1. #7861
    Back on the "ignore" with you.

  2. #7862
    Quote Originally Posted by rhorle View Post
    What goal posts were moved? You originally took issue with me saying that something can be good but not personally liked. Hence why Justin Bieber is a good singer despite not being liked by a lot of people.
    Depends though.


  3. #7863
    So long after the show has finished airing its season 1, and the bashers are still in full force.

    Give it a rest, at least until season 2 starts.

  4. #7864
    Unfortunately the show is bad, I didn't like it.

  5. #7865
    Quote Originally Posted by Skulltaker View Post
    Just because 100 million watched it doesn't mean 100 million enjoyed it. So far it has been recieved with mixed reviews. Amazon Prime has over 200 million subscribers, so out of their own audience, 50% were interested. This gives us 0 information on how many people the show actually attracted enough to bother subbing to prime.

    Also, more people like the show than don't like it is a rather big assumption on your part. You have nothing backing your claims, other than your opinion, dude.
    It doesnt matter how many liked the show, not every show is to the taste of every single person and there are billions of ppl in the world, not all amazon prime members even use the streaming service, if 100 million ppl potentially want to watch the show then thats larger than most tv shows ever get.

    All the data backs my claim, of those who have actually watched the show all the metrics show most viewers enjoyed it, why dont you prove me otherwise, all the reviews point the show to being between a 70-85% rating, if thats not considered good then you clearly have no idea on what you are even talking about.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Veggie50 View Post
    The data shows the show is popular, not necessarily good.

    Justin Bieber is/was very popular too. So we can conclude that “good” and “popular” are not necessarily congruent.

    Good and bad are ENTIRELY subjective though, so proof can not be given to substantiate either.

    Having read several other Tolkien works besides LotR/the hobbit, such as silmarillion, children of hurin, etc I do consider myself more informed than the average viewer, but I was well entertained. I especially loved Moria.

    I have my own criticisms (especially would’ve liked celebrimbor as more of a shadow of mordor badass) but I have a willingness to just see what the creators vision is. The books still exist, the movies still exist.
    If more ppl like something than hate it that makes it good, there is no way around that, personal tastes dont make something good or bad, plus too many ppl are ignorant and overly judgy on everything these days, the majority rules on what is considered a good tv/film series not the individual.
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  6. #7866
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    It doesnt matter how many liked the show, not every show is to the taste of every single person and there are billions of ppl in the world
    If more ppl like something than hate it that makes it good
    How the fuck do you contradict yourself in your own post this badly?

  7. #7867
    Quote Originally Posted by hulkgor View Post
    So long after the show has finished airing its season 1, and the bashers are still in full force.

    Give it a rest, at least until season 2 starts.
    Hopefully there won't be a season 2.

    It's so bad that I would be fine if they did a major reset and pretend the original Rings of Power never existed. There's no coming back from how bad the show is unfortunately.

  8. #7868
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    How the fuck do you contradict yourself in your own post this badly?
    He is delusional, he pops here a few times, claims all the data confirm what he said, except, he doesn't say or link any data, and the data we sho him he said is incorrect or invallid

    Dude literally said what matters is that many people liked a few pages ago

  9. #7869
    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    How the fuck do you contradict yourself in your own post this badly?
    There is no contradiction, if you watched the whole series then you must like something about the show, but if you didnt watch more than one episode then the show may not be to your taste, personal preferance has no bearing on a show being good or not, just like the amount of players that have tried world of warcraft when it has 5% retention at the time it had over 100 million players that have tried the game, these days i doubt retention is even 1-2% so are you going to claim WoW is a bad game just because its not a game type millions of players like.

    100 million have watched RoP and we will probably never know if all of those watched the whole series or not, its impressive as it is to even get the attention of 100 million to watch a tv series.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    He is delusional, he pops here a few times, claims all the data confirm what he said, except, he doesn't say or link any data, and the data we sho him he said is incorrect or invallid

    Dude literally said what matters is that many people liked a few pages ago
    You have yet to back anything you have said up, the show is good plain and simple so just because you are ignorant and in denial it doesnt change that simple fact, you are wrong just admit it, your personal tastes have no bearing on the quality of the show.

    There is no data proving the show is bad, user metric reviews are not vaild because they are simply filled with the most vocal group of which is the ones that hate everything. The only valid metrics are from actual critics judging the show fairly and not by impossible fan standards.

