1. #3361
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Contradiction much?
    How is that contradictory ?

  2. #3362
    Quote Originally Posted by InfiniteCharger View Post
    Siskel and Ebert used to trash movies on the regular.
    Siskel and Ebert presumably didn't spend months leading up to the premier trashing it because actors involved were the wrong skin color, or because they'd convinced themselves that the story was going to be disrespectful and "woke" before they'd even seen a second of it.

    Equating the criticism of movies by people like that to the obvious brigading/review bombing going on here is laughable.

    It's a bit funny that there's been hardly any talk of the show itself here, but instead we're focused on people being upset that their transparent attempt to negatively manipulate the perceived reception of it is allegedly being met with a website's transparent attempt to do the opposite.
    Last edited by s_bushido; 2022-09-03 at 11:14 AM.

  3. #3363
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    Well you do not understand how far woke ideology is pushed.

    As example:

    In germany one „state“ a bundesland is building a authority where people can report other people if they say something against woke agenda.

    As example: you could get reported by saying i dont like rings of power because black elves are not tolkien

    And this authority explicitly states you should report all statements that are also NOT AGAINST LAW.

    You understand what’s brewing up?

    I don’t believe Amazon a single word that they want to build a better world.

    It’s about ideology.

    Things to come.
    If your problem with Rings of Power is an ideology that you feel they are pushing that is also a shit review too. Because you basically make that your focal point and are ignoring everything else, or allowing that ideal to control everything else about the show/movie. Movie is bad cos woke, acting is bad cos woke, cinematography is bad cos woke, sound is bad cos woke, woke is bad cos woke.

    People seem so fixated on the racial shit or the 'woke agenda' like if that's your level for politicizing something then the problem isn't with the adaptation but with your obsession with looking at things politically.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  4. #3364
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Siskel and Ebert presumably didn't spend months leading up to the premier trashing it because actors involved were the wrong skin color, or because they'd convinced themselves that the story was going to be disrespectful and "woke" before they'd even seen a second of it.

    Equating the criticism of movies by people like that to the obvious brigading/review bombing going on here is laughable.

    It's a bit funny that there's been hardly any talk of the show itself here, but instead we're focused on people being upset that their transparent attempt to negatively manipulate the perceived reception of it is allegedly being met with a website's transparent attempt to do the opposite.
    You have no way of knowing why most people are rating this particular show they way they are. It is an oversimplification to suggest it is just about one thing. And this is why such knee jerk reactions are as bad as what they claim to be defending against.

    My personal opinion is that I reject corporations attempts to use the struggles of people against injustice to make a profit. I see it as pandering because at the end of the day that fictional story is not fixing anything in real life and certainly those profits aren't going into the hands of any of those so victimized. And as for the show itself, it is insulting to anybody of any background for them to show elves being subject to a 'racist backlash' by these new made up populations in the south lands, to show how "racism is bad" and make it so close to the 'real world' with 4th grade writing. It is dumb and stupid because it contradicts what they claim to be doing and doesn't reflect Tolkien at all. And the fact that they made all this noise about it in advance only for the result to be so dumb and stupid is doubly annoying. Not to mention, many of the women in this show are shown as the opposite of what they claim is empowering. Galadriel is a cardboard cutout character more generic and boring than an NPC from a Raid Shadowlands commercial and the female Southland politician is a single mom stereotype. Like really? That is just bad on multiiple levels. Especially compared to the actual mythical level of respect and deference Galadriel had in the actual lore as a wise and intelligent elf and one of the first elves of the realm from the age of trees. It is just really bad and disrespectful to what Tolkien actually wrote.
    Last edited by InfiniteCharger; 2022-09-03 at 12:10 PM.

  5. #3365
    Merely a Setback PACOX's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by InfiniteCharger View Post
    What I mean is corporations pretending their product is special as 'saving the world from x' when it is just people playing make believe and getting paid a lot of money is the issue. Amazon is a corporation that makes hundreds of billions in revenue a year and has had many complaints and allegations of discrimination, sexism, anti-unionism, not caring about workers, etc over the years. So they use these kinds of entertainment products to try and give them a positive image and this is something that is par for the course these days. So it is marketing and PR which is about as fake as pretending a movie showing pristine lush wildlife is fixing the environment in California. If they wanted to do that they would shut down a bunch of their data centers.
    Oh I definitely agree with that. Amazon is full of shit when it comes to any and all things progressive.

    How much does Amazon influence writers and show runners in that department though? A lot of this corporations don't care in that regard unless they think it will negatively impact their bottom line.
    Last edited by PACOX; 2022-09-03 at 11:46 AM.

