That doesn't mean 0/10 is justifiable. They're free to give any rating they want, but we're also free to call them out for giving bullshit ratings. That's how it works. That's what I'm doing.
That's you trying again to make this about me not wanting people to not like the show. Which is not what my problem lies with (and besides, if you'd read any of my comments on the show, you'd see *I* don't like it). If comments were used the way ratings were I'd have the same problem; and in fact I have, on many occasions, pointed out to people (including you, I think) why I do not in fact find comments like "I just don't like this" useful. That is NOT the same as saying nobody is allowed to say that, it just means that you liking vanilla ice cream and not chocolate will not result in a constructive debate because those are preferences you can only state, not discuss.
And the only one bringing right or wrong into this is you. Stop doing that. It's not about right or wrong, because these ratings aren't about what one person thinks as much as they are about creating information for other people - and if you misuse the system, you're creating bad information. Your opinion is your opinion, but once you start distorting things for other people, it's no longer just about you.
Which is partly why I started everything with me saying it's not about value.
And people using the system like this is why I think it's a shit system. I'm not defending rating systems. I'm showing WHY they're shit - people misuse it.
But why 6 specifically? Why pick that number and not another?