    You are consistant in having opinions that are in the minority.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-11-22 at 11:10 PM.
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  10. #7870
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    There is no contradiction, if you watched the whole series then you must like something about the show, but if you didnt watch more than one episode then the show may not be to your taste, personal preferance has no bearing on a show being good or not, just like the amount of players that have tried world of warcraft when it has 5% retention at the time it had over 100 million players that have tried the game, these days i doubt retention is even 1-2% so are you going to claim WoW is a bad game just because its not a game type millions of players like.

    100 million have watched RoP and we will probably never know if all of those watched the whole series or not, its impressive as it is to even get the attention of 100 million to watch a tv series.

    - - - Updated - - -

    You have yet to back anything you have said up, the show is good plain and simple so just because you are ignorant and in denial it doesnt change that simple fact, you are wrong just admit it, your personal tastes have no bearing on the quality of the show.

    There is no data proving the show is bad, user metric reviews are not vaild because they are simply filled with the most vocal group of which is the ones that hate everything. The only valid metrics are from actual critics judging the show fairly and not by impossible fan standards.

    You are consistant in having opinions that are in the minority.
    THen you can't call the show good either because you don't know, by your same standards.

    Yet here we are with you having said the show is good many many times. That means by your own definition, you are full of shit.

  11. #7871
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    "mithril reflects the light of valinor" is this show's version of "the midichlorians are the force"
    Hot take. I'mma yoink that for future arguments, very good analogy!

  12. #7872
    The Unstoppable Force Syegfryed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    You have yet to back anything you have said up,
    Metascore and rotten tomatoes user score back up what i said that the show is garbage and people didn't like it.

    the show is good plain and simple
    And with what you back up this claim?
    There is no data proving the show is bad
    So, the show is good, because there is no data that says the show is bad(except there is)

    This is an awesome dishonest argument
    user metric reviews are not vaild because they are simply filled with the most vocal group of which is the ones that hate everything
    Not the most vocal, the most populous, meaning, more people disliked the show
    The only valid metrics are from actual critics judging the show fairly and not by impossible fan standards.
    AHAHAHAHA yes, the actual critics judging the show sure are fair and not won by money, what a joke.

    You are consistant in having opinions that are in the minority.
    You are the minoritiy, in this thread and in the whole world

    not even people defending this garbage here think the show is good, they just defend for spite of those who criticize it

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    I think there are a lot of parallels between this and the Star Wars prequel trilogy. I've said before that Galadriel is this series' version of Jar Jar Binks - the character that they unnecessarily put at the center of a lot of plot that they thought everyone would love who turned out to be generally disliked. By the second movie Jar Jar was turned into a minor character. The prequels didn't ever get good, but they generally improved from one to the next. Maybe there's something similar that will happen to this show.
    prequels at least gave us Palpatine and a lot of memes to laugh with it, same can't be said about RoP as even the memes are sad

    But the powerpoint font change of southlands to mordor was fucking hilarious

  13. #7873
    The Unstoppable Force rhorle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    When it comes to judging a LOTR series, most critics are highly uninformed because they don’t know the underlying book material. So they see a big budget with fancy production values with a generic, somewhat disjointed plot and give it a B+ review.
    So its a good show if it is a B+ show. Just not a good adaptation according to you. Just like the Jackson work wasn't a good adaptation to the Tolkien estate who know the book material the best.
    "Man is his own star. His acts are his angels, good or ill, While his fatal shadows walk silently beside him."-Rhyme of the Primeval Paradine AFC 54
    You know a community is bad when moderators lock a thread because "...this isnt the place to talk about it either seeing as it will get trolled..."

  14. #7874
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    When it comes to judging a LOTR series, most critics are highly uninformed because they don’t know the underlying book material. So they see a big budget with fancy production values with a generic, somewhat disjointed plot and give it a B+ review.

    The fans of the series who know the story are the ones who can really judge it.
    The fans of the books are unable to give an accurate judgement because they have certain expectations that even tolkien knew himself would be impossible to be properly represented in a tv/film series.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Triceron View Post
    THen you can't call the show good either because you don't know, by your same standards.

    Yet here we are with you having said the show is good many many times. That means by your own definition, you are full of shit.
    The data proves it to be good regardless of personal feelings on it being good or not, im not stating its good because i alone just think its good, im looking at the data available that shows a large portion of the viewerbase at least 70-80% actually like the show regardless of other feelings about it, i have not watched house of the dragon but i can say its a good show because the data proves it to be so.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Syegfryed View Post
    User based reviews are irrelevant because there is not enough reviews for it to ever be accurate, your whole argument is based from a fraction of the viewerbase that mostly like to moan of the forums about stuff they dont like, a critics job is to give an unbiased review but as usual your always being dishonest because it goes against your biased views on what you dont like.

