1. #6501
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Is that really all you have to cling to? I've told you before that I've read Wheel of Time several times. I've read The Hobbit and most of Lord of the Rings when I was in Highschool. Using wikis and other sources to support a claim doesn't mean anything other then having proof to back things up. Stop making using evidence out to be a bad thing.
    You clearly have not read Wheel of Time as had been proven multiple times. Also how the hell do you read most of Lord of The Rings rofl

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by downnola View Post
    Are you this critical of the Jackson films? They were not 100% faithful to the books and the writers had to make the story more adaptable for the big screen. Christopher Tolkien hated the movies because he felt Jackson took the book and turned it into a Hollywood action movie for teenagers and left all of the beauty of the story out of it. The most important themes for Tolkien (his heavy references to Catholicism which I doubt you noticed because thematic elements are mostly ignored by people who can't picture a non-white elf) were overshadowed by the focus on the fighting rather than the actual journies and development of the characters themselves. Even some of the character's personalities (Boromir, for example) were changed for added drama.

    Did any of that matter at the end of the day? No, because film adaptations of books are rarely fully faithful to everything in them. All that matters is if they're entertaining to watch and tell a good story. Middle Earth's second age spans thousands of years and has massive gaps in the lore that exists, so you have to take creative liberties if you want to fit all of that into a TV series and have some continuity between seasons and characters. I don't know why any of this is surprising to you. If you want a word-for-word retelling of a story with massive gaps then just read the books.
    The Jackson films aren't perfect but they are at least an adaptation there are massive massive chunks here that flat out go against cannon. Like to the level of Boromir didn't die it was just a flesh wound.
    Last edited by Xath; 2022-10-10 at 11:57 PM.

  2. #6502
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    You clearly have not read Wheel of Time as had been proven multiple times. Also how the hell do you read most of Lord of The Rings rofl
    You can live in the fantasy world you've created for those that don't agree with you or you can accept what they tell you. The choice is yours. I also don't think I honestly have to tell you how a person can read only part of a book (or books).
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  3. #6503
    Quote Originally Posted by Levelfive View Post
    Lol a hit dog hollers, and all you're doing is hollering, my dude.
    Looks like you're hollering too :/

  4. #6504
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    Quote Originally Posted by bledgor View Post

    Then you have Elendil release his horse, we all know in some contrived way he is going to live (betting on he somehow falls through the ground into the tunnels the orcs made) and his horse will find/carry him to safety. Typical bullshit mystery from Jar Jar Abrams and his disciples.
    Blatantly copying, not just a reference, fucking copying what brego did to Aragorn

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Kumorii View Post
    After watching latest HotD episode. It bums me that this show can't even get 1/5th of the acting and emotional writing with this huge budget compared to it.
    A man walking in a room have more emotional weight and depth than this entire season of rings of onions, its absurd.

  5. #6505
    Herald of the Titans rogoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by downnola View Post
    Are you this critical of the Jackson films? They were not 100% faithful to the books and the writers had to make the story more adaptable for the big screen. Christopher Tolkien hated the movies because he felt Jackson took the book and turned it into a Hollywood action movie for teenagers and left all of the beauty of the story out of it. The most important themes for Tolkien (his heavy references to Catholicism which I doubt you noticed because thematic elements are mostly ignored by people who can't picture a non-white elf) were overshadowed by the focus on the fighting rather than the actual journies and development of the characters themselves. Even some of the character's personalities (Boromir, for example) were changed for added drama.

    Did any of that matter at the end of the day? No, because film adaptations of books are rarely fully faithful to everything in them. All that matters is if they're entertaining to watch and tell a good story. Middle Earth's second age spans thousands of years and has massive gaps in the lore that exists, so you have to take creative liberties if you want to fit all of that into a TV series and have some continuity between seasons and characters. I don't know why any of this is surprising to you. If you want a word-for-word retelling of a story with massive gaps then just read the books.
    yes, because even as a child at the time, i still knew that there was a vast difference in what i was reading as part of my school work, and what i was watching in the form of these epic long movies, it's well documented that the films have some fairly egregious changes made to them in order to make the screenplay work and the overall story work for a film type setting, but here's the thing: the movies keep so much original lore and source material intact and pay homage to that source material in many different ways, some obvious and in your face, some more nuanced and niche, but the foundation is there and as someone who knows the works well i could and still do accept some of the changes years later as they are not all encompassing of the movies, they are not the focal point of the movies whereas with this steaming pile of shite show, everything they have changed is THE ENTIRE POINT of the show, trying to score brownie points with people like you who have zero moral compass and are more than happy to pervert previously established works using racist and sexist policies, using terms to describe critics that should only be used to describe some of the most heinous members of society thereby neutering the definitions of the words used because you use them so flippantly and without regards for anything, and frankly it's so mind blowing to me how idiotic you are presenting your viewpoint honestly believing yourself to be right when that's delusional.

