1. #6281
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Never make a comparison to House of the Dragon. One is Grim Dark fantasy the other is, (well is supposed to be) classic fantasy.
    Quality is beyond genre, one is well written and have better acting, the other is garbage writing and bad acting.

    Also some people may enjoy the story, some people might like some of the characters. Not everyone is a die hard Tolkien fan or may have ever read Tolkien or seen the other movies. I just think its disingenuous to literally hate every aspect of this show like its the worst thing ever. I have seen some bad shows, Rings of Power isn't the worst thing ever. At worst its a horrible adaptation, but at best, I suppose for some people its a fine slice of fantasy.
    Like i said, even for people who don't like/hate Tolkien, you know its a bad show, because of quality.

    If "every aspect" is bad, is not people hating is people showing the truth. If this was a shit tv show from netflix, maybe people would not be too harsh, but they had the budget, they had the ip, there is no excuse for this to be so bad

  2. #6282
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Quality is beyond genre, one is well written and have better acting, the other is garbage writing and bad acting.

    Like i said, even for people who don't like/hate Tolkien, you know its a bad show, because of quality.

    If "every aspect" is bad, is not people hating is people showing the truth. If this was a shit tv show from netflix, maybe people would not be too harsh, but they had the budget, they had the ip, there is no excuse for this to be so bad
    With that logic the show is fantastic though. "Every aspect"

    Visuals 10/10
    Music 10/10
    Dialogue is the drop, sometimes it's a 6/10 sometimes 10/10, giving it a 7.5/10

    Story is hard to put a score atm since there are still 2 episodes left and EP6 proved all the nutjobs saying nothing made sense wrong. So far for me it's a solid 8.5/10 and most likely going higher.

    People saying writing is bad and give examples and say "lmao how and why" and both those questions are explained in the show. Not sure if people actually watch it or just look at ragebait videos and complain thinking they're right.

    If you complain about this show being bad it's simply because you joined the bandwagon of hate and wanted it to be bad in the first place, or wanted the prodoucers to tailor the show to suit your exact needs. Which are both hilariously riddiculus. The show is fantastic.

    Even with INSANE review bombing it's almost at a 7/10. Explain to me how you think the majority of people think this show is bad?

    Best regards,

    One of the most nerdy Tolkien nerds EU.
    Last edited by Askyl; 2022-10-06 at 04:51 AM.

  3. #6283
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    With that logic the show is fantastic though. "Every aspect"
    Like i said, every aspect but music and CGI, and even the music sometimes does not mix well with the scene.
    Dialogue is the drop, sometimes it's a 6/10 sometimes 10/10, giving it a 7.5/10
    Dialogue is a hard 5 that drops to 2 or 3 real quickly.
    Story is hard to put a score atm since there are still 2 episodes left and EP6 proved all the nutjobs saying nothing made sense wrong. So far for me it's a solid 8.5/10 and most likely going higher.
    How? shit still don't make sense, EP06 showed hey are going deeper with the BS and nonsense.

    If you complain about this show being bad it's simply because you joined the bandwagon
    No, i complain because is genuinely bad, you are no g going to put the blame on something else

    Best regards,

    One of the most nerdy Tolkien nerds EU.
    Another one of those super fans? like the ones amazon put to hype the series? that explain how someone can give a 8,5 in this dumpster fire. But for each their own;

  4. #6284
    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    With that logic the show is fantastic though. "Every aspect"

    Visuals 10/10
    Music 10/10
    Dialogue is the drop, sometimes it's a 6/10 sometimes 10/10, giving it a 7.5/10
    Umm what? Visuals is like 7.5/10, as while the landscapes are beautiful, and the individual scenery good, the costumes range from only okay to worse than cosplay (the Numenorean helms are fucking trash, same with the armor, don't much care for the small ships either, this is supposed to be the grandest of the human empires with the greatest navy, show it).

    Music is like 7.5/10, it is good but they try to force it so much to make the scenes seem so much bigger/more dramatic than it is that it falls flat at points, and none of it has caught me like some of the OG songs did.

    Dialogue is fucking laughable, like 3.5/10. You want to say with an honest face that lines like "give me the meat, and give it to me raw?" is fucking 6/10? Or the tempest within me? How about the boat and the rock idiocy?