  6. #3366
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    It's almost guaranteed to be Gandalf. He was sent to aid Middle Earth against Sauron's reemerging power, which falls into what the show is portraying; he was reluctant to go, stating he was afraid of Sauron and weak; he took the form of an old man from the beginning to show humility; and he is strongly associated with fire (the "Secret Fire" of Eru Ilúvatar, and later the bearer of Narya, the Ring of Fire). He's even demonstrated his aptitude to talk to insects in the Jackson movies, in almost the EXACT SAME WAY as the Stranger talks to the fireflies.

    Those are all perfect fits. Whereas for him to be either Sauron or Melkor, there'd have to be massive changes to the entire established lore.
    Gandalf was the last of the Istati sent to Middle-earth due to his reluctance and fear of Sauron. Sending him before the Third Age would, in my opinion, be one of the worst distortions of the lore for fan-service.

    Having him be Sauron pretending to be an Istari sent by the Valar wouldn't really be breaking the lore badly as we know he was a malign influence and a shame shifter. I wouldn't be surprised if several characters turn out to be Sauron in disguise.

  7. #3367
    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    Just say you hate niggers, no need to be subtle about it. ja ja de untermensch

  8. #3368
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    I knew about the initiative. I was curious to see which one you meant, since exactly NOTHING in it lines up with what you stated the government was doing.

    The Landesregierung made the statement. They are spearheading the initiative. The institution itself, however, is not part of the government. Work on your reading skills, then. Wer lesen kann ist klar im Vorteil. (Being able to read gives you an advantage.)

    Also, if you're trying your hand at translating: 'Fälle unter der Strafbarkeitsgrenze' means 'cases below a level of punishment'; those are cases that don't end up in police reports and statistics. It's still against the law. Are you really that poorly educated that you don't comprehend what's written there? Try reading it again, this time the actual article, not some tl;dr version from your telegram group.
    You are a lier, in bad faith.

    „Fälle unter der Strafbarkeitsgrenze“

    You know what this mean?

    It means cases that can’t be persecuted or cases you cant be charged because they ARE NOT against the law

    A opinion like: i dont think black elves do well in rings of power when reported will get analysed,archived, and they collect data.

    Dude are you trolling?

    It’s a institution to report political unwelcoming messages regarding woke topics.

    There is no need to report a behaviour that’s not against law or can’t be persecuted

    You are a lier.

    It all begins with institutions where people report each other or start to discriminate people who are not supporting the madness of gender diversity or green energy revolution and forced support of lgbt its all wrapped up as anti discrimination.

    But you don’t get it that personal opinions will be archived and analysed.

    Simple lier

    Dude i have you on ignore now

    For all other google it dont need to make stuff up.
    Last edited by Universalgirl; 2022-09-03 at 12:15 PM.

  9. #3369
    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    You are a lier, in bad faith.

    „Fälle unter der Strafbarkeitsgrenze“

    You know what this mean?

    It means cases that can’t be persecuted or cases you cant be charged because they ARE NOT against the law

    Dude are you trolling?

    It’s a institution to report political unwelcoming messages regarding woke topics.

    There is no need to report a behaviour that’s not against law or can’t be persecuted

    You are a lier.
    You can't even write in English, I doubt you can translate German to it.

  10. #3370
    Quote Originally Posted by Nask View Post
    You can't even write in English, I doubt you can translate German to it.
    Google it (next on ignore)

  11. #3371
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    So where does it mention woke exactly? Or is that something you added?
    Nowhere. Just another wannabe fighter for whatever who's talking out of their ass.

    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    You are a lier, in bad faith.

    „Fälle unter der Strafbarkeitsgrenze“

    You know what this mean?

    It means cases that can’t be persecuted or cases you cant be charged because they ARE NOT against the law

    A opinion like: i dont think black elves do well in rings of power when reported will get analysed,archived, and they collect data.

    Dude are you trolling?

    It’s a institution to report political unwelcoming messages regarding woke topics.

    There is no need to report a behaviour that’s not against law or can’t be persecuted

    You are a lier.

    It all begins with institutions where people report each other or start to discriminate people who are not supporting the madness of gender diversity or green energy revolution and forced support of lgbt its all wrapped up as anti discrimination.

    But you don’t get it that personal opinions will be archived and analysed.

    Simple lier

    Dude i have you on ignore now

    For all other google it dont need to make stuff up.
    I'm very sorry that the truth is conflicting with your hurt ego. I'm also sorry for how badly the German educational apparatus has failed you and left you without the ability to comprehend what is written in an article and what isn't.

    You can, of course, keep making stuff up - that's up to you. Have a nice day! Try a book.
    Last edited by Skulltaker; 2022-09-03 at 12:23 PM.

