1. #3301
    Review bombers aren't voting 3-4-5... they are voting 1, maybe 2 if they want to be sneaky.
    There's no reason to purge 5 and below... well, except you know. Manipulation of numbers.

    Anyone paying attention to any of the media hysteria around this show knows there would be a lot of 1's from haters, but you also knew there would be lots of 10's from defenders.

    Then again, review numbers are just straight up useless because of the disingenuous voters on each side as well as the disingenuous manipulation. So...shrug..
    Mostly just fun to see the fallout on how people behave to justify why their numbers are wrong or correct.
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  2. #3302
    I think it’s important to realize that about 99% of people watching this show do not discuss it on a forum, nor vote on review sites. There is a selection bias for both that favours the biggest fans and haters.

    This means that both 1’s and 10’s on review sites do make sense, though they are both quite ridiculous. It just means review sites do not display the real population.

  3. #3303
    That’s all what matters these days

  4. #3304
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Yes, and the premise of those bringing this up as if it matters is flawed to start with. People don't brigade these systems with 10s..
    Don't be stupid. Of course it happens, and it happens as often as people brigading 1's.

    There exists groups of people who blindly champion a product and give it 10/10 for the sake of boosting its rating just as there are those who put 1's to bring it down. And you even bring up a strong example of that with WoT.

    As someone summed it up nicely above, most people who watch don't even bother reviewing. Fans and haters are much more likely to care enough to give a review than the average casual watcher. And shows with large fandoms and shows that have something controversial tend to have their reviews swayed by both tribes.
    Last edited by Triceron; 2022-09-03 at 06:16 AM.

  5. #3305
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    I don't understand why people think user reviews are a fine metric to see how good a show is. (As in ever)

    So here's mine:

    Visuals are amazing and approaching the LotR movies. Way better then the Hobbit.
    Dwarves look awesome so far.
    Short hair elves are weird at first glance but not a deal breaker. Probably their hair grows incredibly slow.
    Pacing is off, like a lot.
    Don't like Galadriel but can't tell you why.

    So after two episodes I'd say 7/10

    And the stranger has to be Sauron or Morgoth/Melkor.
    Would be way too early for an Istari.
    Last edited by MCMLXXXII; 2022-09-03 at 07:00 AM.

  6. #3306
    Something doesn’t feel right about Galadriel

  7. #3307
    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    He never ever describes as such, but as a leader, as someone wise, who guides others, who helps them to figure out what to do (as seen in the trilogy). She was never a fighter at any point, most females weren't which is why Eowen was such a big moment in the Return of the King. Just because you live thousands of years doesn't automatically make you an expert in many things, there are humans who live 100 years that are barely competent in one thing. To make her a warrior and a military leader is fanfic, you can like it, but it still remains fanfic.
    All female Elves would fight at times of need. It's typically the male Elves who would go forth to fight in other lands but "canonically" Galadriel tends towards masculine roles like wishing to rule and athleticism as well as being described as Amazon. Tolkien never explicitly wrote of her going out to fight but the story of the Second Age was due a rewrite to fit in her later characterisation and showing her as a warrior has some support from his notes and letters.

    They needed to add events to show it (probably due to licensing) but they really nailed her reasons for refusing to return to Aman despite longing to dwell there again. I also liked the little but if tension between her and Gil-galad where he carries more authority but everyone knows she carries more wisdom and is (again canonically) the greatest of the Elves living in Middle-earth.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I don't understand why people think user reviews are a fine metric to see how good a show is. (As in ever)

    So here's mine:

    Visuals are amazing and approaching the LotR movies. Way better then the Hobbit.
    Dwarves look awesome so far.
    Short hair elves are weird at first glance but not a deal breaker. Probably their hair grows incredibly slow.
    Pacing if off, like a lot.
    Don't like Galadriel but can't tell you why.

    So after two episodes I'd say 7/10

    And the stranger has to be Sauron or Morgoth/Melkor.
    Would be way too early for an Istari.
    Tolkien was considering placing the Blue Wizards in the Second Age when he got around to rewriting the Silmarillion so it could be one of those. If it's Gandalf I would be very disappointed.

  8. #3308
    They not only disabled ratings, each „review“ will now be „reviewed“ to filter „bad faith“ ratings out.

    wow, curious how amazon determines what bad faith is

    Last edited by Universalgirl; 2022-09-03 at 06:44 AM.

  9. #3309
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    They not only disabled ratings, each „review“ will now be „reviewed“ to filter „bad faith“ ratings out.

    Gee, I wonder why you didn't share a link to that article? Is it because of this:

  10. #3310
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Don't like Galadriel but can't tell you why.
    I think it's a combination of the awkward dialogue and how they're framing her as a misunderstood outcast without like...really anything that would be necessary to establish that. Maybe it would work better if there had been more with Gil Galad and the implication that the other elves are uncomfortable around her because she might be harboring that dangerous darkness.

  11. #3311
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    I don't understand why people think user reviews are a fine metric to see how good a show is. (As in ever)

    So here's mine:

    Visuals are amazing and approaching the LotR movies. Way better then the Hobbit.
    Dwarves look awesome so far.
    Short hair elves are weird at first glance but not a deal breaker. Probably their hair grows incredibly slow.
    Pacing if off, like a lot.
    Don't like Galadriel but can't tell you why.