    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    Story is hard to put a score atm since there are still 2 episodes left and EP6 proved all the nutjobs saying nothing made sense wrong. So far for me it's a solid 8.5/10 and most likely going higher.

    People saying writing is bad and give examples and say "lmao how and why" and both those questions are explained in the show. Not sure if people actually watch it or just look at ragebait videos and complain thinking they're right.
    LOL maybe a 4/10 if I am being nice, it is horribly bad. There is no time scale so things happen when the writers want, not when the story would naturally show it. People do things that are beyond idiotic (everything Galadriel basically does, including TRYING TO SWIM OVER A THOUSAND MILES BACK TO MIDDLE EARTH).

    The Harfoots are actually insane little homicidal nut jobs that resemble Tolkiens in no manner. The elves at the watch tower apparently never noticed a hundreds of feet wide channel from Mount doom to their watch tower and got ambushed/caught by orcs. I could go on, but you get my point, the story is laughably bad/founded on deus ex machina. Oh and apparently a volcano that isn't pressurized goes critical when water is added, and creates a huge pyroclastic flow that will somehow not kill all the important characters. Guess the people of Pompei should have gotten some MC status.

    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    If you complain about this show being bad it's simply because you joined the bandwagon of hate and wanted it to be bad in the first place, or wanted the prodoucers to tailor the show to suit your exact needs. Which are both hilariously riddiculus. The show is fantastic.

    Even with INSANE review bombing it's almost at a 7/10. Explain to me how you think the majority of people think this show is bad?

    Best regards,

    One of the most nerdy Tolkien nerds EU.
    Or maybe we are not getting baited by pretty images and the name and can actually see that underneath it is all garbage? Let me turn that around on you, if you defend this show being good it's simply because you joined the bandwagon of shills and wanted to protect a trillion dollar company because no matter what they produced you were going to eat it up, and it could have been anything and you would have accepted it. The show is mediocre at best (which is a massive failure with a billion dollar budget and Tolkien's story as the base).

    Insane review bombing? How about for once someone prove this instead. Did house of the dragon get reviewed bomb? Is everything review bombed now? Or only when they say a show is bad? Also you are using what 7/10 from one website? In other places it gets as low as 3.2/10 so in that case I would say yes it is bad. Like if I am rating this show based on its adaptation level, it is easy 1/10. If I am reviewing it as a fantasy show, 4 or 5/10 which is mostly due to visuals, and a few good actors/scenes (dwarfs mostly, and Elendil).

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Another one of those super fans? like the ones amazon put to hype the series? that explain how someone can give a 8,5 in this dumpster fire. But for each their own;
    Probably, speaking of those "superfans" only one of them has said anything about RoP, and it was that she hadn't watched it yet, because she only had time for one show and was really enjoying HotD, LOL.
    Last edited by bledgor; 2022-10-06 at 07:44 AM.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  5. #6285
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Halbrand is Sauron.
    Doubt it, most likely a nazgul - hell the way the show is treating the actual plot, he might even turn out to be the Witch King.

    Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann

  6. #6286
    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    With that logic the show is fantastic though. "Every aspect"

    Visuals 10/10
    Music 10/10
    Dialogue is the drop, sometimes it's a 6/10 sometimes 10/10, giving it a 7.5/10

    Story is hard to put a score atm since there are still 2 episodes left and EP6 proved all the nutjobs saying nothing made sense wrong. So far for me it's a solid 8.5/10 and most likely going higher.

    People saying writing is bad and give examples and say "lmao how and why" and both those questions are explained in the show. Not sure if people actually watch it or just look at ragebait videos and complain thinking they're right.

    If you complain about this show being bad it's simply because you joined the bandwagon of hate and wanted it to be bad in the first place, or wanted the prodoucers to tailor the show to suit your exact needs. Which are both hilariously riddiculus. The show is fantastic.

    Even with INSANE review bombing it's almost at a 7/10. Explain to me how you think the majority of people think this show is bad?

    Best regards,

    One of the most nerdy Tolkien nerds EU.
    Because they had a lot of 10/10 which makes as much sense as the 0/10. Remove all of that and you get to 5/6 which where it belongs.

