Guyladriel as a character is just plainly annoying, to be honest it's both the writing and the personal interpretation of the character by the actress.
What's even worse about all this is that even if you forget this is supposed to be inspired by Tolkien, it would still be generic trash. Which doesn't make it any favors. I could only bear to finish it because I convinced myself midway through that I wasn't watching anything connected to Tolkien, which worked to some extent but it still made it seem terribly dull and uninspired.
Last edited by tikcol; 2022-09-02 at 08:20 AM.
One man's trash is another man's treasure
Last edited by Makabreska; 2022-09-02 at 08:33 AM.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I have this odd feeling about the show, that it should be "too big to fail".... Its really a challenge in some ways, and it makes it hard to like it, because...its kinda expected that you will, since it is so expensive to make and has some of the best source material on the market.
That all put together makes expectations really high. This is not a show, that can just be okay, it has to be great or it is a failure upon itself. If i am not getting my socks knocked off by the show, then the question is where all the money went?
When it then comes to the show, the show is sadly...just alright. Its just like a show i watched resently, the Wheel of Time, as it is a show that really leaves little impact. It's fantasy, it has a beautiful production, but at the same time, it feels rushed, the plot is odd and trying to reinvent the wheel and all in all just feels quite bland in television stage with many fantasy shows.
Its proberly a show, that will find some success when it comes to viewership, but its also a show i don't see going past 3-4 seasons, atleast not with the same bombastic fanfare as this first season will hit. Because unless they find a sudden second wind at some point with a new direction, i don't see the show having much interesting to say or tell, that will set it apart from its competitors. It's a modern show for modern viewers and thats quite a shame.
Last edited by Flurryfang; 2022-09-02 at 08:37 AM.
May the lore be great and the stories interesting. A game without a story, is a game without a soul. Value the lore and it will reward you with fun!
Don't let yourself be satisfied with what you expect and what you seem as obvious. Ask for something good, surprising and better. Your own standards ends up being other peoples standard.
Sometimes, the light of the moon is a key to other spaces. I've found a place where, for a night or two, the streets curve in unfamiliar ways. If I walk here, I might find insight, or I might be touched by madness.
I find it funny that actors like Morfydd Clark (who plays Galadriel) Said before the show came out that critics and "Haters" should all Shut the F up if they didnt like how it was portrayed are now coming out and saying "I was confused by the direction they took Galadriel Like wat? Funny how she is doing a 180 now that "Real critcs" can rate the show
The show so far, isn't as bad as I thought it would be, and the problems I do have with it are very minor. The minor problems being the pacing and the some camera shots.
For a first episode it was pretty good, in a lot of the parts it felt very LotR. During the half foot scenes, seriously all of them are great. If it was just about them it'd be 10/10 . Its a great start I thought. I just want a half foot/hobbit TV show now. lol
I still think some of the elf casting is a bit bewildering to me, but the show makes you forget it when it gets going. I do not care for the Galadriel side of the story and I know she is supposed to be the main focal point of the show, but as far as what draws me in its the rest of the story arcs, her arc just doesn't interest me. I am not sure if its the writing or the casting of the actress, but I prefer the rest of the show, except the parts around the raft and the giant worm thing, that was awesome.
The Dwarf bits in the second episode had me happy, I love dwarfs in fantasy, and Tolkien dwarfs have always been the best to me, so seeing them here it felt like they were plucked straight out of the Tolkien or Peter Jackson works, the designs and setting go into more detail over what we have gotten from the movies and delve further into their culture and I love that.
Also the score, OH MY GOD THE SCORE. SO GOOD! I need to own this music.
Overall thoughts. The show is pretty good, I had my concerns after the disappointing Wheel of Time show, but I was surprised, maybe my expectations were so low, but I was entertained. The show isn't perfect, but it does give me Tolkien vibes and knowing that's the bare minimum that's all I was asking for. Great designs, good sweeping shots, some good acting, and Dwarfs and Half foots are awesome.
