1. #3861
    I don't understand the complaint about Clark's acting. It's great, in fact the acting in general is quite good. If you don't like the direction of the character, that's one thing, but don't disparage the actress for doing a good job with what she's given.

  2. #3862
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I don't understand the complaint about Clark's acting. It's great, in fact the acting in general is quite good. If you don't like the direction of the character, that's one thing, but don't disparage the actress for doing a good job with what she's given.
    I’ve been absolutely loving her acting, her scene with Elrond was really a stand out with her facial expressions really selling that she’s pissed but still sticks to the calm elf demeanou.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  3. #3863
    Quote Originally Posted by Aggresive-Girl View Post
    Censorship and manipulation nothing to do with woke stuff.

    Officially Amazon Reviews on hold for 72 Hours
    -> still no reviews possible or shown
    -> reviewing „Reviews“ now (selected reviews only)
    -> approved opinions only
    -> you praise their ideology „review will be shown“

    ->all written reviews below 6 stars got deleted
    ->rating is rising every day
    -> 10/10 is the most choosed rating ()

    ->can’t rate the series
    -> can’t rate? Still growing rating every day
    -> started around 33% now nearly 40%
    -> erasing low rating’s
    Even Elon Musk doesnt like it.

  4. #3864
    Bloodsail Admiral VMSmith's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ArminVanburkek View Post
    Even Elon Musk doesnt like it.
    Most likely that's just Musk trolling Bezos, they do that to each other. I wouldn't put any stock in it even if you consider Musk's opinion on anything to be worth anything.

  5. #3865
    Quote Originally Posted by VMSmith View Post
    Most likely that's just Musk trolling Bezos, they do that to each other. I wouldn't put any stock in it even if you consider Musk's opinion on anything to be worth anything.
    Ahh yea he might be biased then.

  6. #3866
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aggresive-Girl View Post
    Ahh the ban evader is back again.
    Better put him on ignore folks, before he floods the forums again with annoying gifs.

  7. #3867
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    No you are allowed to have a different opinion. Other people are allowed to dispute it.
    You're not allowed to flood the forums screeching WoKe N dIvErSiTy iz bad or something else in repetitive form. Especially after there was a mod warning about the topic you kept repeating.

  8. #3868
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    No you are allowed to have a different opinion. Other people are allowed to dispute it.
    You're not allowed to flood the forums screeching WoKe N dIvErSiTy iz bad or something else in repetitive form. Especially after there was a mod warning about the topic you kept repeating.
    Would be better if people just didn't entertain his posts. Report it and don't answer.
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  9. #3869
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Pro-tip: next time you make a ban evading account, don't get a similar name and change your very distinctive typing style.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Would be better if people just didn't entertain his posts. Report it and don't answer.
    You're right. I did report it but eschatological is only human and can't be online 24 hours a day.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Nvm faster then his shadow.

  10. #3870
    Quote Originally Posted by Hansworst View Post
    Pro-tip: next time you make a ban evading account, don't get a similar name and change your very distinctive typing style.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You're right. I did report it but eschatological is only human and can't be online 24 hours a day.
    Sure, but just saying that replying to it and even giving him tips is kind of counter productive since trolls keep going because of replies.
    Error 404 - Signature not found

  11. #3871
    I am Murloc! MCMLXXXII's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Sure, but just saying that replying to it and even giving him tips is kind of counter productive since trolls keep going because of replies.
    I know, I'm at fault here. Will try to refrain from reacting next time.

  12. #3872
    Warchief Progenitor Aquarius's Avatar
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    Shame this isn’t on Netflix. I’m kinda curious if it’s any good. I watched original trilogy countless times. Hehe

  13. #3873
    Quote Originally Posted by Cloudmaker View Post
    Shame this isn’t on Netflix. I’m kinda curious if it’s any good. I watched original trilogy countless times. Hehe
    Yea netflix made even witcher series spectacular.

  14. #3874
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dhrizzle View Post
    Being better than everyone is pretty much how Galadriel is written.
    By a good writer, like tolkien was, it is good.

    by some amateurs like the show writers are, it gets bad

    they made everyone look less powerful/important, and dumber, so he can look smarter, and that, i repeat, is not a Galadriel problem, this is the writers' problems, they can't write her in an intelligent way and have to dumb down everyone else in the show

    Does anyone else find it tiresomely predictable how if a female character isn't perfectly nice and has flaws that representnl challenges get along with others a certain type of person will have to constantly point out what a massive bitch she is, using the word repeatedly in a single post?
    Yeah my dude, every shit pointed out in the show thus far, in episode one alone, and we dislike the show because its a woman, that is not fucking obnoxious, she just have flaws... no, she is being called a bitch because she is acting like one.