  12. #3372
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post

    Having him be Sauron pretending to be an Istari sent by the Valar wouldn't really be breaking the lore badly as we know he was a malign influence and a shame shifter. I wouldn't be surprised if several characters turn out to be Sauron in disguise.
    But why would he even pretend to be one? Would he even know of them? It's just a whole lot of can of no sense
    Modern gaming apologist: I once tasted diarrhea so shit is fine.

    "People who alter or destroy works of art and our cultural heritage for profit or as an excercise of power, are barbarians" - George Lucas 1988

  13. #3373
    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Gandalf was the last of the Istati sent to Middle-earth due to his reluctance and fear of Sauron. Sending him before the Third Age would, in my opinion, be one of the worst distortions of the lore for fan-service.

    Having him be Sauron pretending to be an Istari sent by the Valar wouldn't really be breaking the lore badly as we know he was a malign influence and a shame shifter. I wouldn't be surprised if several characters turn out to be Sauron in disguise.
    Ap-ap-ap! I have to stop you right here. Gandalf (Olorin) had visited Middle earth before the third age, but it's not more specific that my sentence here. How, when, why or if he did something no one knows. Don't even think Tolkien knew more than that he wrote Olorin had visited.

    But yeah, if it's a wizard. It has to be a blue one.

  14. #3374
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Nowhere. Just another wannabe fighter for whatever who's talking out of their ass.
    One of the enduring messages of Tolkien best exemplified in LotR is "diversity is strength" and that usually gets the sorts of people who cry about WOKE in a frothing rage.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Wilian View Post
    But why would he even pretend to be one? Would he even know of them? It's just a whole lot of can of no sense
    To mess with people. What better way to spread discord than to pretend to be in opposition to your main goals and then spread discord among those united against you. It's not entirely unlike what he did as Annatar.

  15. #3375
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    I'm very sorry that the truth is conflicting with your hurt ego. I'm also sorry for how badly the German educational apparatus has failed you and left you without the ability to comprehend what is written in an article and what isn't.
    Don't just blame the education system, chances are they tried XD

  16. #3376
    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    Ap-ap-ap! I have to stop you right here. Gandalf (Olorin) had visited Middle earth before the third age, but it's not more specific that my sentence here. How, when, why or if he did something no one knows. Don't even think Tolkien knew more than that he wrote Olorin had visited.

    But yeah, if it's a wizard. It has to be a blue one.
    Olorin would walk among the Elves hidden and generally spread good vibes, I think he was also one of the Maiar posted to watch over the early generations of Elves while the Valar were figuring out what to do with them. He was definitely reluctant to become a wizard though and was the last sent to Middle-earth.

  17. #3377
    Here is a article in English


    I don’t know what’s the problem?

    This is happening and will be active 2023 in a German „State“.

    Why the other person trying to protect it or claims it only apply for comments against the law idk.

    The bottom line and the truth

    I could report you just by saying

    I dont like black elves in rings of power

    Such case would be

    And who knows what else

    It has nothing to do with checking if a „opinion“ or a „sentence“ can be persecuted.

    That’s the job of the police and the prosecutors.

  18. #3378
    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    Here is a article in English


    I don’t know what’s the problem?

    This is happening and will be active 2023 in a German „State“.

    Why the other person trying to protect it or claims it only apply for comments against the law idk.

    The bottom line and the truth

    I could report you just by saying

    I dont like black elves in rings of power

    Such case would be

    And who knows what else

    It has nothing to do with checking if a „opinion“ or a „sentence“ can be persecuted.

    That’s the job of the police and the prosecutors.
    Hmmh, let's see what kind of news they report...

    The West collapses again under onslaught of new migrant wave, 84% increase in illegal crossings recorded
    “It is sad to watch the West commit suicide. A multi-ethnic society is not cohesive,” writes Czech commentator Alexander Tomský

    August 30, 2022


  19. #3379
    Quote Originally Posted by Universalgirl View Post
    Here is a article in English


    I don’t know what’s the problem?

    This is happening and will be active 2023 in a German „State“.

    Why the other person trying to protect it or claims it only apply for comments against the law idk.

    The bottom line and the truth

    I could report you just by saying

    I dont like black elves in rings of power

    Such case would be

    And who knows what else

    It has nothing to do with checking if a „opinion“ or a „sentence“ can be persecuted.

    That’s the job of the police and the prosecutors.
    Inherrently false article, but it figures that you'd consider this a source. You're beyond redemption.

  20. #3380
    This website is not the source

    It’s translated it only.

    Don’t care who the guys are.

    But it’s still the truth. I am from germany

    And you can read the outrage anywhere

    Dont trust me? Translate



    So cicero and bild are also lying?

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