Episode 6 review
Solid episode that still has a lot of problems, also glad to see we finally have some conflict after 5 episodes of build and non existent character development. No Elrond and the dwarfs in this one so already which was sad as they are the best part, but Galadriel was at least more likable in this episode in some parts anyway, there are some questionable moments with her, but there was some clear parts of the episode I thought to myself 'thats the Galadriel I know'
The guy who plays Adar is great, I love his character a lot, he commands the attention of the viewer, or at least me, whenever he is on screen. He pretty much became to season one what I predicted, even though we are still two more episodes to go.
We got to see some skirmishes and 'battles' this episode, none of the large scale battles from the Peter Jackson movies but more small scale battles, between the Southlanders and the orcs. a lot of intensity but I was disappointed with the fight at the tower, I hoped that to be an episode on to itself rather than have it be around the village. I just think the visual of the tower battle would have been better than the village, but I digress. I also love how this show is keeping with the dumb orc traits... I never get tired of that. Also this may be nit picking, but when the Numenoreans saved the Southlander village how did they know they were in danger and how did they get there so fast? Once again someone can maybe tell me?
Also I am not sure how that one dude knew what to do with the broken sword thing that led to the finale, was that mentioned or did the sword tell him? I was confused there, so maybe someone can let me know?
I do think after the village lost so many people there just seemed to be the swath of people still in it after the battle was over, and instead of a funeral they are throwing a party? Like, people just died? How much time past for them to get over that fact and throw a party, I expect a morning or mourning, your mother, father, child just died? It would be like in LotR after Theodred's death all of Rohan start partying. Maybe its a southlander tradition lol.
Overall one of the better episodes so far, still has many of the problems the show has continued to have and well as some questionable decisions that let me befuddled, though the pacing this episode was a little bit better, and with a whole episode with Galadriel in I was expecting to hate it more, but she was slightly tolerable this episode.
Past reviews.
Episode 1: 6/10
Episode 2: 7/10
Episode 3: 4/10
Episode 4: 6/10
Episode 5: 5/10