With all that money, that dialogue, those actors...jesus...
With all that money, that dialogue, those actors...jesus...
Out of the billion spent, I think more should have gone to writing. Congratulations to the team for making Galadriel completely unlikeable. Elrond and Arondir are far more interesting to watch.
Its about in par with a wheel of time. I wish they just made a new fantasy IP for this.
What a load of horse shit.
No, you’re examples are not sexist as is. There can certainly be good reasons to target a particular candidate based on gender. What would be sexist is if you made the decision based on the idea that one gender is inherently better than the other.
Let’s say you’re picking a team of 5 people and after picking 3 men you decide the next pick should be a woman to bring more diversity to the group. Are you suddenly sexist for acknowledging that both genders are a valuable part of the team? Of course not. That’s not how sexism works.
There’s also no such thing as “forced diversity”. It’s just called “diversity”. The only people who feel it’s forced are those who have a problem with it on an ideological level.
- Better than expected. My only real complaint would be about all the fast travel making things feel rushed at times, but it makes sense given that they’re trying to keep things going across 4-5 different storylines.
- The production value is definitely there (despite what any naysayers think). Compared to later seasons of GoT where much of the budget was eaten up by a few CGI dragons and an increasingly expensive cast, we’re getting a lot more visual “bang for your buck” in just these two first episodes. Looking forward to more spectacular looking settings and action sequences over the course of the season.
Last edited by Adamas102; 2022-09-03 at 11:13 PM.
Pretty bleh, and the random inserts everywhere takes me out of the story. There were so many better ways to do this, more interesting ways. As a stand alone series I'd give this 5/10, as a LOTR adaptation I'll give it 3.5/10 because of the lore butchering going on.
House of the dragon is looking like the clear winner of this titanic fantasy budget match.
It is easy to prove because there is hardly anything that actually deserves a 1/10 rating, a 1/10 rating has nothing to do with the show and everything to do with the lack of integrity a person actually has as they are not telling the truth, its not an argument or an opinion as giving a 1/10 rating has nothing to do with how good the show/movie or whatever actually is.
STAR-J4R9-YYK4 use this for 5000 credits in star citizen
The "forced diversity" shit is so fucking dumb, but there's no pleasing these people. I remember the kicking and screaming when there were black people in Lake town in the first hobbit film and they were just in the crowd. It's only "forced" if you blatantly change a character who's characterization is tied to their gender or racial identity. Implying that completely new characters that are black or female is "forced diversity" means you just don't think they're good enough to be main characters or shouldn't exist in a fantasy universe.
It's only two episodes so far, but I was pleasantly surprised, and I don't think the trailers did the show justice at all.
What I really don't get, is the complaints about it not feeling like Tolkien. The dialogue has the some poetic flow as the LOTR trilogy, the costume design is on point, and the set/city design is as if taken out of the movies. If you're one of those hardcore Tolkien purists who also hated the LOTR movies, then yeah, sure, but as a medium level fan of the Tolkien legendarium, the show so far, has been MUCH better than what was expected/feared.
The thing that felt the most "off" was male elvers having short hair and female dwarves not having beards.
Last edited by ThrashMetalFtw; 2022-09-04 at 12:37 AM.
They're (short for They are) describes a group of people. "They're/They are a nice bunch of guys." Their indicates that something belongs/is related to a group of people. "Their car was all out of fuel." There refers to a location. "Let's set up camp over there." There is also no such thing as "could/should OF". The correct way is: Could/should'VE, or could/should HAVE.
Holyfury armory
To me it just means I have seen enough and don't want to see anymore.
Considering the fact you are talking about streaming the idea is nobody has time to watch everything.
And because of that, if they watch a few minutes and they just don't want to watch anymore, it is a 1/10.
That is my view on what that means and yes that is a realistic and honest review in that case.
This happens all the time whether or not people take the time to leave a review on it.
Basically Amazon had to come out of the gate all guns blazing to capture those on the fence or curious.
Remains to be seen as to whether it works or not. It was obvious from months ago this was an uphill battle.
Overall we will see how "honest" things are after about a month when more of the show has aired.
Last edited by InfiniteCharger; 2022-09-04 at 12:41 AM.
