I was VERY surprised that episode 8 was season finale. Especially when season 2 is long way off.. I mean, they started production on it this month. Talk about keeping momentum. Literally living off the huge fanbase this already had.
The ending and the spoilers we got was more or less very predictable. Just when the show starting to kick off, its over. Sucks.
The buildup to how Mordor was to be also felt somewhat shallow and rushed. The technology the elfs posess and how they create all of the stuff they have, is also limited to the viewer.
I liked the different storylines that all are intertwined and connected. Some big, some smaller. It all leads to the same thing. Its a good narrative choice, especially as the seasons move along.
The show looks visually great. Some good acting, but most falls flat on the face. Several characters feels empty and without any purpose than "we have to have this person here".
Idk, 8 episodes for the first season is way to little. Especially when S2 is far off. We are probably looking at a 2025 date here.
And btw, Galadriel is a weird one. Throughout the whole season, she was the main character. Whatever she said and done, it was supposed to be the "right" thing. She just rushed through everything and everyone, while the enemy was right there. Kind of funny. What sucked with that character is that she has had literally no development throughout the season. Then again, that goes for everyone except for the wizard and sauron.
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Very little. way, way to little. This show should have buildt up more story about the elfs, dwarfs, humans, numenorians+++ in middle earth. I would say atleast 2 more episodes that would dwelve into these races of the world so the viewer would know more.
The little we do get of dwarfs is that they are stubborn, funny, loyal and just. With lots of temper. As pr usual.