    Any show that gets 70-85% rating is a good show, you always just ignore the simple truth right infront of you, you have nothing backing you up saying the show is bad, if it was rated a 5/10 maybe you could say its bad, a 5/10 for a show would be something you maybe just watch once, not bad but not great.

    IMBD rates the show 7/10, RT rates it at 85%, its viewership has remained pretty steady throughout the whole season, these alone proves the show is a good show.
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  15. #7875
    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    So your argument is that it's impossible to properly represent Tolkien's work in a tv/film series, so it's ok for the showrunners to just make up their own story and call it LOTR?
    Tolkien always knew its impossible to faithfully adapt his work into a tv/film series so why do you exect it to when the creator knew it wasnt possible, amazon have bought whatever rights so they can do whatever they want with it, its the usual case of fans with unrealistic expectations and then moaning like little girls because they didnt get what they wanted.

    you should be happy for an adaptation at all, because not many companies would spend the money needed to turn it into a tv series.
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  16. #7876
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    User based reviews are irrelevant because there is not enough reviews for it to ever be accurate, your whole argument is based from a fraction of the viewerbase that mostly like to moan of the forums about stuff they dont like, a critics job is to give an unbiased review but as usual your always being dishonest because it goes against your biased views on what you dont like.
    "10,000 user reviews aren't enough to be accurate, 5 critics that don't have to disclose any financial or personal bias are way better data."

    Oof. Been a while since a take that spicy. Even in here.

  17. #7877
    Quote Originally Posted by Biomega View Post
    "10,000 user reviews aren't enough to be accurate, 5 critics that don't have to disclose any financial or personal bias are way better data."

    Oof. Been a while since a take that spicy. Even in here.
    10k reviews is nothing compared to at least 25 plus million to having watched the show all the way through, ppl who hate things and moan are much more vocal than ppl who like stuff.

    By all means you keep thinking less than 0.1% of the viewbase with a review actually means something. On IMBD out of the 289k reviews about 190k rated the show 6 or above which is good, the rest are 5 and below ratings which is half the positive ratings, and thats still only 1% of the viewership that bothers to do any sort of review.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaghettiMonk View Post
    Ok, I think you've made yourself clear:

    Amazon bought the rights and they can do whatever they want, and I should be happy to get anything at all.

    We fundamentally don't agree on a single thing here. I personally believe that I am allowed to have opinions and that I don't have to thank god that Amazon made a crap series called Rings of Power. So onto the ignore list you go.
    Its not an opinion that the show is rated good or not, its a simple fact with the data available, opinions are a different thing altogether.
    Last edited by kenn9530; 2022-11-23 at 04:29 AM.
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  18. #7878
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    10k reviews is nothing compared to at least 25 plus million to having watched the show all the way through, ppl who hate things and moan are much more vocal than ppl who like stuff.

    By all means you keep thinking less than 0.1% of the viewbase with a review actually means something. On IMBD out of the 289k reviews about 190k rated the show 6 or above which is good, the rest are 5 and below ratings which is half the positive ratings, and thats still only 1% of the viewership that bothers to do any sort of review.
    Who am I to tell people how statistics work, I guess! They know that you don't trust aggregated data over large numbers, you instead trust people whose professional success and livelihood depends on maintaining a good relationship with the people that have a vested interest in certain review outcomes. That's WAY more reliable.

    Or something like that, I don't live in clown world so I wouldn't know. I trust the inhabitants to tell me how it works there.

  19. #7879
    People pointing to reviews with todays internet culture with bombing and hate being the #1 thing people go for online is hilarious.

    And yet the show even have some decent ratings on imdb etc.

    Tolkien fan since I was 8, read the books in middle school. Read all other books as young adult and now as adult. Learned Quenya with a friend because thats how Tolkien Nerdish I am.

    Show is great! People not being able to understand things dont need to be 1:1 is quite fun.

  20. #7880
    Quote Originally Posted by kenn9530 View Post
    10k reviews is nothing compared to at least 25 plus million to having watched the show all the way through, ppl who hate things and moan are much more vocal than ppl who like stuff.

    By all means you keep thinking less than 0.1% of the viewbase with a review actually means something. On IMBD out of the 289k reviews about 190k rated the show 6 or above which is good, the rest are 5 and below ratings which is half the positive ratings, and thats still only 1% of the viewership that bothers to do any sort of review.

    - - - Updated - - -

    Its not an opinion that the show is rated good or not, its a simple fact with the data available, opinions are a different thing altogether.
    You really need to learn how statistical sampling works lol

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