I haven't twisted anything or lied. Casting hasn't been a shield for bad writing or to deflect criticism. The show has never claimed all criticism of the show is racist or sexist. The only one twisting things here is yourself who is trying apply things you've seen elsewhere to this show.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Thank you, my friends, for your input. I don't get why so many people still think this new show was spectacular or groundbreakingly awesome, honestly. It had some interesting characters and points, but nothing that is above average for me at least. I mean, those of you who liked the show...what exactly about it that was so inspiring or engaging?
That being said, I do think the last episode was one of the better ones, and I actually somewhat enjoyed it, at least the Gandalf part. He reminded me of the old Gandalf, protecting the innocent and being a hero, banishing the darkness of our world by defending the weak. Everything else was...I don't know...I'm not sure what my general feelings are. I don't want to dismiss their efforts entirely, but the show's flaws should also not be glossed over.
Last edited by OwenBurton; 2022-10-28 at 01:31 PM.
"The beauty of America was that it insisted that there are whole realms of human life located outside the province of politics, like friendships, art, music, family and love. And those are the most important parts of life. And anyone that says otherwise is forgetting what it means to be American and really a human being. Being a founder means resisting nihilism. [It]...doesn’t mean killing what you hate, it means saving what you love."
The nielsen numbers have 966 mins watched for 9/26 to 10/2. So with 6 episodes the show has dropped about 10 million mins which is the same as the last weekly period.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
finally spoke to some normie about this show (someone who i think read the hobbit but only watched the lotr movies and doesnt know what the Silmarillion is). And they said it was really good. This is who the show is for, someone i would describe as absolutely not online at all.
I thought it was better than house of the dragon but worse than wheel of time.
Rafe of Time is by far the worst of the three. It's interesting how your order is literally the exact opposite of most people who actually read the source material.
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Man you just can't stop lying. There have been multiple articles claiming criticism of the show is due to racism and or sexism.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Amazon paid the hollywood reporter for a fluff piece where they lambasted 'fans' for 'patently evil' remarks about people of colour, while being unable to provide ANY EVIDENCE of said claims, they also paid other rag outlets a few weeks back to publish a fluff piece where the only criticisms coming from 'fans' were just 'racism and bigotry' while not providing ANY EVIDENCE of said claims, dunno about you but i'm starting to see a pattern forming here.
the fact you can't accept these FACTUAL EVENTS is extremely disturbing because it shows you're mentally incapable of rational thought.
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have you tried reading other stories from Tolkein?, if so what was it that you found unreadable?
Silmarillion requires higher levels of understanding of the English language in order to understand the philosophical points put forward in the overall book, especially the opening chapters, which is what makes it a harder read than most other books that exist, it does get easier if you're able to comprehend the opening text and can get through that, it's not as wordy in later chapters.
the reason for that is because those articles on both the hollywood reporter website and the insider magazine website are all locked behind paywalls, and you can get fucked if you think i'm spending a penny on those trash rag access media sites to prove a point, if it's that big of an issue the individual can go and look it up for themselves (unlikely considering who it was i was replying to but one could hope), and even if i was willing to waste money i don't have on a frivolous subscription to unlock said content, it's mostly useless because nobody else would be able to see it, if you want 'evidence' then go watch the dozens of youtube videos about said articles from youtube creators with a few thousand subscribers up to creators bordering on millions of subscribers, the evidence is there, and i'm not here to argue the toss about this shit, because not only is the rhetoric abhorrent in nature, it is factually untrue and is yet another failed attempt by Amazon and the bottom dwelling cunts sucking on that engorged Amazon phallus for their precious 'access' to spin the narrative they want to spin and completely avoiding reality by deflecting.
This is what I mean lol.
"These fuckers aren't presenting any evidence!!!!!! ...but I don't have to present evidence, because fuck that, if you want to find it, it's out there."
You could well be right about your points. We'll never know, because all you can do is yell angrily, accusing people of doing what you yourself practice.
That's how we get into these hare-brained debates, really. There are valid points buried in all of this, somewhere, but damn it's hard to dig through all the dreck rhetoric to find them.
Have you been living under a rock? How could you not see the various attacks over those things? Amazon doesn't need to provide proof when YouTube, social media, and even this very thread indicate it is a thing. They have never once claimed that the only criticism from fans was about diversity. The only thing they have called patently evil is the remarks about diversity. Even the Hollywood Reporter "fluff piece" as you call it writes that they are not blaming all criticism on one topic. The only one not accepting factual events here is yourself.
"Criticism they can handle, and they’ve heard it all. Everything fans have debated, they say, they likewise argued among the creative team. They readily admit, for instance, that some of the first-season episodes lack the urgency fans expect from Tolkien adaptations."-- https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/tv...-2-1235233124/[/I]
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The Hollywood Reporter article that uses patently evil is not locked behind a paywall. It shows the context isn't all criticism against the show. Listening only to Youtubers that feed an echo chamber based on algorithms isn't proof of anything. There has even been a website, boundingintocomics, that has been pushing lies about the show for years now.
Last edited by rhorle; 2022-10-29 at 03:42 AM.
"Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."
Not really that surprising. Wheel is an entirely defined book series. Both House and Rings are based on content that hasn't been fully fleshed out. Despite this Wheel is very arguably the most radical departure from the source material with massive massive changes and tons of random trash added that flat out never occurred in the books. So if you actually like the source material Wheel is by far the most egregious outlier in terms of a show runners ego running wild. Rings is second since it ignores a significant chunk of the few defined things about the second age but there was never a completely set out story of the second age. House was made with input from Martin how much is unsure but it was a lot more than the none given to obviously dead authors.
the following video is a fluff piece that shows 0 evidence of the claims they tried to make:
all of these videos are the first ones that show up when i typed into youtube 'rings of power racism'
there were dozens more videos i could link regarding the topic, and many of these linked talk directly about the articles i stated in my previous response, and like i said, i'm not paying a subscription to view content i have no interest in, just to prove a point, if you're willing to pay it for me then that's another story, but right now i don't have the money to waste on such bullshit detritus.