So yea, overall my episode rankings
Episode 1: 6/10
Episode 2: 7/10
Already some quotable scenes too
"Durian, have I offended you?"
"To do that we would need a longer lift"
Last edited by Orby; 2022-09-09 at 06:54 AM.
I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW
Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance
Didn't like the first half hour or so, but it got better after that. All the elves in Galdariels party being poor fighters and weak willed felt like trying too hard to make her the hero right away. They could show her competence without making others incompetent. Similarly I didn't like the bigoted elf talking with Arondir, elves should overall be wise and patient.
Aside from those issues I think most characters are pretty good so far. I like the dwarven couple a lot and Arondir too. He's a perfect representation of an elf. Elrond also grew on me and so did Galadriel to a slightly lesser degree. Think they did a good job showing a realistic disagreement between the dwarves and elves borne out of understandable differences and misunderstanding, and thankfully solved it in a nice way without dragging it out needlessly.
Elves being bigoted is very, very much in keeping with Tolkien elves. The Silmarillion is full of elves behaving poorly.
I don't know... The "overzealous commander who puts their personal vendetta/crusade ahead of the well-being of those under their command" is a pretty common trope. And it doesn't paint her in the best light.
Tolkien has basically always been the standard for generic fantasy.
Last edited by s_bushido; 2022-09-02 at 11:40 AM.
Watched the first episode.
It's bad. Not even "it's so bad it's good". It's just not entertaining to watch. Almost all of the characters are unlikeable, either being boring as doorknobs or being actively unpleasant. The only characters I didn't dislike were the hobbit girl and the black elf archer, and even then they're not likeable, just not aggravating like the others. Dialogue is bad and there were at least a couple instances of extremely juvenile exchanges. I certainly wouldn't expect noble elves to be casually making light of human-elf relationships, or a guy literally saying "your mom cut herself, didn't she? Haha that's probably why your dad left" (I'm not joking this literally happened).
The show looks visually unappealing. The costumes either look like the artists didn't even try, or look like cheap cosplays. There are compositing problems and the CGI monsters are weightless. Also, outside of the scenes that take place at Lindon, the show has this grey desaturated look. There are also disconcerting extreme close up shots, and the camera can never seem to sit still for more than 2 or 3 seconds. In some cases there were shots that lasted barely half a second and it very disorienting. Also, the music is forgettable.
It was an hour long episode and nothing happened except a guy falling out of the sky at the end, presumably a Maia. Won't watch anymore. They had an hour to get me to care about any of the characters or interested in the plot, or even hook me with the promise of spectacle, and failed. Why bother watching this show when I could go to Youtube and watch an episode of Bonanza that has entertaining characters and tells a compelling story from beginning to end in 45 minutes? Also that show actually looks good with the colors and set design and decent cinematography.
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What boggles my mind is that this is a $700 million show. This is like, the most expensive show in the history ever, since Game of Thrones. You'd think that there would be top of the line talent on this show. Good cinematographers. Good actors. Writers who would make the dialogue not cringe. The best costume designers. The best in the CGI industry. Good musicians. Where did the money go?
- - - Updated - - -
If you compare this to House of the Dragon, that show at least didn't have most of its cast being unlikeable. At least the sets looked pretty decent (even if I wished they were better lit). At least the compositing of the backgrounds was good enough. At least the dialogue wasn't embarrassing. At least some of the costumes looked good (even if they don't come through because of the color grading that sucked the colors out of everything). At least there was some stuff that was vaguely interesting in the first episode like the king's hopes and dreams being shattered. Music was trash in both, though. Seriously, why can't Hollywood hire decent musicians?
Last edited by Val the Moofia Boss; 2022-09-02 at 12:19 PM.
Watched both episodes and enjoyed it, felt very LotR to me so far, no I've never read the books so just basing it off the movies. Hopefully, it does well, and gets several seasons to encourage more fantasy world development and shows.
Member: Dragon Flight Alpha Club, Member since 7/20/22