  7. #6287
    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    Yeah, I'm hoping the reason they all survive is going to make sense and won't be a major facepalm moment. It won't be anything Galadriel did because she just stood there. The only person present who might feasibly have the power to save them somehow could be Totally-Not-Sauron, but then why would he save them? Unless he really has been trying to turn a new leaf.
    I think you are gonna get what you expected. In a way I'm glad to be honest. Middle earth isn't really a setting that tells stories easily. It's mostly a "solved" world. With luck this failing as hard as it is will stop anyone else from tampering with it for another 2p years.

    Honestly I hope they just give up any pretense they are respecting the intellectual property and add machine guns and tanks to season two.

  8. #6288
    Btw to everyone being mad the eruption was 100-140km away which means that the blast and heat are absolutely survivable for pretty much everyone there.

    Also, its fantasy. Expecting realism is laughable.

  9. #6289
    Titan Orby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Daniel Greene is an apologist for trash adaptations he's the last person to watch as an authority on series because he will straight up boost terrible adaptations if they give him clout. He gets "not bribes" like being flown out for premieres and meeting the cast. It's nearly impossible to objective about shows when you get benefits like that because of relentlessly pumping even the crappiest of adapts. It's like expecting Taliesin and Evitel to actually be objective when it comes to blizz games when their livlihood depends on getting into alphas and betas to push out content.
    Yea the guy who people said was a shill for Wheel of time but gave it an overall rating of 6/10, cos people mad he didn't trash it like the grifters are doing... Also I think I gave wheel of time a 5/10 overall too. Guess I am being paid cos I didn't give it a 0 too. Everyone is a paid shill until they something you agree with.

    Also don't compare him to Taliesin and Evitel, that right there is the real insult. Least Greene has respect for his viewers and doesn't throw temper tantrums on stream. Is T&E still doing that? I havent watched him for 2 years.
    Last edited by Orby; 2022-10-06 at 07:45 AM.
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  10. #6290
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    Yea the guy who people said was a shill for Wheel of time but gave it an overall rating of 6/10, cos people mad he didn't trash it like the grifters are doing... Also I think I gave wheel of time a 5/10 overall too. Guess I am being paid cos I didn't give it a 0 too. Everyone is a paid shill until they something you agree with.

    Also don't compare him to Taliesin and Evitel, that right there is the real insult. Least Greene has respect for his viewers and doesn't throw temper tantrums on stream. Is T&E still doing that? I havent watched him for 2 years.
    I wouldn't call him a shill, but he 100% pulled punches on wheel of time, he was VERY generous to the show/show runner who is the same chuckle fuck that said he would turn peoples favorite characters gay on twitter because of twitter trolls. If you are that much of a child I don't want you running a show(not to mention the fact he is terrible at it anyways, because he butchered that book).
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  11. #6291
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    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post
    I wouldn't call him a shill, but he 100% pulled punches on wheel of time, he was VERY generous to the show/show runner who is the same chuckle fuck that said he would turn peoples favorite characters gay on twitter because of twitter trolls. If you are that much of a child I don't want you running a show(not to mention the fact he is terrible at it anyways, because he butchered that book).
    He probably did because he loves the source material, and as unfaithful to the source material as it was I know a lot of people who were just happy to see any form of adaptation, its kind alike a honey moon period, but even with that said I didn't agree with him either, if you saw Man Carrying Things review that's where I fall more of less., overall Greene he did admit its many faults and his overall score doesn't strike me as someone who was pulling punches. I was like that with the Warcraft movie. I gave that movie a 7/10. Way too generous than what it deserved.(yes I do regret that review in hindsight lol) :P
    Last edited by Orby; 2022-10-06 at 08:19 AM.
    I love Warcraft, I dislike WoW

    Unsubbed since January 2021, now a Warcraft fan from a distance

  12. #6292
    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    He probably did because he loves the source material, and as unfaithful to the source material as it was I know a lot of people who were just happy to see any form of adaptation, its kind alike a honey moon period, but even with that said I didn't agree with him either, if you saw Man Carrying Things review that's where I fall more of less., overall Greene he did admit its many faults and his overall score doesn't strike me as someone who was pulling punches. I was like that with the Warcraft movie. I gave that movie a 7/10. Way too generous than what it deserved.(yes I do regret that review in hindsight lol) :P
    Idk, as I get older I don't care to see any of my favorite IPs on the big screen, would prefer a big/good game that I can immerse myself in instead. Loved some of the PS2 games for LotR, they were great.
    Quote Originally Posted by Xarim View Post
    It's a strange and illogical world where not wanting your 10 year old daughter looking at female-identifying pre-op penises at the YMCA could feasibly be considered transphobic.