  6. #6506
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Amazon said 25 million global views in the first 24 hours. The first two episodes were released in that 24 hour period. There is nothing breaking down the per episode counts. The article linked was from October 5th so only 6 episodes of Rings of Power were out at the time. Using 100 million that is 16.6 million average viewers per episode. We don't know when that number in the article was given only the date the article was published so it could be only 5 episodes which would put the average at 20 million an episode.

    Stop calling people blind fan boy and other insults just because they don't have the same view of the show as you do. There have been popular and successful shows that you don't like in the past and there will be more in the future.
    approaching can mean anything from 60 to 99 they hadn't crested 100 as of that article you should know this since you attempt to use tricks with language a lot rather unsuccessfully but still attempt.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    You can live in the fantasy world you've created for those that don't agree with you or you can accept what they tell you. The choice is yours. I also don't think I honestly have to tell you how a person can read only part of a book (or books).
    You honestly do if you are claiming to like Tolkien

  7. #6507
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    You honestly do if you are claiming to like Tolkien
    If a person doesn't read every page then they don't read every page. I skipped most of the second volume because at the time I found it a bit boring and hard to get through. I've never felt the need to revisit it despite growing as a reader

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    approaching can mean anything from 60 to 99 they hadn't crested 100 as of that article you should know this since you attempt to use tricks with language a lot rather unsuccessfully but still attempt.
    Okay? Of course they didn't crest 100 million at the time of the article. For one accusing me of language tricks you sure are trying to claim something I didn't say. I used 100 million for ease of calculations and it was the number the article used. The article says "closing on" and "cresting toward" which imply they are closer to the maximum rather then the minimum. Which again indicates you are using language tricks and it is pure projection from you.
    Last edited by rhorle; 2022-10-11 at 12:35 AM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  8. #6508
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    Quote Originally Posted by eschatological View Post
    Not being truthful about their viewership numbers to investors would be a breach of fiduciary duty, and illegal. Stop talking nonsense conspiracy theories.
    i would agree with you, except that's precisely what they have done multiple times, all through clever use of words and wording to obfuscate the truth, much like bobby kotick has done for decades now during the investor calls from actiblizz, every single company that has a major investor portfolio spins everything that happens as positively as they possibly can, and even when everything is a negative, they still spin it to make it sound less of an issue than it actually is in reality, this is not a new thing and it is why they can't be legally challenged because they have every possible loophole on tap to use when they need an out.

    just as an aside, to a company the size of Amazon, nothing is illegal, it's just a cost/benefit analysis, if it's too costly to perform, they don't do it, if the cost is acceptable, they will more than happily do it, don't kid yourself that the laws of the land will stop them from doing anything if it's in their best interest to do it regardless, you're just being extremely naïve at that point.

  9. #6509
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    every single company that has a major investor portfolio spins everything that happens as positively as they possibly can, and even when everything is a negative, they still spin it to make it sound less of an issue than it actually is in reality
    The nuance you are glossing over is that they report accurate numbers then spin it regardless of those numbers being positive or negative. Reporting inaccurate numbers will get even Amazon in hot water even if a fine is spare change to them.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  10. #6510
    Herald of the Titans rogoth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    If a person doesn't read every page then they don't read every page. I skipped most of the second volume because at the time I found it a bit boring and hard to get through. I've never felt the need to revisit it despite growing as a reader

