I never said he did. He published his legendarium in pieces even though the entire thing is to be taken as a whole. The rights to appendicies would have been sold with the rights of the books they appear in. Hence why they would be fine to be adapted because he sold those rights so people could make adaptations. I have never once claimed that Rings of Power is canon. I'm not sure what delusion you operating under to once again start claiming that. Stop. Discuss only what I say and not what you invent as a strawman.
Amazon couldn't have made the story without buying rights. This shows that you have a fundamental lack of understanding on this topic and that you will ignore and argue anything in order to remain right in your own mind. You are the one that keeps using Tolkien to say why the Adaptation never would have been. I've used to Tolkien to show where you are wrong and that he was fine with adaptations. Again you ignore things just so you can remain right because you say Tolkien's intent when he sold rights has nothing to do with discussing if he would be fine with adaptations of his work. That is the core of the issue. Lmao.
Also Peter Jackson wasn't the main person behind getting those films made. He was the director. New Line Cinema (now part of Warner Brothers) and the Tolkien estate were the main people behind getting those films made. You can't even get the facts straight about that.