That's the thing - I'm sure the OT took liberties with the look and feel as well. I'm not a super hardcore fan, but I've read Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit (albeit a long time ago and don't really remember them that much), but it's consistent with Jackson's films. To a casual watcher, the show should at least feel like lord of the rings (unless they can't get over black hobbits, which it seems a not insignificant portion of people can't).
I watched much of the first two episodes, and I found the series to be fairly underwhelming and average at best, quite honestly. I admit, I'm surprised some people here liked it quite so much. Comparing the new series to the Fellowship of the Ring is not unlike comparing Shadowlands to Wrath of the Lich King. Sometimes newer continuations of a franchise is better than the original -- for example, off the top of my head, Shrek 2 seemed better and more interesting than the original Shrek. But at other times, the opposite is true; Mulan 2 was nowhere near the quality and popularity of the original Mulan, and neither was the "live-action movie" for that matter. (And I don't care much either way about debate over American identity politics, they could have an all-European or all-Asian cast, and I still would hardly be impressed by this series, if nothing else was changed.)
To me at least, nothing about the show (except maybe the natural scenery) was particularly breathtaking or indicative of some groundbreaking masterpiece. I liked Arwen and even Tauriel, but this portrayal of Galadriel just seems to fail to capture the basic essence of the character, from either the book or the films. She seemed almost like Galadriel's younger half-sister or angry cousin from an alternate universe or something, not the young Galadriel herself. The actress might have been excellent in ANOTHER Amazon series, but I think there were better options for Galadriel in this one.
The same with Elrond, he also seems very off and superficial and not particularly engaging or likable as a portrayal, I didn't even guess that he was the younger Elrond until it was specifically mentioned, perhaps he simply doesn't seem to have much of a resemblance to the Elrond from the films? The actors for Galadriel and Elrond, their skills seemed arguably passable, but nothing particularly special or uplifting either. The dialogue also seemed very awkward and not natural sounding at times. They are supposed to be the two most familiar main characters that enthralled millions of viewers from beginning to end, but there is neither familiarity nor mysticism and poise about them.
Everything about the plot seemed random and confusing from that troll / dishevelled giant creature which crash-landed from the skies with little explanation and was found by two female hobbits, to Galadriel suddenly being sent to Valinor with most of her friends as a "reward" for her failed mission after she nearly got most of her companions killed, but then also choosing to return at the last moment, meeting a random man, and getting rescued by a ship that appeared from nowhere. Nothing seemed "magical" or wondrous in a way that truly made you want to eagerly watch the next episode. The elves in particular seemed to be very plastic and one-dimensional compared to the elves from the original trilogy.
There are some mainstream reviewers who dislike the show, and there are about half a hundred negative reviews on YouTube when I searched, "Rings of Power Amazon review".
In short - perhaps this series will improve, along with my review and opinion of it, but I am not feeling very hopeful for its future. Because quite frankly, "Rings of Power" (even its very name) seems more like relatively mediocre fan fiction rather than anything else. I'm sure they tried to give a decent effort into making this...but the end result still seems rather incomplete and lackluster, like something simply out of sync and rhythm.
Last edited by OwenBurton; 2022-09-04 at 07:14 PM.
"You see, there is balance in all things. Wisdom etched in our very fur: Black and white. Darkness and light. When the last emperor hid our land from the rest of the world, he also preserved...our ancient enemy, the mantid. So it is with your Alliance and your Horde. They are not strong despite one another; they are strong BECAUSE of one another. You mistake your greatest strength for weakness. Do you see this?"
Likely for the same reason people are born with red hair all over Europe but not with dark skin.
It was difficult to travel 1000 years ago, if you walked to China from Europe, you would be the only white person, you would not walk back. The further back in time you go, the less diverse individual villages would be. If the series was set in modern times, the casting would be fine, if set during medieval times, you would only expect to see differences along travel routes, people going inland after that would quickly have their traits bread out of the general population in 2 or 3 generations.
There are good choices if you want to add people of color, have the people of Rhun bring an oliphant as a gift for the king, have a trade ship arrive. Both would be perfectly good options.
Did you feel left out when none of the main cast in Squidgame were white?