    For your knowledge, we use a "bitch" for males too, so don't get too much work on it, Elrond pretty much looked like a bitch the entire episode

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    The first two episodes have her failing almost every thing she does other then a single fight with a troll.
    Like how every motherfucker elf is dumb and think Sauron - the Maiar - is gone for good, despite being a Maiar, and she of course, is the only one who think he still out there, find proof of him? what else did she fail? in convincing then? that is more to do with others being morons than her failing

    Plus, she nailed miles of swimming till that wreckage

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by infinitemeridian View Post
    I don't understand the complaint about Clark's acting. It's great, in fact the acting in general is quite good. If you don't like the direction of the character, that's one thing, but don't disparage the actress for doing a good job with what she's given.
    While i agree its not her fault for amount of shit they put her to say, but a lot of lines in the show looks like they are just reading a script and not acting or trying way too hard to be epic, but again, not the actors fault

  15. #3875
    Quote Originally Posted by Romanthony View Post
    Im just watching some reviews about it, and one contains a interview with the show runners who actually said "It was hard work building a world from NOTHING" They actually said that?

    yes hard to build a world from nothing
    Couldn't that just be about literally having to build and make everything from scratch? Sets, costumes, assets etc? As in, not having anything done before production started?

    keyword - "building".

    it might not be, but i feel like that would make sense, especially taking into account their series projected budget and how much of it is used on the first season alone.

  16. #3876
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    Quote Originally Posted by VMSmith View Post
    Most likely that's just Musk trolling Bezos, they do that to each other. I wouldn't put any stock in it even if you consider Musk's opinion on anything to be worth anything.
    i despise Elon Musk as a person, i think not only is he a total moron most of the time, his treatment of family members and his stance on certain other things being bottom of the barrel make me view him as a walking joke, that being said however he is a massive LOTR fan, he is well versed in the lore and is very passionate about any media put out surrounding this great world, he's not just some normie jumping on the bandwagon and despite my stance on him overall, this statement he made is something that i pray will bring this mess crashing down around the utter shambolic showrunners and their identity politics riddled bullshit, for the first time maybe ever i am championing Elon Musk, let that sink in.

  17. #3877
    Watched the first episodes, honestly its just okay. My biggest problem is that it feels they wanted to make an 8h movie and they decided to cut it and then release it bit by bit. Fuck all interesting happened in that episode, I have no interest for anything so far. If you are gona have a movie structure, launch them all at once. Otherwise you need to have a kind of hook in the first episode, which this doesent have.

    Its not like amazon dont know this, the first episode of the boys was a fucking good intro. Made the wait much better, gave you some anticipation right off the bat.

  18. #3878
    Herald of the Titans rogoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    Couldn't that just be about literally having to build and make everything from scratch? Sets, costumes, assets etc? As in, not having anything done before production started?

    keyword - "building".

    it might not be, but i feel like that would make sense, especially taking into account their series projected budget and how much of it is used on the first season alone.
    the quest that was asked that led to that response was specifically talking about the in universe world, and that was the response given to the question, he made it seem like every single piece of media that came before this tripe didn't exist and this is the first time seeing middle earth on screen.

  19. #3879
    Quote Originally Posted by Fantomen View Post
    A historical handler/rider of a war elefant did have a hammer and a spike, so he can kill the elephant fast (by driving the spike into ito the top of the head) if the elefant is out of controll.

    Do I think a bow can do the same? No, do I think a fantasy elf who have a fantasy bow can do it.... maybe....but it puch the suspension of disbelief.
    Yeah if it were a normal elephant then maaaaaaybe I could put it in the realm of possibility, but when you multiply the size of the animal by like 4 or more then I’d say that puts the feat firmly in the “impossible” category.

  20. #3880
    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    There is no possible way to call Galadriel a Mary Sue in this unless you just don’t know what Mary Sue actually means even in the looses sense. The first two episodes have her failing almost every thing she does other then a single fight with a troll.
    I would agree she isn't a Mary Sue. Blantant author self inserts don't tend to be stoic warrior characters who have very bland personalities.

    Galadriel feels more like the writers going "we don't know this kind of person, so we will just make her act like a vague crappy male hero". It is hard to write a compelling character if you don't know anyone to base the character off of.

    As far as the "she has experienced hardships and failures".... I had an idea that kicked around my head for the past day or so about this. This is not only related to Galadriel, but a common theme I've noticed for a lot of female protaganists in the past few years. Their "hardships" they have to overcome before they turn into the amazing-perfect-heroine remind me of a movie trope that I'm sure a number of older people will be familiar with.

    Do any of you recall the trope of "the super dorky unattractive girl played by super attractive actress in glasses with messy hair"? I immediately think of "She's All That" and Rachel Lee Cook, however the trope was used A LOT.

    That trope reminds me of the trope of female heroines now, where they are really the perfect badass but are made to endure a pair of glasses or a messy hair bun until they can show just how awesome they've been the entire time. Much like the trope I'm comparing it to, it feels empty and shallow, like the writers/directors think the audience isn't very bright or wouldn't buy into a deeper story.

    Why they do this to female heroines, eh, I'm sure everyone has plenty of answers. Agendas, laziness, lack of faith in the audience, or something else, but it definitely is a pattern/trope that has sprung up over the last decade and I can't wait until they get rid of it. It makes for caricatures instead of characters. Cardboard you can't empathize with or root for.

    As much as there are plenty of other problems with LOTR, I think that might be the worst one.... the titular character isn't someone the audience can like, empathize with, or root for, because the we don't get to see real struggle. We need to see them in pain, see them lose, see them struggle..... otherwise when they win its just empty.

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