And here is the flip flop. You just got done saying parts of the 2nd age were authorized by Tolkien to be adapted. Yet now you are saying it was never his intent to authorize those parts to be adapted. It doesn't matter if George, or Tolkien, was okay with how their work was adapted. Remember you said we can't say what Tolkien would think because he is dead yet that is exactly what you are implying with your Mr. Lucas example.
The rights to parts of the 2nd age, those that appear in the appendices, were sold and authorized to be adapted. Simple facts. Simple answer.
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I've never said I am an authority. That is you assigning a quality so you can demean and dismiss. Using wiki's and other information doesn't display a lack of knowledge on the subject and "actual fans" that dismiss those things aren't actual fans. Because they wouldn't be dismissive just because facts go against what they think. The only one crying about gate keeping here is yourself who needs to arbitrary be the authority on who and who isn't a fan because you can't otherwise argue anything. Yet your a "real fan" lmao.