  13. #6293
    The Lightbringer Lady Atia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venziir View Post
    Doubt it, most likely a nazgul - hell the way the show is treating the actual plot, he might even turn out to be the Witch King.
    Guess we will see who's right next week ^^

  14. #6294
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orby View Post
    He probably did because he loves the source material, and as unfaithful to the source material as it was I know a lot of people who were just happy to see any form of adaptation, its kind alike a honey moon period
    Man, bless those pure hearts, Sure is nice when something you like goes tot he mainstream, but like this have the opposite effect

    I remember Eragon adaptation, i enjoyed even as a bad movie, and only later i would know how much they trashed the story, It was so bad that killed any sequels or reboots till now.

    Same thing for Percy Jackson, now the Author got the reigns to do something with it as a tv show

    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    Btw to everyone being mad the eruption was 100-140km away which means that the blast and heat are absolutely survivable for pretty much everyone there.

    Also, its fantasy. Expecting realism is laughable.
    Bs, the explosion was so fucked up it was creating lightning, and you can see the blast tearing trough houses a few ft away from then, they would be smoked, but just like Galadriel sinking like an anchor with a piece of timber, this show is nonsense.

  15. #6295
    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    Bs, the explosion was so fucked up it was creating lightning
    That's called volcanic lightning, and is not at all uncommon during volcanic eruptions. It's created by ash and dust generating static electricity. Very real thing.

  16. #6296
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    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    That's called volcanic lightning, and is not at all uncommon during volcanic eruptions. It's created by ash and dust generating static electricity. Very real thing.
    Yeah, i know it is, thats why im saying they would not be fine, because it as a rly powerful.

    If we go by the idea that this is what changed the land to Mordor then they should be fucking smoked.

  17. #6297
    Quote Originally Posted by Askyl View Post
    Btw to everyone being mad the eruption was 100-140km away which means that the blast and heat are absolutely survivable for pretty much everyone there.

    Also, its fantasy. Expecting realism is laughable.
    I don't know why you think it's 140km away, certainly doesn't look like it:

    And if you think this looks "absolutely survivable" then I don't know what to tell you

    This is the aftermath. It's from the teaser:


  18. #6298
    Willing to bet the next episode is gonna show casualties and bodies from the volcanic cloud / ash. People are panicked and afraid.
    Of course they can go the route and show that it's nothing dangerous, but that isn't exactly a better option because it actually do look fucking dangerous.

    Which is why Galadriel just standing there taking it in the face is kind of silly. It's not about expecting realism, it's about expecting believability.

    If it's not dangerous, it hurts the belief.
    If Galadriel is unharmed, it hurts the belief.

    Quote Originally Posted by DarkAmbient View Post
    I don't know why you think it's 140km away, certainly doesn't look like it:
    If it was, that just highlights how dangerous it is... considering the speed of it to get that far in such a short time, with that density of debris and smoke.
    Pretty sure everyone would've been blown away with severe injuries from that blast alone.
    Last edited by Kumorii; 2022-10-06 at 10:34 AM.
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  19. #6299
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lady Atia View Post
    Guess we will see who's right next week ^^
    Considering the general pacing of the show we won't know fuck all until 2032....

    Amazing sig, done by mighty Lokann

  20. #6300
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    Willing to bet the next episode is gonna show casualties and bodies from the volcanic cloud / ash. People are panicked and afraid.
    Of course they can go the route and show that it's nothing dangerous, but that isn't exactly a better option because it actually do look fucking dangerous.

    Which is why Galadriel just standing there taking it in the face is kind of silly. It's not about expecting realism, it's about expecting believability.

    If it's not dangerous, it hurts the belief.
    If Galadriel is unharmed, it hurts the belief.
    She is unharmed because she is Galadriel, she is badass, she can swim miles without tiring, she can climb mountains without resting, of course she can take a eruption in the face and be fine.

    And tht is in fact what happen, since we already saw pics of her covered in the ashes in a red landscape.

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