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Yeah no one believe an immortal Maiar is around anymore, just Galadriel.
And even when She brings conclusive proof, they still discart the idea, or say "if she find him it can create problems" or whatever, its just bad writing, and, its Gil'galad that informs Sauron is back, not her.
Im not rly underestimating then, im treating then what its supposed to be, an elite squad to fight Sauron for hundreds of years
7 average elf and Galadriel should be able to deal with the troll without getting their asses kicked
This all come down to bad writing, if they suck so much, just make her go with 3 or 2, if they want to show her power, separate the group and make her solo the troll, like she did without making everyone looking like hobbits.
If those elves are the elite, they would never win the ar of wrath and banish Morgoth, this is absurd
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I mean, you find something "right" here and there, but a lot of shit is changed, some that don't make any sense, bad writing, bad dialogue, everything filled with pseudo intelligent speeches trying to be epic and complex. A lot of stuff trying to pull from the movies to bring nostalgia.
Cgi, scenarios and music is good, though it seems they force the music where it should not be.
I think this stuff is like fast and furious and transformers, pure garbage, but entertaining to some, especially for the people who don't know about the story or are just trying to take a day off and shut down the brain and watch some fantasy stuff.