1. #5421
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Yea that felt weird. Like why was that slow-mo shot even warranted?
    Because Galadriel.
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  2. #5422
    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Because Galadriel.
    No, no, no, because the sea is always right!

    Fuck that line, so dumb.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  3. #5423
    Immortal roahn the warlock's Avatar
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    So this is just a thread of people who read LOTR and watched the movies pretending they care about lore. I'm guessing only because they want to show off how much they know? I don't get it, honestly.
    It was never Hardcore Vs Casual. It was Socialites Vs. Solo players
    Quote Originally Posted by ringpriest View Post
    World of Warcraft started life as a Computer Roleplaying Game, where part of the fun of the game experience was pretending to be your character. Stuff like applying poisons and eating food enhanced the verisimilitude of the experience of playing a fantasy character in another world. Now that game has changed to become a tactical arcade lobby game.

  4. #5424
    seriously no one suspects the only two people near the explosion? bad writing

  5. #5425
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roahn the warlock View Post
    So this is just a thread of people who read LOTR and watched the movies pretending they care about lore. I'm guessing only because they want to show off how much they know? I don't get it, honestly.
    Not really, I have only read 4 Tolkien books, I do not pretend to know all about the lore I am very casual, I only ask the show be competent and while I do enjoy some of the show, the Galadriel parts are by far the worst parts of the show. the Elrond/Durin and the Arondir scenes I have been enjoying. But the show isnt perfect, at least to me, I may like it a lot more than most on this thread, but I can still make fun because there is a lot to make fun of. The dialogue for one, the plot, and as mentioned before the awful Galadriel scenes.
    Last edited by Orby; 2022-09-23 at 08:45 PM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

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  6. #5426
    Somebody here said Electordriel actress is actually .. acting and there are only scriptwriters to blame.
    Well, they ARE to blame, for sure, but to say she's acting is a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar stretch.

  7. #5427
    Quote Originally Posted by Fortress of Arrogance View Post
    Somebody here said Electordriel actress is actually .. acting and there are only scriptwriters to blame.
    Well, they ARE to blame, for sure, but to say she's acting is a faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaar stretch.
    I'd say she's trying. There isn't really much she can do since the entire role is very one-note.

  8. #5428
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    I'd say she's trying. There isn't really much she can do since the entire role is very one-note.
    when she looks down at the dagger on the boat in the 1st episode is when her "acting" removed the benefit of the doubt for me.
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  9. #5429
    How low can the franchise get now?

  10. #5430
    I think having Galadriel as the main character was a massive mistake. She's by far the biggest detraction from this show and consequently the hardest one to ignore. She also sort of cockblocks any real improvements they could make at this point to future seasons. They set down this path of making this really unlikeable character whos absolutely nothing like her counterpart in the books and there's no real way to go back on that now. Between that and the absolutely awful dialogue its so hard to like this show.

  11. #5431
    Quote Originally Posted by Kn83 View Post
    How low can the franchise get now?
    Treating Tolkien as a 'franchise' and not an important part of the cultural heritage of the West and a work of art is the issue.

  12. #5432
    Agree about Galadriel, horribly miscast.

    I'm back towards thinking Halbrand is Sauron. There's just too many clues. Almost everything he says and does can either be interpreted as a red herring or a wink at the viewer who suspects. It seems like too much stuff for the writers to suddenly be like "Haha we were just playing all along". When he said "I'm sorry about your brother" I just thought yeah, he's toying with her.

    Main theory: Halbrand is Sauron. His intention is to corrupt Numenor. He engineers a rise in status and influence by playing the reluctant hero. I think he'll either be recognised by Adar or Galadriel will suss him out. Maybe they'll stick to the lore somewhat and have him be captured and taken back to Numenor where he eventually does the book stuff that leads to Numenor's downfall while Adar gets busy with Mordor. Oh, ever wondered what's in that pouch? The One Ring. It's not supposed to have been forged yet but we already know they're not sticking to timelines.

    Halbrand theory number 2: He is King of the Southlands, ends up with a Ring of Power and becomes one of The Nine. Prefer this over the Sauron theory tbh but I think it's the less likely one.

  13. #5433
    It'd feel so dumb if Halbrand was actually Sauron. Why let Galadriel live in that case, knowing she's literally the commander of the armies of the North. He'd still fit fine in Numenor and would've made his way there no problem.

  14. #5434
    Quote Originally Posted by Iheartnathanos View Post
    Treating Tolkien as a 'franchise' and not an important part of the cultural heritage of the West and a work of art is the issue.
    This gatekeeping bullshit is always hilarious. Tolkien's work can be both an important part of the cultural heritage of The West™ and adapted into a franchise. If you want his work to be relevant as anything more than assigned reading in high school, franchises are how that happens. Especially since it's not public domain (and I doubt it ever would be, given how tight a grip people are keeping on the rights).