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yes, it is, i'm not able to view the page without buying a premium subscription when i load up the article link, so try again, same goes for the insider magazine page, it's telling me i must pay for a subscription to view the related media, otherwise all i get is a white popup box directing me to their subscription pay portal or the FAQ page, but i guess you never thought about the fact that different regions of the world have different usage rights did you?, still living in your pathetic american bubble i see.
it calls all 'fans' patently evil, if that's not universally calling everyone the same thing and blanketing everyone under the same banner then i dunno what is.
and now you're trying to justify things with a pathetic interview with these clowns masquerading as showrunners saying they debated the same topics that 'fans' have been debating for months and they purposely and knowingly made the same terrible decisions they did anyway regardless? how is that kind of negligence even allowed?
The article is perfectly readable to me and I'm not in the US. Just using my phone's standard browser.
The videos you've posted is a perfect example how algorithms work because when I type in those words, none of those videos show up.
Last edited by MCMLXXXII; 2022-10-29 at 06:48 AM.
I’m not gonna watch any of those trash videos but is this the part of the interview your talking about?
Because if it is then you clearly got taken for a ride by abunch of trash YouTubers because this isn’t by any stretch calling all fans evil.Amazon claims there’s been a coordinated effort to attack the show for daring to diversify Tolkien with strong female characters and people of color. “The hardest part was for people on the cast who have had things related to them privately that are just harmful,” Sanders says.
It’s an explanation that satisfied the media but inflamed some fans who feel the company is dismissive of any criticism and arguably risked escalating what might have been a short-term dust-up into ongoing fandom trench warfare. As one wrote, “I’m tired of the constant media harangues from Amazon that if you don’t love the show, you’re racist.” Many point out HBO’s House of the Dragon faced similar trolling for its diversity moves, yet its audience scores weren’t impacted.
But it’s also possible Rings‘ percentage of agenda-based reviews might be much higher than for Dragon. Tolkien’s world has a long, unfortunate history of attracting fascist-adjacent admirers, something that surely would have repulsed the fantasy world’s anti-totalitarian author, whose Rings trilogy was inspired by the horrors of World War I. Italy’s newly elected far-right nationalist leader, Giorgia Meloni, for example, has been an outspoken Tolkien fan, unhelpfully.
Or take this fan’s complaint: A Tolkien adaptation is a “New Age politically correct girl-power garbage version of fantasy” that’s “raping the text.” That sounds like what’s populating Rotten Tomatoes and IMDb right now, but it was actually quoted in Wired magazine in 2001 for a story about Tolkien fandom’s reaction to Jackson’s The Fellowship of the Ring.
Payne looks particularly distressed by the topic. “The spirit of Tolkien is about disparate peoples who don’t trust one another and look different from one another finding common ground in friendship and accomplishing big things,” he says. “That’s the spirit we’ve tried to inculcate into every single comma and period in the show. That this aspiration would be offensive to people and enrage them … it’s very hard for us to understand. What are they protecting? I don’t see how people who are saying these things think that they’re fighting for good. There’s a line in episode seven where Galadriel says every war is fought from without and within. Even if you’re fighting for something you think is good, if you do something worse in that fight, then you become evil. I don’t see how people who are saying these things think that they’re fighting for good. It’s patently evil.”
All I ever wanted was the truth. Remember those words as you read the ones that follow. I never set out to topple my father's kingdom of lies from a sense of misplaced pride. I never wanted to bleed the species to its marrow, reaving half the galaxy clean of human life in this bitter crusade. I never desired any of this, though I know the reasons for which it must be done. But all I ever wanted was the truth.
i haven't watched any of these videos myself, i searched for a term and found a list of videos that showed up all saying the same thing.
i don't know because i can't read the stupid article with the title of calling fans 'patently evil' which i have actually seen posted on multiple forums and in youtube video thumbnails, so unless hundreds of people are all using the same photoshopped image i'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it's accurate.
i'm going off what a friend of mine at work said to me when this whole thing came out and i just shrugged and said 'it doesn't surprise me when all Amazon wants to do is push THE MESSAGE alongside the utter bullshit they did prior to this things release', and frankly i stand by every word of that because they paid vanity fair and a bunch of other rag publications prior to release to publish fluff pieces sucking on their cocks telling them how awesome it was, all the while these people either haven't bothered to watch said show, or have slated it months later when the bribe money has worn off.
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so you're telling me that i found all these videos using a specific search term and somehow the youtube algorithm is behind it because you and the other sycophantic excuses in this thread believe it's what i watch?, i wish i had that kind of fucking time to waste kiddo, i truly do, but i don't, and even if i did i have far better fucking things to do with my time than waste of that sort of thing, try again when you realise not everybody thinks in such asinine terms as you do.
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so give some examples of what shows up for you then, because i defy to believe none of these videos with these titles would show up in such a search, one of these videos uses literally the same words as part of its title, so saying it doesn't show up says to me you either ignored it on purpose or you didn't care to look hard enough.
Im curious what evidence do you need? there is interviews from the showrunners calling the fans patently evil and racists yada yada. There is even one that says shit about right wing or whatever.
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Not all, just the ones who disliked the show LUL