Modern reader is not a single entity (surely there are still people who enjoy a slower read), but in general, a modern reader is someone who's been growing up with all the instant gratification tools around: computers, smartphones, smart TVs, Internet. People who grew up/grow up in an environment like that have shorther attention span (google "smartphones" and "attention span" if you want to educate yourself on the matter) and are more likely to abandon something they don't find initially exciting. And Tolkien is NOT initially exciting, so with time, less and less people will find enjoynment in his books.
And yes, the world has changed pretty drastically in the last 15 years; you'd have to live under a rock to not to notice. In fact, the world has never been changing so fast as it is right now. 15 years ago we didn't have as many armchair experts spreading false information about vaccines being bad for your health and Earth being flat, and yet here we are.
Just finished the latest episode.
First impressions is that it was a decent episode, but the pacing is still far too slow for me.
I have to say the Dwarf scenes are by far the best part of this show, and I have waning interest in the rest. I find myself skipping action scenes because I'm just not interested in the characters enough to care to watch em, and those action scenes are too darn predictable. I'll have to wait and see if they actually start to take risks with this show to really show tension. Maybe I've been spoiled by Game of Thrones.
I'm sure in script form it reads nice but the actual delivery of the lines... it doesn't have flow, energy, rhythm.
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Man this show really likes it's slow-mo sequences.
Just as the PJ movies did.
Today's episode was totally awesome! Hope you guys did spot Narsil which looks 1:1 like in the movies.
Also we got a mention of Mirrormere today (although we didn't see it sadly), and every time they tease the Balrog I'm like "no no no, no no no no, stop digging there you fools!".
I still hate all the Theo stuff, which may be because that kid is 100% unlikeable. Can't wait for him to turn into a Nazgul so I don't have to see his face anymore haha. I totally have GoT-Bran level of hate for him already lol.
Episode 4 review
Better than the very dull third episode. I actually enjoyed this one. Still some glaring issues with dialogue and pacing, but I will give credit where credit is due, I thought this was one of the more stronger episodes so far. Things moving ahead and it feels like we are actually progressing somewhere, as we should because we are halfway through this season already, we had some conflict and some good strong scenes.
Once again the scenes with Elrond and Durin are the strength, of all the cast its these I feel the most emotionally connected to and any episode with these in are going to be rated highly. Their friendship you feel is a real thing despite Durins reservations throughout. I also felt for the Ilsildur character, the man took and bullet and cost all his crew and feels shamed about it, so you feel his need to seek redemption too. They did a good job with the Ilsildur character and because they achieved so much more it once again makes me question Galadriel who once again I have no emotional connection with. I feel the show is hitting its stride but the scenes with Galadriel are just still not doing it for me. She is the main star and centre piece of this show and I feel is the weakest part of it. Everything around her is just weak.
I enjoyed seeing Adar who I feel is going to be this season first boss to beat before moving into the next season. We still don't know much about him but I like the actor playing him. which leads me into Arondir, who I am warming up to, this guy has now gotta defend the civilians at the tower. I also really love the orcs, I actually enjoy the suspence aroudn the Arnondir scenes.
Side note I liked the effect of the Palantairi crack to show the vision., a neat new effect I enjoyed.
so yea overall a good episode, I felt it showed more promise and now the engines are running. I hope next episode goes higher, we should be past fillers at this point, they need to build up further. We have had 3 episodes of nothing but world building. While some characters are still under developed you got to push ahead now with the story and maybe develop as you go. This episode showed us the right track but still shows some cracks in pacing and dialogue. I think I enjoyed this episode enough to actually want to rewatch.
Past reviews.
Episode 1: 6/10
Episode 2: 7/10[/QUOTE]
Episode 3: 4/10
Last edited by Orby; 2022-10-07 at 11:41 AM.
I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW
Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance
/shrug I usually have an irrational bias against actors/characters around that age, but I don't think there's anything unusually unlikable about the character. Yeah, he was being a little shit about his mother's relationship...but that sort of thing can be expected from a kid growing up hearing that from everyone around him. At least in this episode he was trying to make himself useful.
This is really making me wish the whole thing had been about the dwarves, though. They're so good.
I didn't. What scene was that in?
Last edited by s_bushido; 2022-09-16 at 10:37 AM.
You can spot it during the Palantir scene:
Ah, I did see that. I guess it just didn't register what it was.
"ThErE iS a TeMpEsT iN mE!!" That line made me cringe. I don't know if it's the writing, directing, or if she just can't act, but I'm really not feeling this Galadriel. She's supposed to have a "marvellous gift of insight into the minds of others" but it took Halbrand to tell her how to deal with Miriel. And that ridiculous scene when somehow she managed to push multiple armed guards into a prison cell and lock the door despite the door clearly already being closed before she pushed them in was some Bollywood-tier bullshit, I actually had to rewind and watch again because it was so dumb I thought I'd missed something but no, it really was just that bad. The more you watch it the worse it gets:
'The elves are coming to take our jobs' was another awful moment, a clumsy attempt at allegory.
I thought the scenes with Elrond and Durin were good, and I liked the brief scene with Adar. He seems like he'll be a decent villain, so I look forward to seeing more of him and discovering what he's all about.
Last edited by DarkAmbient; 2022-09-16 at 01:13 PM.
Oh, I also just realized that they mentioned the "Emperor of Rhûn" - which may turn out to be an early Khamûl tease. Will be quite interesting to see from where the other Ringwraiths will be (and I really hope that Theo kid doesn't turn out to be the Witchking lol).
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-09-16 at 12:29 PM.
Don't care what anyone says about the story, casting, whatever.... the editing of the visuals/audio are so much better than the hobbit.
The line from Celebrimbor also took me back a bit this episode 'oh by the way your father said you would be the one to lead us to victory, it just came to me now' just straight out of nowhere. and said like it was a side note on a script lol.
There are a a few of dialogues like that in each episode so far, I still think for the most part the dialogue isn't that bad, but at the same time it will throw in something that would totally take you out of the moment that just comes out of no where. :P
I think it wants to be poetic the way Tolkien was. and whoever they got to emulate that isnt getting it at times.
Last edited by Orby; 2022-09-16 at 02:20 PM.
I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW
Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance
I'm surprised we haven't seen the white buzz-cut priest looking elf yet that appeared in the trailers. If anyone is Sauron or Annatar it is likely that elf despite the vague hints at others. I still think each "viewpoint" should have been a separate episode so we could get the whole story at once. The pacing of the show suffers a little with only a little bit of action and a lot of drama due to switching back and forth.
I wonder if Amazon will excise their rights to produce spin-offs. Hard to do with the time-compression but maybe we could get a more action-packed show that way.
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I wonder if it is a subtle hint at the elves being manipulated. We know Sauron was involved with the rings and maybe Celebrimbor had a moment of clarity from whatever "spell" they are under.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
This show has some really ugly people in it, watched the first episode and wanted to vomit, just like netflix's witcher.
Last edited by Varodoc; 2022-09-16 at 02:53 PM.
I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW
Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance
Last edited by Lady Atia; 2022-09-16 at 03:04 PM.