    - - - Updated - - -

    Okay? Of course they didn't crest 100 million at the time of the article. For one accusing me of language tricks you sure are trying to claim something I didn't say. I used 100 million for ease of calculations and it was the number the article used. The article says "closing on" and "cresting toward" which imply they are closer to the maximum rather then the minimum. Which again indicates you are using language tricks and it is pure projection from you.
    you cannot claim to have 'grown as a reader' and never gone back to read what you skipped, it's an impossible claim because it shows DIRECTLY that you HAVEN'T grown as a reader, because if you had you would have no issues going back, giving the thing you found hard another viewing and if you had actually grown as a reader you would easily be able to get through it and comprehend what was written and understand what the previous text was talking about more and be able to understand where the story was then leading to, as far as this statement is concerned, you THINK you have grown as a reader but you likely haven't, all you have done is engage with easier reading material and had few issues with said material and because of that you THINK you have grown because you found that easier material EASIER to read, that's not how 'growing as a reader' works, in order to actually grow as a reader you need to engage with HARDER material, so much so that it challenges you in both what you're reading from a content perspective, but also challenges you in a reading style perspective, the silmarillion is a perfect example of both hard content and hard reading style, because it uses the English language to the fullest to provide many topics that require the reader to have sufficient grasp of that language and how it is being presented to understand the concepts put forth all the while being able to keep up with the style of the writing and presentation and making it familiar to the reader, that's how improving your reading skill works, the fact you have now admitted to being unable to read the lord of the rings fully tells me all i need to know about you regarding this overarching topic, it tells me you were incapable of doing something i did as a 12 year old child, and are seemingly still unable to do to this day, you have lost your final shred of credibility talking about this topic in way shape or form, everything you say from now on is said in bad faith as you have no basis for reference.

  11. #6511
    I hate this style of storytelling where a plot advances every other episode. If that continues onto season 2, I might not bother watching it until all the episodes are out. That way I can just skip to Elrond and Durin lol.

  12. #6512
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sammonoske View Post
    I hate this style of storytelling where a plot advances every other episode. If that continues onto season 2, I might not bother watching it until all the episodes are out. That way I can just skip to Elrond and Durin lol.
    got some bad news for you then, because all these clowns know is what they learned from their lord and master jj abrams, and this is the only thing that will happen as long as they remain in charge.

  13. #6513
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    you cannot claim to have 'grown as a reader' and never gone back to read what you skipped
    Growing as a reader is not a set path. There are no rules or regulations. I can read similar works and still grow with out having to read a specific one. Congrats at being able to read at an advance level as a 12 year. Maybe work on formatting next?
    Last edited by rhorle; 2022-10-11 at 01:07 AM.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  14. #6514
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    Growing as a reader is not a set path. There are no rules or regulations. I can read similar works and still grow with out having to read a specific one. Congrats at being able to read at an advance level as a 12 year. Maybe work on formatting next?
    There are no set rules and regulations however you can't claim to be a fan of an author when you haven't even fully read their most famous work let alone the work that RoP is currently massively contradicting. Also it's not advanced to read LoTR at 12. That's middle school age we were stuck reading awful awful stuff like The Jungle by then. I wish I was reading LoTR instead of that of course I had long since read LoTR at that age.

  15. #6515
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    There are no set rules and regulations however you can't claim to be a fan of an author when you haven't even fully read their most famous work let alone the work that RoP is currently massively contradicting. Also it's not advanced to read LoTR at 12. That's middle school age we were stuck reading awful awful stuff like The Jungle by then. I wish I was reading LoTR instead of that of course I had long since read LoTR at that age.
    There are no rules for being a fan either. All you are doing is gate keeping because you don't like someone who has a different view of a subject then yourself. Hence why you are also attacking the use of wiki's and other sources of factual information. Congrats at reading not advanced stuff before 12 yet still not understanding what "I didn't finish the entire thing" meant. Lmao.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  16. #6516
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    There are no rules for being a fan either. All you are doing is gate keeping because you don't like someone who has a different view of a subject then yourself. Hence why you are also attacking the use of wiki's and other sources of factual information. Congrats at reading not advanced stuff before 12 yet still not understanding what "I didn't finish the entire thing" meant. Lmao.
    It meant you aren't a fan of the author yet are trying to claim you are. It was perfectly understandable.