    So after two episodes I'd say 7/10

    And the stranger has to be Sauron or Morgoth/Melkor.
    Would be way too early for an Istari.
    The stranger must be one of the blue wizards. Tolkien revisioned the coming of the Wizards and put the two blue ones in the 2nd age. Since the show kind of compressed the time a lot to make it easier for viewers (and them selves lol) a blue wizard would be both cool, fun and lore-wise okey!

    For me the show is a clear 10/10 so far though, I have been waiting for 2nd age on screen and as a huge Tolkien nerd I've known for 19 years they'd have to make huge changes, time compressions and fill out hell a lot of blanks to make it a movie or show.. Not sure why so many people have a hard time with that.

    Tiny bits of "They should have done this or that" but I was 99.9% into it. I didn't feel the pacing was of at all, neither did my wife or brother+GF.

    The only hair I kind of felt like "Lmao GEn Z Represent!" was Finrod. But he was such a handsome badass mofo with the best chin I've seen so it was ok

  12. #3312
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    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post

    The only hair I kind of felt like "Lmao GEn Z Represent!" was Finrod. But he was such a handsome badass mofo with the best chin I've seen so it was ok
    Well the buzzcut on Arondir was kinda strange but makes sense out of military point of view.

  13. #3313
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Gee, I wonder why you didn't share a link to that article? Is it because of this:
    It seems it’s not about „Review Bombing“ it’s about filtering out Reviews that are not in line with Amazon Studios Ideology.

    Ok so from now all reviews get reviewed.

    Approve most 10/10

    Disapprove 90% below 6

    Leave 10% to look authentic.

    Dude it’s not about a honest attempt to filter trolls out. It’s about showing positive reviews even if majority disagrees.

    Who decides what’s bad faith?
    You can now label all bad faith to push rating’s.

    Is 10/10 rating with expressing that black elves feels not tolkien bad faith?
    Last edited by Universalgirl; 2022-09-03 at 07:14 AM.

  14. #3314
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    It seems it’s not about „Review Bombing“ it’s about filtering out Reviews that are not in line with Amazon Studios Ideology.

    Ok so from now all reviews get reviewed.

    Approve most 10/10

    Disapprove 90% below 6

    Leave 10% to look authentic.

    Dude it’s not about a honest attempt to filter trolls out. It’s about showing positive reviews even if majority disagrees.

    Who decides what’s bad faith?
    You can now label all bad faith to push rating’s.
    Even if that's true, why do you care so much? Is your life on the line or something?
    Do you want this "woke" show to fail, even if it isn't as bad as your favorite youtubers predicted?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I saw some of those 1/10 user reviews and most of them were toxic as hell, with lots of racial slur. If they would only moderate 1/10 reviews those neckbeards would vote 2/10 and so on.

  15. #3315
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Even if that's true, why do you care so much? Is your life on the line or something?
    Do you want this "woke" show to fail, even if it isn't as bad as your favorite youtubers predicted?

    - - - Updated - - -

    I saw some of those 1/10 user reviews and most of them were toxic as hell, with lots of racial slur. If they would only moderate 1/10 reviews those neckbeards would vote 2/10 and so on.
    Why do you care so much?

    You want a reality where only reviews are counted that Amazon Studios approved as not bad faith? Based on ideological presets?

  16. #3316
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    Why do you care so much?

    You want a reality where only reviews are counted that Amazon Studios approved as not bad faith? Based on ideological presets?
    No I don't care about useless anonymous reviews on the internet. I'm perfectly fine forming an opinion all by myself. I even only glance over critic reviews.
    You should try that, saves you a lot of energy, time and outrage.

  17. #3317
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    No I don't care about useless anonymous reviews on the internet. I'm perfectly fine forming an opinion all by myself. I even only glance over critic reviews.
    You should try that, saves you a lot of energy, time and outrage.
    No reason to be aggressive. When you support censorship based on ideology it’s your call.

  18. #3318
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Well the buzzcut on Arondir was kinda strange but makes sense out of military point of view.
    But it only makes sense if Elves had electric razors, otherwise it seems kind of pointless cutting a fade with scissors when a simpler haircut would be more practical.

  19. #3319
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    But it only makes sense if Elves had electric razors, otherwise it seems kind of pointless cutting a fade with scissors when a simpler haircut would be more practical.
    As said earlier in this thread, there are plenty of oldschool barbers who can create such haircuts without electrical appliances in an instant.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    No reason to be aggressive. When you support censorship based on ideology it’s your call.
    Pot meet kettle. It isn't censorship based on ideology, it's removing toxic, racist comments on a privately owned website.
    Last edited by MCMLXXXII; 2022-09-03 at 07:53 AM.

  20. #3320
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    But it only makes sense if Elves had electric razors, otherwise it seems kind of pointless cutting a fade with scissors when a simpler haircut would be more practical.
    Doesn't have to ONLY be practical. You think those breastplate decorations are practical? Very clearly elves care about aesthetics as well, so it would make total sense that their haircuts would reflect that, too. And remember: this is magical stuff at work. They can hammer out crystals of light, they can snip-snap a fade haircut with mithril shears and 2,000 years of barber experience like THAT.

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