Let's get this straight - we're all fans of Tolkien's work here, whether it's indirectly and through external media and adaptations like the games or movies based on his work, or the canon itself. And as fans, everyone wants to like the latest big new tv series that's based on material that we all love. It's just a sad fact that the show isn't as good as we think it should be. It's not at the level of quality that its predecessors had set the bar at. And through discussion, it seems like it has the potential to be good, it's just mired by a lot of really basic problems that we're all hoping could be improved upon in subsequent seasons.
And hopefully, there will be enough material that some talented fans out there could make a full-season edit that cuts down some of the bloat and fixes the pacing so it's more tolerable than the slow pacing the show is at right now. Cuz not everyone enjoys having their standards lowered in order to enjoy a series, as I'm personally finding myself to do. For all the things bad about the show, it still has great visuals and some pretty enjoyable plot lines like Elrond and the Dwarves.