    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Between that and the absolutely awful dialogue its so hard to like this show.
    Why would you even try to force yourself to like something? If you're not enjoying it...don't watch it.
    Last edited by s_bushido; 2022-09-24 at 03:31 AM.

  15. #5435
    Really enjoyed the episode. Visually it's so far ahead of HotD, it's not even funny. Loved the flashback on the origin of mithril, really cool.

    Looking forward the final episodes, it's been moving slow but i'm expecting a very impactful payoff or culmination.

    I already suspected it, but this episodes makes it seem that the storylines aren't running concurrently and should be a big reveal at the end, same as Witcher show did on the first season.

    And also, just chiming in what a previous poster said... if you hate the show, and dislike it so much that it bothers you, just stop watching. Don't torture yourselves.

  16. #5436
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Why would you even try to force yourself to like something? If you're not enjoying it...don't watch it.
    Absolutely absurd thing to even say. I want to like it because I like the source material. I want to enjoy because I want to look beyond external criticisms of the show that have no barring on my own liking of it. I want to like it because its objectively one of the most expensive fantasy productions of all time and has beautiful imagery if nothing else.

    I want to like it and give it a fair try despite all of the above. But the show has so many deep flaws it makes that difficult to enjoy.

    To throw how stupid your post is back at you. If you don't like my comment then why even bother to reply?
    Last edited by Khaza-R; 2022-09-24 at 04:43 AM.

  17. #5437
    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Why would you even try to force yourself to like something? If you're not enjoying it...don't watch it.
    In vain hopes of the show improving itself over time?

  18. #5438
    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    I already suspected it, but this episodes makes it seem that the storylines aren't running concurrently and should be a big reveal at the end, same as Witcher show did on the first season.
    I don't think that's true. They featured shots of the full moon pretty prominently. Meteor man was staring at it. Elrond looks up at it after Gil-Galad tells him about the fading/corruption. And it was hidden in the clouds when Bronwyn and Arondir look up at the tower. The only location where it seemed to be conspicuously absent was Numenor (when the shot pans down from the stars onto the soldiers partying).

  19. #5439
    Quote Originally Posted by Khaza-R View Post
    Absolutely absurd thing to even say. I want to like it because I like the source material. I want to enjoy because I want to look beyond external criticisms of the show that have no barring on my own liking of it. I want to like it because its objectively one of the most expensive fantasy productions of all time and has beautiful imagery if nothing else.

    I want to like it and give it a fair try despite all of the above. But the show has so many deep flaws it makes that difficult to enjoy.

    To throw how stupid your post is back at you. If you don't like my comment then why even bother to reply?
    I feel there's always a point when clinging to a show/movie I don't like doesn't make sense anymore. For me that point is after about two episodes of a show. If I don't like the first 2 hours it doesn't make sense to me to invest 8 more. I would definitely not watch a fifth hour after disliking the first 4 hours.

    But I guess everyone is different. Some will watch the next episode on the basis of mere hope. Hope is never mere, even when it is meager. When all other senses sleep, the eye of hope is first to awaken, last to shut.

  20. #5440
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    Really enjoyed the episode. Visually it's so far ahead of HotD, it's not even funny.
    I would hope so, the show has a massive budget, if the visuals were not up to par I'd ask where they put that money. lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by s_bushido View Post
    Why would you even try to force yourself to like something? If you're not enjoying it...don't watch it.
    Because there is still things to like, I am not one of these absolute haters. Only if I hated something absolutely would i then stop watching. Also let's not forget I started out defending this show before it came out and even at the start of the first two episodes, because yes, there was a lot of undeserved hate.

    One of the things I do love about the show is its visuals and its score, and when the dialogue isn't bad I love the Elrond and Durin scenes. But there is only so much I can praise stuff that's consistent throughout when more awful things pile up with every additional episode. I still love the show enough to keep watching, and even if I didn't, I still wanna see the rest to the season to be able to make a solid review.

    I am getting Wheel of Time frustration at this point, the more the episodes go on the more of a slog it is to get through. But there is stuff to enjoy. I may end up liking RoP more than Wheel of Time, but both are guilty of similar negative things :P

    IF the show really does become bad by the end (and I am hoping it doesn't because I want to like it), then it will join Witcher and Wheel of Time in shows which make me not want to watch season 2 because I didn't like it.
    Last edited by Orby; 2022-09-24 at 07:46 AM.
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