  17. #6517
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    It meant you aren't a fan of the author yet are trying to claim you are. It was perfectly understandable.
    You can be a fan of the author without being a fan of reading their works. I've never claimed I've fully read his books. I've had other books that have interested me more since. If what I said was perfectly understandable why did you claim to not know what it means? Usually people don't admit to acting in bad faith that easily.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xath View Post
    Also how the hell do you read most of Lord of The Rings rofl
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
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  18. #6518
    Merely a Setback Lorgar Aurelian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    you cannot claim to have 'grown as a reader' and never gone back to read what you skipped, it's an impossible claim because it shows DIRECTLY that you HAVEN'T grown as a reader.
    This really isn’t how any thing works.

    I had trouble reading of mice and men as a kid but when I grew as a reader I didn’t go back to it in some ego driven act of one upping a book I moved on to better and more complex story’s instead and never looked bad because why would I.
    All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.

  19. #6519
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lorgar Aurelian View Post
    This really isn’t how any thing works.

    I had trouble reading of mice and men as a kid but when I grew as a reader I didn’t go back to it in some ego driven act of one upping a book I moved on to better and more complex story’s instead and never looked bad because why would I.
    i'm sorry but i fail to see what any of that has to do with the price of cheese.

  20. #6520
    Scarab Lord downnola's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rogoth View Post
    yes, because even as a child at the time, i still knew that there was a vast difference in what i was reading as part of my school work, and what i was watching in the form of these epic long movies, it's well documented that the films have some fairly egregious changes made to them in order to make the screenplay work and the overall story work for a film type setting, but here's the thing: the movies keep so much original lore and source material intact and pay homage to that source material in many different ways, some obvious and in your face, some more nuanced and niche, but the foundation is there and as someone who knows the works well i could and still do accept some of the changes years later as they are not all encompassing of the movies, they are not the focal point of the movies whereas with this steaming pile of shite show, everything they have changed is THE ENTIRE POINT of the show, trying to score brownie points with people like you who have zero moral compass and are more than happy to pervert previously established works using racist and sexist policies, using terms to describe critics that should only be used to describe some of the most heinous members of society thereby neutering the definitions of the words used because you use them so flippantly and without regards for anything, and frankly it's so mind blowing to me how idiotic you are presenting your viewpoint honestly believing yourself to be right when that's delusional.
    How gracious of you to accept some "fairly egregious changes" to the lore you claim to care so much about for the sake of adaptability. Unless of course, it means casting a black actor as an elf/dwarf or making Gladriel a lead with room to actually develop as a functional character in the story. That's where we draw the line. We can't have the "woke activists" coming to ruin lil bro's favorite childhood movies. A real crime against humanity if there ever was one.

    Imagine spending enough time continuously throwing a fit over the casting of a black elf and female lead in a fantasy show to accumulate 144 posts in just this thread alone. It's not like you're bringing anything new to the table with any of your posts, either. It's the same boring drivel that anyone could easily hear from a random reactionary podcast or Youtube channel when a studio has the audacity to cast a female lead and black actors in a fantasy film. You don't even have the self-awareness to realize that you sound like you're reading from a script. Find a random criticism of Galadriel and replace her name with Rey Skywalker or Carol Danvers and it's functionally the same criticism you can find in the Marvel and Star Wars threads. Bad acting and writing and they're generally dislikable characters as a whole. Sound about right? Yet, you can never actually state in your own words what any of that means.

    That's what I tried to point out pages ago and you happily proved my point by trying to use nameless movie critics as justification for your supposed arguments. You couldn't even name these critics while making your fallacious dogshit arguments and told me to look them up on my own. That's not how any of this works. You're required to substantiate your opinions if you want to be taken seriously. Asking others to do the heavy lifting for you is just evidence that you can't actually think or make these arguments for yourself. You're just speaking in someone else's voice and doing so all in the name of bigotry. The best part is I barely had to do anything at all to get you to admit that being faithful to the story isn't your main interest here. But I'm the one with an agenda or rigid worldview? It's the woke activists making this political? Rogoth, my brother in Christ, look in the fucking mirror for once.
    Last edited by downnola; 2022-10-11 at 03:59 AM.
    Populists (and "national socialists") look at the supposedly secret deals that run the world "behind the scenes". Child's play. Except that childishness is sinister in adults.
    - Christopher Hitchens

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