Originally Posted by
LUL, thinking you hurt me, that is funnier than anything in the rings of power so far.
Funny you talk about sigs, looking at yours, can only imagine the type of Karen you are IRL.
No, I am still right, as they Amazon has said they were delayed by moving production from one country to another. If you don't get that, then I don't know how to continue to talk to you.
Cool, you could still have posted anything about the show, how you feel, what is good, what isn't but you don't. Also just because of numbers doesn't mean that Bezos is happy, or that the show is doing good. I doubt they pull the show, but as I said and you ignored (just like 90% of posts) it doesn't mean the show is immune to having its writers/producers replaced (which it needs).
What good faith? Find some happiness in your life brah, it will do you wonders.
oh and one final time, I hate the writing (pacing is bad, the lack of time scale, the fast travel, the bad overarching narrative aka mithril plot line, etc), the dialogue (" I have a tempest in me", "give me the meat, and give it to me raw", etc), the fight choreography (see the battle between the trainees and Galadriel), and more. So what do you think is good/likeable about the show? What reason do you think Bezos should not change or be unhappy with the show (the intent of the person who said he should/could/would cancel it)?